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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Are you rocky or are you gassy? Carnegie astronomers help unlock the mysteries of super-Earths | Carnegie Institution for Science

    A star about 100 light years away in the Pisces constellation, GJ 9827, hosts what may be one of the most massive and dense
    super-Earth planets detected to date according to new research led by Carnegie’s Johanna Teske. This new information provides
    evidence to help astronomers better understand the process by which such planets form.

    Teske Whiteboard
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    Star-shaped and swallowtail-shaped tiny, dark bumps in fine-layered bright bedrock of a Martian ridge are drawing close inspection by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover.

    This set of shapes looks familiar to geologists who have studied gypsum crystals formed in drying lakes on Earth, but Curiosity's science team is considering multiple
    possibilities for the origin of these features on "Vera Rubin Ridge" on Mars.

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    A New Look at Speeding Outflows

    The compact centers of active galaxies — known as active galactic nuclei, or AGN — are known for the dynamic behavior they exhibit as the supermassive black holes
    at their centers accrete matter. New observations of outflows from a nearby AGN provide a more detailed look at what happens in these extreme environments.

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    Stellar winds behaving unexpectedly / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    ESA’s XMM-Newton has spotted surprising changes in the powerful streams of gas from two massive stars,
    suggesting that colliding stellar winds don’t behave as expected.

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    TESS Undergoes Integration and Testing
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    This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows an impact crater looking amusingly like a tadpole because of the valley that was carved by water that used to fill it.

    The map is projected here at a scale of 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) per pixel. [The original image scale is 32.9 centimeters (12.9 inches) per pixel (with 1 x 1 binning); objects
    on the order of 99 centimeters (38.9 inches) across are resolved.] North is up.

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    Juno accomplished a close flyby over Jupiter’s churning atmosphere on Wednesday, Feb. 7, successfully completing its tenth science orbit. The closest approach was at 6:36 a.m. PST (9:36 a.m. PST) Earth-
    received time. At the time of perijove (the point in Juno's orbit when it is closest to the planet's center), the spacecraft will be about 2,100 miles (3,500 kilometers) above the planet's cloud tops.

    This flyby was a gravity science orientation pass. During orbits that highlight gravity experiments, Juno is in an Earth-pointed orientation that allows both the X-band and Ka-Band transmitter to downlink
    data in real-time to one of the antennas of NASA's Deep Space Network in Goldstone, California. All of Juno’s science instruments and the spacecraft’s JunoCam were in operation during the flyby, collecting
    data that is now being returned to Earth.

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    Creating a hotspot for understanding Venus – the Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory – Europlanet Outreach

    A new simulation facility at the Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) could help revolutionise
    our understanding of the hot, hidden surface of Venus. The Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory (PSL) can analyse rock samples similar to those found on the surface of Venus
    at temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius, enabling researchers to interpret accurately data acquired by space missions and ground-based observations.

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    Engineers know how to design submarines on Earth, but building one gets a lot trickier when the temperature drops
    to -300 Fahrenheit and the ocean is made of methane and ethane.

    Washington State University researchers are working with NASA to determine how a submarine might work on Titan,
    the largest of Saturn’s many moons and the second largest in the solar system. The space agency plans to launch
    a real submarine into Titan seas in the next 20 years.

    The researchers re-created a Titan ocean in a laboratory. They have published a paper on their work in the journal,
    Fluid Phase Equilibria.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Oběžná dráha kolem Slunce....ehm.....auta. :D
    Tohle před 10 lety říct někde na veřejnosti, ihned skončíte na izolovaném pavilonu psychiatrické léčebny! :-))

    Tesla Roadster orbit SpaceX launched by Falcon Heavy

    So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish!

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    Stephan's Quintet with the CFHT

    An extremely deep multi-band optical image from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT, Hawaii. USA) casts a new light on the formation process of the famous group
    of 5 colliding galaxies. The image reveals structures undetected thus far, in particular a very extended red halo composed of old stars, and centered on an elliptical
    galaxy, NGC 7317, which had been ignored in previous studies on the dynamics of the global collision. These results are published in the Monthly notices of the Royal
    Astronomical Society by a team from the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (France), CEA Saclay (France) and the Lund Observatory (Sweden).

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    'Crazy things can come true': Elon Musk discusses Falcon Heavy launch: Full presser
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    Neskuteční bouráci!!! To byl balet!

    WATCH LIVE: SpaceX launches the Falcon Heavy, the rocket that could go to Mars
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    In this view, Saturn’s icy moon Rhea passes in front of Titan as seen by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. Some of the differences between the two large moons are readily apparent. While Rhea
    is a heavily-cratered, airless world, Titan’s nitrogen-rich atmosphere is even thicker than Earth’s.

    This natural color image was taken in visible light with the Cassini narrow-angle camera on Nov. 19, 2009, at a distance of approximately 713,300 miles (1,148,000 kilometers) from Rhea.

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    Planety v systému TRAPPIST-1 pravděpodobně nesou značné množství vody | ESO Česko

    První náznaky složení exoplanet o velikosti Země

    Nová studie sedmi planet obíhajících kolem mimořádně chladného červeného trpaslíka TRAPPIST-1 ukázala, že tělesa jsou většinou tvořena horninami a mohou nést dokonce větší množství vody než planeta Země.
    Hustoty jednotlivých těles v systému, které jsou nyní známy mnohem přesněji než doposud, naznačují, že některé planety mohou obsahovat až 5 % hmotnosti v podobě vody – tedy 250krát více než v oceánech na
    Zemi. Teplejší planety ležící nejblíže své mateřské hvězdy mají pravděpodobně husté atmosféry obsahující značné množství vodní páry, vzdálenější pak mohou být pokryty silným ledovým příkrovem. Čtvrtá
    planeta systému je, pokud jde o velikost, hustotu a množství záření dopadajícího na povrch, nejpodobnější Zemi. Ze všech sedmi těles obsahuje největší množství hornin a má potenciál udržet na povrchu
    vodu v kapalném stavu.

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    Tak zatím přesunuto na 21:05

    Falcon Heavy Test Flight
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    Biodiversity or Bust

    Are we alone in the universe? This question still baffles astronomers (along with the rest of humanity) today, despite the confirmed discovery of thousands of exoplanets.
    Sure, there may be a plethora of other space pebbles out there, but do any of them actually host life? And if they do, could it ever compare to the variety of species we
    see on Earth, from human beings to tardigrades?

    Unfortunately, we don’t have the answers to these questions yet, but today’s authors take a step in the right direction. By creating a model to measure potential biodiversity,
    they explore which stars are most likely to host planets capable of supporting complex life. These findings may help future exoplanet habitability studies point in the right
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    In deep space, accurate timekeeping is vital to navigation, but not all spacecraft have precise timepieces aboard. For 20 years,
    NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, has been perfecting a clock. It’s not a wristwatch; not something
    available in a store. It’s the Deep Space Atomic Clock (DSAC), an instrument being built for deep space exploration.

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