XCHAOS: ja nevim n a co reagujes a jestli jsi cetl tu studii nebo tak neco vubec? porovnavas hrusky s traktorama
"Starlink satellites have a dry mass of about 260 kg; 12,000 satellites will total 3100 tonnes. A 5-year cycle would see on average almost
2 tonnes re-entering Earth’s atmosphere daily. While small compared to the 54 daily tonnes of meteoroid mass, the satellites are mostly aluminum; most meteoroids, in contrast, contain less than 1% Al by mass."
↑ a tech satelitu bude mnohem vic(nejenom starlink), bavime se tu o tom, ze nevime, co to zpusobi a asi by bylo dobry se tim zabyvat a nerikat si slepe to je fajn, kdyz ne kvuli albedu a jeho efektum tak aspon kvuli tomu ze al2o3 likviduje ozon