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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Re-powering -- It's The New, New Thing For Existing Wind Farms
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vědec z uhelné komise: Jádra potřebujeme víc, jinak s uhlím skončit nelze - Seznam Zprávy

    jadro! :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Green growth vs degrowth: are we missing the point? | openDemocracy

    Green growth sceptics do not dispute the need for decoupling, but observe that the faster we grow the faster we have to decouple. Even a modest goal like 2% growth per year implies doubling the scale of consumption every 35 years. Unfortunately, we have never approached the rates of decoupling that would be necessary for rich countries to get back within their fair share of ecological space while maintaining that kind of exponential growth.

    Green growth advocates tend to respond that the historical record shouldn’t be taken as a guide to what is possible in future. Pessimism about future technological breakthroughs will be self-fulfilling, they say.

    For some this is a compelling and entertaining debate. But it is not going to be settled in a timeframe that is useful for maintaining a habitable planet. In the meantime, these adversaries are in danger of delivering a major own goal. Because the more time we spend in nerdy (and sometimes venomous) exchanges about decoupling, the less time we have to build the broad-based movement we need to take on the vested interests who benefit from the status quo.

    The question we should ask is: can those who care about economic and environmental justice on either side of this divide — growth optimists and growth sceptics — agree on a basic set of demands that can stop us hurtling toward ecological collapse? I believe that we are closer to a consensus than might immediately seem to be the case, for six reasons.

    A Doughnut-Shaped Recovery from Covid-19 - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries

    In a report published this week by the University of Leeds, Dan O’Neill and I outline four critical strategies required to alleviate our dependence on growth, and highlight some opportunities for advancing these strategies as part of our COVID-19 recovery planning.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: treba takovej?

    25.17% efficient perovskite solar cell via new photoactive layer – pv magazine International
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: tak tenhle problem by mohl celkem zmizet, pokud se podari prulom s perovskite solary ne?
    TADEAS --- ---
    The weekend read: Solar needs aluminum, but it has a carbon problem – pv magazine International

    The energy transition, the World Bank says, will require more aluminum than any other metal. In order to keep temperatures below a two-degree increase, clean energy technologies will need almost six million tons of the metal each year by 2050. By comparison, the combined total of lithium, cobalt and nickel, the mineral poster children of the energy transition for their use in batteries, is not expected to pass four million tons. These estimates rely heavily on myriad assumptions, but they underline the importance that metals have along the path to zero-emission energy.

    Almost all this aluminum for clean energy will be used in solar module frames. Its resistance to corrosion and light weight make it an optimal choice for exposure to the elements and ensuring modules structural stability.

    Aluminum’s energy challenge
    Aluminum may be needed for the climate, but the industry’s main environmental challenge is its own climate impact, according to engineering professor Guðrún Sævarsdóttir at the University of Reykjavik. Production is reaching ever higher volumes, but so are the industry’s carbon emissions.

    “There has been a large increase in the production volume of aluminum [over the past two decades], it has more than doubled since the year 2000,” says Sævarsdóttir. “And a lot of that development has been based on coal power, unfortunately.”

    New Chinese aluminum smelters have driven the spike in production, and they now produce more than half the world’s new aluminum. While the country relies on coal for 70% of its power, the power mix of aluminum smelters is more than 90% coal, according to Sævarsdóttir’s research.

    Mining, refining and smelting new aluminum produces nearly 2% of the world’s total carbon emissions. Every ton of aluminum produces on average roughly 15 tons of CO2 equivalents. That’s almost four tons higher than 20 years ago. By some measures the jump in aluminum production may mean 400 million more tons of CO2 equivalents each year by 2040.


    The process is not only energy intensive, but the mineral’s oxygen combines with carbon anodes to emit CO2. The direct carbon emissions make up roughly 10% of the process’s total emissions, and electricity consumption contributes 71%, according to Sævarsdóttir’s work.

    “We’re not going to get rid of these emissions unless something is done about the process,” says Sævarsdóttir.

    Recycling dramatically reduces the energy required to feed the metal into circulation, and aluminum is in theory infinitely recyclable. The Aluminum Association, an industry representative body, estimates that 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in circulation. Mining companies are inching toward investing in recycling plants, such as Rio Tinto’s Canadian plant announced in September.

    In the World Bank’s two-degree scenario, the proportion of recycled aluminum will grow, but it will still only cover 61% of demand. The ASI expects to release proposed standards to address climate impacts in the next several months for consultation, but establishing a path for carbon reduction may take much longer.


    Smelting often requires an order of magnitude more energy than other steps. To ensure they are supplied by renewable energy, some smelters in China are discussing whether to transport entire operations to areas where the grid relies on renewables, Jones says, but none have moved yet.

    Smelters are designed for constant power, but German firm Trimet has transformed some of its furnaces in an aluminum smelter to adapt to variable power. While smelters need to keep materials in a molten state, engineers add flexibility that allows the smelter to work with 25% less or 25% more power than typically used. When there is excess electricity available on local grids, sometimes a result of surplus solar and wind generation, process controls ensure that electrolysis chambers only freeze on the edges, allowing smelting to continue, albeit at lower capacity. In a sense, such a smelter acts as a form of battery on the grid.

    “It can really be a significant contribution to stabilizing the grid, so we should not ignore that opportunity,” says Sævarsdóttir.


    While electricity is responsible for a quarter of the world’s emissions, industry is close behind at 21%, according the IPCC.

    “Someone needs to work on the 21%. Everyone wants to work on renewable energy, but someone needs to work on this, otherwise we will not reach carbon neutrality… I think this is the biggest opportunity to help the climate.”
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    China expanding weather-control program to make artificial rain, snow - Business Insider

    China is massively expanding its weather-modification program, saying it will be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025

    "Cloud seeding" involves spraying chemicals like silver iodide or liquid nitrogen into clouds, where water droplets condense and fall.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    GOJATLA: polpotismus!
    (i kdyz v zapeti mi doslo, ze rudy khmerove vlastne vsichni v Parizi studovali, hehe)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Paris to ‘get rid of 70,000 parking spaces’ | ITS International
    TUHO --- ---
    Diky aspon za tu Balcarovou... I kdyz by teda bylo super, kdyby dokazala bejt pruraznejsi.

    Události, komentáře: Dana Balcarová, Jan Schiller a František Hrdlička o využívání uhlí — ČT24 — Česká televize
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Analysis: When might the world exceed 1.5C and 2C of global warming? | Carbon Brief
    If the world does not begin to rapidly reduce emissions, it is clear that the 1.5C target will be passed sometime between 2026 and 2042.

    Climate models show a wide range of possible exceedance dates, due to different estimates of how sensitive the climate is to CO2, as well as internal variability within the models.

    Similarly, if future emissions remain roughly flat, the world will exceed 2C warming above pre-industrial levels between the 2040s and 2070s. Whereas, if emissions continue to increase, global warming could exceed 2C between the 2030s and 2050s.

    JINDRICH --- ---
    TADEAS: Pekne o tom mluvil Rovensky na konci tiskovky po té. komise takto zvolila zcela neřízeny úpadek - ktery kromtoho nastane diky cenám emisních povolenek (v kalkulaci minimálně o třetinu podstřeleným) "samovolne" o dost drive nez roku 38, misto toho aby prisla s nejakym planem rizene transoformace... sociálně, ekologicky a ekonomicky citlivym. we like it rough!
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ecosystem Restoration Camps
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: "Jste schopní zásadním způsobem posouvat debatu a přinutit nás něco udělat. Nejste ale schopní nás porazit. Vraťte se silnější." Výzva přijata. (Radek Kubala)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    ale musi se nechat, ze Brabec do toho dal vsechno...

    Ministr životního prostředí Richard Brabec byl kvůli náhlé zdravotní indispozici převezen do nemocnice, sdělil jeho vládní kolega ministr průmyslu a obchodu a dopravy Karel Havlíček. Po jednání uhelné komise se tak Brabec nezúčastnil tiskové konference.

    Ministra Brabce převezli kvůli náhlé zdravotní indispozici do nemocnice - iDNES.cz
    PAD --- ---
    LIMECEJ --- ---
    kdyžtak za cirka dvacet minut začíná demo na Malostranském náměstí
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: me prijde klicovy toto "výsledek kritizujeme jako nezodpovědný z hlediska ochrany klimatu i ekonomiky. Uhlí nejspíš skončí z ekonomických důvodů dříve, plán se rozsype a doplatit na to mohou lidé v uhelných regionech." -- absence vize kam dal, oddalovani nutneho konce a spatna priprava na nej :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: bylo to jasny od zacatku uz podle slozeni komise? nevim. "Ministr Havlíček nepřipustil hlasování o jiných návrzích, než usnesení, které připravil on sám." se me bolestne dotklo. Veskera ta "participace" a "demokracie" jako fraska, aby si lidi mohli myslet, ze se teda na necem pracuje, nekdo se necim seriozne zabyva.. Lidi co jedou aktivismus mi prijdou jako naprosti hrdinove, kde to v sobe berou.
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    China to expand weather modification program to cover 5.5 million square kilometers - CNN
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