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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    KOUDY --- ---
    PATISLAV: Ja nemam zadny informace o tom ze by Elon zastavil pomoc Ukrajine nebo ze by zabil nejaky ukrajince covece. Naopak na zacatku starlinky ukrajine poslal potom co ho o to pozadal ukrajinskej ministr. Viz tweet. Co si matne vzpominam tak tu pomoc chtel zastavit Trump uz pred volbama a volby i kvuli tomu vyhral, protoze amici nechtej ze svejch dani financovat valku, ktera probiha (pro ne) nekde v prdeli. Putin pokud si matne vzpominam napadl ukrajinu za vlady Bidena, kterej na to koukal a pak usnul a pak mu rekli co maj precist z karticek. Potom rusky vojaci zabili lidi treba v Buci, znasilnili tam zensky a pak je dali do masovyho hrobu. Biden na to koukal a pak se jel projet na kole ze kteryho spadl. Ke zvoleni Trumpa prispela nejvic Kamala, Biden a minula vlada. Daleko vetsi merou k tomu prispel spis Joe Rogan nez Elon. Elon ma min followeru nez Taylor Swift, ktera volila Kamalu, stejne jako Beoynce, Oprah a dalsi. Jen tyhle tri zensky maj 4x vetsi impact na amiky a volice nez Elon. Nedaval bych mu zas takovej kredit..ale samozrejme je to arcidemon a muze za zvoleni Trumpa i valku na Ukrajine. O tom zadna. Urcite by bylo lip kdyby chcipnul a jezdili jsme v cinskejch autech od huawei. To by bylo bajo. Dejme si zase anketku jak ma umrit. To bylo k popukani.

    Good old times
    The Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine asked Elon Musk to get Starlink internet service to Ukraine and Elon responded 10 hours later that it was done.
    Just incredible.

    GEE --- ---
    KOUDY: elon nikoho nezabil? Some guys from Ukraine want to know your location
    E2E4 --- ---
    V77: 3. serie seriálu "Elon hledá nové dno" má již asi šestou epizodu, synopse:

    "bez stralinku by Ukrajina padla hned. toto není vydírání. a mlč skrčku, jsem větší než ty"

    After Poland spat, Musk vows Ukraine can keep Starlink
    E2E4 --- ---
    EU Negotiates Starlink Replacement for Ukraine with Four Satellite Operators
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    SATAI: "Nejbohatší muž planety Elon Musk na své sociální síti X uvedl, že by nějaká země měla ukrajinskému prezidentovi Volodymyru Zelenskému poskytnout amnestii za to, že přechod k demokracii bude na Ukrajině poklidný.
    Označil ho za zlo, protože chce věčnou válku."

    Elon Musk brands Zelensky 'evil' for pushing 'forever war' with Russia after Trump told Ukraine president he 'won't be around very long' if he doesn't deal with Putin | Daily Mail Online
    ALMAD --- ---
    TRANCEWARP: Za tuhle cervi diru nedik. Rozhodne zajimavej clovek…

    Everything in America that isn’t a university, a hospital or a tech company is rotting, on fire or both. Literal alien hordes are marching across our borders in numbers that make the migration of the Visigoths look like a field trip. 40% of Americans are afraid to walk outside their homes alone at night. Our scientists, for no logical reason at all, invented a virus that killed 20 million people, then covered it up. Many suspect this, but no one really knows it. No one has been punished. No one will be punished.

    The government borrows a third of the money it spends. It sponsors a civil war in the Ukraine, for no logical reason at all, which has killed 500,000 people. No big deal. Sure whatever. It sucks but anything else would certainly be worse.

    SATAI --- ---
    Takže kolaboranta vyšetřovali?

    Elon Musk's Enemy, USAID, Was Investigating Starlink's Contracts in Ukraine
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Elon Musk’s rocket sent a scientific project of schoolchildren from the Lviv region into space – Ukraine Today .org
    KOUDY --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: Ajeje..to budu zase dabluv advokat tady v klubiku pro nektery :)..

    Denis Aven je sice syn ruskyho oligarchy, ale taky zije dlouhy leta v usa, studoval yale a ma MBA z harvardu. Dela ve startupu Lonsdala, kterej zalozil i Palantir a ma kontrakty s ministerstvem obrany, takze jak firma, tak vsichni jeji zamestnanci jsou provereni.

    Denis graduated from Yale University, receiving his B.A. in Economics and Mathematics, cum laude, and received his MBA from Harvard Business - https://www.8vc.com/team/denis-aven

    According to Essanews, one of X’s investors — 8VC Opportunities Fund II — employs Denis Aven and Jack Moszkowicz, sons of Russian oligarchs Petr Aven and Vadim Moszkowicz, both of whom have close ties to Putin. Petr Aven has been sanctioned by European authorities for funding Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, the report noted.

    8VC, meanwhile, is a prolific investor in American defence contractors. The Texas-based firm’s co-founder Joe Lonsdale was also a co-founder of American intelligence contractor Palantir.

    aka do Twitteru investoval Lonsdale, kterymu samozrejme Palantir vydelal miliardy a svoji karieru zacinal jako stazista v Paypalu, kterej co?..blikblik :)) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Lonsdale

    ale je videt jak media nemela v lete o cem psat. Case closed.
    ARAON --- ---

    Elon Musk has been in regular contact with Vladimir Putin since 2022, discussing a range of topics including personal matters, business, and geopolitics.

    - Putin asked Musk not to activate Starlink over Taiwan as a favor to Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
    - Musk initially supported Ukraine’s military with Starlink but later restricted its use for offensive operations, aligning with Russia’s interests.
    - Russian officials have pressured Musk on several fronts, including potential threats to his businesses, while Kremlin disinformation campaigns use Musk’s social platform X to influence U.S. politics.
    - Musk’s deep connections to U.S. military projects, including SpaceX’s $1.8 billion classified contracts, raise national security alarms over his close ties to Putin.
    - Musk is now a key backer of Trump’s 2024 campaign and could hold a major role in a future Trump administration.

    OTAVA --- ---
    Update from Ukraine | Good news from Kursk. Ukraine goes to Lgov | Bad news from Vuhledar

    Elone, ty kurvo.
    KOUDY --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Ani ne covece. Ja jsem totiz nikdy a nikde netvrdil, ze vsechno co Elon sdili je vtipny, nebo ze je to pravda, nebo ze nikdy nesdili nejaky dezinfo apod. Tim ze nejsem narozdil od tebe jeho fanboy tak dokazu celkem jasne rozlisit kdy si dela jen z nekoho prdel..treba kdyz Berniemu napise ze nevedel ze jeste zije..a kdy uz placa picoviny pres caru. Jenom nepotrebuju bejt za kazdou cenu v opozici jako nekteri tady a kazdej Elonuv prd na twitteru povazovat za dilo zkazy a Elonovi prat aby chcipnul nebo se uz nemnozil apod..Takze to co ty sdilis je na jednu stranu trochu pres caru. Na druhou stranu to zase beres v kontextu evropana, ale staci se podivat na ruzny ankety v Americe a zjistis, ze tam je docela dost lidi proti navysovani penez pro ukrajinu apod, takze ikdyz nam to muze pripadat jako picovina, tak v usa si to svoji stomilionovou cilovku najde.

    Overall 28% of Americans support increasing aid for Ukraine in the most recent Economist/YouGov Poll, while 29% say the U.S. should decrease aid to Ukraine and 26% would keep it at the same level.

    As military aid for Ukraine remains stalled in the U.S. House of Representatives, Americans themselves are equally split, at 36% each, between those who believe the United States is doing too much to help Ukraine and those saying it’s not doing enough.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Starlink na Krymu po x-te

    This Wired article once again perpetuates the inaccuracy that we turned off Starlink for Ukraine when they wanted to launch an attack on the Russian fleet.

    Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!

    We received an unexpected request in the middle of the night to activate Starlink in Crimea in a matter of a few hours from the Ukraine government, but received no request or permission to override sanctions from the US government. Had we done as Ukraine asked, it would have been a felony violation of US law.

    We also make it clear in our terms of use that Starlink is a commercial system, not a military system. Use of Starlink for communications, including military communications, is fine, just like the military uses the Internet in general, but if we deliberately engage in explicit acts of war, then we are making Starlink a military system and other countries have every right to shoot down our satellites. (Musk)

    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    Prý je nějaký posun v blokování starlinku v r*sku
    Ground News - Bloomberg: Pentagon blocks Russian military from accessing Starlink in Ukraine
    JONAS3 --- ---
    Pentagon's Space Policy Chief confirms to Bloomberg that they have managed to successfully counter Russia's illicit use of black market Starlink terminals!

    The US has been “heavily involved in working with the government of Ukraine and SpaceX to counter Russian illicit use of Starlink terminals,” John Plumb, the outgoing assistant secretary for space policy, said in an interview.

    “At this time we have successfully countered Russian use, but I am certain Russia will continue to try and find ways to exploit Starlink and other commercial communications systems,” he told Bloomberg News. Although “it will continue to be a problem, I think we’ve wrapped our heads around it and found good solutions with both Starlink and Ukraine.”

    Blocking Russian access to Starlink without impacting Ukrainian access as well has been a challenge, but they have evidently found a solution.

    E2E4 --- ---
    PES: Plus asi i kromě v části donbasu okupovaných 2014.

    Approximate Starlink coverage of Ukraine as of September 2023, according to the official map on the Starlink website. Areas along the Belarusian and Russian borders, Crimea, and parts of the Donbas are not covered.

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    k tematu repost z ukrajinskyho auditka, nejspis spolupracujou se spacex na tom, co je jejich a co ne..

    Ukraine knows how to “close” Starlink for Russians, - Fedorov - Ukraine Today .org
    AVATAR --- ---
    Sry, ale bud je to negramot, co nezna historii nebo ho picha putin do prdele, jina moznost neni. Respekt -1

    Elon Musk says US should stop helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian invasion | The Independent
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