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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    DESMOND --- ---
    ad decoupling - víte o něčem, co by vyvracelo tyto příklady?:

    Brand Steward tvrdí, že se jim podařilo dosáhnou toho, že je energetická náročnost Kalifornie stejná jako před třiceti lety, ačkoli ekonomika vzrostla o 80% (i když jde jen o energii), https://www.ted.com/talks/stewart_brand_4_environmental_heresies?language=cs#t-979568

    Copenhagen usiluje o prvenství v uhlíkové neutralitě města, za 20 let dosáhlo úspor asi 42% emisí a zároveň 25% ekonomický růst https://www.theguardian.com/...19/oct/11/inside-copenhagens-race-to-be-the-first-carbon-neutral-city
    TUHO --- ---
    Loosely hooked to a major UN biodiversity report published last year, which found that the survival of 1 million species was at risk, Extinction: The Facts is a whistle-stop tour of our destruction of nature. A stellar cast of academics and experts from NGOs tell the story of a decline in mammals, plants and fish that Attenborough says “isn’t just disturbing, it’s deeply tragic”.
    The big drivers of this devastation are ticked off: habitat loss, climate change and the “escalator to extinction” as species try to adapt to higher and cooler homes. The illegal wildlife trade is also covered, accompanied by harrowing footage of ivory, pangolins and more. The effects of long-term exposure to pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) – which were mostly banned internationally in 1986, but still end up in seas – are seen for orcas off the coast of Scotland, UK. Even less photogenic subjects, such as the organisms we are losing from our soils, get a look in.

    Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/...he-facts-an-attenborough-guide-to-natures-destruction/#ixzz6XppHoGoc
    PER2 --- ---
    "For most of the last 100 years, Californians suppressed fires in forests, resulting in the accumulation of roughly five times more wood fuel debris than existed in forests before Europeans arrived. "
    PER2 --- ---
    maly update - pozary za 2020 cervene

    stupnice dole - acres
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    fajn grafy na tema Kdo za to muze

    What’s causing climate change, in 10 charts - Vox
    JAZZZ --- ---
    SHEFIK: asi nemam cas ani chut opravovat wiki, ale je tam diskuze o tom, ze ta tabulka je na houby
    Talk:Energy density - Wikipedia
    porovnavat tepelnou energii paliv co potrebujou kyslik (tzn vaha spalovane smesi je pak uplne jina) s elektrickou energii v baterkach a dokonce s energii jakou doakze metabolismus dostat z bagety .. to je proste uplne mimo
    TADEAS --- ---
    From Petri-Dish to Plate - who are the global leaders in lab and plant-based meats

    TurtleTree Labs - Future of Milk

    PAD --- ---
    Polish oil firm signs up to 2050 climate neutrality goal – EURACTIV.com

    PKN Orlen, Poland’s largest oil refiner and retailer, this week became the first oil company in central Europe to commit to climate neutrality by 2050, with plans to invest billions in energy efficiency, solar, wind, and hydrogen.

    Orlen vlastni Benzinu - nejvetsi sit pump v Cesku. Polaci fakt jedou - spocetli si dobre, ze nema smysl jit proti zbytku EU, ale ze je lepsi to vzit jako prilezitost, jak uspet na nove se formujicim trhu s cistou energii.

    Za me super, protoze Cesi se radi nad Polaky povysuji, ale pokud pujde vse dal tak, jak je ted, tak brzy bude fakt tezke v Cesku obhajovat to, ze zatimco jim se dari, nam zbyvaji jen zastarale ideologicke floskule...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cattle Are Part of the Climate Solution - Rodale Institute

    Rodale Institute interviews Savory science advisor Dr. Richard Teague:
    “Prior to starting our regenerative grazing studies in 1999, we worked with the NRCS who did all the soil mapping around the nation. We asked them to introduce us to farmers and ranchers who had the highest soil carbon levels. Without a single exception, they were all following Holistic Management, or a couple of variations around that.”
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Fakt je, že prostě nevím, proč musíme pálit nejvíc uhlí na osobu v EU
    TADEAS --- ---
    URZA --- ---
    Stopping a 1,074 Day Fire with a Nuclear Bomb
    TADEAS --- ---
    Six Portuguese youth file 'unprecedented' climate lawsuit against 33 countries

    Six Portuguese young people have filed a legal action accusing 33 countries of violating their right to life by not doing their fair share to tackle the climate crisis.

    This is the first climate change case to be filed with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, France. If admissible, it could set an important precedent, showing the way for other climate lawsuits based on human rights arguments.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Klimatické závazky ČR – Klimatická žaloba ČR

    Úvodní stránka – Klimatická žaloba ČR

    Klimatická žaloba ČR je žaloba na české státní orgány odpovědné za snižování emisí a adaptační opatření na změnu klimatu, která bude podána k českým soudům. Žaloba, jejíž znění připravuje advokátní kancelář Frank Bold Advokáti, bude podána spolkem českých občanů, kteří se cítí být ohroženi nečinností státních orgánů v předcházení změně klimatu. Cílem žaloby je soudní výrok stanovující, že české státní orgány nechrání dostatečně práva českých občanů zaručená Ústavou a neplní své mezinárodní závazky ve vztahu ke změně klimatu.
    JAZZZ --- ---
    SHEFIK: odkud to je? pokud chce nekdo porovnavat baterky s palivem, tak by bylo fer zapocist ucinnost motoru a generatoru. proste porovnavat elektrinu s elektrinou a ne hrusky s jabkama.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    oregon mi pripomnel fotku co jsem v zime davala k australii...

    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: uz jsem density dohledal na wiki, na objem opravu nic moc, ale oproti li-on bateriim je to porad o mile napred :)

    SHEFIK --- ---
    XCHAOS: mohl bys svoje tvrzeni nejak podlozit? protoze je to opak toho, co ctu...

    co se tyka platiny, to je o technologii

    co se tyka objemu, ja nechci v patek v noci delat chemickou resersi, ale kdyz mas sportaka na 1600km ve vodiku, kterej jezdi 355km

    a o chlup vetsi teslu na baterky s dojezdem 500km a omezovacem rychlosti, protoze by se baterie vyjela za 100km na plnej plyn, tak to neco vypovida o hustote energie a jejim skladovani.

    je potreba si uvedomit, ze jsme sice vodik pouzivali uz pred 100 lety, ale tehda nebyl internet (vic hlav vzdycky vic vi), startup incubatory, klimaticka krize, levna ropa a tak obrovskej objem investic do alternativ. u vodiku jsme teprve na zacatku cesty...

    taky se nesmis fixovat jen na elektrolyzu, ale treba vodik misto skladkovani:

    ...a i elektrolyza pujde dopredu

    The CHANNEL (Development of the most Cost-efficient Hydrogen production unit based on AnioN exchange membrane ELectrolysis) project will run until December 2022. It aims to develop a low-cost and efficient electrolyser unit utilising “non-PGM electrocatalysts, porous transport layers, current collectors, bi-polar plates, state-of-the-art anion exchange membranes and ionomers,” as noted on the project website. “This will enable the development of an electrolyser technology at a capital cost (CAPEX) equal or below classical alkaline electrolysis. However, in contrast to the alkaline technology, the CHANNEL AEM electrolyser will have an efficiency and current density operation close to the one of proton exchange membrane electrolyser (PEMWE).” The project website also states: “The CHANNEL stack will not only result in decreased electrolyser part count, but it will also be able to operate at differential pressure, as well as under dynamic operation, optimal for producing high quality, low cost hydrogen from renewable energy sources.”

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