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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---

    Limits to Growth

    KPMG Director Gaya Herrington published research in the Yale Journal of Industrial Ecology comparing the World3 model created in the ‘70’s by MIT scientists with empirical data. What happens if humanity keeps pursuing economic growth without regard for environmental and social costs? In this day and age of data abundance, can we create an optimal scenario or are the impacts of the past few decades too late to change now? Read further to understand the if there is a window of opportunity and what we can do.

    TADEAS --- ---

    The WORLD6 Integrated System Dynamics Model: Examples of Results from Simulations. | Request PDF

    dl: https://portal.research.lu.se/...results-from-simulations(65f0981a-bcb8-4f99-a3d6-fab108ac3ff4).html

    The WORLD6 model is a fully integrated dynamic world systems model. It includes a biophysical global economic model, based on first principles of physics and thermodynamics, forcing it to be fully consistent with the underlying mass- and energy balances. The WORLD6 model first creates value from extraction of natural resources, input of human labour, the efficiency effect of mechanization and automation, the effect of innovation and their use in manufacturing of goods and services, and the secondly does monetization through market mechanisms and debt financing. The model includes 7 different capital stocks for: (1) industrial resource extraction, (2) industrial manufacture, (3) social service capital, (4) agricultural capital for land use and food production, (5) military capital, (6) speculative capital tied up in derivatives, real estate, consumer credits, (7) criminal or illegal capital. There are 3 different debt pools; (1) general, (2) speculative and (3) pensions. These are all linked through a number of feedbacks in the system to resource extraction, energy production, population dynamics, food production and phosphorus extraction, manufacture of consumer goods and services. The WORLD6 model connects to environmental pollution with feedbacks and inputs to human health and climate change inside the model. The model includes money flows, stocks as well as debt dynamics and how this is connected to the capital base and the governance. The WORLD6 model has earlier been extensively tested on natural resource extraction rates, resource ore grades, supply volumes and market price for resources with very good success. The WORLD6 model system was tested in its economic aspects against observed GDP for the period 1850 to 2015 and GDP per capita, commodity prices, extraction rates and resource supply rates with good success. These results were obtained from first principles only and without calibrating the model to any type of data time-series
    TADEAS --- ---

    We have built the new generation of model that can calculate how many materials we will need to make all products. The smartphone I’m holding now, the computer you’re behind, the door handles in your house, the cutlery in your kitchen. The current models calculate how many materials we’ll need to make all of this. And how much comes back and is recycled. We then see two things. There is an incredible amount of materials in circulation, and we have an increasing number of people achieving a high standard of living. A billion Chinese want the same door handles we have, ten per house. That involves billions of handles and huge quantities of material. We are now in a phase to meet that demand

    But not many of those door handles come back for reuse. We usually throw them away. This linear use is fast and wasteful. We burn through our things very quickly. This leads to an enormous accumulation, and means that we will peak for nearly all raw materials between 2030 and 2070.”


    “For some technical applications, the materials used are so specific that they cannot be replaced. It means that if you run out of platinum, you can no longer make a complete product such as a catalyst to convert electricity into hydrogen or hydrogen to electricity in a car afterwards. Or it means that when you can’t make a product with exotic materials anymore, it weighs 14 kilos instead of 140 grams, making production impossible. When your aircraft is broken and your flight is cancelled, that craft is not immediately replaceable by another: it has already been booked. The potential of substitution that economists would like to see as the rescue, is very limited. It can be applied to niche products, but not to bulk products and very large quantities.”


    The generations after 2100 will face serious material shortages. And if they can be extracted anywhere, we will find them in a less pure form than today’s stocks. This means that the extraction will cost more energy, in a world that may have less energy to use. Those energy costs are already increasing every year. The number of available sources in our geological stocks is also decreasing year by year. Iron extraction alone will take up 30 percent of the total energy demand on Earth by 2070. That is a lot! What are we going to do then? Are we saying goodbye to the Iron Age? Are we going back to ... what? We simply cannot let it come to that. We must change our ways.”


    But in Europe we don’t have a resources strategy? “The Germans are working on it. This is a total strategy. Where do we get our resources from? Who has these materials? How do we create efficient use within our own national system? How much service do we get from every kilo of raw material and how do we maintain this level?”


    Harry Lehmann at the German Environmental Protection Agency ... realised that an Energiewende also included a Resourcewende. To realise the turnaround, Germany needs all those critical materials to be able to build the right technology at the right time. But a Socialwende is also needed, in which our behaviour changes, our business, our society. It will not make our life unpleasant, but it will be a little bit different.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Here's a recent interview with Harald Sverdrup about his World7 modeling research, which extends by 4 generations the World3 modeling used by Meadows et al in LtG.


    Harald will be speaking on this research at the r3.0 Conference in Sept:

    r3.0 Conference 2020 | Redesign for Resilience & Regeneration for a green, inclusive and open economie

    Harald SVERDRUP | PhD | Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar | Department of Game Development


    TADEAS --- ---
    Regenerative Cultures

    Regenerative cultures are unique expressions of the potential inherent in the people and places of a given bioregion. They add value and health to the nested wholeness from local, to regional, to global, in the understanding that whether humanity thriving critically depends on healthy ecosystems and a life-supporting biosphere.

    In strengthening regenerative economic activities, we need to learn balance. Between efficiency and resilience; collaboration and competition; diversity and coherence; organizations of all sizes and needs.

    Regenerative economics is an economic system that works to regenerate capital assets: assets that provide goods and/or services that are required for – or contribute to – our wellbeing. We need to recognise the earth as the original capital asset. Without trying to reduce the intrinsic value of life to only utilitarian value to humanity, nor trying to make living capital convertible to financial capital, which would enable the most dangerous form of enclosure to the remaining ecological commons!

    Regenerative leadership is a process of personal development that aligns one’s own way of being and actions with the wider pattern of life’s evolutionary journey within the communities, ecosystems, biosphere and Universe we participate in.

    We need to search for new ways to restore ecosystems, celebrate cultural diversity, initiate a worldview change, and facilitate the transition towards diverse cultures that regenerate not just vital resources and community resilience, but contribute to the health and vitality of nature’s life support systems. Such cultures will assure the future of life as a whole and not merely sustain a humanity divorced from its roots and alienated from the ground of its own being.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jakub Hruska

    Planetární emise CO2 "klesly" během koronavirové krize zhruba na úroveň roku 2006. To je tedy dost frustrující poznatek, protože to mediálně vypadalo, že se celý svět úplně zastavil. Letadla nelétala (ale bacha, soukromá letecká doprava klesla oproti té komerční, co s ní létáme my smrtelníci, mnohem méně), auta nejezdila, výroba nevyráběla. Ale evidentně to byl jen klam. Protože rok 2006 byl "před chvílí". A hlavně to brzy zase všechno na cestě k zářným konzumním zítřkům zase doženeme.
    Mě z toho bohužel vyplývá, že snižování planetárních emisí CO2 je mnohem těžší úkol, než jsem si dosud myslel. A elektromobilama to tedy nespravíme, to je jistý. I Pařížská dohoda je cár papíru, to je bohužel už taky jistý. Jsem z toho trochu malomyslnej, a vyplývá mi z toho, že se musíme mnohem víc soustředit na adaptaci - protože např. přizpůsobení krajiny suchu (a přívalovým srážkám) je zcela v našich domácích rukou, zatímco radikální omezení emisí skleníkových plynů je celoplanetární písemka, ze které zatím máme čistou pětku.

    TADEAS --- ---

    Due to COVID-19, there is a real chance that 2019 will be the year in which global CO2 emissions peaked.

    If trends in GDP growth and decarbonization had continued emissions would have peaked around 2024. Now there is a real chance they won't ever return to 2019 levels. 1/3 https://t.co/jPbGTOgQFU
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Bumblebees speed up flowering by piercing plants

    Seth Itzkan:
    This story about bees and flowers reminded me about cows and soil. Where bees speedup flowering with leaf piercing, cows stimulate photosynthesis, carbon capture and root exudation by grazing. Nature, it turns out, wants to be foraged. Appetite is a good thing. The “diets” we want to discuss here, are those sculpted in the image of the great Mademoiselle herself. That’ll keep us cool and her happy.

    TADEAS --- ---

    Have Merkel & Macron just announced a eurobond-funded godsend for the EU? - DiEM25

    “Even if this latest Merkel-Macron proposal meets the light of day, gets approved, and proceeds exactly as announced (…) it is not a Eurobond. It does not constitute a transfer of debt from member states to the European Union — thus it will not reduce the pressure on Italy on Spain on Greece on France, indeed on Germany, to lessen the austerity wave that’s going to hit our economies next year.”

    “It will not end up with small business. It will not end up with those who truly need support in order to survive this huge new recession and the repercussions of the great austerity drive that the European Union’s fiscal stance is going to bring to us next year and the years to come.”

    “The European Union will continue to disintegrate as long as these decisions continue to be taken behind closed doors, in castles, in rooms with adults that are not particularly good at even looking after their own interests.”

    Why the Merkel-Macron 'Eurobond' announcement isn't what it seems: our view | DiEM25
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Německý klimatolog: Svět nedělá dost, emise dál rostou. Oceány budou tak kyselé, že rozpustí mušle | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    DZODZO --- ---
    NESCIUS: kolko bezobalovych obchodov si navstivil? ja uz asi 5 a v ziadnom som toto nevidel, vacsinou to vozia v obale, ktory uz pouzili, ryzu som teda priamo nevidel, ale bandasky s samponmi a tekutym mydlom jo
    NESCIUS --- ---
    LINKOS: já tady vidim velký smradlavý hovno ze strany prodavačů: mám zkušenost že obchody bez-obalů jsou - rejže došla, prodejčí přišel s malým, 2kg balením rejže, přesypal, vyhodil obal a prodával dál.. zase bez obalů.. všechno v pořádku...
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: nepleteš si zase pojmy? Recyklace, třídění, downcyklace. Ono, je totiž fakt rozdíl, když vytřídís x procent odpadu vs. když jsi schopen schopen jej využít opakovaně.

    Je ohromný rozdíl, když musíš něco roztavit aby si z toho zas něco vyrobil, oproti tomu, že to vypláchneš a použiješ znovu. Potřebujem zacyklovat aby se to samé používalo znovu, ideálně na krátkou vzdálenost, ne jednorázově a pak to vyhodit.
    V tomhle bude hrát velký význam třeba nákup rýže, luštěnin apod. ze zásobníku do svých opakovaně používaných obalů, tady vidím ještě velkou mezeru u spotřebitelů
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ivan Bartoš: Evropská Zelená dohoda je šance změnit se z montovny na mozkovnu

    Ivan Bartoš: „Z klimatu potřebujeme udělat téma, které se bude řešit ve všech resortech. I třeba na ministerstvu práce a sociálních věcí, ministerstvu pro místní rozvoj, aby se peníze pro transformaci uhelných regionů nepoužívaly na bourání baráků ve vyloučených lokalitách.“
    SHEFIK --- ---
    EGEB: Companies worth $2 trillion call for global green recovery - Electrek

    dalsich 150 korporatu chce po statech nastavit green smer
    dansko chce na umelych ostrovech pridat 4gw offshore vetru
    TADEAS --- ---
    Platinum-free catalysts could make cheaper hydrogen fuel cells

    Commercially available hydrogen fuel cells rely on the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), which splits oxygen molecules into oxygen ions and combines them with protons to form water. The reaction is part of the overall fuel cell process that converts hydrogen and oxygen in air into water and electricity. The ORR is a relatively slow reaction, limiting fuel cell efficiency and requiring a large amount of platinum catalyst.

    "Currently, the oxygen reduction reaction is facilitated by platinum alloy catalysts, which are the most expensive component of the fuel cell electrodes," said Deborah Myers, a senior chemist and the leader of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Materials group in Argonne's Chemical Sciences and Engineering (CSE) division. "Widespread, sustainable commercialization of fuel cell electric vehicles requires either a dramatic reduction in the amount of platinum required or the replacement of platinum catalysts with those made of earth-abundant, inexpensive materials like iron."

    The most promising platinum-free catalyst for use in the ORR is based on iron, nitrogen and carbon
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe Set To Unveil Its $500 Billion 'Green Deal' | OilPrice.com

    On May 27, the European Commission will unveil details on its “Green Deal” strategy, which will offer a green economic recovery package while at the same time put some meat on the bones of the EU’s aim to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

    Specifically, the plan will propose a “recovery instrument” worth a half-a-trillion euros, according to Bloomberg, which obtained a copy of the draft document. Of that, between 60 and 80 billion euros would be aimed at boosting EV sales and building out EV recharging networks. EVs would be exempted from the VAT. Another 91 billion euros would go to retrofitting existing buildings. 10 billion euros would go to renewable energy projects. Around 30 billion euros would be funneled into technologies to cut emissions in sectors where it has been exceptionally difficult to do so, such as steel and cement.

    “These sums would dwarf any green stimulus announcements to date and signal that the EU really wants to align its economic recovery strategy with the Green Deal,” said Victoria Cuming, head of global policy at BloombergNEF.


    The new spending measures come as Germany and France have separately reached an agreement on a version of a fiscal union, or at least, the first steps towards building such an outcome. That is, in an effort to hold the EU together, Germany and France have proposed a 500-billion-euro fund that will provide fiscal stimulus to struggling economies on the continent, such as Italy and Spain, both hit hard by the pandemic. The funds would be raised across the Union, but would disproportionately benefit the countries that need it most.


    During past crises, the EU’s response has often been “more Europe,” not less. But Brexit slammed the brakes on the notion of deepening the European project. And the coronavirus has deeply divided the continent, with resentment building in southern Europe, where the economic and public health toll has been most concentrated. The worst recession in nearly a century, and all the political fallout that entails, could yet tear the EU apart.

    But that’s exactly why Germany may be coming around to the idea of a more redistributive arrangement. It remains to be seen if a few holdouts (Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands, for instance) scuttle the proposal.

    It is against this chaotic backdrop that the European Commission will propose its green recovery package. Europe is suffering through health crisis, an economic crisis and a political crisis. A Green Deal by no means is a silver bullet, but it does promise progress on multiple fronts
    DZODZO --- ---
    LINKOS: tak tak, lepsia nez recyklace je precyklace, minimalne teda menej energeticky narocna
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: ja nevim kde na to shinigami chodi, podle mych informaci je v cz situace takova, ze s plastama z kontejneru kseftuje par firem, ktery na tom maj solidni byznys a nechtej k tomu pustit dalsi, napr. ve forme zalohovanejch petek. mam za to, ze vetsina plaatu se nasledne energeticky vyuzije, tj. spali.
    KEB --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: jestli se chtějí firmy dostat k levnýmu PET recyklatu, proč je takový problém zavést vratné/zálohované obaly?

    Odpovím si sám. Protože se nechtějí dostat k ničemu jejich snaha je přenést odpovědnost za obal na spotřebitele. Oproti tomu typicky lahvac si musí nechat přivést což je náklad navíc. Petku vyrobí prodají a dál se o ní nestarají pět recyklat kupují protože je k dispozici a ještě se můžou chlubit jak jsou eko.
    SHINIGAMI: point jsi nepochopil. Mluvím o tom, když vyrábíš bordel, taky si ho ukliď. Anebo se věnuj jinýmu byznysu, třeba vzdělávání. Celej byznys se sladkýma, povzbuzujícíma a alkoholickýma nápojema je založenej na závislosti jejich uživatelů, tak je ten byznys model postavený. Ať za ten hnůj ty firmy převezmou odpovědnost.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: v recyklaci plastu jsme na tom HODNE dobre, coz sama vis, i bez takovyhle udelaku. Cely je to o tom, ze vyrobci lahvi by se radi dostali k levnymu recyklatu z automatu, tak se to snazi tlacit. Pokud se jim to povede, vysledek bude bud zmizeni zlutych kontejneru, neb se to stavajicim zpracovatelum nevyplati, nebo vetsi platby za odpad, coz lidi k nejaky vetsi recyklaci fakt nebude motivovat. Dokonce si dovolim tipnout, ze se jich na to rada cilene vykasle, prestoze ted recykluji.

    Btw. podivej se treba na energetickou narocnost recyklace skla. Ono takovy to nahradime plastovy lahve sklenenyma a svet bude krasnej taky neni uplne onco.

    KEB: my na to tady snad kaslem?

    LINKOS: viz vyse.
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