A small space rock designated 2012 TC4 will pass 31,180 miles (50,180 kilometers from the Earth over the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, October 12,
2017 at 1:42 a.m. EDT / 5:42 Universal Time (UT). Moving at 7.6 kilometers per second relative to the Earth at closest approach, this house-sized rock is
about 13 meters in diameter, a little smaller than the 20-meter meteor which exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia on February 15, 2013.
Calculations revealed by JPL in July 2017 indicated that 2012 TC4 could pass as close as 4,200 miles (6,800 kilometers). These results were based on only
seven days of tracking of this asteroid after it was discovered. However, new observations of this space rock conducted at the European Southern Observatory
(ESO) by Olivier Hainaut, Detlef Koschny and Marco Micheli of the European Space Agency (ESA) in July and August 2017, show different estimates.
“The new calculations indicate that TC4 will fly safely past our planet on Oct. 12, at a distance of about 43,500 kilometers (27,000 miles) above the surface,
or about one-eighth of the distance to the Moon,” JPL informed. Therefore, new data provided by the latest observational campaign exclude the possibility of
2012 TC4 hitting our planet. Harris underlines that even if this asteroid crashed into Earth it would not cause any major damage.
“It is small enough (about the size of the Chelyabinsk meteor) that even if it impacted it would be unlikely to cause any major damage. Recall that the Chelyabinsk
meteor only caused substantial damage and injuries because it chanced to hit over a populated area. Over most of the Earth's area, it would have been completely
harmless,” Harris said.