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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    MRAKY --- ---
    TOXICMAN: nasel jsi nekde nejake teoreticke povidani, jak ma fungovat ten vodni zavoj? Ma to byt jen nejaka forma bariery? Neni ten tlak vody prilis maly ? Nebo jen mix chlazeni, odvadeni plamenu od stojanu ?

    vse co jsem doposavad videl byly neurcite odhady.
    KOUDY --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN: bacha na hlasitost
    SEJDA --- ---
    KOUDY: to je zase 5:04 cet? nehci si ztezovat, ale ..
    KOUDY --- ---
    All systems are looking good for Falcon Heavy’s launch of JUPITER 3. Tonight’s 99-minute launch window opens at 11:04 p.m. ET, and weather is currently 75% favorable → http://spacex.com/launches
    MRAKY --- ---
    diskuze - musk, ekonomika cina pod...
    QWWERTY --- ---
    KOUDY: o osudu Threads bylo zbytecny polemizovat (kdo by stal o dalsi FB sit a jeste k tomu provazanou s Insta)
    ale co se tyce twitter uzivatelum, tak mam problem tem jeho datum verit

    lidi zakladaji novy ucty, protoze se starym jim prestal twitter fungovat uplne:
    [MASAJS @ 3. světová válka aneb kam náš svět směřuje? Status: Fog of War]

    a z kazde strany akorat ctu, ze lidi cim dal vic potkavaji naprosto ocividny aktivni boty
    [PER2 @ Twitter - rychloblogy]
    [SITH @ Twitter - rychloblogy]
    Twitter's bot spam keeps getting worse — it's about porn this time
    KOUDY --- ---
    Dopadlo to jako vzdycky :)

    SATAI --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    After initial activation, a full-pressure test of the new Starship flame deflector is planned for Friday

    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: zachvilu to bude na odpalovacich rampach busy jak na letisku

    DZODZO --- ---
    SUMAC: "ja se timhle zivim" je bold claim, pokial nam odbornymi publikaciami nezdokladujes, ze si pracoval na vozidle, ktore nastartovalo prechod automobiloveho priemyslu na EV, ja sa zasa zivim spravovanim cloudov, takych na ktorych bezi aj X a co ma jako byt? cim je to relevantne k diskusii? tiez mam cely den cakat az mi niekto nahodi skusenosti o tom ako spravuje scalable sluzby?

    je zaujimave, ze druha strana nic nahadzovat nemusi, iba vykrikne ze "elon je nekompetentny" bez nejakych odkazov na odborne publikacie a to ti staci, ozaj vyvazeny pohlad na problematiku :)

    pokial ti nestaci knizka, tak si mozes seslechnut nedavne investor cally, kde svoju kompetenciu musi musk obhajovat pred tymi, ktori ho financuju

    Tesla Investor Relations
    PER2 --- ---
    PER2: dalsi pokus zitra ve stejny cas :p
    MRAKY --- ---
    technicka poznamka k twitteru/xku - dostal jsem prave povoleni k community notes, takze community notes funguji i v cesku/ceske residenty...
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: hele chalane, tohle svoje otravny patronizovani a la "rozumiem ze nie kazdemu sa chce sediet pri hodinovom rozhovore" si laskave nechej od cesty, ja se timhle zivim a celej den cekam, az sem nahodis krome bezduchych kydu neco hodnotneho.
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: poněkud out of date. Tady je rozhovor s autorem na stejné téma, letos.

    ‘He Serves the Political Party of Elon Musk First and Foremost’ - POLITICO

    Tohle je má konci, celkem přesný. Plus autor tvrdí, že Musk s Twittrem akorát strach čas.

    Fossett: Does he care about being liked?

    Vance: I think, like everybody, he likes to be liked, I think. He’s gone through a pretty big transformation. This was a guy who was kind of a loner. Growing up, he was not in the in-crowd. Pretty much the opposite; he was bullied. And when he was first running early companies like Zip2 and PayPal, he wasn’t all that beloved within the companies and has had a pretty tough road of it since. And I think as things have gotten better and better at his companies and he’s gone from being this sort of shy person with self-confidence ... I think those shackles have come off and he relishes his celebrity and the adoration that he’s received.

    One part of this is easy to explain, which is that he likes to be liked, and he’s being liked on a near religious level, and I’m sure that would get in anybody’s head. I think the other part is pretty mercenary and calculating, which is that he’s able to use this enormous pulpit and adoration to get what he wants for his companies in a way that any other CEO would just dream of
    PES --- ---
    DZODZO: ...a zrovna těmi e-bilmi vlastně bojují za návrat tužších zim a kratší dojezd ;-))) Hlava22
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