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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Coal company v Cine drivuje transition...

    EGEB: This Chinese coal company is going big on solar - Electrek

    The Chinese state-owned company Shanxi Coal International Energy Group is making a big investment in solar manufacturing. Shanxi will lead a joint venture to build a 3-gigawatt solar manufacturing plant for 3.19 billion yuan ($461 million). The project will grow to 10 gigawatts.
    Shanxi Coal will own an 88.5% stake in the venture, Shanxi Coal International Photovoltaic Power

    Technology. It says it’s made this move into solar to “help with the province’s energy transition and meet the need for state firms to get behind strategic emerging industries,” according to Bloomberg Green.
    Ironically, China leads the world in the production of both coal and solar — it’s the largest producer and buyer of solar panels. But it refuses to give up coal because of energy demand and employment. China’s industrial sector is by far the largest consumer of coal.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    nevim kam to dat, ale tak trochu to sem patri. prvni elektricka hydrofoil boat, dojezd 100 km, rychlost az 55kmh/h

    Candela electric hydrofoil boat - watch the first e-foiling boat in action!

    tankery asi hned tak hydrofoil nebudou, ale passenger shipy muzou byt...
    TADEAS --- ---

    I have checked all the news reports and there appears to be some confusion about what happened when Roger Hallam got arrested.

    The five defendants threw paint over the offices of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Christian Aid, and Amnesty International, and then they gave themselves up to the police who charged them with burglary and criminal damage and released them on bail.

    About a week later they damaged the offices of the Green Party, the Tories, Labour, Lib Dems etc, and it appears that is why they were arrested again, but this time it was for breaking their bail conditions from the previous charges.

    It looks as if there was an additional charge of conspiracy to commit criminal damage as a result of the attacks on the environmental NGOs, charities, and political parties.

    Legally a conspiracy is when two or more people agree to commit a crime together.
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: jo přesně toho co si vystavěl svůj politický byznys plán na anti ekologii a na anti migrantske politice což mu už nejspíš pšenka nepokvete a konečně skončí v politické bezvýznamnosti kam po zásluze patří i se svým tatíčkem Václavem prvním perokradem.
    TUHO --- ---
    KEB: myslis toho vaclava klause, nikym nevoleneho aktivistu z politicke ngo financovane majitelem nadnarodni korporace se sidlem v holandsku petrem kellnerem?
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: jeee to bude vasika mrzet, on se tak těšil!
    TUHO --- ---
    Nikoli nafouknutá bublina, ale vážný problém. To je přesvědčení tří čtvrtin Čechů podle průzkumu agentury Behavio. Češi nehledí do blízké budoucnosti planety s velkou nadějí, většina se přiklání k názoru, že za třicet let bude existence na Zemi obtížnější. Tomu, že nás čeká v roce 2050 lepší život, věří jen 12 % Čechů.

    Změny klimatu jsou vážný problém, myslí si tři čtvrtiny Čechů - Novinky.cz

    TUHO --- ---
    Friday marked the 50th day to reach 110 degrees or higher in the Valley this year, setting a record nobody wanted.
    Before 2020, the previous record for most days in a calendar year to reach 110 degrees was 33 days set in 2011. Phoenix surpassed that on Aug. 9 and has beat it almost every day since then.
    Phoenix passed the scorching milestone on Friday afternoon when the temperature at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport hit 111 degrees.
    "It's not like we barely broke this record," said National Weather Service meteorologist Matthew Hirsch. "We sort of obliterated it."

    Phoenix hits 50th day of 110 degrees in 2020
    TUHO --- ---
    Confronting a climate crisis that threatens the fossil fuel industry, oil companies are racing to make more plastic. But they face two problems: Many markets are already awash with plastic, and few countries are willing to be dumping grounds for the world’s plastic waste.

    The industry thinks it has found a solution to both problems in Africa.

    According to documents reviewed by The New York Times, an industry group representing the world’s largest chemical makers and fossil fuel companies is lobbying to influence United States trade negotiations with Kenya, one of Africa’s biggest economies, to reverse its strict limits on plastics — including a tough plastic-bag ban. It is also pressing for Kenya to continue importing foreign plastic garbage, a practice it has pledged to limit.

    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Alexander Ač
    1 hod ·

    Polárny kruh, včera. #KlimatickáKríza

    blizsi info nemam, dohledejte nekdo

    SHEFIK --- ---

    Výzkumníci za půl hodiny přeměnili mořskou vodu na pitnou. Pomáhá jim v tom sluneční energie

    Výzkumníci za půl hodiny přeměnili mořskou vodu na pitnou. Pomáhá jim v tom sluneční energie

    fear is the power of the dark side...)
    KEB --- ---
    Na Sibiři vybuchl metan nahromaděný pod permafrostem - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Design Pathway :: Preface

    This is a book about what will need to happen if humanity is to intentionally avoid extinction. It is a disturbing truth that our current trajectory includes the real possibility that we could fail to meet this objective—and as a result bring about our own demise.
    KEB --- ---
    OMNIHASH: no mně to bylo podezřelé :-D mátu se a jdu se stydět do kouta
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    KEB: že bys neměl repostovat anonymy z blogísků...
    DRSH --- ---
    Rakousko chce dosáhnout klimatické neutrality už v roce 2040 | Plus
    TADEAS --- ---
    Our hunter-gatherer future: Climate change, agriculture and uncivilization - ScienceDirect

    In the discussion below, the period two to three centuries in the future is used as a general reference point for the ultimate effects of human-caused climate changes. This long-term view avoids the quagmire of the “immediate collapse” versus the “peak and decline” discussions (2012, Randers, 2008) and also gets us close to the likely ultimate business-as-usual peak of temperature and CO2 levels.


    nevim, jak je tohle presny, ale:

    Most projections of global warming focus on either the year 2100 or the effects of a doubling of CO2 (from the pre-industrial level of 275 ppm–550 ppm). The lack of attention to the very long run is a serious shortcoming, since integrated carbon-climate models project that if CO2 from current in situ fossil fuel resources continues to be released into the atmosphere, the peak concentration of atmospheric CO2 could exceed 1400 ppm by the year 2300 and the average global temperature could warm by 8 °C or more (Bala et al., 2005; Kasting, 1998). A CO2 level of 1400 ppm would increase the risk of a rise in temperature as high as 20 °C which will certainly have catastrophic consequences for all life on Earth. It is sobering to consider that current levels of CO2 are higher than at any time in the last 15 million years (World Bank, 2012 p. xiv).


    Agriculture will be impossible in the post-Holocene climate

    With the future climate instability already locked into the system by recent human activity we will most likely return to the climate volatility of the Pleistocene. Climate change will adversely affect agriculture in a number of ways including sea level rise, higher average temperatures, heat extremes, changes in rainfall patterns, and the loss of pollinators. Less understood changes include the effects on agricultural pests, soil composition, and the growth response of crops to rising CO2 levels. Fig. 2 shows the possible volatility in climate if the Earth returns to the climate regime of the last few thousand years of the Pleistocene. Future volatility will not, of course, follow exactly the same pattern but Fig. 2 represents a rough guess as to what might occur. Agriculture was impossible in the past because of climate/weather instability and it is likely to again be impossible if similar conditions return.


    Increased climate volatility could occur quite soon. According to Batissti (Quoted in Wallace-Wells, 2017):
    By 2050, under a typical middle-of-the-road emissions scenario, you’re looking at a doubling of the volatility for grains in the mid-latitudes. In places like China, the U.S., Europe, Ukraine—the breadbasket countries of the world—the volatility from year-to-year just from natural climate variability at a higher temperature is going to be much higher. The impact on crops is going to be greater and greater.

    The ability of agriculture to adapt to climate change will depend on the rapidity of changes as well as their severity. Intensively growing high-tech crops on the massive scale required to support billions more people will be prohibitively expensive just in terms of the energy required. The feasibility of massively moving crops North to avoid warmer temperature is limited because of poor quality soils in places like northern Canada and Russia. Also, temperature fluctuations will be greater toward the poles. Much of the evidence is anecdotal, but there are already indications of climate instability more than offsetting the advantages of longer growing seasons in northern regions, For example, although longer summers in Greenland have increased the growing season by two weeks, they are becoming drier and rainfall has become more unpredictable with adverse effects on crops and livestock (Kintisch, 2016).

    Sea level rise will be a major stress factor on agricultural output with the loss of agricultural land and increasing salinity from storm surges. According to Hansen et al. (2016): during the last interglacial, about 140,000 years ago, the earth was about 1 °C warmer than today and sea levels were 6–9 meters higher with evidence of extreme storms. Their modelling implies that a 2 °C warming would cause an eventual shutdown of the North Atlantic current, an ice melt in the North Atlantic and Southern oceans causing increased temperature gradients and more severe storms, and sea level rise of several meters within a very short time span of 50–150 years. Fischer et al. (2018 p. 474) write:

    A global warming average of 1−2 °C with strong polar amplification has, in the past, been accompanied by significant shifts in climate zones and the spatial distribution of land and ocean ecosystems. Sustained warming at this level has also led to substantial reductions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, with sea-level increases of at least several meters on millennial timescales.


    Will the transition to hunting and gathering result from a catastrophic collapse of civilization or a semi-orderly contraction? A strong case can be made for a sudden catastrophic collapse and a massive dieoff of Homo sapiens (Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 2013; Morgan, 2009; Spratt & Dunlop, 2019


    Collapse is not a necessary pre-requisite to a hunter-gatherer future for our species. Our species may avoid collapse and have some sort of semi-orderly contraction of the human population and our impact on the biosphere. One way or another, with the environmental stress on agriculture from future climate change and the inevitable decline in food production, the number of humans on the planet will be drastically reduced over the coming centuries. As human populations shrink, and grain production becomes problematic, state societies as we know them will become increasingly difficult to maintain. This will be good for the planet and for individual human well-being. Scott (2017) makes a strong case that the average person was better off after past state societies collapsed. He argues that the period from the first appearance of states until their complete hegemony some 5000 years later was a “golden age of barbarians.” Barbarians had the autonomy to pursue limited agriculture, foraging and hunting, and they had the opportunity to take some of the spoils of the state through raiding and pillaging


    One can envision a relatively slow decline in food production as climate change becomes more and more pronounced, and a decline in population and economic output. The decrease in economic surplus will increasingly constrain the ability of states to maintain their monopoly on violence and their ability to control the population. It may be unlikely, but if the effects of climate change are gradual enough, a soft landing to a non-agricultural economy may be possible.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: tak to je solid
    TADEAS --- ---

    People without access to sewage systems


    19y 123d 00h 33m 44s
    Time left till the world runs out of freshwater

    The World Counts
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