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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    DZODZO --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    BREAKING: BMW has signed an agreement with @Tesla adopt their North American Charging Standard (NACS).

    BMW vehicles in the U.S. and Canada will get NACS starting in 2025: "Drivers of BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce EVs in the U.S. and Canada Will Gain Access to Designated Tesla Supercharger Stations in Early 2025."

    LAAZI --- ---
    MRAKY: Mohli by dat 2 centy za post, bylo by to takove tradicni.
    OTAVA --- ---
    Takze, Twitter a jine socialni site monetizuji content uzivatelu a prodavaji jejich osobni profily tretim stranam. A pak zavedou poplatek za to aby jsi mohl ten content postovat?

    Musk je ultra lhar, protoze prvni co vsechny ty spam botovy site udelaly, je ze zacly platit za verified accounty (8 usd mesicne) aby si avysili dosah. A on tvrdi ted ze dolar za rok je neco co je odradi od spamovani ?

    Mkay, hodne stesti !
    ARAON --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    MRAKY: Tak to ma bejt..pekne jako u KYC smenaren kdyz chces brat crypto..Dolar rocne je pohoda. Ja bych to zvednul na 10 dolaru rocne klidne. Meta to do tri mesicu okopci.
    MRAKY --- ---
    SEJDA: ee??

    officialni zprava https://twitter.com/support/status/1714429406192582896?s=46

    zkouseji to na NZ

    "Starting today, we're testing a new program (Not A Bot) in New Zealand and the Philippines. New, unverified accounts will be required to sign up for a $1 annual subscription to be able to post & interact with other posts. Within this test, existing users are not affected."

    me to docela i dava smysl - ziskat neomezeny pristup ke generovani platebnich karet je dnes skoro nemozne. s boty si to poradi dobre. Problem ale je trosku s anonymitou, ktera zmizi respektive, konkretni clovek bude vzdy dohledatelny pro legal.
    PES --- ---
    SEJDA: případně to může být "za první post" ;-)
    SEJDA --- ---
    MRAKY: klidne to muze byt za jeden post, vzdyt mas uz neomezeny pausal blue za 10 na mesic.
    MRAKY --- ---
    SEJDA: ten text je zavadejici. ta cena ma byt $1 za rok.... evidentne chcou opravdu delat overovani lidi prez platebni brany.
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: nejdrahsi SMS vsech dob :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Tak asi "víme první"

    SATAI --- ---
    Včera mne pobavilo motto...

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Starship fully stacked while team prepares for a launch rehearsal. We continue to work with the FAA on a launch license

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SN0WCRASH: zatím nic, až to získají, bude sláva, to určitě zaznamenáš :)
    SN0WCRASH --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Ako su na tom inak s FAA, mozu uz startovat?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    The hot staging ring has been re-installed on top of Booster 9 this evening clearing the way for the next full stacking soon.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam