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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---

    The current heatwave over Siberia is associated to a big warm dome at 500hPa disallowing any intrusion of Arctic cold air in this area. This blocking event, in part maintained by the warm anomaly in surface, is forecasted (by GFS) to not move in the next days... https://t.co/NyAWGCKhce

    TADEAS --- ---

    Wildfire near Yugorsk, Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia. June 10, 2020.
    @Pierre_Markuse https://t.co/JzhAknMsPA
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: mi jdou slzy do oci, smi se to?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    As we plot our political, design, and cultural interventions in response to climate crisis and global pandemics, we should always ask: For what Earth do we design? Tomorrow we’ll talk on this with Lukáš Likavčan — a researcher and theorist, writing on philosophy of technology, political ecology and visual cultures. He teaches at Center for Audiovisual Studies FAMU in Prague, and at The Terraforming programme at Strelka Institute for Media Architecture and Design in Moscow.

    Follow the link:
    Introduction to Comparative Planetology. Lecture by Lukáš Likavčan
    MATT --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Vznikla "stinova uhelna komise"

    Česká vláda se v roce 2019 konečně odhodlala k ustavení tzv. „uhelné komise“, která má určit harmonogram konce uhelné energetiky v Česku.
    Místo slíbené komise složené především z odborníků z různých oborů, vznikla ale komise tvořená hlavně politiky a zástupci různých silných zájmových skupin. Většina z nich není rychlému konci uhlí nakloněna. Někteří členové mají dokonce osobní finanční zájem na co nejdelším udržení uhelného průmyslu.
    První měsíce (ne)fungování uhelné komise pak potvrdily obavy z její nedostatečnosti.
    V reakci na to se zformovala stínová uhelná komise složená z nezávislých odbornic a odborníků a lidí zasažených dopady těžby uhlí a změny klimatu.
    Naším cílem je vyrovnávat nevyváženost vládního orgánu a být jí oporou v tom, v čem selhává:
    Budeme platformou pro opomíjená témata a pohledy.
    Budeme vytvářet otevřený prostor pro diskuzi o transformaci nutné ke zvládnutí krize.
    Budeme komentovat průběžné výstupy vládní komise i její finální doporučení.
    Zapojte se i vy do diskuze o budoucnosti české energetiky, krajiny a společnosti!
    Více v manifestu stínové uhelné komise.

    Stínová uhelná komise
    TUHO --- ---
    Alexander Ač
    Niekomu bolo 38 °C za polárnym kruhom málo. Čo tak 45 °C?

    TUHO --- ---
    Europe does not need new gas infrastructure to safeguard security of supply, according to a new study by industry consultants Artelys, which warns that there is a risk of €29 billion being wasted on 32 mostly “unnecessary” gas projects.
    The European Parliament’s industry committee will vote on Wednesday (22 January) to reject or approve a proposed list of energy projects eligible to receive EU funding.

    Billions to be wasted on ‘unnecessary’ gas projects, study says – EURACTIV.com
    TUHO --- ---
    V zari vyjde cesky preklad "Neobyvatelne Zeme" od Davida Wallace-Wellse

    Neobyvatelná Země - Život po oteplení – Nakladatelství Host

    DZODZO --- ---
    PAD: mne eon vcera poslal liebesbrief kde mi oznamuje ze od 1.8.2020 mi zvysuju cenu cca o 10%, takze ono to zacne zachvilu davat zmysel aj grid-tie
    JIMIQ --- ---
    KEB: větrák co dáš na zahradu bude mít CF ještě nižší než FVE a výkon 200W :D
    PAD --- ---
    PAD: jeste k tem ostrovnim systemum - smysl mi to dava samozrejme offgrid a/nebo kdyz chces poslat CEZ do prdele:)
    JIMIQ --- ---
    DZODZO: panely (o té standardní velikosti 1,7m2) nikdy nebudou mít 2000Wp :D teď se dají komerčně sehnat 380Wp/2m2. Nevím teď kolik je ten hraniční limit pro trojvrstvé (kolem 45% myslím), takže 900Wp/2m2
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: Ja si to jen tak pronasobil v hlave - bez dotaci stoji 4.13kWp FVE asi 175kkc. Tato elektrarna by mi dala v prumeru ~4kWh za den listopad - unor (spise vice, https://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvg_tools/en/tools.html#PVP ). Takze kdybych vzal ten nejnepriznivejsi pripad lednovych mrazu, kdy (v mem pripade) je treba dodat asi 32kWh (do topne tyce v aku nadrzi), tak bych proste potreboval tech elektraren 8, coz je cca 54k EUR. Tohle je ten nejblbejsi pripad, u ktereho jsem skoncil s premyslenim, protoze

    a) kdybych to uvazoval realneji, tak nebudu palit elektrinu primo, ale v nejakem cerpadle, ktere by tu spotrebu snizilo na rekneme 30%
    b) ekonomika by u FVE vychazela lepe, protoze ty prebytky v obdobi brezen-rijen bych mohl zuzitkovat

    Musim ale rict, ze ani s FVE ani s tepelnym cerpadlem nemam primou zkusenost - nejdrive jsem to porovnaval s tim, co pouzivam (drevo) a tam ta ekonomika je jeste uplne nekde jinde.

    Ja to nehejtuju, me se to libi, jenom si myslim, ze v porovnani s jinymi technologiemi to nedava smysl a bez dotaci uz vubec ne. A nejsem si jisty, ze ty ostrovni systemy davaji celkove moc smysl. Myslim, ze prave na to sezonni ukladani bude davat vetsi smysl to trochu centralizovat (treba pro kazdou vesnici nebo region), kde by se prave ukladaly prebytky z FVE.
    TUHO --- ---
    Siemens Gamesa 14 MW Turbine to Make European Debut Offshore UK

    Siemens Gamesa has signed a preferred supplier agreement with innogy to deliver 100 of its new SG 14-222 DD turbines for the Sofia offshore wind project in the UK.
    The Sofia project will, therefore, be the first European project to install the 14 MW model that will be market-ready by 2024, on time for installation at the site 195km from the UK coast on Dogger Bank.
    Construction of the wind farm is due to begin onshore at its Teesside converter station site in early 2021, with offshore construction expected to kick off in 2023.
    “The selection of these state-of-the-art offshore wind turbines for Sofia, our largest offshore wind development project, reflects our ambition to strive for continuous innovation,” said Sven Utermöhlen, Senior Vice President Renewables Operations Offshore at innogy.
    “Siemens Gamesa’s towering 14 MW machine is a perfect match for our flagship Sofia project, together cementing offshore wind‘s central role in the world’s clean energy future. This turbine embodies the impressive technology we need to build our ground-breaking project, that is further from shore and more technically challenging than any of its predecessors.”

    Siemens Gamesa 14 MW Turbine to Make European Debut Offshore UK | Offshore Wind
    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: a co koupit větrák? Na doplnění by stačil malý scény šly taky dolů. Nebylo by to řešení? Ten totiž může tocit v i noci :-)
    DZODZO --- ---
    Ja by som si vedel predstavit 10x silnejsiu fve, ktora by moje energeticke potreby pokryla aj v zime, ale nemam tolko strechy, musim pockat kym budu povedzme 2000Wp panely, potom to bude fyzicky mozne a mozem ist komplet offgrid aj bez vacsieho uloziska
    TADEAS --- ---
    PAD: s fve co by vytapela sousedy za tu cenu - urcite? odmyslim, ze krome toho vodiku je to centrala pro rizeny vetrani a zaroven dohrev vody a 25kWh bateriovy uloziste. kolik teda bude generovat v zime ta fve za tuhle cenu? a bude to stacit na tu energetickou/topnou spotrebu? podle me teda ne.

    ano, ohledne omezeni sklenikovych plynu lze postupovat jak rikas a objekty co pouzivaj zarizeni tohoto typu takove jiste budou. jo, muze byt, ze ekonomika techle ostrovnich systemu nebude zavratna ani do budoucna, to neumim odhadnout. ale jakejkoliv obnovitelnej zdroj bud vyresi tu intermitenci ukladanim, anebo sezonnim importem ulozenyho (paliva). takze pak jde o to, kdo a kde nese naklady na tu infrastrukturu a v jakym meritku je budovana.

    materialova narocnost tech budovanejch infrastruktur je samozrejme otazkou, zariven ale materialy maj tu povahu, ze cirkulujou, zatimco energii potrebnou k jejich prepracovavani musime brat primo z toho slunecniho kanalu.
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: Jako nerealny povazuju tu ekonomiku. Takze v budoucnu se toho snad doziju (protoze se mi to libi), ale momentalne existuji mnohem vhodnejsi (=rychlejsi/levnejsi) zpusoby na omezeni sklenikovych plynu - od uspor, pres fotovoltaiku nebo vitr. Nejde jen o to si to dovolit, ale taky, jestli ty naklady davaji smysl. Pokud to opravdu stoji tech 60-90k eur a zivotnost rekneme 20 let, tak kdyz to vezmu ad absurdum, tak by jsi za to mel fve, ze by jsi vytapel i v zime sebe i sousedy:)

    Kdyz jsem tu kdysi linkoval ten clanek o porovnavani Hinkley Point C vs wind farma, tak tam vychazeli z toho, ze by se v dobach prebytku generoval zemni plyn. Ten pak do rezervoaru a/nebo do trubek. Tohle si dovedu predstavit ve velkem mnohem snadneji - trubky i rezervoary jsou, spotrebice taky. Jeste jsem ale neprocetl ty zajimavy zdroje, co tu daval k tem power2gas systemum KEB.

    Jo, v principu budem vzdycky neco nekde kutat a nejak tim planetu zatezovat. I ta infrastruktura na vodik nebude ze dreva a kamene:)
    TADEAS --- ---
    “Fracking is over” – UK energy minister – DRILL OR DROP?

    The moratorium, introduced in England in November 2019 and still in force, was a response to seismic activity induced by fracking at Cuadrilla’s shale gas site at Preston New Road, near Blackpool.

    On August bank holiday in 2019, the company’s operations caused the UK’s strongest fracking-induced earth tremor, measuring 2.9ML. It was felt across the region and there were nearly 200 reports of damage to buildings made to the British Geological Survey.


    In March 2020, Cuadrilla withdrew equipment from the Preston New Road site. Last month, it predicted there would be no fracking at the site in 2020 and it was looking at “conventional” opportunities.

    Opponents of Cuadrilla’s operation welcomed Mr Kwarteng’s comments this evening.

    Susan Holliday, chair of Preston New Road Action Group, said:
    “This is positive news for communities that have been living under the cloud of fracking for years. We have always believed that the science did not support it, and it seems that the government are coming to that view too.

    “Cuadrilla should now restore the site at Preston New Road so that our community can put the nightmare of fracking behind us. Renewable energy has got to be the answer to our future energy needs.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Stranded Assets vs Active Change: Coal vs Hydrogen in Steel Production

    there is real potential for hydrogen technology to replace coking coal. The Materials Processing Institute (MPI), which was established 75 years ago as the British Iron and Steel Research Association, estimates that commercialisation of hydrogen steelmaking technology will be possible by 2030.

    The Swedish steel company SSAB aims to replace coking coal entirely with hydrogen and bring fossil free steel to the market by 2026. The Austrian steel producer Voestalpine has invested in the world’s largest hydrogen pilot plant, with an aim to reduce CO2 emissions in steelmaking by 80%. The German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp has conducted trials with hydrogen and aims to commission new hydrogen furnaces in the mid-2020s. The world’s largest steelmaking company, ArcelorMittal, has demonstrated the replacement of coal with hydrogen in the blast furnace. They are also in the process of converting their Ilva works (the largest steel plant in Europe) to use an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), eliminating the need for coal. The first blast furnace is scheduled for closure and replacement with an EAF as early as 2024. Liberty Steel group, operating largely in Australia and Eastern Europe, has announced that it intends to be carbon neutral by 2030. It intends to achieve this by investment in new hydrogen steelmaking technologies.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    38 ℃ (100.4 ℉)
    The temperature last Saturday in Verkhoyansk, Siberia. If verified, it breaks the record for the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic. (The Washington Post | 5 min read)

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