SHEFIK: Pořád nerozumím, jak by mohl řešení zařídit trh, dokud mají na regulace tak zásadní vliv lobisti. Teoreticky by to mohlo fungovat, ale byla by nutná revoluce v tom, jak funguje naše demokracie. Biden má sice zajímavý plán, ale nedokáže ho prosadit přes odpor zákonodárců placených průmyslem.
‘All Rhetoric and No Action’: Oil Giants Spent $1 Billion on Climate Lobbying and Ads Since Paris Pact, Says Report | DeSmog
Tady je ukázka, jak průmyslová lobby ovlivňuje rozhodování měst:
Revealed: how the gas industry is waging war against climate action | US news | The Guardian
The documents show the multibillion-dollar gas industry has built crucial local coalitions and hired high-powered operatives to torpedo cities’ anti-gas policies – sometimes assisted by money those same cities have paid into gas trade associations.
APGA has been fighting electrification since at least 2013 when it established a taskforce to “counter the regulatory and legislative threats to the direct use of natural gas”, according to an internal presentation obtained with a public records request by the center.
This year, APGA is spending at least $127,000 on anti-electrification initiatives and $200,000 for media monitoring, engagement with reporters, letters to the editor, op-eds and social media efforts. It is also launching a $300,000 “gas genius” campaign to bolster public opinion of gas on social media. APGA declined to comment on its specific efforts.
APGA is funded with public money from the cities whose municipal gas utilities it represents.
So, ironically, the industry fight against electrification is often being paid for in part by progressive cities.