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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    L4MA --- ---
    DZODZO: fakt nechci polemizovat, jen me zajima jestli je to nekde vic rozvedeny. cetl jsem ten puvodni pamflet, kde se to melo resit obcanskou neposlusnosti a callcentrama, tohle je celkem (ocekavatelnej:)) radikalni posun. je k tomu uz od mistra buditele vic, nez FB post?
    DZODZO --- ---
    L4MA: mas tam iba working class a lowwer middle class, ten non-working lowest class si vynechal zamerne? lebo ta civilizacia je taka pyramida, navrchu sedia ti rich, na pleciach tych middle a low, ale ked zospodu pyramidy zoberies tie kamene, na ktorych to stoji, tak ten vrsek spadne, naco ti budu peniaze, ked si za ne nic nekupis, lebo to nebude mat kto vyrobit?
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Population panic lets rich people off the hook for the climate crisis they are fuelling | Population | The Guardian

    The formula for calculating people’s environmental footprint is simple, but widely misunderstood: Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology (I = PAT). The global rate of consumption growth, before the pandemic, was 3% a year. Population growth is 1%. Some people assume this means that the rise in population bears one-third of the responsibility for increased consumption. But population growth is overwhelmingly concentrated among the world’s poorest people, who have scarcely any A or T to multiply their P. The extra resource use and greenhouse gas emissions caused by a rising human population are a tiny fraction of the impact of consumption growth.
    L4MA --- ---
    TUHO: solidni. :) je prosim nekde popsany, jak to revolucni prevzeti moci proletariatem teda humiliated working class and lower middle classem bude probihat? pripadne jak bude nalozeno s tema zabama na prameni?
    TUHO --- ---
    Každý den můžeme sledovat, jak se mění počet nakažených novým koronavirem, jak se prohlubují ztráty společností i státu, a mluví se i o dalších dopadech pandemie. Jednou z oblastí, kde se mohou projevit velké problémy, je produkce potravin.
    A právě to je oblast, na kterou se zaměřuje profesor Michal Hejcman. Spolu se svými kolegy varuje, že po případné další vlně nákazy by mohly chybět základní potraviny jako mouka, máslo nebo maso. Apeluje na zvýšení hmotných rezerv státu.

    Zdroj: https://www.idnes.cz/...lstvi-michal-hejcman-fakulta-zivotniho-prostredi-czu.A200825_132358_veda_vse
    TUHO --- ---
    A Nordic hedge fund worth more than $90bn (£68.6bn) has dumped its stocks in some of the world’s biggest oil companies and miners responsible for lobbying against climate action.
    Storebrand, a Norwegian asset manager, divested from miner Rio Tinto as well as US oil giants ExxonMobil and Chevron as part of a new climate policy targeting companies that use their political clout to block green policies.

    Major investment firm dumps Exxon, Chevron and Rio Tinto stock | Environment | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    A throng of more than 20 protesters—including Traditional Owners of local Wangan and Jagalingou country—has blocked the main road to Australia’s Adani Carmichael coal mine in a bid to re-establish control of the land and force the mining giant to abandon the project.

    The blockade is preventing workers from accessing the construction site for the thermal coal mine, which, when completed, is set to be one of the world’s largest. With the capacity to generate an annual output of 60 million tonnes of coal, it's estimated that the mine could singlehandedly put twice as much carbon into the atmosphere as Tokyo every year

    TUHO --- ---
    Roger Hallam
    “we didn’t bang on about climate change because it would have lost us votes” (Green Party member on Facebook)
    Conventional environmentalism is rationalist, repressed, and reformist.
    Compare the quote above with the mantra of probably the most effective direct action movement of recent decades, ACT UP:
    "We didn't give a fuck what people thought of us, and that was our strength" (Larry Kramer).
    As the originator, and strategic designer behind Extinction Rebellion, and based on five years of field research with a variety of radical campaigns -from rent strikes to casualised labour mobilisations- I can say, without any hesitation, nothing changes without disruption – the breaking of the law.
    "Upsetting" disruption and "irrational" emotion. The total opposite of the nicely-nicely approach of environmentalism.
    The very term "environmentalism" betrays its fundamental incoherence. It is based upon the ridiculous cartesian assumption there is us, and then there is the world; myself and "the environment" out there, to be exploited, raped, and patted on the head when it gets a bit tricky.
    Understanding this every present threat to humanity requires we get over this disastrous division. Is COVID an environmental issue? Are our bodies part of Nature? Are our children (who will die from starvation as climate breakdown goes non-linear) part of "us" or part of the "environment"?
    Nature is us, and we are Nature. Get with the programme before we go extinct.
    The issue is not "the environment"; it is political corruption and criminality. Why focus on the conduit of this Evil rather than the Evil itself? What we need to look at is who is doing the destroying and what is the outcome.
    The ruling class are the culprits, and the outcome is social collapse.
    We are not looking at higher temperatures, burning forests, and rising sea levels – that is physical reductionism. We are looking at twenty World War Twos by the end of the century (maybe 5 maybe 50 – take your pick on where you place the risk distribution curve).
    War is the outcome of elite pathology, and the interlocked compounding social effects that come with it – mass slaughter, mass rape, mass migration – the emptying of cities, and disintegration of state authority. Starvation drives
    genocide and genocide drives starvation. This is first and foremost an existential security risk. It is "post green". It's a million miles from allotments and green wellies.
    The only effective response at this stage is the revolutionary struggle. There are only two optional endpoints – radical state-based democracy or fascistic state-based autocracy.
    When an existential crisis hits there is an iron rule – the state takes control. The issue is who controls it – the people or the
    elites. We know this is coming with absolute certainty because we are not talking here about social processes, which are difficult to predict, but geophysical processes which are absolutely set.
    Ice melts when it turns hot. Forests burn when it turns hot. Permafrost melts when it turns hot. It has turned hot. When you drive a lorry at 100mph into a concrete wall, you cannot stop the crash when you are 5 metres away. We crossed the 5-metre point around 10 years ago. The crash has already happened.
    (Ironically it's environmentalists who cant see this non-brainer deduction from the data.)
    The essence of environmentalism is the humanist dogma that Nature is inert. We can exploit it and yet must protect it. It is the slave owner mentality. It is inconceivable that it will kill you and so you cannot conceive of it. COVID is the stab wound, but still, the denial is hanging on.
    For the next few months or years, we have left environmentalism to try to prevent revolutionary preparations by insisting on continuing the death spiral of backwards-looking pragmatism, with its grotesque formulation: don't mention climate as it puts off voters.
    No one wants to tell the truth, because no one else in the public sphere is telling the truth – the government, the environmental movement, and the public are playing a suicidal game of mutually reinforcing denial.
    No one wants to say it's now too late and that collapse is now locked in.
    The environmentalist gatekeepers cannot understand that only revolutionary political action to take control of the state will prevent the slide from inevitable collapse to possible extinction ("functional" or "absolute" –take your pick).
    Revolutionary action, to be clear, is no rehash of the elitist middle-class direct action movements of the past three decades with their "poor me" individualistic narcissism and obsession with
    catastrophically ineffectual horizontalism (a chronic phobia of structure, functional hierarchy and leadership).
    Instead, we have to look to civil resistance struggles in the global south and our radical collective mobilisation traditions before 1990. This means a fusion of the end of the month and end of the world narratives.
    It means a rediscovery of strong and disciplined vanguard
    organisations which trigger the political confrontations that will bring the 3.5% onto the street. And then, they have to have a clear democratic mandate to negotiate with the government to replace it with citizens assemblies.
    This massive turnaround in radical political culture has to happen now; otherwise, the fascism will easily overpower leaderless and dispersed social protests with violence and their billionaire funding.
    The revolutionary demographic needs to be the focus of mobilisation – the ignored and humiliated working class and lower middle class of regional towns and cities which have always provided the ground troops of social upheaval. The urban liberal middle class talks the talk but will never walk the walk because they have too much skin in the game.
    The old environmentalist alliance is dead. The new alliance will include a minority of middle-class activists who understand they have to now be in service to a new populist street talking mass
    mobilisation and the rest of the old alliance will become historically irrelevant. This will be 10 or 20% of people from the radical NGOs, Green Party and Extinction Rebellion and such like. They will combine with a working-class led anti-austerity social media networks from the North, Wales and the South West, in alliance with the embedded community activist networks from the inner cities.
    Beyond Politics/Burning Pink, which I helped to set up, is working on creating this new alliance. It is not clear whether it will succeed or not – the forces of denial are still strong. But something along these lines needs to happen, and there is no time to lose. We have a small window before fascistic forces take
    over. The decisions we make now will have massive consequences, beyond our imaginations.
    Let's not delude ourselves any longer. History had returned with a vengeance and it is time to get real.
    -Roger Hallam, written 48 hours prior to his arrest and imprisonment today, 25th of August, 2020.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Biom :: Jakub Houška : Agrolesnictví pomůže krajině i zemědělství : Biom.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak s assangem (politickej vezen) uz si to nejakou dobu procvicujou. hallam si v tom tady nize linkovanym dokumentu oddechoval, ze nejakej ten univerzitni papalas podepsal papir o divestmentu fossilu 14. den jeho hladovky a ze po 10 dnech to zacina bejt tricky, tak byl rad. jsem zvedavej, verejny drama se zas o kousek vyhrocuje, jdou do toho.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    "All five members of Beyond Politics; Roger Hallam, Blyth Brentnall, Diana Warner, Ferhat Ulusu and Anglican priest Steven Nunn were remanded in custody in London today until a plea hearing on the 22/9/20 and a crown court hearing on the 25/2/21. Charges are to conspiracy to commit public nuisance and criminal damage as well as breaking bail conditions."

    All the charged party members and many others will commence an indefinite Hunger Strike starting today against the injustice of their imprisonment.

    This is the first time in UK history that five political prisoners have been held on remand in prison.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Fleeing the climate: The 'great migration' ahead

    Their model shows that the areas where humans can barely survive today (for example, the Sahara desert), which today cover about 1 percent of surface of our planet, will grow to about 20 percent within the next 50 years, with about 200 million climate migrants estimated by 2050. The model suggests that migration will increase regardless of the climate, but that the number of migrants will increase significantly with climate change. In the most extreme climatic scenarios, more than 30 million migrants would make their way to the US border over the next 30 years.

    not great, not terrible?
    TUHO --- ---
    This month, NOAA ratcheted up its total hurricane season forecast to between 19 and 25 named storms including seven to 11 hurricanes. The agency has never predicted that many named storms before — a fitting tribute to a season that can’t seem to stop breaking records.

    The 2020 hurricane season is tearing through the alphabet at ‘LMNOP’ speed | Grist
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: To je bídák ten Bakala :-[
    TUHO --- ---
    Časopis Respekt vydal podnětný a kvalitně zpracovaný speciál věnovaný otázce klimatické krize. Ve všech nabízených příbězích však absentují její hlavní viníci, fosilní korporace a ekonomická moc ovládající politiku.

    GOJATLA --- ---
    Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive
    Complicating the "fear doesn't work" narrative of climate communication, a new study finds that "worry about global warming was the strongest predictor of climate policy support."

    GOJATLA --- ---
    Democrats’ climate plan takes aim at the fossil fuel industry’s political power | Democrats | The Guardian

    The plan says the US is “almost alone among industrialized nations in having failed to implement comprehensive policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”. It directly blames the 2010 Citizens United supreme court decision that allowed industries to spend virtually unlimited sums of money to sway elections.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    BRAMBOROVY_KRAL: Myslím, že to mělo být Global average, ne surface. Tady je pěkné srovnání, jak si vedou klimatické modely:
    Analysis: How well have climate models projected global warming? | Carbon Brief

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