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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: +

    Mnozí lidé se kvůli obavám z postupující změny klimatu snaží měnit své zvyky, omezit emise z dopravy i v dalších oblastech. Nejvíc emisí přitom ale pochází z energetiky a velkých společností. Co by podle vás běžní lidé měli dělat, aby co nejúčinněji přispěli ke snížení emisí skleníkových plynů?
    Každý samozřejmě může provést změny ve svém vlastním životě. Pokud mají tu možnost, můžou si na střechu nainstalovat solární panely. To jsem udělal i já. Moje rodina také nemá auto. Na dovolenou necestujeme letadlem a tak dále. Ale nakonec tou nejdůležitější věcí je se veřejně angažovat v hledání politického řešení této krize. Teď všichni sedíme doma, skoro nikdo necestuje letadlem a očekáváme snížení emisí zhruba o 8 procent. Toto není cesta kupředu. Musíme najít politické řešení a přestavět naši energetickou síť. Tenhle problém nemůžeme vyřešit jako jednotlivci. Nejdůležitější je o tom mluvit, zúčastnit se protestů a ve volbách volit tak, abychom se pohnuli kupředu ke klimatickým řešením.
    TUHO --- ---
    XCHAOS: Tohle je super odpoved :)

    Zajímalo by mě, co byste řekl člověku, který by namítl, že klima se mění už miliony let a není jisté, jak velkou mírou se na aktuálních změnách podílejí skleníkové plyny vypuštěné lidmi?
    Za prvé bych se takového člověka zeptal, jak ví, že se klima vždycky měnilo? Dozvěděl se to od nás paleoklimatologů, protože my tyto jevy studujeme. Já jsem tomu zasvětil celou svou vědeckou kariéru a můžu vám říct, že paleoklimatologové patří k těm, které globální oteplování způsobené člověkem nejvíce znepokojuje. Byl jsem jedním z vedoucích autorů paleoklimatické kapitoly ve čtvrté zprávě IPCC a vedli jsme ustavičné diskuse s tvůrci klimatických modelů, kteří se zabývali novodobou změnou klimatu, protože jsme byli daleko znepokojenější než oni. My totiž víme, jak je zemské klima ve skutečnosti nestabilní.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    na trh je kratkej i kdejakej ropnej kovboj v cele statu. dobra zprava taky je, ze cina je na druhym miste, to dava trochu nadeje

    my nejsme ani v top 40 .) dokonce i kenya je na tom lip...

    CleanTechnica | Clean Tech News & Views: Solar Energy News. Wind Energy News. EV News. & More.

    I know — this will blow the mind of many people who follow US politics closely. But that’s just a reminder that political chaos isn’t everything.

    The United States has apparently regained #1 in EY’s Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI), a biannual report that has been put out since 2033.
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    TADEAS: není to někde online na sdílení? nedohledala jsem, dík
    TADEAS --- ---
    Severe Drought in the Czech Republic Visible From Space

    This map shows the average soil moisture conditions from April 10 to May 10, 2020. The map uses data from ESA’s SMOS satellite, the EU’s Copernicus Sentinel missions, along with data from NASA and the Japanese space agency
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: otazka je ci si vedia sami ten grafen produkovat alebo sa spoliehaju na dodavky zo sirokej plejady grafenovych firiem https://www.graphene-info.com/companies-list/graphene-producers
    KEB --- ---
    Srovnávací studie z Leedsu vybírá nejefektivnější přístupy, jak snížit emise jednotlivce a domácností - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    snad to neni kachna, jinak tu mame bateriovou revoluci

    Investors bet $27.5 million that Nanotech Energy’s graphene battery breakthrough is the real thing – pv magazine International
    SHEFIK --- ---
    novy podklady k eroi

    US Wind Power Plants Show Little Decline With Age | CleanTechnica
    TADEAS --- ---
    We are at or very close to the annual maximum in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂)
    ---> Now around 417 ppm

    + Graphic: https://t.co/wEpKpG10d5
    + Data: https://t.co/gd1zBlmYkB https://t.co/wWfprXYWcD

    TADEAS --- ---
    The Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI) by @NOAA has been updated for 2019. More information on methodology: https://t.co/cfkw9w1VRw

    It is now up to a 45% increase in the influence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since 1990 (AGGI = 1.451; heat trapping) https://t.co/2cJ73FSh4U

    TADEAS --- ---

    #Arctic sea ice extent is statistically tied for the 2nd lowest on record for the date (JAXA data).

    • about 390,000 km² less the 2010s mean
    • about 890,000 km² less the 2000s mean
    • about 1,330,000 km² less the 1990s mean
    • about 1,770,000 km² less the 1980s mean https://t.co/gkm2ridfrR
    TADEAS --- ---
    zombie fires

    Parts of Siberia are hotter than Washington, with temperatures nearly 40 degrees above average

    Russian officials have stated they expect the summer will potentially be the hottest the region has seen, with an unusually destructive fire season. Fires in the vast forests of Siberia burned 7 million acres last year, an area larger than the state of Maryland, and sent smoke drifting around the world.

    This year, 1.5 million acres have burned. Mark Parrington, a senior scientist at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in Reading, England, said via email that fire-related emissions around the Arctic Circle and Siberia’s Sakha Republic have not exceeded average data from 2003 through 2019.

    However, Labe said there have been trends of fires showing up shortly after snow cover melts, which is a topic of discussion in the fire science community. Some scientists are noting how quickly the hot spots are showing up on satellite imagery and questioning whether these are actually “zombie fires” from last summer that survived the winter by burning in layers of vegetation under the snow.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate velocity reveals increasing exposure of deep-ocean biodiversity to future warming

    We find that contemporary (1955–2005) climate velocities are faster in the deep ocean than at the surface. Moreover, projected climate velocities in the future (2050–2100) are faster for all depth layers, except at the surface, under the most aggressive GHG mitigation pathway considered (representative concentration pathway, RCP 2.6). This suggests that while mitigation could limit climate change threats for surface biodiversity, deep-ocean biodiversity faces an unavoidable escalation in climate velocities, most prominently in the mesopelagic (200–1,000 m). To optimize opportunities for climate adaptation among deep-ocean communities, future open-ocean protected areas must be designed to retain species moving at different speeds at different depths under climate change while managing non-climate threats, such as fishing and mining.
    TADEAS --- ---
    development forever

    It’s an order from the Kremlin: shipping on Northern Sea Route to reach 80 million tons by 2024 | The Independent Barents Observer

    The Northern Sea Route will be the key to the development of the Russian Arctic and the regions of the Far East. By 2025, its traffic will increase tenfold, to 80 million tons,» Putin underlined.

    The president’s ambitions for the NSR significantly exceeds estimates previously presented by the country’s Ministry of Natural Resources. A memo from the ministry says that shipping volumes could increase to 67 million tons by 2025 and to 72 million tons in 2030. Half of it will be LNG, and much of it will be shipped eastwards through the ice-covered waters of the Russian east Arctic

    Only about five months after it opened, the Yamal LNG announced that volumes shipped out through the ice-covered waters had exceeded two million tons of liquified natural gas.

    Another substantial part of the goods increase on the NSR will be coal. According to company VostokCoal, as much as 30 million tons of high-quality coal is to be extracted annually by 2025 from the Taybass basin in Taymyr Peninsula. Already in 2019, production will amount to ten million tons, the company has said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Striking to compare the timing differences in the start of the summer melt season in the Kara Sea - for instance, look at 2020 (red line) relative to the 1980s (purple lines) https://t.co/9XkWTLONZQ

    TADEAS --- ---

    It Hit 80 Degrees in the Arctic This Week

    On land, it means wildfires continue to spread. Pierre Markuse, a satellite monitoring expert, has kept an eye on the series of increasingly odd fires above the Arctic Circle, a place known more for ice than fire. Most of the blazes he’s documented are in the eastern portion of Siberia, which also dealt with its fair share of heat all year in addition to low snowpack. Seeing fires burn next to braided rivers and large patches of unmelted snow is truly a mood for our current era of climate destabilization.


    After a slow decline in the first part of May, warm air has fueled a stark decline in sea ice. As of earlier this week, ice extent was the lowest level that’s ever been record in May. It stands as a stark outlier, especially when looking at how ice behaved in the 1980s. I’m old enough to remember when the ice in the Kara Sea used to decline in July.

    Numerous other seas that ring the Arctic have also been losing ice. And while they’re not at record-setting levels like the Kara Sea, the Bering and Barents Seas are both at some of their lowest levels on record for this time of year.


    the globe, and what’s happening there is unprecedented. But how many ways can you talk about the fact that the Arctic is just extremely, massively fucked by climate change when the impacts are relentless? After a while, the degrees above normal start to feel normal, and the records are ephemeral, set to broken again the next year.

    But here we are with just another absolutely outlandish occurrence. I’ll keep writing about them, because even if the records start to blend together, that in itself is a sign we really need to get our shit together and cut emissions now.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Opinion: Software to Swallow - Impossible Foods Should Be Called Impossible Patents - Seth Itzkan

    Intellectual Property Model of food maintains harmful reliance on GMO GRAINS, Detracts from Regenerative Agriculture, Hastens soil loss

    Impossible Foods should really be called Impossible Patents. It’s not food; it’s software, intellectual property - 14 patents, in fact, in each bite of Impossible Burger with over 100 additional patents pending for animal proxies from chicken to fish. It’s iFood, the next killer app. Just download your flavor. This is likely the appeal for Bill Gates, their über investor. It’s a food operating system (FOS), a predecessor, perhaps, to a merger with Microsoft. MS-FOOD. The business model is already etched in Silicon Valley - license core technology (protein synthesis) while seeking vertical integration of supply chains, which, in this case, is not from coders to users, but from genetic engineers to protein seekers.

    Will Impossible Foods stand against healthy soils legislation? That will reveal what their appetite is for.
    In this software-as-food scenario, there is no place for nature. Manufacturing of Impossible Burger starts with glyphosate-sprayed soy grown on what was once healthy prairie. It is then infused with heme molecules produced by patented yeast in high-tech labs for the blood-like upgrade. Finally, it ends its journey as a plastic-wrapped puck that some are brave enough to ingest. Just fry with canola oil and the illusion of a meal is complete. As Pat Brown, Impossible Foods founder and CEO openly states, animals are just a “technology” that consumers simply had to “live with.”

    “animals have just been the technology we have used up until now to produce meat... What consumers value about meat has nothing to do with how it’s made. They just live with the fact that it’s made from animals.” - Pat Brown, Impossible Foods CEO

    The pretense that this wealth-concentrating march of the software industry into the food sector is in any way good for people or the environment is predicated on a comparison with only the worst aspects of animal agriculture. it ignores, entirely, the rapidly growing regenerative movement that is offering so much hope for the planet at this key time, healing landscapes, replenishing aquifers, and mitigating fires. Thus, because of its reliance on grains, tillage, pesticides and fertilizers, fake meat of scale exacerbates depletion of grasslands while undermining a more legitimate solution. As soon as there is a price on soil carbon, however, this misdirection becomes evident. Will Impossible Foods stand against healthy soils legislation? That will reveal what their appetite is for.


    Patents Assigned to Impossible Foods Inc.
    Patrick O. Brown
    Interview with David Lee, Impossible Foods
    Impossible Foods Closes a $75 Million Investment After Achieving Key Milestones
    Not Impossible Valuations: Impossible Foods Has All the Buzz (And Market Cap)
    6 Reasons Impossible Burger's CEO Is Wrong About GMO Soy
    TADEAS --- ---

    V týchto dňoch ťažko nájsť dôležitejšiu informáciu ako to, že dnes prekročila teplota hodnotu 30 °C za polárnym kruhom. To nie je dobrá správa pre nikoho...

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