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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    LINKOS --- ---
    TADEAS: ono je taky dost pravděpodobný, že to množství masa co sníme si nebudem ani moci dovolit až ho začnou jist národy co teď bohatnou. Nechápu proč je pro tebe tak nepochopitelný, že jej jíme nejvíce v historii a je to špatně
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    TADEAS: tak samozřejmě snižovat spotřebu elektřiny je taky žádoucí
    TADEAS --- ---
    LINKOS: stejne jako je ma elektrina. mame snizovat spotrebu elektriny, protoze neumime zmenit zpusoby vyroby? hned.

    a ne, neodpustim si to, protoze je to fatalne mylny mysleni s tragickejma dusledkama.
    LINKOS --- ---
    TADEAS: ja bych zase rád aby si se bavil věčně a neuražel spoludiskutujici.
    Já samozřejmě mantru na které se točíš znám a hned mi bylo jasné že si to neodpustíš.
    Maso a mléčné výrobky mají teď nějakou emisní náročnost a jejich omezení má jasný a měřitelné dopad hned.
    TADEAS --- ---
    LINKOS: prosim jestli chces byt soucasti reseni, nepouzivej formulace ze maso nebo ml. vyrobky jsou nejak narocne. jsou takove nebo makove dle zpusobu produkce (managementu ekosystemu). jsou ruzne zpusoby produkce.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Irreversible Collapse: Accepting Reality, Avoiding Evil

    APPLICATION — TO AVOID BECOMING EVIL on a geological timescale, we must…
    1. Minimize deadliest toxicity (nuclear, methane, chemicals).
    2. Assist plants (especially trees) in migrating poleward.
    3. Invest time, energy, and resources in all things regenerative, including thriving with LESS, learning from and supporting indigenous wisdom and experience, and nurturing community eco-literacy and resilience.

    CORE MESSAGE: Without an understanding of ecology, energy, and history, good people with the best of intentions will unknowingly propose and support policies likely to make a bad situation catastrophically worse. Or as a friend of mine likes to say, “If you don’t 'get' overshoot, you’ll misinterpret or misdiagnose virtually everything important.”

    0:00:00 Introduction and Thesis
    0:05:53 The Great Acceleration of Gaian Collapse
    0:25:10 Progress, Overshoot, Decline: Lifecycle of Civilizations
    0:44:00 Ten Certainties - Pro-future vs Anti-future Hopes
    0:57:10 It's Not Too Late - Taking Responsibility for Our Legacy
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    SHEFIK: tak když máš uzavřenej chlív můžeš ten metan chytat a spalovat a tím třeba dělat elektřinu. Mad Max style. Otázka pak je jestli takový uzavřený systém chovu i přes tento benefit není tak energetický náročný, že i zisk této energie to nezachrání. Na druhou stranu ale tento systém intenzívního zemědělství bude dost pravděpodobně taky mít minimální zábor půdy, pokud budeme tohle dělat jinak, kolik půdy budem potřebovat?
    Možná by bylo dobré začít tím, že snížíme produkci toho nejnáročnějšího co v zemědělství máme - maso a mléčné výrobky...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Floods, storms and searing heat: 2020 in extreme weather | Environment | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Rough Road of Rising Up | Stephen Jenkinson & Roger Hallam

    What happens when a revolutionary activist meets a spiritual activist to speak about living in the time of the Anthropocene? In this captivating discussion we navigate the topics of truth, integrity, death, hope, and the action required to respond to the urgency of these times. How can we become ancestors worth claiming, and how can we support and mobilise our young people who are fighting for their futures on a dying planet?

    “Activism is saturated with the cult of hope… what happens over and over again is…burnout...rooted in this occultic attachment to hope in our culture. We are looking at a new way of thinking in terms of how we should act in this world and how we should act in this revolutionary fashion that we are now called to do given the extremity of evil that we face.” – Roger Hallam

    We discuss the weight of what it means to be an adult and our relationship to young people. What do we tell them? What is our responsibility towards our youth and future generations “to come?

    “As soon as you demonstrate the capacity to carry weight, you get weighted down. See that’s fate for grown ups. When there’s finally no hope left you try leave a scent in the air of what some people did in a time of trouble. The people to come they’ll need that. They’ll need to know that they came from people who were worthy of coming from. And you don’t hope you’ll be worthy. You get worthy now. That’s what time it is.” – Stephen Jenkinson

    “The two main mentors of the 21st century I think are mainly Martin Luther King and Ghandi who more than any other historic figures…in recent history show that fusion between moral purpose and spiritual maturity and how that manifests itself is in civil disobedience.” – Roger Hallam
    TADEAS --- ---
    Holocaust comments, Mobilisation and the Left | Roger Hallam | December 2020
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Historičtí viníci oteplování. Kdo spálil nejvíc fosilních zdrojů od roku 1751? | Energetika | Lidovky.cz

    Pojdme se hadat kdo za to muze :D mrzi me, ze tam neni oddelene UK z EU, ti maji urcite hodne
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: prave ze to je system, kterrj nejak uzavirame (zavirame zvirata, pestujeme krmivo, vlastnime pudu, atp), vyzvou je management otevrenejch ekosytemu. ty uzavreny se z principu orientujou na pridukci, je potreba prepnuti na produkci, ktera podporuje cykly ekosystemu.

    davam to sem furt dokola, bylozravce v ekosystemu nenahradis, jsou extremne dulezity, protoze ta regenerace se deje skrz traviny a tu managujou bylozravci. ekosyatemy maj nejakej emisni baselime, s tim se nic moc delat neda. pri budovani pudy to i se zapocitanim techle emisi vychazi pozitivne.

    pro blby - prasecak managovat musis protoze sis ho postavil (polouzavrenej system), otevrenej ekosystem managovat nevyhnutelne musis, protoze sis ho nepostavil, ale vyvinuli jsme se do nej / v nem.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: ten metan by se uvolnil/uvolnoval i na pastve ne?

    ja chapu, ze to z tvyho pohledu neni uzavrenej regenerativni cyklus, nicmene dokud budou kravy produkovat metan, tak ani pastva nebude 100% climate-friendly proces
    SHEFIK --- ---
    2020: Europe's Energy Transition in 5 Trends | Greentech Media

    By the end of 2020, all of Europe’s oil majors had made long-term climate commitments. 

    In terms of investments, BP is aiming for $5 billion a year of low-carbon investment by 2030. Equinor expects to invest $11.6 billion just in renewables by 2030. Shell has been loath to put a figure on its plans, but in addition to venturing efforts, the company will co-develop the ~€1.4 billion ($1.71 billion) Hollandse Kust (noord) offshore wind farm and has started early work on a series of major hydrogen projects. These are big numbers, but they don’t by any means eclipse the investments being made by major multinational utilities like Iberdrola. The Spanish utility has committed to increasing its annual renewable investment to $11.8 billion.
    In terms of how active the majors might be in the renewables sector, BP has the most ambitious target. Its 50 GW target for 2030 is the same as French utility giant EDF.

    #BP provides a blueprint for a net-zero carbon IEC. BP’s target of 50 GW by 2030 is impressive. Spend in clean energies will increase from $0.5 to $5 billion pa. Its ambitious net-zero carbon targets needed a strategy that can deliver. BP leaves its Euro Major peers way behind. 
    YEETKA --- ---
    Planetary Collapse and the Path to Regeneration with Joe Brewer
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: jako asi jo, ale stejně nebudeš chtít palivovým článkem nejdřív dobít baterky a pak baterkama topit...
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: neznam, zda se mi to jako snizeni miry degenerativity, predevsim je potreba nemit ty koncentrovany velkochovy, ktery generujou ten odpad, kterej je tady vyuzitej jako zdroj. takze je fajn vyuzit tenhle zdroj, ale vzhledem k ekosystemu je potreba predevsim nevytvaret tenhle odpad/zdroj.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: znas?

    Align RNG – Clean energy from renewable natural gas

    Over 10 years, Align RNG will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. farms by the same amount as:

    Planting 40 Million
    New Trees

    Removing 500,000
    Cars from the Road

    Cutting 2.5 Million
    Metric Tons of CO2e

    Forbes Energy Awards 2020: NextEra Energy, Bigger Than Exxon, Greener Than Tesla

    Best Product: Renewable natural gas from livestock

    Dominion Energy, Smithfield Farms and others are perfecting methods to capture methane from manure lagoons and sell it as a (highly subsidized) “carbon negative” replacement for regular natural gas. The gaseous emissions from pigs and cows would otherwise waft into the atmosphere, and methane is a nasty greenhouse gas. “It’s a win-win-win,” says Dominion chief operating officer Diane Leopold. Green energy is about “how many boxes you can check,” she adds. “This one has an extra box.”
    PAD --- ---
    Tady https://www.solarthermalworld.org/news/compact-heat-battery-virtually-no-heat-loss pouzivaji uhlicitan draselny:

    Granular potassium carbonate (K2CO3) was identified as a cost-effective, suitable thermochemical material (TCM) that could be charged with solar heat at temperatures above 65 °C. The salt is not a health hazard – it is even used in the food industry – and it is not very corrosive to metal parts either. In addition, the salt granules have shown no signs of degradation after multiple charge-discharge cycles to simulate the 20-year lifetime of seasonal storage.

    The three 400-litre salt-filled containers installed in Warsaw feature a modular design and have a total storage capacity of about 182 kWh.

    Since the system is run in a vacuum, outside temperatures down to below 10 °C can be used for the process.
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: ten bioplyn je dobry napad!

    My dosli k podobnemu zaveru - po topeni / TUV je nejvetsi zrout kuchyn. Topeni jsme proto spojili s varenim v dumyslny vynalez zvany kachlova pec s vymenikem:-) Ted v zime v ni vetsinu dne hori ohynek, na kterem se vari, susi, nahriva, pece a jeste to ohreje cely dum i vodu na koupani. Trouba pece stale a dobre, konvice je skutecne "rychlovarna", protoze je na plotne porad... Samozrejme to ma i sve nevyhody: je treba nosit drevo a casteji uklizet, protoze se vice prasi. A v lete nelze moc topit, protoze by se clovek uvaril, takze taky proto chci malou FVE - bude se to skvele doplnovat.

    Jeste k tem zasobnikum na teplo - zaujala me tahle technologie zalozena na vysouseni solnych roztoku: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_energy_storage#Salt_hydrate_technology . Napr. hydroxid sodny NaOH pri rozpousteni uvolnuje teplo - takze pri vysouseni jej naopak potrebuje. Na tomto principu lze ukladat energii dlouhodobe a hlavne stabilne. Uvadi 60% ucinnost, coz neni vubec zle. Akorat rozmerove je asi treba s necim takovym pocitat uz pri stavbe/rekonstrukci. Urcite to bude v nasobcich m3.
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