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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Biom :: Jakub Houška : Agrolesnictví pomůže krajině i zemědělství : Biom.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak s assangem (politickej vezen) uz si to nejakou dobu procvicujou. hallam si v tom tady nize linkovanym dokumentu oddechoval, ze nejakej ten univerzitni papalas podepsal papir o divestmentu fossilu 14. den jeho hladovky a ze po 10 dnech to zacina bejt tricky, tak byl rad. jsem zvedavej, verejny drama se zas o kousek vyhrocuje, jdou do toho.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    "All five members of Beyond Politics; Roger Hallam, Blyth Brentnall, Diana Warner, Ferhat Ulusu and Anglican priest Steven Nunn were remanded in custody in London today until a plea hearing on the 22/9/20 and a crown court hearing on the 25/2/21. Charges are to conspiracy to commit public nuisance and criminal damage as well as breaking bail conditions."

    All the charged party members and many others will commence an indefinite Hunger Strike starting today against the injustice of their imprisonment.

    This is the first time in UK history that five political prisoners have been held on remand in prison.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Fleeing the climate: The 'great migration' ahead

    Their model shows that the areas where humans can barely survive today (for example, the Sahara desert), which today cover about 1 percent of surface of our planet, will grow to about 20 percent within the next 50 years, with about 200 million climate migrants estimated by 2050. The model suggests that migration will increase regardless of the climate, but that the number of migrants will increase significantly with climate change. In the most extreme climatic scenarios, more than 30 million migrants would make their way to the US border over the next 30 years.

    not great, not terrible?
    TUHO --- ---
    This month, NOAA ratcheted up its total hurricane season forecast to between 19 and 25 named storms including seven to 11 hurricanes. The agency has never predicted that many named storms before — a fitting tribute to a season that can’t seem to stop breaking records.

    The 2020 hurricane season is tearing through the alphabet at ‘LMNOP’ speed | Grist
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: To je bídák ten Bakala :-[
    TUHO --- ---
    Časopis Respekt vydal podnětný a kvalitně zpracovaný speciál věnovaný otázce klimatické krize. Ve všech nabízených příbězích však absentují její hlavní viníci, fosilní korporace a ekonomická moc ovládající politiku.

    GOJATLA --- ---
    Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive
    Complicating the "fear doesn't work" narrative of climate communication, a new study finds that "worry about global warming was the strongest predictor of climate policy support."

    GOJATLA --- ---
    Democrats’ climate plan takes aim at the fossil fuel industry’s political power | Democrats | The Guardian

    The plan says the US is “almost alone among industrialized nations in having failed to implement comprehensive policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”. It directly blames the 2010 Citizens United supreme court decision that allowed industries to spend virtually unlimited sums of money to sway elections.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    BRAMBOROVY_KRAL: Myslím, že to mělo být Global average, ne surface. Tady je pěkné srovnání, jak si vedou klimatické modely:
    Analysis: How well have climate models projected global warming? | Carbon Brief

    YMLADRIS: "They concluded, in a report released in August 1990, that the menace was real and that coal, gas and oil would be the principal causes of global heating. Unless controls were imposed on their consumption, temperature rises of 0.3C a decade would be occurring in the 21st century, bringing havoc in their wake." Od roku 2000 to podle grafu vypada na ~0.25C per decade. Takze docela dobry odhad. (alespon pokud se bavime o Global surface temperature, nevim presne na ktery typ mereni se ten jejich odhad vztahoval)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    tento týden před 30 lety vyšla první zpráva ipcc. předpovídali oteplování o 0.3 za dekádu, to se nepotvrdilo - bylo to míň. od té doby vydávají upřesnění co pár let

    The Observer view on the climate catastrophe facing Earth | Climate change | The Guardian
    KEB --- ---
    TADEAS: je tam paywall, tak se chci jen zeptat jestli zmínil ty gigatuny spáleného dřeva v draxu?
    TUHO --- ---
    The City of Sydney — the central business district of Sydney and its surrounding inner city suburbs — will now be powered using 100% renewable energy, a switch forecast to save half a million dollars and 200,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere over the next 10 years.
    Two solar farms and one wind farm located across regional New South Wales will exclusively power all City-owned properties, including 115 buildings, 75 parks, 23,000 streetlights, various sport facilities and depots. The historic deal marks the most substantial green energy agreement by any council across Australia.

    The City of Sydney Now Runs on 100% Renewable Energy
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Největší část uhlíkové stopy obyvatel Prahy tvoří spotřeba masa, ukázal výzkum

    jakub udělal clanek podle pruzkumu Arniky, kterej teda zrejme vychazi uplne jinak, ze co razim ja podle nazoru lidi z Veronicy ("pokud malo jezdis autem, 70 procent tve uhlikove stopy je vytapeni"), ale podrobne jsem nestudovala
    TADEAS --- ---
    Odejít od uhlí jde, v Británii ho nespalujeme už čtyři a půl měsíce, říká diplomat | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Tesla CEO Elon Musk has updated the timeline on which he sees batteries enabling electric aircraft coming to maket. He now sees it happening in "3 to 4 years."
    Several years ago, Musk, the CEO of both Tesla and SpaceX, said that he had a design for electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft – though he never elaborated on plans to bring the aircraft to production.
    In order for his design to work, Musk said that the energy density of batteries needs to improve.
    At the time, he mentioned a threshold of around 400 Wh/kg while Tesla’s batteries were achieving around 260 Wh/kg.
    Now a year later, Tesla’s CEO is slightly accelerating the timeframe to “probably 3 to 4 years” away (via Twitter):
    “400 Wh/kg *with* high cycle life, produced in volume (not just a lab) is not far. Probably 3 to 4 years.”

    Tesla's Elon Musk says that batteries enabling electric aircraft are coming in '3 to 4 years' - Electrek
    TUHO --- ---
    Tady celej dokument o Roger Hallamovi, jedny z hlavnich postav Extinction Rebellion. Zdarma ke shlednuti do 27. srpna

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