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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    The news is slowly widespreading over the Internet… According to the DailyMail online, a “self-proclaimed astronomer”,
    Dr Dyomin Damir Zakharovich, predicts that an asteroid will crash on the Earth on February 16th, 2017, creating a mega-tsunami…

    The asteroid is known: 2016 WF9, an Apollo-type asteroid, was discovered by NEOWISE (Near Earth Object Wide field Infrared Survey Explorer) on November
    27th, 2016, and its size is currently estimated to be around 400 m diameter. It will cross the ecliptic plane in mid-February, but according to modelizations,
    based on 61 past observations of the small body, it will be 53 millions of kilometers from our planet on February 16th… and will actually at its closest point to
    the Earth 9 days later, on February 25th, but always at a respectful distance of more than 51 millions of kilometers. So be sure everybody will be safe on
    February 16th! Or at least, if anything happens, it won’t have anything to do with asteroids! Or at least, not this one!

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    Ireson Hill Navcam on Sol 1598 by Seán Doran.

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    Weird Warm Spot on Exoplanet (Narrated)
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    Conditions right for stars, planets near Milky Way’s supermassive black hole | Science News
    Blobs of gas near galaxy’s center appear ripe for nurturing new stellar systems

    Blobs of gas near the Milky Way’s center may be just the right mass to harbor young stars and possibly planets, too.
    Any such budding stellar systems would face an uphill battle, developing only about two light-years from the galaxy’s
    central supermassive black hole with its intense gravity and ultraviolet radiation. But it’s not impossible for
    the small stars to survive in the hostile place, a new study suggests.

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    Excellent view of four operational antennas (L2R) - the 70 metre dish DSS 43 and the 34 metre dishes DSS 36, DSS 35 & DSS 34. Photo: G.Boyd.

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    tenhle XKCD:
    1791: Telescopes: Refractor vs Reflector - explain xkcd
    mi přivedl k rychlé rekapitulaci tématu (znám argumentaci již od dětství) a současně k zajímavému aktuálnímu nápadu: ve volném kosmu by šlo zřejmě sestavit refraktory s rozměry daleko převyšujícími to, co bylo možné v 19.století a navíc to zkombinovat s eliminaci vlivů atmosféry.

    refraktory totiž dosahují většího zvětšení, které by mohlo hrát roli při přímém pozorování exoplanet. hlavní argumenty, proč je nešlo dále zvětšovat - tedy gravitační deformace a celkově omezená mechanická odolnost materiály čočky a hmotnost a rozměry tubusu - přece ve stavu beztíže nehrají žádnou roli (a obří kosmický refraktor by navíc šlo vybavit volně letícím "starshade" stínítkem, stejně jako plánované teleskopy)

    (nechce se mnou někdo rozjet crowdfunding kosmického refraktoru? :-)
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    Tail of Stray Black Hole hiding in the Milky Way | News | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan NOBEYAMA
    By analyzing the gas motion of an extraordinarily fast-moving cosmic cloud in a corner of the Milky Way,
    astronomers found hints of a wandering black hole hidden in the cloud. This result marks the beginning
    of the search for quiet black holes; millions of such objects are expected to be floating in the Milky Way
    although only dozens have been found to date.

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    Bollocks rychlokurz :D
    Interdimensional UFO Portal Tutorial!
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    Čerstvý SETI pokec: Christopher McKee

    How Stars Form - Christopher McKee (SETI 2017)
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    LSST, Keckův koronograf a spousta dalších věcí...
    Weekly Space Hangout - Feb 3, 2017: Dr. Meredith Rawls & the LSST
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    Petr Horálek — Všechnopárty — iVysílání — Česká televize
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    Lístky dnešním dnem v předprodeji :)

    Bluedot Festival

    Bluedot Festival 2017 line up announced with Orbital, Pixies and alt-J headlining - Manchester Evening News

    Something unique and out of this world.
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    » Life Under a Black Sun
    Every living thing on our Earth has to thank the Sun for its ability to survive, as it warms the Earth to liveable temperatures.
    It is hard for us to imagine how a civilization could function without a star shining bright in the sky of its host planet.

    Scientists in the Czech Republic have been researching if a planet could harness enough energy to run a civilization if the planet
    were orbiting a black hole instead of a star. This would work in a fundamentally different way than how our planet and civilization
    work. The sun emits light and UV-radiation, the type of sunshine that causes a sunburn. This light and radiation carry energy that
    gets used by things like plants and solar panels. Black holes don’t produce light1, hence the name black holes, but they have mind-
    boggling amounts of gravity, enough to attract light and radiation.
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    The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics | by Steven Weinberg | The New York Review of Books
    The development of quantum mechanics in the first decades of the twentieth century came as a shock to many physicists.
    Today, despite the great successes of quantum mechanics, arguments continue about its meaning, and its future.
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    Do Intelligent Civilizations Across the Galaxies Self Destruct? For Better and Worse, We’re The Test Case – Many Worlds

    If there are billions of exoplanets out there — as speculated back then but proven now — why have there been no bona fide reports of advanced extraterrestrials
    visiting Earth, or perhaps leaving behind their handiwork?

    Many answers have been offered in the following decades — that we are alone in the universe, that the distances between solar systems are too great to travel,
    that Earth became home to life early in the galaxy’s history and other planets are only now catching up, that life might be common in the universe but intelligent
    life is not. I would like to focus on another response, however, one that came to mind often while reading a new book by the former holder of the astrobiology
    chair at the Library of Congress, planetary scientist David Grinspoon.

    This potential explanation is among the most unsettling: that intelligent and technologically advanced beings are likely to ultimately destroy themselves. Along
    with the creativity, the prowess and the gumption, intelligence brings with it an inherent instinct for unsustainable expansion and unintentional self destruction.

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    How Many Planets in the Universe? | Part 2: Our Universe
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    Hola hola! Petr Horálek dnes jako host v talk show u Šípa! Začátek ve 21:55
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    Researchers model superluminous supernova in 2-D for the first time

    Sightings of a rare breed of superluminous supernovae—stellar explosions that shine 10 to 100 times brighter than normal—are perplexing astronomers.
    First spotted only in last decade, scientists are confounded by the extraordinary brightness of these events and their explosion mechanisms.

    o better understand the physical conditions that create superluminious supernova, astrophysicists are running two-dimensional (2D) simulations of
    these events using supercomputers at the Department of Energy's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and the Lawrence Berkeley
    National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) developed CASTRO code.

    "This is the first time that anyone has simulated superluminous supernovae in 2D; previous studies have only modeled these events in 1D," says Ken Chen,
    an astrophysicist at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. "By modeling the star in 2D we can capture detailed information about fluid instability
    and mixing that you don't get in 1D simulations. These details are important to accurately depict the mechanisms that cause the event to be superluminous
    and explain their corresponding observational signatures such as light curves and spectra."

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