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    ztracené heslo?
    SLASHOnePlus One, OPO, CMS11 ROM a pod.

    Klubik pre majitelov, alebo zaujemcov o OnePlus telefony. Informacie kde a ako sa ta kupit, o novych ROMs and updatoch. Skusenosti s provozom, rady , tips and tricks..

    Useful links :

    Officialne Forum

    Tu sa oznamuju novinky , daju nast informacie o sutaziach, pozvankach atd


    rozbalit záhlaví
    TODZO --- ---
    SLASH: do stochova to je skoro 50 km.. zas tak na ten telefon nespěchám, abych tam jezdil i když mi řekli že mi to nevemou... radost z nové hračky už mám stejnak zkaženou.
    SLASH --- ---
    TODZO: keby ja som byval nedaleko Stochova a mam moznost tam mobil zaniest osobne, tak by som urcite sa skusil dohodnut z Arvato a obist OnePlus a ich customer service sirokym oblukom...
    TODZO --- ---
    ta podpora oneplus je šílená... posílám telefon do servisu prostřednictvím ups, přičemž nejdříve telefon poletí do arvato services v Norinberku, aby ho pak přeposlali na svou pobočku do českého Stochova, kde ho opraví a pošlou zpět. Chtěl sem ho rovnou do toho Stochova zavézt, ať ušetřím čas i peníze, ale bylo mi řečeno, že telefon nepřijmou a že musí jít oficiální cestou přes oneplus podporu. moje nervy
    SLASH --- ---
    to sklo z ebay je sice lacne ale jeho dobre urobena vymena rozhodne nie je jednopducha. Kamarat si tak odpalil kapacitne tlacitka...
    TODZO --- ---
    OVECKA_MJ: koukám na video výměny displeje a vidím, že na tohle nemám skilly ani nářadí... max objednám ups
    OVECKA_MJ --- ---
    UPS se vyplatí si objednat sám. oni byli dost marní
    OVECKA_MJ --- ---
    TODZO: u mě cca 22 dní - přední sklo
    jestli to jde, kup sklo z ebay a udělej si sám... ty eura za sklo jsou méně než polovina nákladů na opravu - doprava a práce
    SLASH --- ---
    TODZO: cca 3 - 3 a pol tyzdna. Z toho najviac zabralo kym sa oni konecne rozhybali a CS kontaktoval logistiku a ta kontaktovala ups atd. Musel som to osobne viac krat urgovat a vsetko si zistovat pracne manualne neoficialnymi sposobmi.. napriklad priebeh opravy priamo na stranke ich autorizovanej opravarskej firmy atd..
    Telefon je fakt skvely ale ich customer service pravy opak.
    TODZO --- ---
    SLASH: u mě se to začíná vyvíjet podobně... jak dlouho u nich trvaly předchozí opravy?
    SLASH --- ---
    Toto bolo uz druhy krat co som musel OP3 posielat do servisu, prvy krat sa mi rozbilo sklo na zadnej kamere a tiez to bola nightmare.

    Cital som ze tie predne skla si maximalne nachylne na praskanie a vela ludi pochybuje ci su skutocne vyrabane z Gorrila 4 ako tvrdia..
    SLASH --- ---
    This request has been rated as:

    Bad, I'm unsatisfied
    With the following comment:

    Your customer service is terrible, although maybe servicing might be ok by itself, there's a disconnect between your logistic, customer service and repairs people. You don't know what and when these individual components do and fail to inform you client in a timely matter and don't provide accurate information on time. Just read the entire request thread, there's a record of everything. How you provided false information about who's supposed to provide print label for UPS. about how UPS never called me and I had to chase this on three different fronts, and then showed up without warning on my doorstep on monday, and you told me 2 days after this ups will call me to arrange delivery, about how you don't even know about repair website where you can track the repairs progress and I had to find out for myself.. How could anybody be happy with this?

    Change my rating
    Request #743346
    OP3 Repair RMA: SDRS20161116000044

    Sydney November 16, 2016 18:47
    Hello Slavomir,

    Thank you for contacting OnePlus Support. My name is Sydney, an RRR (Return/Replacement/Repair) Specialist who will be assisting you with your concerns. We are sorry to know that you encountered an issue with our products.

    We have received your RMA: SDRS20161116000044, a request to repair the OnePlus 3 Graphite (UK) device. The said request mentions about the cracked front screen. Sadly, it is considered an Out of Warranty Repair. The estimated repair price is stated below.

    Repair Price:
    Screen: 57.2
    Labor fee: 17.00 EUR
    Logistic range fee: 0.00
    VAT: 21%
    Total Price range: 91.26 EUR

    (Note: This is only an estimate. The final repair price will be quoted after the inspection done by our engineers at our repair center as additional parts may require repair.)

    Let us know your decision so that we would be able to assist your concerns in a timely manner.

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


    SlavomirDurej November 16, 2016 18:56
    hi Sydney

    I would like to proceed with repair. Please let me know the next steps.

    Sent from TypeApp ​

    SlavomirDurej November 17, 2016 09:55
    Hi Sydney

    Yes I accept the quote , can we please go on with the repair?

    I think next step is you sending me the pre paid postage pdf to print out so I can mail you the phone?



    Robin November 17, 2016 17:12
    Hi Slavomir,

    Good day!

    I'm Robin, your RRR specialist for today. On behalf of Sydney, I will be completing your request today.

    As you have agreed upon, we have begun processing your RMA. These are the product(s) approved for repair and the estimated price of the repair:
    1. OnePlus 3 Graphite (UK) Screen: 57.2 EUR**
    Labor fee: 17.00 EUR
    Logistic range fee: 0.00
    VAT: 21%
    Total Price range: 91.26 EUR**

    **(Note: This is only an estimate. The final repair price will be quoted after the inspection done by our engineers at our repair center as additional parts may require repair.)

    Please follow the steps below to complete the RMA process:

    Step 1: Get prepared
    • Please take the necessary precautions in making sure you back up all data and remove any additional accessories or personal items from the device.
    • Please include the receipt for your device in your parcel. This can be found in your OnePlus.net account under 'My Orders'.
    • Please do NOT include the original OnePlus charger or data cable bundled with your device.

    Step 2: Ship your device
    • You will receive an email from Regenersis with a pre-paid shipping label; please print this label.
    • DHL will pick-up your device within 2 business days; should you be unavailable during pick-up you may also choose to drop off the parcel at a DHL center near you at your convenience.

    **Please note: All returned products are subject to inspection upon arrival. Should the device not meet the conditions of our warranty (https://oneplus.net/privacy-and-legal) then we reserve the right to have it resolved by either of the following two approaches upon your confirmation:
    1) Customer will pay for the quoted repair fee to repair the device
    2) Customer will pay for the two-way shipping costs to return the damaged device.

    Should you like to make any changes of this decision, please let us know. Thank you for choosing OnePlus!



    SlavomirDurej November 17, 2016 19:29
    Thanks Robin

    Will wait for the email from Regenersis then..

    Btw, status on the left side says :

    SlavomirDurej submitted this request


    But I think I replied already (twice even) to the quote...

    So perhaps it's something you need to switch to a different status?

    Just checking..



    Von November 18, 2016 21:16
    Hi Slavomir,

    Thank you for your response.

    We would like to know if you already have received a shipping label from the service center. Looking forward to your response.

    Thank you.


    SlavomirDurej November 19, 2016 09:41
    Hi Von

    Right so yesterday I've received the email from Regenersis letting me know that:

    UPS will contact You via phone within 24 hours in order to arrange pickup of parcel.
    If UPS will not contact within 24 hours please contact UPS call center in your country.
    List of contact phone for UPS call center.
    UPS courier will be had all shipping documents, you dont need print any label.

    1) Of course UPS did not contact me so far. (but they have still 2 hours in their 24h window, but I'm not holding my breath they'll call, so I will have to call them instead)..

    2) you state that point 2 in this process is :
    Step 2: Ship your device
    • You will receive an email from Regenersis with a pre-paid shipping label; please print this label.

    but they are saying :
    UPS courier will be had all shipping documents, you dont need print any label?

    So which one is it?

    3) I've filled this request on Monday and it's Saturday, why is this part taking entire week? I have been very quick in responding to all the requests from your side, this should have been a very quick conversation taking the half of ONE day at best, instead I've been already dealing with 3 different people , VERY slow responses from your side and having conflicting information being supplied by various parties?

    Do you not care at all about reputation of the customer service?

    SlavomirDurej November 19, 2016 10:32
    just called UPS myself, and they can't help me /schedule a collection unless there's a tracking number, or I have printed out a label for the UPS :(

    So looks like Regenersis needs to get their act together and either they call UPS or send me the printable UPS label via email..

    Von November 19, 2016 19:35
    Hello Slavomir,

    Thank you for your response.

    We were asking if you have received a shipping label from the service center because you would be needing that when you shipped your device to them. Please print the shipping label and attached it with your device. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

    Thank you.


    SlavomirDurej November 19, 2016 19:55
    Von , please read carefully my FIRST previous post from today.. wrote 2 posts one at 9:41 and the next one at 10:32. in the first one I explained the whole situation!

    Von November 23, 2016 01:14
    Hello Slavomir,

    Good day!

    I just want to inform you that UPS will call and email you to arrange pick up and use this tracking number as reference if every they will gonna ask 1Z3X64R49322059499. Thank you!

    Please let us know if you have further questions.

    Best Regards,

    SlavomirDurej November 23, 2016 08:20
    Dear Ven

    So that would be nice, if UPS called and arranged picked up, instead they've shoved up unannounced on MONDAY (i.e. 3 days ago) not a single word of warning!

    Of course I didn't have the parcel for them ready as I had no idea they are coming, so we agreed they'd pick it up on Tuesday, which they did.

    I don't think this is the fault of UPS, but rather the people that were going to arrange the pick up (i.e. Regenersis ) they should have told me UPS is coming on Monday!

    Anyway, do you have a website URL where I could track the progress of repair ? (after inputing my IMEI or RMA number?)



    Von November 23, 2016 23:04
    Hello Slavomir,

    Good day!

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We have been coordinating with the repair center regarding the status of the returned parcel. We haven't got any confirmation yet. Please keep posted on your email for updates.

    Please let us know if you have further questions.

    Best Regards,

    SlavomirDurej November 24, 2016 09:14
    Hello Von

    Fortunately there IS a webpage where you can track the progress of service / repairs :

    http://www.ctdipolska.pl/serwis-informacja-o-naprawie.html and you have to add there your IMEI ( 860152034469799 )..

    You are customer service and you don't know abouit this site?

    Took me 10 seconds to find it , once I've look at the shipment label and got the name of the company doing the repairs..

    Anyway,. now you know and maybe you can help other people.

    Best regards


    Von November 24, 2016 19:40
    Hello Slavomir,

    Good day!

    Thank you for the information. If you have any more questions and concerns, please don't hesitate to reach us. You can reach our chat support for any urgent concerns, you can go to https://oneplus.net website > Support > scroll to the bottom part > you will see an icon live chat > Click Live Chat.

    You can also reach our phone support. Here is the phone number: +1 (858) 609-6590 09:00 – available from 4:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday to Sunday. You may also create a follow up ticket if you have questions.

    Please let us know if you have further questions.

    Best Regards,
    SLASH --- ---
    mne sa na mojom OP3 tiez podarilo nedavno rozbit sklo a jednanie s ich customer service bola teda nightmare..
    je to trochu dlhsie ale asi sem postnem konverzaciu s nimi s ich issue trackera..
    TODZO --- ---
    TOMAS3333: prasknout hned z první, hodně velká smůla
    THERIDANE: dík, o 2.5D skle jsem neslyšel a dává to smysl
    TOMAS3333 --- ---
    TODZO: vzhladom na to kolko ludi vidim s rozbitymi displejmi, mam pocit ze si mal akurat smolu. a ked hovoris, ze ti vypadavaju z kapsy mobily pravidelne, tak sa to dalo skor ci neskor cakat
    THERIDANE --- ---
    TODZO: to je společná vlastnost všech strojů s 2.5D sklem, když to kouká ven, tak je mnohem větší šance, že to při pádu půjde jenom do toho skla
    TODZO --- ---
    OnePlus 3T 128gb jsem si objednal hned v noci z neděle na pondělí, ve čtvrtek mi ho doručili. V pátek mi vyklouzl z kapsy během řízení auta a když sem dojel domů, tak jsem zjistil že je prasknutý displej. K prasknutí došlo ani ne 18 hodin po doručení telefonu. Neměl jsem v něm ani SIMku a ani nestačil sundat defaultní ochrannou folii. Když sem svojí situaci vylíčil na podpoře, tak mi řekli že cena náhradního skla je 58 euro, ale konečná cena bude vyšší po započtení daně, nákladu na práci a poštovného. Za 6 let ve smartphone světě se mi ještě nikdy nepovedlo rozbít displej (Iphone 4s, Lumia 830). Z kapsy při řízení mi telefony padaly poměrně často, takže si dovoluju tvrdit, že OnePlus 3T trpí vážným designovým problémem. Pozor na to!
    URZA --- ---
    Na ofic strankach se da objednat 3T https://oneplus.net/cz/oneplus-3t
    ale pisou "ships within 5 weeks" ...
    MIKEE --- ---
    zdar, mel byste nekdo zajem o cervenej otterbox pro OP3? nakonec jsem pro zenu dokoupil pojisteni, takze uz se o stav telefonu tak nebojime ;) cenove rekneme 700?

    OtterBox Case for OnePlus 3 - OnePlus
    TOMAS3333 --- ---
    SUMI: ne
    SUMI --- ---
    Ahoj, asi blbý dotaz, ale radši se zeptám. KIdyž bych objednal OP3 z těch jejich stránek, tak clo neplatím ne? :)
    THERIDANE --- ---
    anyway, OP3 mám na cestě, nechcete někdo koupit OP1 s vestavěným Qi bezdrátovým nabíjením? :-)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam