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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    KOUDY --- ---
    SEJDA: ja chapu tvoji neznalost, ale Musk mel dost penez z prodeje Paypalu a proto si mohl dovolit tu firmu zalozit sam a nepotreboval na zacatku pet cofounderu ani investoru.

    Once PayPal’s executives went to Vegas to celebrate the company’s success, Elon Musk was reading some obscure Soviet rocket manual that was all moldy and looked like it had been bought on Ebay (not the above image, it is just a random picture from Google for a dramatic effect). He often talked about space travel and changing the world. Elon Musk wanted to inspire the masses and reinvigorate their passion for science, conquest, and the promise of technology. His fears that mankind had lost much of its will to push the boundaries were reinforced one day when Musk went to NASA website, and found out no serious interest in investigating Mars at all. Elon Musk built up a decent network of contacts in the space industry, and brought the best of them together at conferences. Earlier discussions involved sending mice, or plants into space. Later Musk went to Russia to buy 3 ICBMs that could be retooled to go to space. But the Russians did not take him seriously (one of them spit at Elon Musk, thinking that he was disrespecting them). Russians were the only ones who could provide Musk with rockets at his budget. Later Musk thought that they could build the rocket themselves. He picked Los Angeles with intent because it gave him access to the space industry. Southern California’s mild, consistent weather had made it a favored city of aeronautics industry since the 1920s. According to his calculations, he could undercut existing launch companies by building a modest-sized rocket that would cater to a part of the market that specialized in carrying smaller satellites and research payloads to space. Musk had spent months studying the aerospace industry and the physics behind it.

    SUMAC --- ---
    NASA chief calls for investigation into report about Musk-Putin talks

    “If the story’s true, that there have been multiple conversations between Elon Musk and the president of Russia, then I think that would be concerning, particularly for NASA, the Department of Defense, for some of the intelligence agencies,” he continued.
    ARAON --- ---

    Elon Musk has been in regular contact with Vladimir Putin since 2022, discussing a range of topics including personal matters, business, and geopolitics.

    - Putin asked Musk not to activate Starlink over Taiwan as a favor to Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
    - Musk initially supported Ukraine’s military with Starlink but later restricted its use for offensive operations, aligning with Russia’s interests.
    - Russian officials have pressured Musk on several fronts, including potential threats to his businesses, while Kremlin disinformation campaigns use Musk’s social platform X to influence U.S. politics.
    - Musk’s deep connections to U.S. military projects, including SpaceX’s $1.8 billion classified contracts, raise national security alarms over his close ties to Putin.
    - Musk is now a key backer of Trump’s 2024 campaign and could hold a major role in a future Trump administration.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    WaitButWhy Tim Urban pise tak mile o tom, proc vzal dceru na launch

    Imagine if every commercial airplane flight ended with the passengers parachuting to the ground and the plane crashing into the ocean. With every plane flying exactly once, a brand-new plane would be needed for every flight. Tickets would cost millions of dollars, limiting air travel to billionaires and governments. ..

    In late 2015 a SpaceX rocket launched, sent its payload into orbit, and for the first time in human history, came back down and landed. I watched from SpaceX headquarters. The cheer was so deafening you could feel the vibration move through your body. In the face of a million doubts, SpaceX showed that a private company could not only launch rockets but do it better than any government ever had. Soon, the U.S. government was using SpaceX, not Russia, to launch its astronauts.


    I can say with confidence: Watching a skyscraper falling from the sky is one of the most surreal things I have ever seen. Noticing my daughter still fixated on the cloud, I redirected her attention to the falling rocket. Near the ground, with a new streak of fire shooting out of its engines, it slowly hovered its way over to the tower and into the gentle embrace of the robot arms. The crowd roared. My wife, who gives one percent as much of a shit as I do about space, was in tears.

    It’s hard to wrap your head around SpaceX’s mission. If they actually succeed in putting a single human on Mars, let alone their goal of a million people, it will be one of the major milestones in not just human history but life history—on par with the moment animals first began to walk on land. Whether or not they end up pulling it off, space is officially exciting again.

    But the reason rocket launches make people emotional isn’t about that. It’s the feeling of swelling pride that comes from being in awe of your own species. It’s the feeling of hope that comes from being reminded of our insane potential when thousands of people work together toward a goal. It’s the happy version of the post-9/11 feeling of wanting to hug every stranger you see.

    These emotions are especially refreshing at a time when we’re surrounded by their polar opposite: the pessimism and petty cynicism that pervade our age of suffocating tribalism.

    As the father to a smiley little gnome, I desperately want to shield her from the negativity that will swirl around her as she grows up. I won’t be able to do that. But what I can do is continually redirect her attention to the rocket, showing her all the ways our species is incredible. I can use “rocket launch emotion” as a parenting compass and try, as many times as I can, to give her experiences that fill her with that particular magical, high-minded feeling.

    If along the way I also train her to be my little space nerd friend, all the better.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Starlink na Krymu po x-te

    This Wired article once again perpetuates the inaccuracy that we turned off Starlink for Ukraine when they wanted to launch an attack on the Russian fleet.

    Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!

    We received an unexpected request in the middle of the night to activate Starlink in Crimea in a matter of a few hours from the Ukraine government, but received no request or permission to override sanctions from the US government. Had we done as Ukraine asked, it would have been a felony violation of US law.

    We also make it clear in our terms of use that Starlink is a commercial system, not a military system. Use of Starlink for communications, including military communications, is fine, just like the military uses the Internet in general, but if we deliberately engage in explicit acts of war, then we are making Starlink a military system and other countries have every right to shoot down our satellites. (Musk)

    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Neboj se. Dobre to dopadne. Doporucuju se podivat treba na ruzne military blogy, ktere to den po dni mapuji, pripadne na srovnani mezi Nato a Ruskem. Zvlastni peci venuj helikopteram, letadlum a interceptorum, ktere z toho pripadneho konfliktu udelaji tritydenni zalezitost - https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293174/nato-russia-military-comparison/ a Putiin i jeho poradci to velmi dobre vi..a to samozrejme vulkanskou logikou nezminuji, ze pocty z toho linku se u rusaku snizuji, zatimco u Nato velmi rychle zvysuji..treba Polsko do toho slape velmi solidne posledni rok a pul, takze neboj. Dobre to dopadne. Maximalne se stane to, ze CR pujde ve stopach slovenska a Madarska a to uz je v demokraticky zemi zavisly na volbach.
    JONAS3 --- ---
    Pentagon's Space Policy Chief confirms to Bloomberg that they have managed to successfully counter Russia's illicit use of black market Starlink terminals!

    The US has been “heavily involved in working with the government of Ukraine and SpaceX to counter Russian illicit use of Starlink terminals,” John Plumb, the outgoing assistant secretary for space policy, said in an interview.

    “At this time we have successfully countered Russian use, but I am certain Russia will continue to try and find ways to exploit Starlink and other commercial communications systems,” he told Bloomberg News. Although “it will continue to be a problem, I think we’ve wrapped our heads around it and found good solutions with both Starlink and Ukraine.”

    Blocking Russian access to Starlink without impacting Ukrainian access as well has been a challenge, but they have evidently found a solution.

    AVATAR --- ---
    Sry, ale bud je to negramot, co nezna historii nebo ho picha putin do prdele, jina moznost neni. Respekt -1

    Elon Musk says US should stop helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian invasion | The Independent
    VAGABUND --- ---

    Elon Musk has called on the US to cut its weapons supply to Ukraine claiming “there is no way in hell” Vladimir Putin is going to lose the war.

    Elon Musk says US should stop helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian invasion | The Independent

    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    Jak je mozny, ze maji v Rusku cybertruck?

    First Tesla Cybertruck Accident in Russia #shorts
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    E2E4: ohledne twittru asi rozhodnou US volby v roce 2024. predpokladam ze se spolecnost uplne rozdeli, vyhroti se to tak, ze kazdy kdo twitter vubec pouziva je vteleni satana (prehanim, ale budou snahy jakymkoliv zpusobem zneduverohodnit medium, jehoz majitel rekl, ze bude volit republikany).

    ohledne guardianu, ten clanek nebyl zvlast utocny, vsak jsem psala, ze jestli toto je to nejhorsi, tak cajk. ale celkove guardian ma tu tvoji pozici, ze miliardari by potrebovali zregulovat, viz napr zde
    Elon Musk is a lesson in the dangers of unchecked corporate leaders | Siva Vaidhyanathan | The Guardian
    v tomto smyslu minim "ideologicka opozice".

    zbytek (teorie o tom co myslim) vynechavam :) nema vyznam rozebirat
    E2E4 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: unika mi smysl tyhle ankety? Elon ma pravdu podle ucastniku tohodle fora, ktery ho bud maji za boha nebo povazuji lidi co ho maji za boha za blazny nebo maji radi rakety, ale o geopolitice vedi tuzku?

    nebo uz jsi presla na Elonovske rozhodovani pomoci anket v nespravne vybranym vzorku aka "let the people decide" ? :)

    je to tu off topic, ale hrozba jadrem je retorika. realna hrozba to neni, protoze by se tim dostalo do severokorejske situace - kteri, mimochodem, taky stale jen hrozi..

    jestli se chces trochu poucit:


    Rattling the Nuclear Saber: What Russia’s Nuclear Threats Really Mean - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    svodka udalosti ukrajina a starlink od Isaacsona

    1. faze horecne akce “We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations,”

    “Starlink kits are already allowing Ukraine Armed Forces to continue operating theater command centers,” she wrote on March 1. “These kits can be life or death, as the opponent is now focusing heavily on comms infrastructure. They are asking for more.”
    - 2000 terminalu skrz Polsko. Ale neni elektrina.
    “Let’s offer to ship some field solar+battery kits,” Musk replied. “They can have some Tesla Powerwalls or Megapacks too.”
    By March 6, the company was providing voice connections for a Ukrainian special operations brigade. Starlink kits were also used to connect the Ukrainian military to the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command and to get Ukrainian television broadcasts back up. Within days, 6,000 more terminals and dishes were shipped, and by July there were 15,000 Starlink terminals operating in Ukraine.

    2. nadseni na vsech stranach

    “Commanders have been impressed by the company’s ability, within days, to deliver thousands of backpack-sized satellite stations to the war-torn country and to keep them online despite increasingly sophisticated attacks from Russian hackers.” The Wall Street Journal also did a feature. “Without Starlink, we would have been losing the war,” one Ukrainian platoon commander told the paper.

    Starlink contributed about half of the cost of the dishes and services it provided. “How many have we donated so far?” Musk wrote to Dreyer on March 12. She replied, “2000 free Starlinks and monthly service. Also, 300 heavily discounted.” The company soon donated 1,600 additional terminals, and Musk estimated its total contribution to be around $80 million.

    Other funding came from government agencies, including those in the United States, Britain, Poland and the Czech Republic.

    Historik Fergusson udělal sbírku, pojdme vybrat 5M na dalších 5000. Three hours later, he got a reply from Marc Benioff, the billionaire co-founder of Salesforce. “I’m in for $1M,” he wrote. “Elon rocks.”

    3. Září. Ukrajina chce potopit ruskou flotilu na Krymu

    He had just spoken to the Russian ambassador to the United States. (In later conversations with a few other people, he seemed to imply that he had spoken directly to President Vladimir Putin, but to me he said his communications had gone through the ambassador.) The ambassador had explicitly told him that a Ukrainian attack on Crimea would lead to a nuclear response. Musk explained to me in great detail, the Russian laws and doctrines that decreed such a response.

    So he secretly told his engineers to turn off coverage within 100 kilometers of the Crimean coast.

    Fedorov: tajna info: mame podmořské drony, které dokážou zničit cokoliv. Musk: impresivní, ale tyvole do treti svetove nejdu.
    He discussed the situation with President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, explaining to them that he did not wish Starlink to be used for offensive purposes. He also called the Russian ambassador to assure him that Starlink was being used for defensive purposes only. “If the Ukrainian attacks had succeeded in sinking the Russian fleet, it would have been like a mini Pearl Harbor and led to a major escalation,” Musk says. “We did not want to be a part of that.”

    Muskův mírový plán, rage na twittru, Zelenskeho anketa, Muskova zuřivost (podporil jsem UA 80 milionama, rusku jsem dal 0. WTF?).

    4. Rijen - vypnuti starlinku v dalsich oblastech blizko ruska. Na twiitru opet silna odezva. Musk je nasrany a uz to dal nechce pro UA platit.

    Shotwell je nasrana ze spacex ma jine podminky: Other companies, including big and profitable defense contractors, were charging billions to supply weapons to Ukraine, so it seemed unfair that Starlink, which was not yet profitable, should do it for free.

    “We initially gave the Ukrainians free service for humanitarian and defense purposes, such as keeping up their hospitals and banking systems,” she says. “But then they started putting them on f---ing drones trying to blow up Russian ships. I’m happy to donate services for ambulances and hospitals and mothers. That’s what companies and people should do. But it’s wrong to pay for military drone strikes.”

    5. Shotwell dojednala s Pentagonem, ze bude Starlink platit. Plan leaknul na twitter, opet halo jaky je Musk zmrd ze chce penize. Ten se opet nasral a "“The hell with it,” he tweeted. “Even though Starlink is still losing money & other companies are getting billions of taxpayer $, we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

    6. Fedorov uklidnuje Muska

    Fedorov tried to smooth things over by sending Musk encrypted text messages lavishing him with thanks. “Not everyone understands your contribution to Ukraine. I am confident that without Starlinks, we would be unable to function successfully. Thanks again.”

    Musk: Russia will stop at nothing, nothing, to hold Crimea. This poses catastrophic risk to the world. . . . Seek peace while you have the upper hand. . . . Let’s discuss this. [Musk included his new private cell phone number.] I will support any pragmatic path to peace that serves the greater good for all of humanity.
    Fedorov: I understand. We look through the eyes of Ukrainians, and you from the position of a person who wants to save humanity. And not just wants, but does more than anybody else for this.

    7. aktualni pozice

    na zacatku 2023 100000 novych starlinku na UA, zvysene naklady plati americka vlada.
    SpaceX udelalo Starshiled jako sluzbu pro vojenske pouziti.

    "SpaceX licensed Starshield satellites and services to the U.S. military and other agencies, allowing the government to determine how they could and should be used in Ukraine and elsewhere."

    Coz chapu tak, ze ted to nebude vypinat a zapinat Musk, ale Biden.

    E2E4 --- ---
    Elon Musk secretly ordered his engineers to turn off his company’s Starlink satellite communications network near the Crimean coast last year to disrupt a Ukrainian sneak attack on the Russian naval fleet..

    ..was driven by an acute fear that Russia would respond to a Ukrainian attack on Crimea with nuclear weapons, a fear driven home by Musk’s conversations with senior Russian officials.

    Takže nejdřív podpoří Ukrajinu, pak mluví s rusáky, uvěří strašení atomovkou a podpoří Rusko. A navrhne mírový plán, který je nápadně podobný ruským cílům.

    Jistě, chápu, Musk je především geniální, v druhé řadě si jako nejbohatší člověk světa může dělat s tím světem co chce a ve třetí jsou to všechno jen pomluvy jeho nepřátel, novinářů..

    SHEFIK --- ---


    Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) has played a major role in allowing Russian propaganda about Ukraine to reach more people than before the war began, according to a study released this week by the European Commission, the governing body of the European Union.
    E2E4 --- ---
    tak zas chvili o Stralinku, mirovych planech a traumatu z detstvi. (dlouhy clanek i o ostatnich vecech)

    SpaceX had recently given the Pentagon an ultimatum: if it didn’t assume the cost of providing service in Ukraine, which the company calculated at some four hundred million dollars annually, it would cut off access.

    “My inference was that he was getting nervous that Starlink’s involvement was increasingly seen in Russia as enabling the Ukrainian war effort, and was looking for a way to placate Russian concerns,” Kahl told me. To the dismay of Pentagon officials, Musk volunteered that he had spoken with Putin personally. Another individual told me that Musk had made the same assertion in the weeks before he tweeted his pro-Russia peace plan, and had said that his consultations with the Kremlin were regular. (Musk later denied having spoken with Putin about Ukraine.)

    Musk’s hesitation aligns with his pragmatic interests. A facility in Shanghai produces half of all Tesla cars, and Musk depends on the good will of officials in China, which has lent support to Russia in the conflict. Musk recently acknowledged to the Financial Times that Beijing disapproves of his decision to provide Internet service to Ukraine and has sought assurances that he would not deploy similar technology in China. In the same interview, he responded to questions about China’s efforts to assert control over Taiwan by floating another peace plan. Taiwan, he suggested, could become a jointly controlled administrative zone, an outcome that Taiwanese leaders see as ending the country’s independence. During a trip to Beijing this spring, Musk was welcomed with what Reuters summarized as “flattery and feasts.” He met with senior officials, including China’s foreign minister, and posed for the kinds of awkwardly smiling formal photos that are more typical of world leaders.

    Musk, usually impassive in interviews, cried openly when he told Rolling Stone about the years that followed, in which, he said, his father psychologically tortured him, in ways that he declined to specify. “You have no idea about how bad,” he said. “Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done. Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done.” Taoushiani recalled witnessing Errol “chastise Elon a lot. Maybe belittle him.” (Errol Musk has denied allegations that he was abusive to Maye or to his children.) Musk has also said that he was violently bullied at school. Though he is now six feet one, with a broad-shouldered build, he was “much, much smaller back in school,” Taoushiani told me. “He wasn’t very social.”

    Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule | The New Yorker
    E2E4 --- ---
    SEJDA: kvůli svýmu byznysu resp vrtochum geniality a touhy po popularitě (strlink na UA nejdřív zadarmo, pak chtěl platit) přímo ovlivňuje situaci na bojišti, jak činy tak slovy.

    vztah k Ukraine má podobný jako Rusko (nechat jim Krym "patří Rusku", na ostatních okupovaných územích udělat "volby" které Rusko určitě uzná (haha, mluvíci Kremlu na to řekl že "nikakdá"), Ukrajina bude muset být neutrální - tj Ruske nárazníkové pásmo).

    plus odmítá "eskalaci" protože by Ukrajina prohrála. (twl to je snad věc Ukrajinců, jestli přijmou nějakou verzi mnichovského diktátu nebo zda budou bojovat)

    tohle asi není postoj většiny lidí na zemi, a i kdyby byl, tak nějak úplně ignoruje co chtějí Ukrajinci twl na svým vlastním území.

    nahodny linky

    Ukraine war: Elon Musk sparks fury in Kyiv over Twitter comments about Crimea and Russia | Euronews

    Ukraine Blasts Billionaire Musk's Plan To End War For Rewarding Russia
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