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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PAD --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Vidis, to jsem nevedel, ze dostal Pulitzerovu cenu. Ale prave proto, jak dobre je ta esej napsana, jsem to sem hlavne daval. Cte se to jednim dechem. A to hlavni sdeleni se mnou taky rezonuje - "zkus se s tim smirit a delej to, co si myslis, ze i presto dava smysl".

    Nicmene vychazi z interpretaci, pro ktere aspon ja nenasel zadny definitivni dukaz, jak uz jsem tu parkrat psal. (Chapu, ze je to nevyhnutelna novinarska zkratka.) Nikde jsem napr. nenasel, ze by 2C otepleni _nevyhnutelne_ vedly k "armageddonu", jak pise. Je to vse zatizene obrovkou neurcitosti, kdo vi, co se vlastne stane. Treba jsou modely blbe , treba se lidi vzpamatuji, treba je vykosi nejaky virus, treba se budou ty ruzne nelinearni zvraty (tipping pointy) chovat jinak, nez si ted vedci mysli (coz by me neprekvapovalo, protoze jsou - nelinearni). Osobne tomu moc neverim, ale to je spis takovy pocit.
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate scientists use mathematical models to project the Earth’s future under a warming world, but a group of the latest models have included unexpectedly high values for a measure called “climate sensitivity”.
    Climate sensitivity refers to the relationship between changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and warming.
    The high values are an unwelcome surprise. If they’re right, it means a hotter future than previously expected – warming of up to 7℃ for Australia by 2100 if emissions continue to rise unabated.

    Just how hot will it get this century? Latest climate models suggest it could be worse than we thought
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: SHINIGAMI: DZODZO: Mimochodem videl jsem treny u OZE dost casto.
    Ale existujou nejaky metriky tipu price per watt u uhli / ropy / jadra a jejich dlouhodby vyvoj? Chapu, ze u fosilu to bude asi komplikovanejsi rozpocitat, vzhledem k jejich moznym ruznym formam pouziti, ale nejaka aproximace by snad delat sla.
    TUHO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: No, tak v tom pripade je tam vetsinu doby stale exponencialni pokles
    DZODZO --- ---
    K tej ucinnosti, 15.5. vacsinu dna prsalo ale aj tak mi solar pokryl 75% spotreby
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    TUHO: tak to odrizni od doby, kdy to prestala byt laboratorni technologie, a povime si;)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: logaritmicka skala ukazuje v podstate nestualnej volnej pad cen (jak se rika klesajici exponenciale? :)

    Swanson's law is the observation that the price of solar photovoltaic modules tends to drop 20 percent for every doubling of cumulative shipped volume. At present rates, costs go down 75% about every 10 years.[1] It is named after Richard Swanson, the founder of SunPower Corporation, a solar panel manufacturer.[2]

    Swanson's law - Wikipedia
    TUHO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: Tak ja myslim, ze v tom ohledu je spis dulezitej vyvon ceny nez vyvoj ucinnosti (ktera je shora uz dost blizko jasne ohranicena). A tam jsou ty cisla o dost optimistictejsi.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    kdyby nekdo chtel pocitat dopad jeho auta na klima

    PSI team develops web tool for consumers to compare environmental impact of passenger cars in detail - Green Car Congress
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    TUHO: kdyz se vezme v uvahu, ze realne pouzitelna pro strechu je ta modra cara s ctvereckama, tak vyvoj nic moc...
    CORDESCU --- ---
    Regenerativni zedelstvo ve Vogue :)

    Regenerative Agriculture Could Change the Fashion Industry—And the World. But What Is It? | Vogue
    TUHO --- ---
    efektivita solarnich clanku

    TADEAS --- ---
    Seth Itzkan
    Veřejná skupina Soil4Climate | Facebook

    this slide basically sums up the thesis of Soil4Climate in a single composite image.

    During the coevolution of grasslands and ungulates during the last 30 million years, approximately 2 trillion (yes, trillion) tons of carbon were sequestered out of the atmospheric (lowering concentrations from 1300 to under 300 parts per million). A significant part of this went into a new type of soil, called mollisols, which is the soil associated with grasslands, ruminants and "C4" grasses (maize, sugar cane, millet, sorghum, bluestem). This is why there is approximately 2 trillion tons of carbon in the soils of the world today. Without the coevolution of ruminants and C4 grasses, the current climate regime that made human evolution possible in the first place would not have come into existence. To get back to a safe climate (approximately 280 ppm CO2), 260 billion tons of carbon will need to be sequestered back into soil. Of course, restoring that soil also improves small water cycles which provides regional cooling in addition to other ecological enhancements. All this is possible, but only through restoration of degraded grasslands with proper grazing, and, in concert with restoration of forests and wetlands.

    Two papers it pulls from are

    1. Retallack (2013) “Global Cooling by Grassland Soils of Geologic Past and Near Future”

    2. Zhang (2013) “A 40 Million Year History of Atmospheric CO2”

    TUHO --- ---
    Sucho môže byť oveľa vážnejšie a kritickejšie ako korona. Už toto leto možu byť u nás teploty nad 40 stupňov.
    Nový koronavírus odhaľuje našu zraniteľnosť. Zároveň je to však príležitosť lepšie pochopiť a brať vážnejšie aj niektoré ďalšie súvislosti našej zraniteľnosti, najmä s klimatickými zmenami. Jozef Pecho tvrdí že koronavírus je kríza, ktorá možno o pár mesiacov či o rok odznie, no klimatická zmena tu bude stále. „Má tendenciu amplifikovať, to znamená zhoršovať všetky následné krátkodobé krízy. Všetky ďalšie koronakrízy, alebo iné finančné, ekonomické, akékoľvek ďalšie krízy, ktoré prídu do nových fyzikálnych podmienok budúcej klímy, budú mať pravdepodobne horšie a citlivejšie dopady,“ myslí si klimatológ.

    Klimatológ: Sucho môže byť oveľa vážnejšie a kritickejšie ako korona. Už toto leto možu byť u nás teploty nad 40 stupňov - Dobré noviny
    TUHO --- ---
    Jan Zalasiewicz, Bruno Latour & Much more

    The exhibition »Critical Zones – Observatories for Earthly Politics« is about the critical situation of the Earth as it falls through the Coronavirus into a critical time. A new Earth policy also requires a new exhibition policy: We are broadcasting!
    The growing exhibition at the ZKM will be combined with a digital exhibition that will also be rising steadily. The museum will become a »home museum« with a virtual accompanying program.
    On May 22, 2020 from 6 pm, the exhibition will open with a streaming festival lasting several days, which will span the weekend of May 22–24, 2020. The program will consist of streamed guided tours through the virtual space as well as through the real, but not public exhibition, and will include interviews and lectures.
    We are very much looking forward to meeting you in virtual space on all channels when we open our exhibition together and celebrate, think, speak and listen jointly for a whole weekend, until 24.05.2020.
    We cordially invite you to the virtual exhibition opening on May 22, 2020 at 6 pm!

    PAD --- ---
    LINKOS: Je mozne kontaktovat mistni vodopravni urad a zeptat se, jaky maji limit na cerpani vody a zda ho dodrzuji. Pokud by jsi nejak umel dokazat, ze precerpavaji, tak by to museli resit. Treba i instalaci vodomeru v kazde studni v tom okoli. Vic treba https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/...tat-zacal-omezovat-nova-povoleni-i/r~7a8285e4a97711e989de0cc47ab5f122/ .
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vit Hassan

    Policejní zásah proti aktivistům z hnutí Extinction Rebellion / Police intervention against activists from the movement Extinction Rebellion, 14.5.2020, Prague, Czech republic.


    TADEAS --- ---
    Šoková doktrína počesku? Přehrady, ani jádro nepotřebujeme. A platili by chudí

    R.Kubala: Co mi v debatě o jádru a přehradách chybí. Je to v první řadě politická a mocenská záležitost, nikoliv energetická a hydrologická. Zaplatí za to chudí a vydělá na tom hrstka bohatých.

    "Nenechme si proto namluvit, že stavba nových přehrad nebo jaderných bloků v Dukovanech jsou technologickou a hydrologickou otázkou, o které mají rozhodovat experti. Kdo bude v budoucnu ovládat energetiku nebo vodní zdroje je naopak klíčová politická otázka, která určuje rozdělení moci ve společnosti."

    "Buď necháme stát, aby za peníze těch nejchudších a nejzranitelnějších daroval naší energii a vodu několika mocipánům, nebo se vzepřeme a prosadíme energetickou demokracii a rovný přístup k vodě. Jiná cesta není."
    TUHO --- ---
    Tou významnější zprávou bylo, že nepozorujeme jen růst teploty a úbytek srážek, ale dochází ke změně celého cirkulačního systému. Procházíme historicky ojedinělou anomálií. V přímém přenosu vidíme projevy klimatické změny. Podle dat, která máme k dispozici, bylo v minulém a předminulém století tak dlouhé období sucha prakticky vyloučeno. Šel jsem tam tedy s tím, že Česko by mělo vnímat emise jako skutečný problém ..

    Chováme se jako za Rakouska-Uherska během průmyslové revoluce, říká bioklimatolog Miroslav Trnka | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)
    TUHO --- ---
    Rupert Read o Planet of Humans

    "Our own reluctant view is that, even so, civilisation is clearly at present on a trajectory to collapse, primarily due to the likely near-term failure of key life support systems and of human systems that depend upon them (notably, the food-supply system), and that this process appears already to be underway. There hasn’t been enough honesty about this in the environmental movement to date, nowhere near enough. The film is right to suggest that far too often it’s been assumed that green tech (plus depoliticised individual action) can somehow save us.
    It is going to take a vast, rapid, widespread transformation in systems and mindsets to prevent collapse. The post-Coronavirus reset is almost certainly our last chance to do this (and there are already worrying signs that that last chance is being missed), for these reset-opportunities don’t come along every year nor even every decade.
    Our only remaining choice is whether we carry on business as usual and face catastrophic societal breakdown, (from sustained food shortages and/or energy outages, for example), or whether we consciously effect an energy descent in parallel with the rapid expansion of local food production. It’s a choice between remaining naively optimistic (i.e. unconscious) while the economic and energy mirages just about hold together for a while longer, or using this last window of opportunity to effect a transition which creates some genuine long-term resilience.

    REVIEW: Michael Moore's Planet of the Humans - 'Heartbreaking Genius of Staggering Over-Simplification' – Byline Times
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