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    ztracené heslo?
    WRATASkyForge - F2P mixbreed MMORPG
    WRATA --- ---
    DEADDY: Rozhodne bych to nevidel tak tragicky. Jestlize jsi capnutej na vsechny sparky tak jsi do u toho stravil minimalne 20+ hodin coz je docela dost a pulku toho casu si behal instance na farmu class sparks. Tahat Order je v tuhle chvili nejlepsi zpusob jak zvysovat Prestige takze farmit texty a coiny a s tim i Particle of Mastery na enchanty a na Naori(pokud mas pristup do Milene Caves tak je to lepsi tam) se daji farmit Ether Crystaly na unlockovani amulet slotu.

    Me chybi capnout class sparky a mam odehranejch 22 hodin takze za me dobry.

    Popripade nekoho bavi farmit oblecky :D
    DEADDY --- ---
    Tradicni ruska nenavist ke svobode nebo pud sebezachovy.

    Skoda, ze temer s jistotou neuvidime vysledek tohodle socialniho experimentu #deadgame.
    WRATA --- ---
    DEADDY: Capy se liftovat nebudou urcite. Devs nechteji aby noliferi meli navrch
    DEADDY --- ---
    Ten leveling cap je dobrej nesmysl ... ve ctvrtek odpoledne to vyslo, v sobotu sou vsichni na capu a nemaj co delat, streda v nedohlednu. A pristi tejden to bude este horsi.

    Koho tadle kokotina napadla, jestli ten cap neliftnou tak je ta hra bude rada ze ji nekdo bude hrat mesic po vydani.
    WRATA --- ---
    Jinak teda jsem si vcera otestoval Zerkra a musim rict ze je dost silnej. V momente kdy ziskate ty dalsi dve class ability(v ty prvni open zone takze cca 30 minut hry) takho dmg vzroste exponencialne coz u Gunnera a Cryomancera proste neni.
    WRATA --- ---
    Nejaky nalezy kolegy z gildy. Bohuzel to nejsou moc pozitivni zpravy a je to v anglictine ale snad nevadi.

    I've been spending a couple of hours on the forums, here is what I gathered.
    First off, a thread compiling a few guides: https://eu.portal.sf.my.com/comments/5592fd20ac72e41b4e434f9b?page=1

    Leveling tips
    Do not neglect the Proficiency stat. It is given by some green and red nodes, and required to equip higher grade gear, while loot is dictated by your Prestige. If you beeline too much to unlock a specific ability/class, you'll start getting gear that you can't equip, which means it's time to divert a bit and buy some Proficiency nodes :sick:

    Do not trust the Find path feature of the upper atlas. It makes you go through nodes that require a grey gem to unlock, but those gems cannot be acquired before doing endgame anomalies. Here are the real optimal path:
    Alchemist Path: Head to the cluster just before Kinetic then veer off to the left. Knight Path to the right instead.
    Monk Path: Head to the cluster just before Necro then veer off to the left. Witch Path to the right instead.

    The talents unlocked in the Upper Atlas are called Symbols. You get three symbols slots when you unlock your first symbol, then 2 each time you unlock all talents and powers of a class (so a potential of 29 slots). Each class that you unlocked fully also rewards a specific symbol that can be used with any class. There are 49 symbols to pick from atm, here is a partial symbol list: https://eu.portal.sf.my.com/comments/5592fd22ac72e41b4e435542?page=1

    Don't forget that once you fully complete a class, if you have a sub, you'll get gold sparks instead of classes sparks, which will allow you to progress other classes without playing them at the same pace than if you were playing them.

    For adepts, you eventually want 2 of each profession to enjoy the adept mission profession-specific rewards.
    Each profession has a determined set of stats, but the values may vary from adept to adept. You get a few recruitment options each day. Good stats are hard to find, but upgrading grade and level is easy, so here is the recommended priority list when recruiting: Profession, Stats, Grade, Level.
    If you plan to micromanage the order 24/7 (via web browser), the best stats are %easier mission and %reduced mission time. If you just plan to check your order a couple of times a day or less, they best stats are the %increased rewards ones.

    Divine form is unlocked through a mission at 30k Prestige. It took people about 6 to 7 weeks on Russian OBT to unlock Divine Form without using argents to bypass the caps.

    The best way to get Prestige with sparks is by spending them in the Upper atlas. Also, the further from the starting class the nodes are, the more stat points (and thus prestige) per spark you get.

    A guy on Russian OBT spent 1000$ on argents. He used them wisely and got such bonuses that they computed it'd take about 1.5 years for a Premium (subbed) member to catch up on him, so this game is definitively P2W on short and mid-term basis.

    Founder's pack epic weapon
    Keep your orange epic weapons from Founder's pack, even if they have very low might. If at early game Might is a big boost to damage, it is not true at high levels of Prestige, where Strength will bring way more damage than Might and you'll have tons of Might from Atlas (diminishing returns), and you wouldn't notice a loss of 3k Might. So using the low Might Founder's pack weapons can be extremely rewarding when tackling raids, as their bonus is on par with the raid rewards (for example, the Berserker Founder's pack weapon gives 110% bonus damage on the main DPS skill Fracture, while the best blue weapon would give only 70%, and the Gunner's one gives 225% bonus damage on the biggest burst skill). Don't hesitate to keep a blue/green weapon to equip in Observatory to raise your Prestige and enter better instances, then switch back to orange weapon once in the instance :sick:

    Classes for Raiding
    Some knowledge by a guy who played Pantheon raids on Russian OBT.

    Knight is slightly better than Paladin, though they are roughly equal.

    Burst damage is the best in raid, as the two Lightbinder and the two Alchemist damage boosters add to each other. For this reason, having 2x alchemist + 2x Lightbinder is optimal, and the best DPS classes in raid are Kinetic with Sledgehammer build by large, followed by Berserk. All other DD classes are crap at burst damage.
    Devs don't plan to address this, they say that each class is good at something, like Archer is crap at raids but very strong in PvP.
    Apparently, using other DPS classes make the fights much, much longer, and given that every good loot has a very low drop chance, you'll end up farming the same raid 50 times or more to get one good ring, which means people want to do only fast runs.

    Some more info about the best symbols to choose, and the builds and rotations for Kinetic and Berserker, in this thread: https://eu.portal.sf.my.com/comments/5592fd70ac72e41b4e4440f8?page=1

    Some people say the weekly caps are fixed, some other say it increase by a set amount each week, some other that it increases as you progress (whatever that means). The most complicated I saw was someone explaining that if you hit the cap on week n, you get a small %bonus increase to the cap for week n+1, but this %increase is actually an advance from the week n+2 which will get deducted somehow if you don't reach the cap on week n+1, but if you keep reaching caps your caps will keep increasing. Weird and not very reliable source :sick:

    If you play to the cap, you get about 10-15k Prestige the first week, and about 3-5k Prestige per week after that. The caps are high enough to unlock the Kinetic, Slayer, Necro or Archer in less than a week.

    Unfortunately, during early game, there's not much to do once you hit the caps, except send your followers on mission (which you can do using a web browser), and farming Celestial threads / open regions resources to buy outfits. However, once you unlock the Divine form and get access to the raids with their Korean drop rates, you'll spend like a day or two to hit your caps, then spend the rest of the week farming for a lucky drop. As a reminder, there's no Player to Player trading, so the raid loot is just grinding and hoping you get lucky.

    Gunner and Berserker for Open Beta
    Founder's pack unlock of Gunner and Berserker also works in Open Beta, even if the Founder's pack rewards only mention Closed Beta.
    WRATA --- ---
    No a je to tu!

    Skyforge Open Beta Begins July 16th! | Skyforge - Become А God in this AAA Fantasy Sci-fi MMORPG
    WRATA --- ---
    MR_DAN: Jasny no, idealni to neni ale zase lepsi nez dratem do oka :) Ja treba s gunnerem mam nejdelsi unlock takze zatimco ty uz budes mit jednu classu skoro maxnutou ja jeste nebudu mit ani unlocknuto :D
    MR_DAN --- ---
    WRATA: vyzkousel, praveze jak rikam, tak ten archer snad, ale jinak me tam zadna classa poradne nechytla...
    a stve me fakt, ze abych se dostal ke classe ktera by me mohla bavit, tak musim hrat classu ktera me nebavi o.O
    WRATA --- ---
    MR_DAN: Archera mas relativne rychle. Ja pujdu po gunnerovy a jenom unlock mi zabere vetsi mnozstvi sparku nez unlock god formy ktera se ziskava kolem 30k prestige tak sem moooc zvedavej jak to bude :D Jinak ty sis v training hall nevyzkousel classy?
    MR_DAN --- ---
    WRATA: mne se libilo ze pridali instance matching na mise pro 1-3 ... delat je zas cely sam, tak bych se unudil k smrti :) takhle to docela rychle naslo grupu a slo se, to je dobry...

    jinak osobne jsem za cryo zaregistroval celkem velkej ubytek many, nebo se zdrazily skilly, nevim, proste mzi castejc... to znaci ze asi dost pracovali na balancovani

    bohuzel je to porad jen cryo, pro me tam proste neni zadna atraktivni classa zatim :-/ archer mozna, nevim, jenze nez se k nemu dostanu, tak umru na nejaky z class co mi nevyhovujou :-/
    WRATA --- ---
    Mno takze CBT4 nam vcera skoncila tak sepisu nejaky dojmy.

    Prvni vec ktery jsem si vsimnul oproti CBT3 byla vyssi obtiznost zpusobena pridanim 6ti novejch kusu gearu takze ten zacatecni power spike byl rozmelnenej na mnohem mensi cisla(v dmg si jistej nejsem ale mel jsem o cca 2k hp min) a i tam kde jsem predtim neumiral se mi stalo ze jsem umrel. Celkove to chapu ale chtelo by to trochu vytunit protoze nekolikrat umrit v prvnich 5ti hodinach hry je divny. Pocitam ze je to taky napojeny na zmenu upgradovani slotu. Jednak je to docela znatelne zrychleny a druhak jsou dva novy napojeny ne tech 6 slotu gearu.

    Co se progrese tyce tak zmeny udelany v atlasu sou celkove k lepsimu protoze ted neni potreba resit kam narvat barevny sparky protoze po cca 5ti hodinach odemknete ten upper atlas a postava se dal vylepsuje jen za class sparky takze by se progrese celkove mela zlepsit.

    Order prosel docela slusnym overhaulem a je na to velice obdobne jako garrison tedy udrzuje se sam. Odemkne se o neco pozdeji nez driv ale pak uz jen naklikavate mise. Obecne to funguje dost obdobne jako garrison. Mate urcity adepty ktery vysilate na mise. Kazdej ma nejakou classu ktera ma bonus na ruzny druhy misi a maji nejaky bonusy. Co jsem videl tak je tam snizeni obtiznosti mise, zkraceni casu na misi, vic followeru z mise a vetsi reward a sila tohohle bonusu se odvyji od jejich ranku(zatim jsem videl sedivy, zeleny a modry) a lvlu. Na zacatku muzete narekrutovat az 10 adeptu a kazdy licha urovne Orderu prideli dalsi slot a myslim ze maximalni pocet je 20. Order lvl se zvysuje poctem followeru ktery mate a ty se ziskavaji pres mise na ktery posilate adepty.
    Druha stranka orderu je char boost. Po projiti urcityho contentu muzete v urcitejch regionech postavit Temple a v nem Altar ktery dava ruzny bonusy(crit, vetsi base dmg, castejsi auto crit atp). Opet uroven Templu a Altaru urcuje jak je boost silnej. Bohuzel tohle jsem nemel moc sanci otestovat protoze itemy ktery na tohle jsou potreba jsou dostupny pouze v random misi jednou za dva dny.

    Pantheon(guilda). Pantheon muze zalozit kdokoliv pokud zaplati 50k kreditu. Na zacatku ma k dispozici 12 slotu rozdelenych do tri klanu po ctyrech hracich. Kazdy klan ma sveho commandera coz je officir ale ma identicky prava jako GMko. Kazdy commander muze vyhlasit hlasovani na co se bude s pantheonem dit(povysovani clenu, staveni budov atp) a ostatni commaderi hlasuji. V momente kdy jeden ziska majoritu tak se vec stane. Expanze Pantheonu na vic hracu probiha prave pres hlasovani o stavbe budov. Budovy se stavi tak ze po uspesnem hlasovani mohou vsichni hraci v Pantheonu delat specialni mise pres Order ktere dodaji pantheonu potrebne materialy na stavbu ktera pak probiha automaticky. Po dosazeni potrebneho mnozstvi mise automaticky zmizi a muze se vyhlasit nove hlasovani na stavbu. Finalni verze Pantheonu bude mit 20 klanu po 20ti hracich a dokonce bude davat i nejake bonusy viz http://sf.my.com/...s/news_body_image_1/public/images/News/Guilds/news_guild_interface2_full_com.jpg ale nevim jak to bude fungovat protoze ta currency ktera se zobrazuje u buy tlacitka neziskava pantheon jako takovy ale kazdy hrac bud jako odmenu za mise nebo tim ze darujete kredity do pantheonu. Jedna ta slza stoji 7500 kreditu. A zahledl jsem ze bude CZ/SK pantheon se jmenem Znameni Lva http://sf.my.com/...m/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=4288&s=03f9ef9f63ea206e2221ad6fee07b4c1a20061e8

    Jinak kazdej ucet dostane prvnich 7 dni log in bonus krej se meni/navysuje
    1 - 20k creditu
    2 - 100 Sparks of Destruction(cerveny)
    3 - 1000 Sparks of Mastery(na upgrady) a 200 Sparks of Evolution(neutralni class sparky)
    4 - 150 Sparks of Creation(zeleny) a 20 Heal potu(1k/kus na AH)
    5 - 300 Sparks of Evolution, 20 ress itemu na party membera a tridenni licenci na mounta
    6 - 200 Sparks of Balance(modry), 2000 Sparks of Mastery a unlock 6ti slotu v invetari(v hodnote 90k), neni ale mozny prekrocit 240 slotu
    7 - Kostym, 300 Sparks of Balance, 300 Sparks of Destruction, 300 Sparks of Creation, 250 Spark Replicators(kdyz lootnete libovolnou sparku tak dostanete dvojnasobek), 500 Sparks of Evolution a 50k kreditu
    Je jedno ze mezi dnama budete mit tyden pauzu, proste prvnich hernich 7 dni dostanete bonus
    WRATA --- ---
    MR_DAN: Ja mel jeste od znamejch z Pantheonu prave
    MR_DAN --- ---
    zalozime Panthenol? :-)
    MR_DAN --- ---
    WRATA: wow tolik? o.O ja dostal ted dva jakozto founder
    WRATA --- ---
    MR_DAN: Mel jsem k dispozici 11 klicu celkem. Funkcnich z toho bylo 5
    MR_DAN --- ---
    2 beta klice na rozdavani...
    WRATA --- ---
    A s dotazama klidne na me. Vim toho dost ;)
    WRATA --- ---
    Upozornuju ze nasledujici neni uplne aktualni protoze jsem to psal pred vice jak dvema mesicema a mezitim prislo par patchu ktery nektery veci upravuji kostra je ale porad aktualni.

    Skyforge je F2P mixbreed(sci-fi a fantasy) MMORPG ktere by v EU melo vyjit letos v lete. Aktualne je mozny hrat closed beta eventy v pripade ze jste dostali pozvanku nebo si koupili founders pack(ktery ma dalsi drobny vyhody). Open beta bude soft release a nebude wipe na oficialni release.

    Kdo to dela: Allods Team ve spolupraci s Obsidianem. Rusky Allods Team kterej dela uspesny F2P MMORPG Allods online a jsou v nem lidi z Nivalu ktery delal Heroes of Might and Magic V. V rusku uspech opravdu velky nevim jak ve zbytku sveta ale ma to klasicky fantasy setting takze asi nijak velky protoze fantasy MMO je dost. Zkusenosti ale maji takze bych se nebal o klasickej start MMO kde jsou bugnuty ability, questy, mobove atp. Obsidian snad predstavovat nemusim:)

    O cem to je: Hra je kombinaci sci-fi a fantasy settingu kde z kazdeho si bere trochu a vysledek zatim vypada velmi zajmave. Kazdy hrac predstavuje Immortala ktery se vyadava na cestu stat se bohem. Hra bude mit 13 unikatnich class a kazda bude mit svoje specificky mechaniky. Zajmavosti je ze mezi classou muzete libovolne switchovat naprosto kdykoliv(vyjma combatu). Predem upozornuju ze zatim neni zadna "Healer" classa jako priest(o tech o neco pozdeji)

    Setting je tedy o tom ze jako Immortal mate ochranovat bezne smrtelniky(klise jak prase neasi :P)


    Class system: Na zacatku jsou k dispozici 3 classy, Paladin(tank), Cryomancer(RDPS - frost mage) a Lightbender(Support) a za ziskane xp si je budete postupne vylepsovat v Ascension Atlasu a po dosazeni urciteho progressu se odemkne dalsi classa. Zatim je k dispozici Berseker(MDPS - arms warr) a Gunner(RPDS se spoustou vyfikundaci). youtube kanalu Kazdy ma cca 2 minuty

    Ascension Atlas: Okolo atlasu se v podstate toci cele lvlovani protoze postup v atlasu vylepsuje jednak staty postavy, druhak ability ktery ma dana classa k dispozici ale spolecne s gearem tvori indikator postupu ve hre a tim otvira dalsi lokace. Atlas ma dve urovne. V Lower se zvedaji staty a ve Upper se odemykaji class ability a pasivky. Postupem casu samozrejmne hrac odemkne vsechno ale budou momenty kdy si bude muset vybrat jestli se chce ted specnout na tuhle classu nebo zacit odemykat dalsi. Mezi Lower a Upper jde prepinat libovolne, body jsou ale sdilene.
    Detailni info zde

    Orders of Aelion: Kazdy hrac bude mit svuj Order a bude se snazit aby ho obyvatele sveta uctivali. Order je hodne inspirovany wowackym garrisonem takze v hlavnim hubu budete vysilat svoje nejvernejsi stoupence aby delali ruzna kazani, budete stavet svoje chramy atp. Detailni info zde

    Invasions: Invaze jsou obdobou garrison invazi z WoWka nebo riftu z Riftu ale ve Skyforge jsou soucasti PVE endgame contentu. V pripade ze porazite invazi je mozne zformovat raid a vstoupit do invazni lode a zabit commandera. Kdyz se to povede tak cely server dostane buff na zvednuti rewardu a vy budete umisteni v Hall of Fame. Zatim mi to dost pripomina challange mode leaderboard. Detailni info zde

    Pantheon: Pantheon je obdobou guildy ale tady ma mnohem vetsi vyznam. Pantheon bude jednak potreba upgradovat a za to kazdy clen Pantheonu bude dostavat stat boosty dokud bude soucasti toho Pantheonu. Dulezite ale jsou Pantheon wars kde bude potreba 100 lidi(50 na PVP a 50 na PVE) kde budete souperit s jinym Pantheonem. Tady moc informaci nemam protoze v CBT eventech neni dostupnej ani Pantheon natoz pak Wars. Detailni info zde

    Capping: Allods zavadi zajmavou featuru ktera by mela zabranit extremni progresi ve hre. Na vetsinu veci bude tydeni cap ktery nejde zrusit. Specialne se to vztahuje na XP, Ascension pointy i penize. Jednak tim chteji zabranit nolifu a druhak chteji aby se hrac nemusel stresovat ze musi hrat a nemuze se venovat rodine, konickum atp. V CBT byly capy zatim dost vysoky a neni jasny jak vysoko budou nastaveny na launch. Jejich filozofie je takova ze nechteji aby hrac hral protoze musi dosahnout na cap ale aby hrac hral protoze ho hra bavi.

    F2P: Predem upozornuju ze hra neni P2W!
    Skyforge bude mit volitelny subs based model kde premiove accounty budou mit vyssi raty na ziskavani capnutych bodu. Progrese je tedy urychlena ale cap jako takovy je nezmeneny, jen ho hitnete rychleji.
    Ingame monetizace je vysvetlena zde

    Zatim jsem docela natesenej protoze sci-fi MMORPG je jak safranu a lidi se kteryma hraju The Secret World se do Skyforge chystaji prejit se startem open bety.

    Komplet info o hre najdete na jejich general webu
    WRATA --- ---
    Nasel jsem velmi zajmavou tabulku zobrazujici potrebnou proficiency a prestige na vstup do lokaci
    Dost pomuze pri planovani postupu v atlasu

    A na nastence je anketa ;)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam