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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    biden / climate


    We're seeing climate policy teams emerge to try and fill the deficit in Biden's plans & the void left by the suspension of the Bernie campaign,& it's important to understand that they aren't offering unique policies: this may be a strategic shift, and one that is questionable. /1

    Let's start with the basics: writing policy isn't hard. Most of the ideas were born from the frontlines & organizers, with feedback into academic/policy spaces- primarily to legitimize them. What's hard is navigating political landscapes, which have shifted. /2

    The big prize is defining Biden's climate plan right now, which is garbage. Biden needs the youth vote to win,& youth care about climate. That gives us tremendous leverage.

    These climate think tanks are positioning themselves as a solution for Biden & climate activists /3

    The big question is 'whose side are they on?' It can't be both, even if they believe it.

    So it's important to understand their self-interest- whether it's career-building, saving the planet for kids, etc. & it's VERY important to understand their theory of change. /4

    If their theory of change relies on closed-door deal-making, climate activists will lose. This has been the strategy for decades, & it's cost us dearly.

    If it's grounded in leveraging the power of a mass movement to win demands that they turn into policy, that's better /5

    My concern is that there is more focus on getting positioned within the Biden camp than enabling the movement, & the fear of another Trump presidency is being used to excuse a strategic shift to focusing on a primarily inside vs. outside strategy./6

    Here's the thing: Biden will lose without the youth vote, which is more diverse & concerned w/ justice & climate than other generations. He will need to make large concessions to build enthusiasm for his campaign. I don't think attempts to manufacture consent will be enough. /7

    The movement is in shock right now, but PEOPLE still have the power. If climate policy groups are conceiving their value as connecting Biden w/ voters, then they need to authentically represent the will of people. Not through grasstops 'consultation,' but by aligning w/ them /8

    People need to be making grassroots demands. The demands need to be winnable, have science-driven timelines, materially improve people's lives,& alter the relations of power.& we must fight for them.

    This criteria is important for policymakers too-esp altering power relations /9
    The Biden climate taskforce may host some of these dynamics. It may be good that Bernie appointed people that have a theory of change anchored by people power.

    Policy groups will compete for influence.
    But the participation of people will determine its value. /10

    A return to closed-door deal-making would be the nail in the coffin of real change. The power to win real change ultimately lies with PEOPLE, & policy groups w/ interest in real change need to join movements & adhere to the will of people-not replicate hierarchies of power. /11

    We can't allow fear to drive us back toward familiar patterns of "change-making" that have failed to deliver the progress we need. There is too much at stake to stop fighting- we have leverage right now. The New Deal wasn't gifted: it was a concession to prevent revolution /12

    We are powerful, and we must be brave enough to use our power for authentic victories. If we stick together, we can win. A better world is still possible. 13/13
    TUHO --- ---
    Bangladesh has prepared 12,078 cyclone shelters in coastal districts for 5.19 million people, State Minister for Disaster Management and Relief Enamur Rahman said at a media briefing in Dhaka.
    In India, about 25 teams from the National Disaster Response Force have been deployed on the ground, while 12 others are ready in reserve, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who held an emergency meeting on Monday to review the preparations, said on Twitter.
    Odisha started evacuating people on Monday evening and the operation will continue until Tuesday, said Pradeep Kumar Jena, special relief commissioner of the state. Odisha has about 560 permanent cyclone shelters and identified more than 7,000 public buildings as temporary places to keep people, he said.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    a jedna spatna...

    PV - COVID-19 erases five years of solar job growth - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism

    The drop coincides with a 37 percent decrease in expected Q2 solar installations from pre-COVID forecasts, as the United States is only on track to install 3 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity in Q2 2020.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    umela fotosynteza. i kdyz jeste daleko...

    Osaka researchers find formate dehydrogenase reduces CO2 directly to formic acid - Green Car Congress

    ...have shown that the catalyst formate dehydrogenase reduces carbon dioxide directly to formic acid. Their work, published in a paper in the RSC’s New Journal of Chemistry, points to a catalyst in developing and designing an artificial photosynthesis system that efficiently converts carbon dioxide into organic molecules.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tidal vodik

    HydroWing, Tocardo partner on production of hydrogen from tidal power - Green Car Congress

    Roughly 70 million tonnes of hydrogen are already produced annually representing a market worth more than US$121 billion. Hydrogen is utilized for a wide range of current industrial processes from ammonia, methanol and metals production and refinery of oil. Currently 98% of this demand is met by non-green sources resulting in around 830 million tonnes of CO2 a year—equivalent to the emissions of the UK and Indonesia combined.

    TEKKIT --- ---
    DRSH: já to nechápu
    DRSH --- ---
    Podzemní nádrž na dešťovou vodu vznikne pod sjezdovkou v Meziboří. Jde o první podobný projekt v Česku | Sever
    DRSH --- ---
    Klima. Co změní ekologické demonstrace? Podcast o zprávách, které se z posledních míst dostaly do centra našeho zájmu | Vltava
    TUHO --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---

    Amazonie mizí. Tempo jejího odlesňování se kvůli koronaviru urychlilo
    TADEAS --- ---
    Lékařům potlesk, miliardářům miliardy a dětem spálenou zemi – A2larm

    Současnou výzvu vědců napříč kontinentem, aby dotace zemědělcům byly navázány na stav půdy, vody a biodiverzity a zastavila se tak likvidace krajiny pro budoucí generace, zůstane u nás zcela jistě bez odezvy: „Na degradované půdě se nebude dát nic pěstovat, nejlepší ji bude zatravnit a ona se bude desítky až stovky let vzpamatovávat. Ale toho už se my nedožijeme,“ říká k budoucnosti, kterou pro nás prosazuje vláda Andreje Babiše, profesor Jakub Hruška z Ústavu výzkumu globální změny Akademie věd ČR. Naše děti by tady možná žít i chtěly, ale nebude jak.


    Česká krajina a politika dnes vypadá podobně, jako by ji řídil Stalin. Pomalu se blížíme oklikou ke stavu, kdy bude Česko tvořit jedno gigantické pole, energii bude dodávat jeden obří jaderný reaktor a vodu přehrada, která zatopí čtvrtinu země. Ve skutečnosti však budeme mít spíš reaktory, které se nikdy nedostaví, přehrady, které se nenaplní a krajinu, která bude mrtvá – stejně jako budoucnost této země řízené normalizačními inženýry.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    LINKOS: delala jsem rešerši jak se změní česka krajina, bez ohledu na to zda se bude mitigovat (climate lag) . je to ten minimalni scenar, kdy "prostě se jen oteplí" a nepridaji se další divné vlivy a souvislosti

    Česko v roce 2050 | Extinction Rebellion Česká republika
    PAD --- ---
    LINKOS: Asi nejlepsi, co jsem nasel: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg2/ . Dalsi by mel byt pristi rok. Ja procital hlavne Evropu tady: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WGIIAR5-PartB_FINAL.pdf a technical summary: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WGIIAR5-TS_FINAL.pdf , kde jsou trochu detailnejsi pokud jde o reportovani neurcitosti tech predpovedi (stale tam ale nenajdes vicemene "tvrda" cisla jako napr. konfidencni/credible intervaly, p-hodnoty atp).
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: tenhleten denialismus mě nepřestává fascinovat. Solární byznys roste čtvrtý desetiletí dvojcifernejma číslama ročně, každou pětiletku zdvojnásobí svý kapacity, ale ne, budeme se dohadovat, jestli se to opravdu stalo. To je zhruba tak dlouho, jako je věk průměrnýho nyxáka, ergo to není žádná šokující skrytá věc, ale fakt, kterej tě provází celej život.

    Je to jako pozorovat lidi, co tvrděj, že kompy byly nejrychlejší v době pentií v pětadevadesátým a od tý doby to jde jenom z kopce. Zajímalo by mě, co tím sledujete, nejsi první, u koho to vidím, to doufáte, že když budete dostatečně silně řvát, že to tak není, tak se statistiky přepíšou na horší čísla?
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    Sibiř zachvátily "zombie požáry" z loňska. Rusové očekávají katastroficky ohnivé léto

    KEB --- ---
    Tady něco pro Tadeáše

    Netrhá plevel a zalévá dešťovkou. Žena z Bosny ukazuje, jak pěstovat permakulturně


    Jestli bylo tak se smažu
    SHEFIK --- ---
    BP Smacks Exxon Upside Head With Green Hydrogen Scheme

    Why, it seems like only yesterday that ExxonMobil was forecasting a rosy scenario for fossil gas in the sparkling green economy of the future. Now along comes rival BP with a deep dive into green hydrogen. Renewable energy is already threatening gas in the power generation market, and if all goes according to plan renewable H2 will push gas out of the coveted industrial energy marketplace, too.
    LINKOS --- ---
    Existuje nějaké shrnutí co nás čeká pravděpodobně do roku 2030 a pak do roku 2050,kdyz nebudem mitigovat?
    PAD --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Vidis, to jsem nevedel, ze dostal Pulitzerovu cenu. Ale prave proto, jak dobre je ta esej napsana, jsem to sem hlavne daval. Cte se to jednim dechem. A to hlavni sdeleni se mnou taky rezonuje - "zkus se s tim smirit a delej to, co si myslis, ze i presto dava smysl".

    Nicmene vychazi z interpretaci, pro ktere aspon ja nenasel zadny definitivni dukaz, jak uz jsem tu parkrat psal. (Chapu, ze je to nevyhnutelna novinarska zkratka.) Nikde jsem napr. nenasel, ze by 2C otepleni _nevyhnutelne_ vedly k "armageddonu", jak pise. Je to vse zatizene obrovkou neurcitosti, kdo vi, co se vlastne stane. Treba jsou modely blbe , treba se lidi vzpamatuji, treba je vykosi nejaky virus, treba se budou ty ruzne nelinearni zvraty (tipping pointy) chovat jinak, nez si ted vedci mysli (coz by me neprekvapovalo, protoze jsou - nelinearni). Osobne tomu moc neverim, ale to je spis takovy pocit.
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate scientists use mathematical models to project the Earth’s future under a warming world, but a group of the latest models have included unexpectedly high values for a measure called “climate sensitivity”.
    Climate sensitivity refers to the relationship between changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and warming.
    The high values are an unwelcome surprise. If they’re right, it means a hotter future than previously expected – warming of up to 7℃ for Australia by 2100 if emissions continue to rise unabated.

    Just how hot will it get this century? Latest climate models suggest it could be worse than we thought
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