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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Recycling PV panels: Why can’t we hit 100%? – pv magazine International
    DRSH --- ---
    Čím je suché období delší, tím je pravděpodobnější, že další rok takový nebude, tvrdí ředitel ČHMÚ | Radiožurnál
    DRSH --- ---
    Rypadla, bio víno, rypadla, Ohře. Klimajízda hledala na severu Čech recept na férový odchod od uhlí | Radio Wave
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Tohle je total :D

    Earthworms that just work on the surface (epigeic worms) don’t make tunnels and are not considered geoengineers.
    TUHO --- ---
    They are a gardener’s best friend, good for the soil and a treat for birds. But the humble earthworm may not always be good news, according to a study that suggests invasive earthworms could be making Arctic soils too fertile.
    The earthworm is not typically thought of as an invasive species. “Most parts of Europe have earthworms so we never really saw them as a problem,” says lead researcher Dr Gesche Blume-Werry, an ecologist from the University of Greifswald in Germany. But Blume-Werry and her colleagues realised that “more and more spots in the Arctic have worms because humans brought them there”.
    Earthworms move at around five to 10 metres a year in the Arctic, but human mobility means they can jump from the UK to Svalbard in a single move. They are reaching remote areas by hitchhiking in the treads of people’s shoes, from being used as bait for fishing and in imported soils for gardening. As the Arctic warms, they are able to colonise more areas.
    Early research indicates that the earthworms could have the same effect on Arctic plant productivity as a 3C rise in temperature.

    'The aliens to watch': how the humble earthworm is altering the Arctic | Environment | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    The oil industry is on the cusp of a process of almost total decimation that will begin over the next 30 years, and continue through to the next century. That’s the stark implication of a new forecast by a team of energy analysts led by a former US government energy advisor, seen exclusively by Motherboard.
    2020, the forecast suggests, will go down in history as the final point-of-no-return for the global oil industry—a date to which we will look back and remember how the production of oil, as well as other fossil fuels like gas and coal, underwent a slow, but inexorable and largely irreversible decline.
    Along the way, some 80 percent of the industry as we know it is going to be wiped out.
    Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be recognized as a principal trigger for this decline. The new era of oscillating social distancing rules and remote working has crushed once rocketing demand, at least temporarily.
    But in reality, the broad contours of this decline were already set in motion even before the pandemic hit. And the implications are stark: we are in the midst of a fundamental energy transition which will see the bulk of the fossil fuel industry gradually eclipsed in coming decades.

    The End of the Oil Age Is Upon Us
    GOJATLA --- ---
    RENEWABLE ENERGY: Study: Black turbine blades reduced bird mortality by 72% -- Tuesday, August 25, 2020 -- www.eenews.net

    Bird death from turbine collisions dropped by 71.9% where a turbine blade was black, compared with unpainted turbines at the same wind farm, according to findings published last month in the peer-reviewed journal Ecology and Evolution.
    TADEAS --- ---
    L4MA: akorat motivace neni si neco usetrit
    L4MA --- ---
    TUHO: prvni veta :)

    "It is time to grow up and see the world as it is.There are some things which are undeniably real, there are some things we cannot change and one of those is the laws of physics"

    kdyby to samy dokazal aplikovat i na ty nejzakladnejsi veliciny, hloupost, kratkozrakost a lhostejnost, usetril by si spoustu mrzeni. :)
    TADEAS --- ---

    hallam umre

    6 hlasy od 6 respondentů

      TUHO --- ---
      TADEAS: .]]

      Is it not our most indispensable duty to bring down any government that entertains such radical evil, as to destroy this beautiful world in exchange for a few more years of accumulating bits of paper with numbers written on them?
      This is a manual on how we are going to do it. Come what may.

      Beyond Politics' twin tasks are

      1). removing the government and
      2). replacing government with citizens assemblies.

      Here is outlined everything that Beyond Politics people (BPers, pronounced beepers) need to know.
      Now, humankind is facing its final moment of reckoning: ecological and climate collapse. Are we going to stand by and allow the fuckers in control of this world to take us to oblivion or a hell of endless pain, for their own pleasures? or, are we going to come together and say, we are the people and we will not be denied?
      TUHO --- ---
      L4MA: No zas takovej posun to neni, tenhle podton tam byl od zacatku... Tedka spis jde o to, jestli se ty o ty hrany postupnej vyvoj hnuti otupi nebo je zachova, ci vyostri. Kde je Hallam to je asi jasny .]] Nicmene neco najdes tady, pro me to teda prekvapivy ani nijak odlisny od toho, kde byly na zacatku neni...


      TADEAS --- ---
      L4MA --- ---
      DZODZO: fakt nechci polemizovat, jen me zajima jestli je to nekde vic rozvedeny. cetl jsem ten puvodni pamflet, kde se to melo resit obcanskou neposlusnosti a callcentrama, tohle je celkem (ocekavatelnej:)) radikalni posun. je k tomu uz od mistra buditele vic, nez FB post?
      DZODZO --- ---
      L4MA: mas tam iba working class a lowwer middle class, ten non-working lowest class si vynechal zamerne? lebo ta civilizacia je taka pyramida, navrchu sedia ti rich, na pleciach tych middle a low, ale ked zospodu pyramidy zoberies tie kamene, na ktorych to stoji, tak ten vrsek spadne, naco ti budu peniaze, ked si za ne nic nekupis, lebo to nebude mat kto vyrobit?
      GOJATLA --- ---
      Population panic lets rich people off the hook for the climate crisis they are fuelling | Population | The Guardian

      The formula for calculating people’s environmental footprint is simple, but widely misunderstood: Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology (I = PAT). The global rate of consumption growth, before the pandemic, was 3% a year. Population growth is 1%. Some people assume this means that the rise in population bears one-third of the responsibility for increased consumption. But population growth is overwhelmingly concentrated among the world’s poorest people, who have scarcely any A or T to multiply their P. The extra resource use and greenhouse gas emissions caused by a rising human population are a tiny fraction of the impact of consumption growth.
      L4MA --- ---
      TUHO: solidni. :) je prosim nekde popsany, jak to revolucni prevzeti moci proletariatem teda humiliated working class and lower middle classem bude probihat? pripadne jak bude nalozeno s tema zabama na prameni?
      TUHO --- ---
      Každý den můžeme sledovat, jak se mění počet nakažených novým koronavirem, jak se prohlubují ztráty společností i státu, a mluví se i o dalších dopadech pandemie. Jednou z oblastí, kde se mohou projevit velké problémy, je produkce potravin.
      A právě to je oblast, na kterou se zaměřuje profesor Michal Hejcman. Spolu se svými kolegy varuje, že po případné další vlně nákazy by mohly chybět základní potraviny jako mouka, máslo nebo maso. Apeluje na zvýšení hmotných rezerv státu.

      Zdroj: https://www.idnes.cz/...lstvi-michal-hejcman-fakulta-zivotniho-prostredi-czu.A200825_132358_veda_vse
      TUHO --- ---
      A Nordic hedge fund worth more than $90bn (£68.6bn) has dumped its stocks in some of the world’s biggest oil companies and miners responsible for lobbying against climate action.
      Storebrand, a Norwegian asset manager, divested from miner Rio Tinto as well as US oil giants ExxonMobil and Chevron as part of a new climate policy targeting companies that use their political clout to block green policies.

      Major investment firm dumps Exxon, Chevron and Rio Tinto stock | Environment | The Guardian
      TUHO --- ---
      A throng of more than 20 protesters—including Traditional Owners of local Wangan and Jagalingou country—has blocked the main road to Australia’s Adani Carmichael coal mine in a bid to re-establish control of the land and force the mining giant to abandon the project.

      The blockade is preventing workers from accessing the construction site for the thermal coal mine, which, when completed, is set to be one of the world’s largest. With the capacity to generate an annual output of 60 million tonnes of coal, it's estimated that the mine could singlehandedly put twice as much carbon into the atmosphere as Tokyo every year

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