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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Crisis and Consciousness: Re-imagining Our World and Ourselves eBook: Gillespie, Sally: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

    As a Jungian psychotherapist prior to switching her focus to pursue doctoral research investigating psychological responses to climate change, her work focuses on our unconscious responses. She explores how existential questions manifest in our dreams, emotions, and imagination as we grapple with ecological collapse. Like anyone who is not in denial about the unfolding crisis, she demonstrates how, by facing into it, we may disrupt the habitual ways of being that have precipitated it.

    Gillespie addresses the fear that everyone must surely feel when faced with facts about the likely consequences of the current trajectory of global heating, acknowledging the anger and denial that is often the reaction to a terror that seems too awful to bear. She draws on the experience of many well-known activists and scientists who have had to deal with their own grief and anxiety in order to continue their work, and she cites research showing that the apathy that seems to affect some people whose environment is already affected by climate change is not a consequence of not caring, but of caring too much.

    Gillespie guides us through the ways in which paying attention to our environment and developing an ecological consciousness changes us profoundly: ‘Arriving at the understanding that we are not apart from but an active part of the most beautiful world we can ever know, expands horizons, changes perspectives, transforms identity, opens hearts and develops relatedness’. (67)

    She leads us through the ways this happens, the various forms of ecological consciousness that are a significant aspect of Indigenous knowledge systems, deep-ecology, Buddhism, eco-philosophy and eco-psychology as well as the works of poets and dreamers through the ages who have realised the necessity, and joy, of ‘surrendering egocentric perspectives to an experience of one’s self being part of a larger whole.’ (78) She not only introduces us to ways we can ease our own anxiety but how, by finding values we share in common with even the most ardent climate deniers, such as a love for our local area or our children and grandchildren, we can open a door to the kind of human connection that is vital for survival in times of crisis.

    As the most recent global pandemic has already shown, faced with an existential threat—combined with being forced to slow down and rediscover the pleasures of less traffic, clearer air, and, for those not on the frontline, more time to stop and stare—life is changed. While it is early days, and the changes for some are terrifying, there is already evidence that whole populations can quickly adapt to behaving differently if circumstances demand it. Gillespie encourages us to make changes now, indicating ways to respond appropriately, courageously and, importantly, imaginatively, before the climate crisis becomes an emergency we can only react to with fear.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2019 Earth, Climate, Dreams: Dialogues with Depth Psychologists in the Age of the Anthropocene

    Earth, Climate, Dreams – Depth Insights Transpersonal Soul-Centered Coaching and Education

    Earth, Climate, Dreams Symposium - YouTube

    Bonnie Bright, Ph.D., deserves enormous credit for having conducted and then assembled this collection of in depth interviews with prominent Jungians, generally focused on our climate emergency. And particularly focused on our cultural blindness - which many of the interviewees call the Complex - in either understanding or dealing with the climate crisis.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Amazon.com: Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics (9781138124868): Orange, Donna M.: Books

    Psychoanalysis engages with the difficult subjects in life, but it has been slow to address climate change. Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics draws on the latest scientific evidence to set out the likely effects of climate change on politics, economics and society more generally, including impacts on psychoanalysts.

    Despite a tendency to avoid the warnings, times of crisis summon clinicians to emerge from comfortable consulting rooms. Daily engaged with human suffering, they now face the inextricably bound together crises of global warming and massive social injustices. After considering historical and emotional causes of climate unconsciousness and of compulsive consumerism, this book argues that only a radical ethics of responsibility to be "my other’s keeper" will truly wake us up to climate change and bring psychoanalysts to actively take on responsibilities, such as demanding change from governments, living more simply, flying less, and caring for the earth and its inhabitants everywhere.

    Linking climate justice to radical ethics by way of psychoanalysis, Donna Orange explores many relevant aspects of psychoanalytic expertise, referring to work on trauma, mourning, and the transformation of trouble into purpose. Orange makes practical suggestions for action in the psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic communities: reducing air travel, consolidating organizations and conferences, better use of internet communication and education. This book includes both philosophical considerations of egoism (close to psychoanalytic narcissism) as problematic, together with work on shame and envy as motivating compulsive and conspicuous consumption.

    The interweaving of climate emergency and massive social injustice presents psychoanalysts and organized psychoanalysis with a radical ethical demand and an extraordinary opportunity for leadership. Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics will provide accessible and thought-provoking reading for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, as well as philosophers, environmental studies scholars and students studying across these fields.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Living with the Anthropocene: Love, Loss and Hope in the Face of Environmental Crisis, Muir, Cameron, Wehner, Kirsten, Newell, Jenny - Amazon.com

    In this extraordinarily powerful and moving book, leading Australian writers come together to reflect on what it is like to be alive during an ecological crisis as the physical world changes all around us. How do we hold onto hope? These personal stories are more than individual responses. They build a picture of a collective endeavour towards cultures of care, respect, and attention — values and actions that we yearn be reflected in the institutions that have power to act on a scale that matches the complexity and enormity of the challenge Personal and urgent, this is a literary anthology for our age, the age of humans that reflects on how we might resist, protect, grieve, adapt and unite. Features some of Australia’s best-known writers and thinkers including: Tony Birch, James Bradley, Sophie Cunningham, Delia Falconer, Ashley Hay, Iain McCalman, Ellen van Neerven, Jane Rawson, David Ritter and many more
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: bez googleni a spis principialne: skleniky jsou energeticko-materialove (=kapitalove) narocna infrastruktura, jejimz cilem je stabilizace mikroklimatu pro rust, tzn. v zime dotapis (casto plynem), nekdy je potreba i externe dodavat co2 pro rostliny. mirou dosvitu lze samozrejme taky hodne regulovat objem produkce, jestli tam je zdrojem energie plyn nebo spis elektrina, to nevim, posledne co jsem se tim zabyval, tak zacinaly byt k dispozici i ledky s odpovidajicim spektrem, takze by se narocnost toho dosvitu tim mohla snizovat.

    uplne zesiroka - opet je potreba rict, ze skleniky jsou reseni pro extenzi sezony nebo celorocni produkci v klimatech, ktery to jinak neumoznujou, zaroven jde obvykle o produkci listu, zeleniny (i kdyz v UK zastresujou i ovocny stromy, ale tam nejde o dotapeni pres zimu, spis o regulaci zavlahy), ktera ale v celkovy zemedelsky produkci je na plochu v pomeru k ostatnim land-usum docela malo narocna.

    z pohledu minimalizace tech fosilnich vstupu - lze bud vyuzivat odpadni teplo (ted treba v cr nekdo rozjel velky hydroponie na rajcata u tusimic), nebo musi bejt vstupem nefosilni plyn/elektrina/biomasa. jestli to nekdo dela, to si myslim ze zatim spis ne, protoze ten plyn je dost praktickej. do budoucnosti bude to odpadni teplo treba z tech vodikovejch palivovejch clanku. me osobne zajima i ten bioplyn, protoze tak jak to ted vidim tak farma muze regenerativne produkovat biomasu tak, aby tim uzivila pres bioplynku nejaky skleniky. hodne by me zajimalo precistovani a komprese toho biometanu, myslim ze v ramci ty energeticko-materialovy lokalizace je to zajimavy.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: nevis proc uvadi, ze skleniky jsou energeticky-intenzivni a spotrebuje az 10% z celkove spotreby plynu?

    to maj ve sklenikach klimosku/topeni/sodiky?
    KULHY --- ---
    Jaky je tedy vas (kdo se klimakrizi aktivne zabyvate) postoj k jeho dokumentu? Je prilis optimisticky nebo prinasi masovemu publiku akceptovatelnou zpravu, ktera muze pozitivne ovlivnit dalsi vyvoj v klicovych rozhodnutich? Nebo uplne jinak?
    TADEAS --- ---

    dobra reakce na attenboroughuv dokument

    Dear David Attenborough, beautiful Netflix documentary. But your ‘solutions’ destroy nature even more - The Correspondent

    Dear Sir David Attenborough,


    Your reasoning is as follows. We humans are cultivating more and more land for agriculture to support our growing global population, thereby destroying natural ecosystems. The most important example is a seemingly endless succession of palm oil plantations in Borneo, built at the expense of the richest nature on Earth, including orangutans, our siblings in the canopy.

    So, you say, we need to focus all our energies on cultivating more food on less land. “The Dutch have become experts at getting the most out of every hectare,” we hear you say with your familiar eloquent tone. “Despite its size, the Netherlands is now the world’s second largest exporter of food.”

    According to you, the Netherlands has increased its production tenfold, while using fewer pesticides and artificial fertilisers, with lower CO2 emissions. We see tomatoes growing in futuristic greenhouses, and even vertical farming: heads of lettuce growing one above the other, 10 storeys high, illuminated by purple LED lighting.

    But the fact that we are champion exporters is not because we pile heads of lettuce on top of each other or because we grow sustainable sci-fi tomatoes.

    The “food product” that makes us champion exporters doesn’t taste good: it’s flowers. We are actually focusing all our energies on supplying the growing global population with flowers!

    That requires heaps of artificial fertiliser and CO2. And thanks to horticultural exports, the Netherlands uses the largest amount of pesticides per hectare in all of Europe.

    If we don’t count flowers, the Netherlands isn’t the second largest exporter of food: Germany is. The fact that you do include flowers is probably because you got your information from an often-cited article in National Geographic, which makes the same mistakes.

    Even so, we do export a lot of food, so this isn’t the most important fact you missed. The point is: the Netherlands is cheating. We have two tricks that allow us to export so much food with so little land use. And as a Dutch ecologist, I’m afraid to say they have nothing much to do with the conservation of biodiversity.


    Trick #1: imports

    The first trick: 30% of our exports aren’t actually grown in the Netherlands. In fact, we import them first. This is known as “re-exportation”. And the Netherlands may be fertile, but many of the raw materials for the other 70% also come from abroad.

    For its own consumption alone, the Netherlands uses two and a half times more agricultural land than the country possesses. That’s not because we pile crops on top of each other in towers: that land is situated in other countries.

    Guess where all that palm oil from Borneo goes? The Netherlands.

    After India and China, the Netherlands was the biggest palm oil importer in 2019. Unilever, one of the world’s biggest food multinationals, uses this palm oil to make supermarket products for the whole of Europe, in Dutch factories. Unilever puts oil in practically everything, from bread and peanut butter to shampoo and mascara. And palm oil is the cheapest oil on the global market. Even in formula for babies, milk fat is replaced by palm oil.

    All that processed food: that would be number four in the list of Dutch export products. This year, too, Unilever was involved in further deforestation in Indonesia


    Trick #2: fossil fuels

    The second trick is fossil fuels. Although there is a much higher yield per square metre of agricultural land than 50 years ago, the efficiency of the production process has collapsed. In 1950, every 100 joules of fossil fuels that Dutch farmers used yielded 107 joules of nutritional value thanks to ecological processes, but nowadays, that ratio is only 100 joules of fossil fuels to 6 joules of nutritional value. All that energy goes towards the production of artificial fertiliser, building barns, driving tractors and transporting all the food. And we don’t eat the bulk of it ourselves; it’s feed for livestock.

    We use two-thirds of all agricultural land to grow grass to feed for our cows. They get a supplementary 10-20% in the form of protein concentrates, the majority of which come from outside Europe: soy and palm kernel shells.

    This brings us to our second and third largest agricultural export, after flowers: meat and dairy. Cheap pork and milk for Germany and the UK.

    I don’t have to tell you about the disastrous effects of bio-industry on the climate and biodiversity; you talk about this in your documentary. Thanks to all the cheese and cutlets, the Netherlands is also a leader when it comes to biodiversity loss.


    Increasing food production in itself doesn’t reduce the number of undernourished people globally, but merely leads to more lower quality products at throwaway prices, and an increased consumption of luxury products by people who already had more than enough to eat. The bulk of Dutch exports goes to other European countries, all of which also consume more meat and dairy than is good for them.


    The problem with greenhouse horticulture

    now we finally get to the tomato greenhouses. Our fifth-largest agricultural export, after flowers, meat, dairy and processed goods, is vegetables. About half of the export value of fruit and vegetables comes from greenhouse horticulture, and that accounts for only 4% of our total agricultural exports. Most of this also goes to other European countries


    unfortunately greenhouses are expensive to build, and they are by far the most energy-intensive sector in the Netherlands, much more intensive than the steel industry. Greenhouse horticulture takes up 10% of all Dutch natural gas consumption – the same amount as half of all Dutch housing. Greenhouse horticulture accounts for 80% of all the energy used for agriculture. Economically, this is only possible because it is subject to a lower energy tax rate.

    Why do greenhouses get a reduced rate? Because otherwise they’d have to pay an enormous amount of energy tax.

    There’s no point even talking about vertical farming because that requires even more energy, and it can’t be switched off. LED lighting is relatively economical (although it has nothing on sunlight, which is free), but that’s merely promotional chatter. Its benefits are instantly negated by the number of lamps, enormous dehumidifiers and air conditioners these constructions require.


    By praising Dutch exports, you are only repeating our food industry’s marketing slogans. Please stop. Argue for hard measures to curb our own consumption. Hold food giants like Unilever to account. Condemn agriculture that comes at the expense of biodiversity. Not only in Borneo, but also in the Netherlands, and on your own island of Britain.

    If Europe were to make it part of its policy to halve meat and dairy production in favour of seasonal vegetables, we would be able to manage without exports from outside Europe, while promoting healthier living and environmentally friendly farming. And the European Union has that power, because it has been determining farmers’ choices for decades, with a cash injection that constitutes almost 40% percent of the total EU budget. It’s a choice.

    Without Dutch imports and exports, the world outside Europe would not have less, but more to eat, and not less, but more nature would be preserved.

    TUHO --- ---
    Tak nocni mura dalsich 4 let s oranzovym klaunem se nastesti nekona. USA se tedy zrejme brzo pripoji k Parizske umluve a da se ocekavat poleveni tlaku federalni administrativy proti renewables a poleveni podpory fosilu stejne jako zastaveni trumpovskyho utoku proti agenturam a legislative na ochranu prirody. To muze bejt pro velkou cast us fosil prumyslu, kterymu uz se tak nevede dobre celkem rana z milosti.

    Young Voters, Motivated by Climate Change and Environmental Justice, Helped Propel Biden’s Campaign | InsideClimate News
    TADEAS --- ---
    Klimatická krize, její pokrytí a dopady na psychické zdraví

    Simona Fendrycová (Aktuálně.cz ), Jan Krajhanzl (Sociální psycholog a ekopsycholog) a Radek Kubala (Deník Referendum) diskutují o tom, jak se za poslední roky proměnilo pokrytí klimatické změny v českých médiích a jaký má informování o klimatické krizi dopad na psychiku veřejnosti a rozvoj environmentálního žalu.

    JINDRICH --- ---
    JINDRICH: Další...
    Sponzorováno · Platí za to Aktuálně.cz
    V Česku i na celé planetě roste průměrná teplota. "Nechceme být generací, která nechala uschnout lesy, vymřít lední medvědy a zmizet vodu ze studní," říká hydrobiolog David Pithart, který se zapojil do klimatického projektu Planeta v nouzi
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Martin Ukrop, Ondráš Přibyla: Fakta o klimatu: klimatická data v českém prostředí
    Konference OpenAlt - Program
    DZODZO --- ---
    este doladit to aby to nemuseli vozit az do nemecka a pak naspat a je to dost sustainable

    How Are Aluminium Cans Recycled? | How Do They Do It?
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: teda pane doktore, vy nám ale nakládáte. Zprvu jsem myslel, že taková (psycho-logistická) pomoc mi netřeba. Co naplat, ráno tomu chtělo, že zapínaje rádio, seplo se i to synchro a už je to na stole. Na Vltavě vysílají esej O smutku.

    Tady pan navrátil to před 80 lety napsal moc pěkně a v češtině se mi to to celý trochu líp prožívá.
    Václav Navrátil: O smutku | Vltava

    PS: už se těšim na skupinovku ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: pro upresneni, sice to na tom nestoji, ale davaj tam priklad kde uvadej ze v nejakejch africkejch zemich pracuje v zemedelstvi z 60-80 procent zeny, neni tomu tak momentalne:

    Women, Agriculture and Work in Africa
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Dopady klimatické krize vidíme všude. V sázce jsou naše životy, apeluje moderátorka Světlana Witowská, další z osobností, které se zapojili do speciálu Planeta v nouzi. Zapojte se i vy http://aktln.cz/rXDs3z. #PALINASKLIMA
    TADEAS --- ---
    zack labe

    Laptev Sea Not Refreezing & Other Arctic Climate Notes With Dr. Zack Labe

    In this episode, I am speaking with Dr Zack Labe at Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science about the perilous heat trends reshaping the Arctic.

    Zack is very well known on social media for bringing the climate data to life, in a series of visualisations and charts that depict extremes, such as we have seen recently in the Laptev Sea where the start of the sea ice formation is yet to begin.

    In this discussion also we talk about improving the general publics’ overall literacy on climate change and why panicking is not the preferred course of action.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Climate Psychology Podcast | US Election, COVID19 and Climate & Ecological Breakdown |CPA’s Adrian Tait discusses

    In this episode of Shaping The Future, I am speaking with Adrian Tait, a founding member of the Climate Psychology Alliance, (the CPA).

    Adrian discusses how the linkages between events such as the US election and COVID-19 are compounding the anxiety that many people feel about the climate and ecological crisis.

    In particular, he discusses Through The Door, a CPA initiative that has been utilised to help create a space where people who share anxieties about climate and ecology can come together. These groups are self-sustaining and may well offer the foundations of psychological resilience needed in ever more troubled times.

    One key observation is that the pandemic offers insights into how a society under pressure responds. In particular, Adrian highlights how necessary it is to discern the conflicting desires between a return to a pre-COVID world founded on unsustainable principals and the opportunity to reset our value systems and gear them towards a more balanced and sustainable world.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    podrobnejsi rozbor proc Biden nic moc neudela (senat) (z CarbonBrief)

    Biden’s bold climate plans could be thwarted in GOP-run Senate
    As the votes from a handful of key states continue to be counted and with Joe Biden looking on course to take the presidency, global coverage of the US presidential election continues. Bloomberg reports that even if Biden does take the White House, he will struggle to get his “ambitious climate agenda” past a Senate that now seems likely to remain in Republican control. It quotes a Republican donor and oil drilling executive who says the Democratic candidate will not be able to “ram…a costly, zero-carbon mandate” through a Republican Senate. Instead, Biden will have to rely on federal agencies adapting “decades-old laws” to address climate change, but such regulations may face tough scrutiny in federal courts “reshaped” by more than 200 Trump-appointed judges, Bloomberg notes. The Financial Times reports that US oil-and-gas stocks rose and those of renewable energy producers fell on Wednesday in response to the likely lack of a Democratic majority in the Senate. It states that while $2tn of spending on clean energy had been pledged by Biden during his campaign, this proposal now “hangs in the balance” and looks especially unlikely given the Supreme Court’s recent shift to the right under the Trump administration. The newspaper quotes Bob McNally, a former adviser to President George W Bush, who says “court-packing, adding states and large tax hikes on oil and gas companies go out the window”. In its coverage, S&P Global Platts reports that the lack of a “strong blue wave” the Democrats had hoped for meant the ability to use the budget-reconciliation process or eliminate the filibuster, both moves discussed in the context of passing climate legislation, now looked unlikely.

    In contrast, Reuters quotes a lobbyist who suggests that Biden’s relationships with senators formed over decades could help him push some “modest legislation” on energy and climate. InsideClimate News echoes the point that there could be some moderate progress in a Republican-majority Senate, but notes that the party “have not so far put forward any comprehensive climate plans”. The website also reports that Democrats will still control the House of Representatives, where they will likely “continue to press for action on climate change”. For more on the climate policies of both candidates and their parties, see Carbon Brief’s US election tracker, which compares the Democrat and Republican positions on climate change and energy. Analysis in Axios looks specifically at “climate’s role in the chaotic election”.

    Following the US departure from the Paris Agreement, which coincided with the election, Reuters reports that a Japanese government spokesman has called the decision “extremely regrettable”. A New York Times article states that if the US rejoins the agreement, as Biden says he intends to, the country would find it has “a lot of catching up to do to both reduce emissions and rebuild trust with its international allies”. Climate Home News reports that climate campaigners have “reacted angrily” to Donald Trump’s unfounded claim that he won the presidential election. Its coverage quotes several activists criticising the president and calling on the authorities to “count every vote”.

    In other US politics news, the Washington Post reports that the Trump administration has proposed a “mainstream climate scientist”, Betsy Weatherhead, to lead the next National Climate Assessment. “Her appointment stands in sharp contrast to two recent high-level political hires…[and is] also is in contrast to the climate change views of President Trump,” the article notes.

    Bloomberg Read Article

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Renewables cut Australia's emissions more than Covid, energy analysis finds | Renewable energy | The Guardian

    Wind and solar power pushing out fossil fuel generation has cut Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions more than the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a new analysis.

    Renewable energy’s share of electricity generation also hit a record 26.5% across the five states forming the national energy market in the 12 months to the end of September.
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