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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    News | NASA Delivers Detectors for ESA's Euclid Spacecraft

    Three detector systems for the Euclid mission, led by ESA (European Space Agency), have been delivered to Europe for the spacecraft's near-infrared instrument.
    The detector systems are key components of NASA's contribution to this upcoming mission to study some of the biggest questions about the universe, including
    those related to the properties and effects of dark matter and dark energy -- two critical, but invisible phenomena that scientists think make up the vast
    majority of our universe.

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    News | Merging Galaxies Have Enshrouded Black Holes

    Black holes get a bad rap in popular culture for swallowing everything in their environments. In reality, stars,
    gas and dust can orbit black holes for long periods of time, until a major disruption pushes the material in.

    A merger of two galaxies is one such disruption. As the galaxies combine and their central black holes approach
    each other, gas and dust in the vicinity are pushed onto their respective black holes. An enormous amount of high-
    energy radiation is released as material spirals rapidly toward the hungry black hole, which becomes what
    astronomers call an active galactic nucleus (AGN).

    A study using NASA's NuSTAR telescope shows that in the late stages of galaxy mergers, so much gas and dust falls
    toward a black hole that the extremely bright AGN is enshrouded. The combined effect of the gravity of the two
    galaxies slows the rotational speeds of gas and dust that would otherwise be orbiting freely. This loss of energy
    makes the material fall onto the black hole.

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    Surprise! When a brown dwarf is actually a planetary mass object | Carnegie Institution for Science

    Sometimes a brown dwarf is actually a planet—or planet-like anyway. A team led by Carnegie’s Jonathan Gagné,
    and including researchers from the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx) at Université de Montréal,
    the American Museum of Natural History, and University of California San Diego, discovered that what astronomers
    had previously thought was one of the closest brown dwarfs to our own Sun is in fact a planetary mass object.
    Their results are published by The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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    This view shows a new picture of the dust ring around the bright star Fomalhaut from ALMA.
    The underlying blue picture shows an earlier picture obtained by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space
    Telescope. The new ALMA image has given astronomers a major breakthrough in understanding
    a nearby planetary system and provided valuable clues about how such systems form and evolve.
    Note that ALMA has so far only observed a part of the ring.

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    UCLA GCG data for stars around the Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way

    This demo shows the observed and predicted orbits of thirteen stars that were used by astronomers at the Keck/UCLA Galactic Center Group
    to predict the position of a huge black hole at the center of the Milky Way. This data was provided by Andrea Ghez and Jessica Lu.

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    Probing the Atmospheres of Exoplanets for Signs of Life
    How we're searching for another Earth.

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    At a ceremony today, CERN inaugurated its linear accelerator, Linac 4, the newest accelerator acquisition since the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
    Linac 4 is due to feed the CERN accelerator complex with particle beams of higher energy, which will allow the LHC to reach higher luminosity by 2021.
    After an extensive testing period, Linac 4 will be connected to CERN’s accelerator complex during the upcoming long technical shut down in 2019-20.
    Linac 4 will replace Linac 2, which has been in service since 1978. It will become the first step in CERN’s accelerator chain, delivering proton
    beams to a wide range of experiments.

    A brand new linear accelerator for CERN | CERN

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    OSIRIS-REx continues on its trajectory back toward Earth for its gravity
    assist in September. The spacecraft is now 102 million kilometers from home.


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    Penelope Boston - Subsurface Astrobiology: Cave Habitat on Earth, Mars, and Beyond
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    ANU scientists say the early Earth was likely to be barren, mountainless and almost entirely under water with a few small islands,
    following their analysis of tiny mineral grains as old as 4.4 billion years. Lead researcher Dr Antony Burnham said the team studied
    zircon mineral grains that were preserved in sandstone rocks in the Jack Hills of Western Australia and which were the oldest
    fragments of the Earth ever found.

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    Scientists Think These Ancient Carvings Depict an Apocalyptic Comet Impact - Motherboard

    Deciphering the mysterious “Vulture Stone” at the 11,500-year-old ruins of Göbekli Tepe.

    The harrowing tale of an apocalyptic comet impact may be etched into the pillars of the earliest known temple,
    Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey, erected by humans some 11,500 years ago.

    Excavation of this site over the last two decades has uncovered megaliths carved with depictions of animals
    and humans, pushing back the timeline of human civilization, and attracting researchers hoping to decode
    the meaning of these perplexing pictograms.

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    Jupiter is one of the brightest planets in the May sky, even
    next to the waxing, gibbous moon. See Jupiter in radio, too!

    Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF
    Telescope: Very Large Array

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    5000 Days in the Life of an Astronomy Robot
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    Dnes jdeme do 3. kola!

    Grand Finale ring dive No. 3, during which we’ll be studying the interior of Saturn.
    Cassini: The Grand Finale: Orbit Guide

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    How The Arecibo Telescope Could Help Save The World
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    Sitting amongst the alien landscape of the harsh Atacama, the antennas of the Large Millimeter/submillimeter
    Array (ALMA) look eerily otherworldly in this ESO Picture of the Week as they are bathed in a neon green light.

    This light is actually an in-built function of ALMA, not evidence of alien activity! The array’s antennas have
    a flashing green light that blinks periodically whilst the antennas are in operation, and does not disturb the
    radio-wavelength observations. This light is not usually quite so visible — this picture was captured using a
    10-second exposure, during which time a green flash occurred and spread throughout the image, creating a stark
    contrast between the neon green of the antennas and the deep blue of the night sky.

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    Close encounter | ESA/Hubble

    This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the unusual galaxy IRAS 06076-2139, found in the constellation Lepus (The Hare).
    Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) instruments observed the galaxy from a distance of 500 million light-years.

    This particular object stands out from the crowd by actually being composed of two separate galaxies rushing past each other at about 2 million kms
    per hour. This speed is most likely too fast for them to merge and form a single galaxy. However, because of their small separation of only about 20 000
    light-years, the galaxies will distort one another through the force of gravity while passing each other, changing their structures on a grand scale.

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    James Webb Space Telescope Arrives at NASA’s Johnson Space Center

    NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has arrived at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston,
    Texas, where it will undergo its last cryogenic test before it is launched into space in 2018.

    The telescope was loaded onto a trailer truck from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
    Maryland, and moved slowly down a highway by the Webb team to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. At Andrews,
    the entire tractor-trailer, with telescope inside, was driven into a U.S. Air Force C-5C aircraft and
    flown to Ellington Field in Houston, Texas.

    When the C-5 landed at Ellington, the cargo was carefully unloaded and trucked to NASA Johnson, where
    inside a cleanroom the telescope was removed from its special shipping container. In the coming weeks
    it will be prepared for a key cryogenic test that will run nearly 100 days.

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