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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Btw jeste k Shellenbergerovi kauzicka ohledne fact-checkingu na FB

    A fact-check of a viral climate misinformation article was quietly removed from Facebook earlier this month, a joint investigation by Popular Information and HEATED reveals.
    The article, authored by Michael Shellenberger and published on The Daily Wire, uses 12 "facts" to argue that concern about climate change is overblown. Shellenberger's piece was reviewed by seven Ph.D. climate scientists as part of a process organized by Science Feedback, one of Facebook's fact-checking partners. The scientists determined that Shellenberger's article was "partly false."
    As a result, the distribution of the article on Facebook's platform was reduced. Facebook users who posted The Daily Wire article were also warned they were about to share "partly false" information and given a link to Science Feedback's analysis. This is how the fact-checking process is supposed to work.
    But then, without explanation, the fact-check was removed. If a Facebook user attempts to share the article today, there is no warning and no link to the fact-check. Shellenberger's piece, on The Daily Wire and elsewhere, has now been shared over 65,000 times on Facebook.

    What happened?
    Internal Facebook documents obtained by Popular Information reveal that, prior to the removal of the fact-check, Science Feedback's fact-check of The Daily Wire article was brought to the attention of top Facebook executives including VP of Global Affairs and Communications Nick Clegg, VP of Global News Partnerships Campbell Brown, and VP of Global Public Policy Joel Kaplan. The documents also show that Facebook was asked by the office of Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA), a powerful member of Republican leadership, to reverse the fact-check.
    Facebook and the executive director of Science Feedback deny that Facebook pushed Science Feedback to remove the "partly false" rating. But the incident raises questions about the integrity of Facebook's fact-checking process, Facebook's deference to far-right publications, and the company's commitment to fighting climate misinformation.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Inštitút environmentálnej politiky - IEP
    Minimálne 240 mil. eur putovalo v roku 2019 na podporu fosílnych palív na Slovensku. Z toho takmer polovicu tvorila podpora spaľovania domáceho uhlia. Stály podiel si udržiavajú výnimky v spotrebnej dani z uhlia a zemného plynu. Takáto podpora od štátu by v budúcnosti mala smerovať skôr do udržateľných a nízkouhlíkových opatrení. Okrem toho štát podporuje zelenú naftu, ktorá nie je v súčasnosti zahrnutá v štatistike.

    DZODZO --- ---
    LINKOS: tak ked tam maju takeho prezidenta :))) https://streamable.com/rlchog
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Sem slyšel, že kvuli usporam nejak redukují/privatizují po 140 letech U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)... nedivim se uz ničemu.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    LINKOS: jak muze mit USA 60k pripadu korony denne. IMO to je proste ta dan za to, ze je to zeme svobody. Frontiers a vsechno, ale zaroven tam neni mozny nic zregulovat, protoze svobodna exprese lidskeho ducha skrz CFC je hlavni hodnota
    LINKOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak Čína stále vypouští i ty CFC, tedy freony. Jak můžou být v USA takový ekologičtí bourání mi stále hlava nebere
    KEB: to médium tam řešili, i když i ta spotřeba je obří a stále poroste
    JINDRICH --- ---

    Sobota 19. září 2020 v 10:00 až 20:00

    Slyšíš ten bzukot všude kolem? To jsme my! Děti, mladí, rodiče i prarodiče. Lidé všech generací, které pálí klimatická změna a chtějí se jí společně postavit. Patříš mezi nás? Přijď v sobotu 19. 9. do dejvické Klubovny na festival!
    Čekají tě moderované diskuze na témata:
    - děti a změna klimatu
    - ochrana klimatu - možnosti mezigenerační spolupráce
    - jak (a jakým směrem) rozšířit místní klimatické hnutí
    Můžeš se také těšit na aktivizační a kreativní dílny s hudbou, malováním a čtením, divadlo, promítání filmů a mini swap oblečení a hraček. (časový harmonogram zveřejníme v průběhu srpna)
    Na festivalu potkáš různé iniciativy a organizace aktivní v místním klimatickém hnutí (postupně doplníme, koho konkrétně).
    Těšíme se na co největší roj!

    JINDRICH --- ---
    "Strong heatwave anomalies are never a good sign for the environment. It is the same in the oceans. After the 2014 ocean heatwave, one of the first real effects was a massive die-off of seabirds along the Washington-Oregon coast. The seabirds depend on krill and large zooplankton for food, which need colder ocean water to thrive.
    In 2015, higher mortality of marine mammals was observed, from sea lions in California to fin whales in the Gulf of Alaska. Harmful algal blooms were also observed. There was also a lot of unusual sightings of warm water species, including ocean sunfish that was up in the Gulf of Alaska. The whole marine ecosystem was impacted, from bacteria to larger mammals.
    It is not yet known what major effects (if any at all) the current heatwave will present. A lot depends on how long it lasts and how strong it will be. Long-range model forecasts (below) are indicating that these warm anomalies could extend into winter. This could be a cause for concern since the anomalies are closer to the coastal areas. If they persist into the spring and summer 2021, we could see a repeat of the major ecosystem disruption like in 2014."

    An ocean heatwave is developing in the North Pacific, threatening with the ecosystem disruption in the region
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    KEB: pred casem jsme s kamoskou resily nazor Projectu Drawdown, ze nejvetsi psycho jsou lednicky a vyslo najevo ze v Evrope je to vyreseny problem. Tady jsou ty HFC zakazany. Problem je Cina, USA... klasika
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: tak jestli jezdíš bez klimy tak setris palivo emise vlastní kapsu. To zase tak málo není.

    Jinak mraky klimatizaci jsou i na nákupních centrech atd. Pokud si je pořídi rodina tak je to jedna jednotka na rodinu. Problém není ani tak jejich spotřeba, jako chladící médium.
    LINKOS --- ---
    Tak ale je to masakr, nakonec to jen ukazuje jak naše individuální rozhodnutí nemít něco, je úplně nicotné...
    KEB --- ---
    LINKOS: kdyby počítali i auta tak je to klidně jedná k jedné IMHO.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    LINKOS: obávám se, že to bude pravda. Hotely, kancelářské budovy... střední třída má i několik klimatizací na osobu...
    LINKOS --- ---
    Klimatizace ohřívají planetu. OSN doporučuje co nejrychlejší přechod na jiné systémy — ČT24 — Česká televize
    Trochu mi přijde přehnané, že by ve světě bylo 3,6 miliard klimatizací, tam jim podle mě utekli rady, to by měl každý druhý na zemi osobní klimatizací. Na druhou stranu, je pravda, že ji mám třeba v autě nevyužitou
    SHEFIK --- ---
    vubec je tu v tech slunecnejch dnech min klimatickejch problemu .)

    tak ja prihodim dobry zpravy, tentokrat government Norska, mohlo by to ale cely CCS odvetvi trochu rozhoupat

    ESA approves Norwegian Full-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage: up to €2.1bn in aid to meet climate goals −

    The approved project would allow for the establishment of carbon capture facilities at Norcem, a cement factory in Brevik, and Fortum Oslo Varme, a Waste-to-Energy plant. The captured CO2 is then to be transported and stored deep below the seabed in the North Sea. This part of the process is to be carried out by a joint venture between Shell, Total and Equinor, known as Northern Lights.

    The Full-Scale CCS Project promises to become the first of its kind to go live in Europe. It has a budget of up to EUR 2.57 billion (NOK 27.6 billion), which will cover construction and 10 years of operation. The Norwegian government would cover around 80% of the project’s estimated budget.
    TUHO --- ---
    A dlouho tu nebyla prednaska od nikoho z Extinction Rebellion .]

    Pivoting to the Endgame | Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion UK
    TUHO --- ---
    'A third of Bangladesh underwater' after heavy rains, floods | News | Al Jazeera
    TUHO --- ---
    Royal Dutch Shell said that it could cut the value of its oil and gas assets by as much as $22 billion, as it takes a dim view of the state of the oil market. The move adds more evidence to the notion that a huge slice of oil reserves will wind up as stranded assets. Shell cut its Brent oil prices forecast from $60 per barrel to $35 for this year, and lowered its 2021 and 2022 forecasts to $40 and $50 per barrel, respectively, down from $60 previously. The lower outlook reflects the expected damage to the oil market due to the coronavirus and the negative impacts on the global economy, Shell said.

    As a result, the value of Shell’s assets will be cut by between $15 and $22 billion. Broken down by segment, Shell’s integrated gas unit will take an $8 to $9 billion hit, mostly related to Australian LNG assets, including its gargantuan Prelude project, a floating LNG vessel, which came in over budget and is now underutilized in a weak LNG market. Shell’s upstream unit will be impaired by $4 to $6 billion, a cut related to Brazil and U.S. shale. Finally, its refining portfolio will be reduced by $3 to $7 billion.

    Big Oil’s Nightmare Is Coming True | OilPrice.com
    TUHO --- ---
    Vnímání léta se změnilo, říká klimatolog. Statistiky potvrzují, že déšť k prázdninám patří | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
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