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    MYKEZKingdom Come: Deliverance - A first-person, open world, realistic RPG that will take you to Medieval Europe.
    GURBON --- ---
    CLAVEN: to mas jeste dobry, me se pri tyhle scene posadili oba panove do sebe takze jsem mel dvouhlavyho mutanta.
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    V recenzi na Eurogameru resi cernochy, Vavru a tak...

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance review - history is a double-edged sword • Eurogamer.net

    But there's also a big problem. There are no people of colour in the game beyond people from the Cuman tribe, a Turkic people from the Eurasian Steppe. The question is, should there be? The game's makers say they've done years of research and found no conclusive proof there should be, but a historian I spoke to, who specialises in the area, disagrees.

    "We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."

    It's not conclusive proof but it's readily available doubt to undermine Warhorse's interpretation. What muddies the water further is whose interpretation it overridingly is: creative director, writer and Warhorse co-founder Daniel Vavra's. He has been a vocal supporter of GamerGate and involved in antagonistic exchanges on Twitter (collected in a ResetEra thread). More recently, he wore the same T-shirt depicting an album cover by the band Burzum every day at Gamescom 2017 - a very visible time for him and his game. Burzum is the work of one man: Vars Vikernes, a convicted murderer and outspoken voice on racial purity and supremacy. He even identified as a Nazi for a while.

    This isn't to say Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a hotbed of racism, because it isn't. The Turkic Cumans speak a different language and are a hostile enemy, which seems like a limited portrayal but no less so than any other war game I can think of. Then again, I'm white, so maybe I've missed things. And racism can take many forms, one of them being exclusion.

    More apparent to me was the back-slapping laddishness revolving around bedding women. I'm pursuing a love story over here, while over there bedding a noble and having one-night stands. That's in addition to my Troubadour perk which makes me even more irresistible to women and lets me use the "bathwenches" for free, which ties into a key mechanic of keeping yourself clean and patched up. It also means I get the Alpha Male buff (+2 to Charisma) because I've been satisfied and apparently it shows. It literally says that. The game's Codex even feels the need to describe the ideal woman of the time: "a thin, pale woman with long blonde hair, small rounded breasts, relatively narrow hips and a narrow waist".

    All of which means that a shadow lingers over Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Instead of challenging the Dark Age it reinterprets 615 years later, the game seems to delight in it. Instead of seeing notes in the margin of a history book, we get what feels like a glossy pamphlet advertising an escape into an oddly romanticised past. And it's that, ultimately, which makes me too uneasy about Warhorse's work to be able to recommend it.
    DFOJTIK --- ---
    DUBAS_: kun Hatatitla - Vinetou
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    nasel nekdo nejake zajimave eastereegy?
    ja o cem vim je
    kobyla klepna
    witcher skill
    GANDHI --- ---
    btw> Toinda Winch funguje spravne? myslim tim tu odmenu od nej - prijde mi to jako docela overkill:)
    CLAVEN --- ---
    NE7RA: Lebo ma ruší EN zvuk a CZ titulky. Keby to malo CZ dabing, hrám to v češtine.
    NE7RA --- ---
    CLAVEN: proc ENG verze?
    CLAVEN --- ---
    Henry neodkladá luk ani v kúpeľoch :)

    KOUDY --- ---
    Slaviky sem nastesti udelal bez problemu.
    DFOJTIK --- ---
    Ad bod 2 - konecne jsem neco dohledal. K tomu vykoureni je potreba pohrebni kviti A 10 KVETU MAKU. Predpokladam ze jsem u sebe nemel tech 10 maku. Vyzkousim az prijdu domu. Ovsem stale dost blba chyba, protoze jsi v chalupe ze ktere nemuzes odejit a aby jsi splnil ukol, potrebujes predmet ktery nemas. Tedy reseni je pouze load.
    ZELVAK23 --- ---
    BOBBYLON: Tohle byl první turnaj po tom tutorial btw. Tam jsem netrefil ani jednou terč vysmál mě ten šlechtic tak jsme dali DUEL a hrozně jsem ho roznesl do teď tomu nevěřím xD tak jsem šel dat hned turnaj co to šlo abych si nahrál skill a snad jen jeden šíp jsem trefil xD tak odveta můj životní výkon a ty blbci tam stojí a koukají jako hovada xD a pak další frustrace jdu se vyspat do své postele a proste se mi to neulozilo poslední samé hodinu a půl predtim paráda nasranej jsem vypnul a už se na to těším znova
    HNIZDO --- ---
    DFOJTIK: 1) neres, je to siroce znamy bug, bude pry opraven hned v nasledujicim patchi. mne se zas pri lovu slaviku dematerializovala jedna klec. je na mape, ale neni videt a nemuzu ji sebrat.
    DFOJTIK --- ---
    Momentalne mam zakysy u dvou vedlejsich misi:

    1) lov slaviku - slaviky mam pochytane, pri predani slaviku lovci prestane lovec odpovidat - hra skonci v nekonecne smycce, neda se ukoncit rozhovor. O tehle chybe se vi a prej bude poresena za 14 dni v dalsim patchi. Podarilo se to nekomu vyresit?

    2) Korenarka mne poslala pomoct jedne zenske co se ji zjevuje duch. Mam ji vykourit ten pokoj. Kytky jsem sehnal. Kdyz ale k ni prijdu a jdeme vykurovat, tak kvetiny se nedaji vlozit do te misky. Je tam ta volba vlozit kvetiny s volbou E, ale na stisknutim E se nic nestane. Proste beham po baraku a nevim, nic mi nejde udelat. O tehle chybe se nikde nepise. Povedlo se nekomu splnit tenhle quest???
    BOBBYLON --- ---
    ZELVAK23: fskutecnosti se to stane 1 ze 4 pripadu zrhuba :) (pokousel jsem se bejt hodne dobrej v lukostrelbe)
    TOFI --- ---
    ZELVAK23: to nechces :-/
    ZELVAK23 --- ---
    NECROMAN: Včera jsme dal svou životní střelbu 18 bodu(jsem v tom máslo) a koukám ze soupeři nemají vystřelen ani šíp tak tam stojím deset patnáct minut nic tak udělám půl krok a rozhodčí ja té varoval mas smůlu a deset grošů v prdeli xD
    CLAVEN --- ---
    U mňa jeden z obchodníkov po asi desiatom vykradnutí rezignoval a prestal zamykať :). Je to samozrejme bug, ale je to zábavné - vždy povie "Hurá, prišiel nás pozrieť Henry!", ja mu vyberem truhlu a všetci sme spokojní.
    SAMIEL --- ---
    KOUDY: Asi je někdo čórnul :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    LITTLEBOY007CZ: skoda..ja zas blahove vyhodil na zem nejaky veci ktery uz sem neunesl..s tim ze se pro ne pozdeji vratim..a kdyz sem se vratil..tak uz byly pryc..:(
    LITTLEBOY007CZ --- ---
    KOUDY: bohužel už si nepamatuju, komu přesně jsem to prodal. Objel jsem ale (snad) všechny postavy kterým jsem něco prodal a nikde jsem ho nenašel. Vpodstatě nic z toho, co jsem kdy prodal už neměli. Dle mě se ty itemy po určitý době přegenerujou za jiný
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