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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    KAERO --- ---
    To je nejaka mistni hra kterou nechapu? Posledni dobou koukam ze cokoliv tu YMLADRIS da, tak schyta hromadu minusu. At je to ontopic, offtopic, proti Muskovi, pro Muska, objektivni, subjektivni, proste cokoliv.
    Treba ten prepis rozhovoru? Je to ontopic a Marc Andressen neni zadny nymand. A jeste podano tak ze to clovek nemusi poslouchat a staci aby si to precetl.
    Jasne, vzdycky se najde par trotlu, ale tady to vypada jak v materske skolce...
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Marc Andreessen on what makes Elon Musk special | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    marc andreesseen (e/acc) na téma proč elon elon. přijde mi to podobné jak to beru já (tažen vizí na sedm generací dopředu, ale zároveň work etika a obecně systém fungování z 19. století (čeká od lidí 80 hodin týdně, který dává sám taky). lídr kultu pro inženýry a nerdy. plus jsou tam vtipné momenty, které jsem vytučnila

    I mean look I think Elon is I don't
    think I'm even a great example but I
    think Elon would be the great example of
    this which is like you know look he's a
    guy who from every every day of his life
    from the day he started making money at
    all he just Plows in the into the next
    um and so I think I think money is
    definitely an enabler for satisfaction
    money applied to happiness leads people
    down very dark paths yeah
    very destructive Avenues uh money
    applied to satisfaction I think could be
    it is a real tool

    um I always by the way I was like you
    know Elon is the case study for Behavior
    but the other thing that it's always
    really made me think is Larry Larry Page
    was asked one time what his approach to
    philanthropy was and he said oh I'm just
    my my philanthropic plan is just give
    all the money to Elon

    right uh well let me actually ask you
    about Elon what are your

    um you've interacted with quite a lot of
    successful engineers and business people
    what do you think is special about Elon
    we talked about Steve Jobs What uh
    what do you think is special about him
    as a leader as an innovator

    yeah so the
    the core of it is he's a he's he's back
    to the future so he he is he is doing
    the most Leading Edge things in the
    world but with a with a really deeply
    old school approach

    um and so to find comparisons to Elon
    you need to go to like Henry Ford and
    Thomas Watson and Howard Hughes and
    Andrew Carnegie right um Leila Stanford
    um John D Rockefeller right you need to
    go to the what we're called the
    Bourgeois capitalist it's like the
    hardcore business owner operators who
    basically built you know basically built
    industrialized Society
    um Vanderbilt um

    and it's a level of

    Hands-On commitments
    um and uh depth um in the business
    um coupled with an absolute priority uh
    towards truth um and towards
    um how to put Science and Technology uh
    time to First principles that is just
    like absolutely it was just like
    unbelievably absolute he really is ideal
    that he's only ever talking to Engineers
    like he does not tolerate yes
    let's anybody I've ever met
    um he wants ground truth on every single

    um and he runs his businesses directly
    day to day devoted to getting to ground
    truth in every single topic so uh

    you think it was a good decision for him
    to buy Twitter?

    I have developed a view
    in life did not second guess Elon Musk :-)

    I know this is going to sound great
    crazy and unfounded but well I mean uh
    he's got a quite a track record I mean
    look the car was a crazy I mean the car
    was I mean look he's done a lot of
    things that seem crazy starting a new
    car company in the United States of
    America the last time somebody really
    tried to do that was the 1950s and it
    was called Tucker automotive and it was
    such a disaster they made a movie about
    what a disaster it was :-)

    um and then Rockets like who does that
    like that's there's obviously no way to
    start a rocket company like those days
    are over and then to do those at the
    same time

    so after he pulled those two off like
    okay fine like like this is one of my
    areas of like whatever opinions I had
    about that is just like okay clearly or
    not relevant like this is you just you
    at some point you just like bet on the
    person and in general

    I wish more people
    would lean on celebrating and supporting
    versus deriding and destroying oh yeah

    mean look he drives resentment like it's
    like he is a magnet for resentment

    um like his critics are the most
    miserable like resentful people in the
    world like it's almost a perfect match
    of like the most idealized you know
    technologists you know of the century
    coupled with like just his critics are
    just bitter as can be I mean it's it's I
    mean it's it's sort of very Darkly uh
    comic to watch
    well he uh he fuels the fire of that by
    being an asshole on Twitter at times

    which is fascinating to watch the drama
    of human civilization given our cult
    roots just fully on fire

    he's running a cult
    say that very successfully

    DZODZO --- ---
    docking za cca 1,5 hodky

    Crew-7 | Approach and Docking
    SEJDA --- ---
    XCHAOS: vime a nevime. Nezastavam se oxidu siriciteho, je to skodlivina, ale uz jenom z prikladu vody, resp. vodnich par vidis, jak moc zalezi na tlaku, teplote, denni fazi prenesene i nadmorske vyssce, a urcite i slunecni aktivite.
    Vzdyt jsme vypustili teprve prvni demonstrator sledovani teploty a rychlosti proudeni vzduchu ve vice vrstvach atmosfery .. kteri uz navic v te atmosfere i shorel. Bez nej sledujeme proudeni vzduchu na zaklade pohybu mraku ;)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SEJDA: my to trochu víme, protože jsme to dřív dělali nezáměrně, skrz pálení uhlí a ropy s vysokým obsahem síry. Což mělo spoustu nežádoucích vedlejších následků.

    Vypustit čistějen oxid siřičitý bude určitě mít vedlejší účinky taky a je to nesystémové řešení.
    CYBERHIPPY --- ---
    Replay! SpaceX fires up Starship Super Heavy booster 9 for second time
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: mne je to asi jedno, asi lepsi nez kdyz je kazdy malym alchymistou a vypousti odpad do atmosfery, povrchovych vod, pud .. coz je na skale miliard idotskych napadu fakt ze problemecek.
    Pro zmenu by sme se na prumyslove skale dostali od vypousteni odpadku k vypousteni plynu s vysokym albedem, muzeme to delat tak dlouho, dokud nebude mit jistotu, ze uz vime jak to funguje, pak by sme s tim asi meli prestat a nekolil desetileti jenom overovat hypotezu .. no a v mezicase snizovat emise, kde to jde.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SEJDA: člověk neví jestli má nebo nemá chtít aby začal střílet síru do atmosféry (geoinženýring).
    SEJDA --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: vic bateriovych ulozist a solarnich strech

    YMLADRIS: XPrize za zachytavani CO2?
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: No jasne, vic jadernych reaktoru.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: budu doufat, ze electricity shortage vyusti v investice do nejakych progresivnich reseni (muskovo imperium se tomu problemu s nedostatkem ciste energie venuje pouze okrajove, ale treba v nasledujicich letech pritvrdi)
    DZODZO --- ---
    dragon je na ceste k ISS

    SPACEX - Where is Dragon?
    DZODZO --- ---
    LEGI: mozno je to tym, ze NHTSA nehodnoti pedestrian safety, ked si rozkliknes tie ratingy, tak ide iba o bezpecnost auta, maju tam ale nejaky proposed update, tak casom budu asi hodnotit aj to https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/nhtsa-proposes-new-crashworthiness-pedestrian-protection-testing-program
    E2E4 --- ---
    TADEAS: tak mne napadlo, Twitter spaces by se mohlo po rebrandingu na X přejmenovat na SpacesX :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Elon Musk Talks FSD 12 on My Twitter Spaces!
    E2E4 --- ---
    LEGI: Goodhartuv zákon?
    SATAI --- ---
    LEGI: 5* za to, že se moc netrápí?
    LEGI --- ---
    MRAKY: já tomu teda nerozumím - to předesílám - ale nechápu, jak podobný obludy můžou získat 5 hvězdiček, když součástí toho je (je, ne?) i hodnocení "bezpečnosti" (resp. jak se bude po nárazu chovat jeho tělo) chodců při případný srážce. u menších aut se síla nárazu rozloží do jednak velký plochy ale i vícero momentů - když to přeženu, něco odserou nohy, něco to, jak se rozplácneš na kapotě a pak případně přeletíš přes kabinu.
    tohle přece nemůže fungovat u takto koncipovaných de facto buldozerů na chodce.
    DZODZO --- ---
    FSD 12 beta livestream


    Video lepsie pockat na nejaky profi zostrih od youtuberov, ale zaujimave, ze v12 uz nema naprogramovane ziadne chovanie, vsetko je to iba videotrening.

    Za mna klucovy takeaway z videa je v 29. minute, kde zistujeme ze aj v Palo Alto maju cyklozmrdov co maju popri ceste skoro vsade cyklopruhy, ale miesto toho jazdia po chodniku a cez prechody :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam