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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ask A Scientist Live Ep4 | Tipping Points: What should we be afraid of?

    10 years ago, scientists identified 16 potential tipping points in the earth system that could spell disaster. Today, there is evidence that 9 of these are already active.

    Join us to learn all about tipping points: What should we (and should not) worry about? Hoes does their existence affect the environmental movement? And do they really mean it’s too late to act?

    Shifts in ideas and values can, under the right conditions, suddenly bring about massive changes in human behaviour. This has happened in the past; can it happen again and bring us back from the brink?


    Prof Antje Boetius, Deep sea ecology and technology, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen

    Prof Tim Lenton, Director Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter

    Prof Simon Lewis, Department of Geography, University College London , University of Leeds

    Dr Ilona M. Otto, institutional and political economy, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    Chaired by Dr Aaron Thierry, Scientist for XR

    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: Myslím, že konzervativci prostě místo snahy o vydobytí si svého místa na slunci začnou preverovat snahu o vydobytí si svého místa ve stínu :-)
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Imho jsou tam ponekud dost dementne ukazany analyzovany proxy data
    DRSH --- ---
    Peníze na podporu větrné energie máme, ale je tu zádrhel: nikdo je nechce, tvrdí náměstek pro energetiku Neděla | Plus
    DRSH --- ---
    V Česku se letos rekordně sázejí stromy. Zalesňují se plochy zasažené větrnou i kůrovcovou kalamitou | Hradec Králové
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: Merchants of Doubt by si měl pustit každý. Do jeho shlédnutí jsem dlouho jsem nedokázal pochopit, jak jsme se mohli dostat do tak zoufalé situace a proč většina lidí stále nechápe co se děje. Ten film to trochu vysvětluje.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: Ač k tomu hazel ilustrační obrazek kterej nechápu ale vypadá hezky

    TUHO --- ---
    Asi petistejpadesaty prvni potvrzeni Mannovy hockey stick v Nature

    An extensive new multi-proxy database of paleo-temperature time series (Temperature 12k) enables a more robust analysis of global mean surface temperature (GMST) and associated uncertainties than was previously available. We applied five different statistical methods to reconstruct the GMST of the past 12,000 years (Holocene). Each method used different approaches to averaging the globally distributed time series and to characterizing various sources of uncertainty, including proxy temperature, chronology and methodological choices. The results were aggregated to generate a multi-method ensemble of plausible GMST and latitudinal-zone temperature reconstructions with a realistic range of uncertainties. The warmest 200-year-long interval took place around 6500 years ago when GMST was 0.7 °C (0.3, 1.8) warmer than the 19th Century (median, 5th, 95th percentiles). Following the Holocene global thermal maximum, GMST cooled at an average rate −0.08 °C per 1000 years (−0.24, −0.05). The multi-method ensembles and the code used to generate them highlight the utility of the Temperature 12k database, and they are now available for future use by studies aimed at understanding Holocene evolution of the Earth system.

    TUHO --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Ok, mrknu taky.
    Ale tohle vysoce politizovany prostredi ve kterym se toci rozhodovani o skutecne gigantickym mnozstvi penez je protkany zvlastnima pribehama. Velmi slusny renome meli i ty nejproflaklejsi predstavitele fakt vylozene dezinformacni sceny jako byl treba Fred Seitz nebo Fred Singer. Kdyz me to tema zacalo zajimat, tak jsem mel notoricky problemy rozlisovat dezinformacni sity od regulernich informaci. Jednou jsem se zacetl do zpravy NIPCC, ktera vykradla grafiku zpravy IPCC a naplnila to uplnym balastem a jakozto clovek tematu neznalej vubec nevedel, co si o tom myslet :))
    Podle me je uplnej zaklad udelat si trosku prehled o tom, jakym zpusobem se daji prezentovat data tenhle dokument (vychazi z knizky od Naomi Oreskes a Erica Conwaye, ktery jsou na dany tema jedni z nejlepsich odborniku):

    Merchants of Doubt_2014_hc.titulky.CZ.avi | Ulož.to
    DZODZO --- ---
    ako pro-nuclear samo o sebe nevadi ale

    Position on renewable energy
    In 2017, Shellenberger told The Australian: "Like most people, I started out pretty anti-nuclear. I changed my mind as I realised you can't power a modern economy on solar and wind... All they do is make the electricity system chaotic and provide greenwash for fossil fuels."

    ironicky zrovna v Australii nie jadro ale renewables a baterky zachranuju stabilitu siete :)
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    DZODZO: pravda, moje chyba.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    viz: Michael Shellenberger is a Time Magazine "Hero of the Environment," Green Book Award winner, and the founder and president of Environmental Progress.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    TUHO: ja se dival na jeho twitter a ma celkem silnou zakladnu a evidentne i renome, tak vylozene nepusobi jako nejaka lobby dosazena PR loutka.
    TUHO --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Jinak tady recenze jeho knizky od Billa McKibbena, kterej ma celkem slusnej prehled by mohla dat hint, zda-li to stoji za to cist (i kdyz ono taky dost zalezi na tom, co se chces dozvedet, nekdy ma smysl cist i ten nejvetsi dezinformacni odpad :)

    A review of Lomborg and Shellenberger & Nordhaus | Grist
    TUHO --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Ten vynatek trochu vypada jako Lomborguv cherry-picking a datova ekvilibristika. O typkovi jsem slysel v souvislosti s "Eco-modernist manifesto" a spolupraci s Tedem Nordhausem. Ale jenom dost okrajove a nijak jsem se o ne moc nezajimal.

    DZODZO: Klidne se na toto tema rozepis vic, taky by me zajimalo.
    DZODZO --- ---
    mozno si hladal sCHellenberger miesto sHellenberger
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    DZODZO: aaaha zajimavy. diky. zkousel jsem tu jeho jmeno filtrovat a bez vysledku.
    DZODZO --- ---
    enviromental progress je znama firma, to uz tu niekolkokrat prebehlo ze je za tym pro-jadrova lobby

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Hele Schellenberger je heretik, anebo by stala jeho knizka, ktera se stavi proti hysterii a ekoalarmismu za precteni?

    On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare — Environmental Progress

    On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem.

    I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30.

    But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.
    KEB --- ---
    Vodík by mohl nahradit naftu v oblasti záložních zdrojů elektřiny | Hybrid.cz

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