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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Striking to compare the timing differences in the start of the summer melt season in the Kara Sea - for instance, look at 2020 (red line) relative to the 1980s (purple lines) https://t.co/9XkWTLONZQ

    TADEAS --- ---

    It Hit 80 Degrees in the Arctic This Week

    On land, it means wildfires continue to spread. Pierre Markuse, a satellite monitoring expert, has kept an eye on the series of increasingly odd fires above the Arctic Circle, a place known more for ice than fire. Most of the blazes he’s documented are in the eastern portion of Siberia, which also dealt with its fair share of heat all year in addition to low snowpack. Seeing fires burn next to braided rivers and large patches of unmelted snow is truly a mood for our current era of climate destabilization.


    After a slow decline in the first part of May, warm air has fueled a stark decline in sea ice. As of earlier this week, ice extent was the lowest level that’s ever been record in May. It stands as a stark outlier, especially when looking at how ice behaved in the 1980s. I’m old enough to remember when the ice in the Kara Sea used to decline in July.

    Numerous other seas that ring the Arctic have also been losing ice. And while they’re not at record-setting levels like the Kara Sea, the Bering and Barents Seas are both at some of their lowest levels on record for this time of year.


    the globe, and what’s happening there is unprecedented. But how many ways can you talk about the fact that the Arctic is just extremely, massively fucked by climate change when the impacts are relentless? After a while, the degrees above normal start to feel normal, and the records are ephemeral, set to broken again the next year.

    But here we are with just another absolutely outlandish occurrence. I’ll keep writing about them, because even if the records start to blend together, that in itself is a sign we really need to get our shit together and cut emissions now.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Opinion: Software to Swallow - Impossible Foods Should Be Called Impossible Patents - Seth Itzkan

    Intellectual Property Model of food maintains harmful reliance on GMO GRAINS, Detracts from Regenerative Agriculture, Hastens soil loss

    Impossible Foods should really be called Impossible Patents. It’s not food; it’s software, intellectual property - 14 patents, in fact, in each bite of Impossible Burger with over 100 additional patents pending for animal proxies from chicken to fish. It’s iFood, the next killer app. Just download your flavor. This is likely the appeal for Bill Gates, their über investor. It’s a food operating system (FOS), a predecessor, perhaps, to a merger with Microsoft. MS-FOOD. The business model is already etched in Silicon Valley - license core technology (protein synthesis) while seeking vertical integration of supply chains, which, in this case, is not from coders to users, but from genetic engineers to protein seekers.

    Will Impossible Foods stand against healthy soils legislation? That will reveal what their appetite is for.
    In this software-as-food scenario, there is no place for nature. Manufacturing of Impossible Burger starts with glyphosate-sprayed soy grown on what was once healthy prairie. It is then infused with heme molecules produced by patented yeast in high-tech labs for the blood-like upgrade. Finally, it ends its journey as a plastic-wrapped puck that some are brave enough to ingest. Just fry with canola oil and the illusion of a meal is complete. As Pat Brown, Impossible Foods founder and CEO openly states, animals are just a “technology” that consumers simply had to “live with.”

    “animals have just been the technology we have used up until now to produce meat... What consumers value about meat has nothing to do with how it’s made. They just live with the fact that it’s made from animals.” - Pat Brown, Impossible Foods CEO

    The pretense that this wealth-concentrating march of the software industry into the food sector is in any way good for people or the environment is predicated on a comparison with only the worst aspects of animal agriculture. it ignores, entirely, the rapidly growing regenerative movement that is offering so much hope for the planet at this key time, healing landscapes, replenishing aquifers, and mitigating fires. Thus, because of its reliance on grains, tillage, pesticides and fertilizers, fake meat of scale exacerbates depletion of grasslands while undermining a more legitimate solution. As soon as there is a price on soil carbon, however, this misdirection becomes evident. Will Impossible Foods stand against healthy soils legislation? That will reveal what their appetite is for.


    Patents Assigned to Impossible Foods Inc.
    Patrick O. Brown
    Interview with David Lee, Impossible Foods
    Impossible Foods Closes a $75 Million Investment After Achieving Key Milestones
    Not Impossible Valuations: Impossible Foods Has All the Buzz (And Market Cap)
    6 Reasons Impossible Burger's CEO Is Wrong About GMO Soy
    TADEAS --- ---

    V týchto dňoch ťažko nájsť dôležitejšiu informáciu ako to, že dnes prekročila teplota hodnotu 30 °C za polárnym kruhom. To nie je dobrá správa pre nikoho...

    KEB --- ---
    SHEFIK: to je známá věc, proto bych počkal s baterkou do baráku ještě pár let a pak budou za babku :-)
    TUHO --- ---
    S tematem klubu to moc nesouvisi, ale vzhledem k tomu, jakej ma Bolsonaro vliv na osud destnych pralesu, tak to sem stejne davam...

    Brazilský prezident blábolil déle než hodinu v autentickém Mussoliniho stylu o tom, jak vynikajíci on sám je a jak všichni členové jeho vlády musejí striktně plnit jeho příkazy. Bolsonaro si přeje, aby všichni ministři jeho vldy tvrdili, že COVID-19 je výmyslem tisku (anebo že je to skutečný virus, který vyrobila Čína, aby světu vnutila komunistický režim, podle toho, v které části té videonahrávky to je). Všichni ministři musejí veřejně bojovat za ukončení karantény.
    Bolsonaro tam také říká, že chce "vyzbrojit obyvatelstvo", aby začalo se zbraní v ruce bojovat proti primátorům a guvernérům, aby je postřílelo a aby nerespektovalo předpisy sociálního distancování, včetně užívání roušek. Řekl také, že vyzbrojené obyvatelstvo může se zbraní v ruce bojovat proti policii, která se mu bude snažit bránit, aby nechodilo na pláž anebo do supermarketu bez roušky. Nedávno jeden Bolsonarův stoupenec zabil v obchodě s potravinami pokladní, protože požádala, aby si nasadil roušku.
    V jednu chvíli vyzval ministr školství Abraham Weintraub Bolsonara, aby nasedl do tanku a provedl invazi do Nejvyššího soudu, "dal ty vandráky do vězení" a zlikvidoval parlament.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    v indii slapou na plyn

    India’s Solar Park Scheme Offers $700 Billion Opportunity For Investors | CleanTechnica
    SHEFIK --- ---
    v cestine si to precte vic lidi

    Studie MIT: použité akumulátory z EV vhodným úložištěm pro solární farmy | Svět hardware
    TADEAS --- ---

    The climate crisis looms as the Coalition fiddles with fossil fuels | Climate change | The Guardian

    The linear trend of temperatures over the past 60 years suggests we will hit 2C above pre-industrial levels in 50 years; the trend of the past 20 years has it happening in around 30 years, but the trend of the past decade would see us hit that level in 2038 –just 18 years’ time.

    In 2018, the IPCC warned we had little time to keep temperatures below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. If the trend of the past decade continues, we’ll hit that temperature in 2025.


    a study published this week in Nature Climate Change estimates the annual global drop in emissions due to virus shutdowns will be “comparable to the rates of decrease needed year-on-year over the next decades to limit climate change to a 1.5°C warming”.

    That it took forcing people to stop their lives to achieve such cuts highlights just how big the job ahead of us is and how it cannot be done through individual action alone.

    Cutting emissions without crippling the economy requires not everyone self-isolating, but changing industries and the very foundations of our economy.


    manufacturing taskforce, headed by Dow Chemical executive and Saudi Aramco board member Andrew Liveris, is recommending to the National Covid-19 Coordination Commission (itself headed by the current deputy chairman of Strike Energy, Neville Power) that “the Morrison government make sweeping changes to ‘create the market’ for gas and build fossil fuel infrastructure that would operate for decades”.

    It comes off the back of Angus Taylor suggesting it is not government policy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, and the government giving in-principle support to recommendations made by a panel headed by a former CEO of Origin Energy, Grant King, to allow the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation fund projects involving carbon capture and storage.

    Taylor also this week released a discussion paper for a “framework to accelerate low emissions technologies”. While suggesting renewables are vital, it essentially pushes for the same energy mixes that were being advocated a decade ago – more gas, the discredited carbon capture, as well as nuclear power.
    TADEAS --- ---
    LINKOS: nemlat prazdnou slamu
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: ty si myslíš, že jádro zálohu nepotřebuje? A co voda?
    A jak si na tom s tou globální změnou?
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    LINKOS: KEB se ptal, kte se vzaly TWh, tak vysvetluju, kde se vzaly TWh. To tvy mlzeni kolem s tim moc nesouvisi. Nepocitaje to, ze srovnavat zalohovani jadra a oze je takovy drobny faulik, ale tak to vime oba;).
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: Jako pokud je naším cílem opustit fosilní paliva tak něčím dneska záložní uhlí budem muset nahradit. Ať zalohujes jádro nebo oze, tak jako tak něčím to potřebuješ zálohovat.
    Jestli to bude spousta akumulátorů po barakach a firmách, nějaká centralizovaná výroba syntetického metanu, nebo vodíku, se bude teprve rozhodovat.

    Klimatickou změnu jako takovou uznáváš?
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    LINKOS: cimz se dohrabeme k potrebam tech TWh ulozist, at uz velkych centralnich nebo rozdrobenych na miliony pidi po domacnostech;)
    NOIK --- ---
    Český projekt na záchranu vody v krajině je mezi finalisty „vodní Nobelovy ceny“ | Radio Wave
    LINKOS --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: když nesvítí a nefouka pojedeme zatím tak jako dnes. S tím, že když svítí nebo fouká tak budem snižovat spotřebu uhlí, postupně budem zavádět zálohy a uhlí zrušíme úplně. Jádro doslouží a buď se část výkonu postaví znovu a budem to garantovat netržně a dopadne to jako u tvého oblíbeného solárního tunelu, nebo jej nikdo nepostaví, protože to je hodně nejistá investice.
    Tak jako tak, rozvoj oze nás nesmí minout, protože nic moc jiného nemáme na výběr.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    KEB: to se kdysa probiralo vedle v solarnich technologiich, jde v podstate o to, co delat kdyz zrovna nefouka a nesviti, uhli jsme se zbavili a jadro jsme moudre odstavili, protoze je fuj. Denni spotreba elektriny CR je v prumeru 200GWh, a pak priskakuji veci jako rozdil leto/zima, zelene spekulace o tom kolik se z toho da usetrit, nezelene o tom, ze kdyz chcem ty auta na baterky, tak sezerou dnesni ekvivalent benzinu, coz je taky slusny mnozstvi energie. Pak to pronasobis poctem dni, na kolik chces byt chraneny prev vypadkem a jsi na TWh jedna dve.
    KEB --- ---
    XCHAOS: proč terawattove? Zkus mi to vysvětlit jednoduše a pro blbce.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    LINKOS: ano, ale to, že díky krizi např. ropa zlevní neznamená, že se jí v autech spálí méně... znamená to jen to, že Západ za tu ropu Saúdúm pošle míň stíhaček a bomb. To ale opět neznamená, že je nevyrobí... akorát je nechá někde odstavené vyrobené na sklad...
    LINKOS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: ehm, sleduješ aspoň trochu zprávy ze světa? Ono i státy kde to neřeší jsou mnohde docela v háji
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam