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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    YMLADRIS: mam to cele stazene. nahraju na svuj nextcloud a nasdilim
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    David Wallace-Wells: Neobyvatelná Země. Je to mnohem horší, než jsme si mysleli | Plus

    14 dilu audiokniha jeste mesic k poslechu (prvni dily pouze uz tyden)

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    XCHAOS: musk na letajici auta nekomu odpovidal, ze to nedava smysl, jednak je to z principu hrozne hlucny a nejde s tim nic fyzikalne udelat, za druhe je to z principu hrozne nebezpecny (pada to, coz te zabije)

    a vzhledem k tomu, ze on si promýšlí věci inzenyrsky od tech first principles, dala jsem si to do supliku nepouzitelne
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: tohle je právě mj. důvod, proč mi fascinuje myšlenka "zeleného létání": přes biopaliva asi cesta nepovede, protože obří letiště apod. by měla stejné negativní externality, jako dosud. Ale elektrické létání, pokud se technologie ještě aspoň nepatrně posouvá, otevírá netušené možnosti. Jednak mají elektrická letadla už dnes menší "VTOL penalty" než stroje turbínové, jako třeba vrtulníky, apod.: tedy cena, která se platí za možnost přistání mimo konvenční letiště, je u elektrického létání potenciálně daleko nižší, než u konvenčních strojů. Ale kromě toho je tam spousta dalších zajímavých důsledků té elektiřny: např. možnost přistání a dobíjení na místech bez existující zásobovací infrastruktury, protiže elektřina se dá vyrábět lokálně z OZE a nemusí se vozit žádné palivo. Krajním případem je solární létání, které je zatím částečnou chimérou, ale podle mě je to právě ta podoba, ke které elektrické létání konverguje a která právě dále osvobozuje létající stroje od infrastruktury.

    Hi-tech civilizace existující bez infrastruktury by byla právě takovou změnou pravidel hry, která by mohla přispět k zmírnění dopadů industriální civilizace. Pokud bychom dokázali více létat s minimální uhlíkovou stopou, obejdeme se s daleko menším množstvím dálnic a vysokorychlostních železnic, které spotřebovávají enormní množství železobetonu a mají obrovskou uhlíkovou stopu už během své výstavby. Vznikla by "technická civilizace 2.0", která by se mohla vyznačovat tím, že srovnatelného životního komfortu dosáhne v novém lokálním optimu, vyžadujícím daleko méně téžkého průmyslu a další civilizační infrastruktury (ať už veřejné, nebo korporátní)

    Většina humanitně vzdělaných intelektuálů, kteří se ke krizi civilizace vyjadřují, popravdě jen velmi okrajově dokázala předvídat fenomény jako internet či mobilní telefony a ještě méně vývoj směrem typu 3D tisk (ano, hodně futuristické sci-fi si zahrávaly s myšlenkou "duplikátorů", ale 3D tisk zatím zdaleka není o možnosti duplikovat cokoliv - jde hlavně o odlišné ekonomické paradigma, které by mohlo eliminovat některé úspory z rozsahu, které dnes vedou k tomu, že civilizace vyrábí kvůli ekonomickým úsporám vše ve velkém bez ohledu na enviromentální dopady). Každopádně prakticky celé je to o technologiích a jejich různých externalitách a moc nehraje rolik jak pěkné filosofické koncepty navíc na to někdo naroubuje.

    Koncept pasivního nebo alespoň nízkoenergetického domu je jeden ze směrů, kterým se civilizace může vydat. Je ale divné, že je to nutné vynucovat nějakými byrokratickými cestami, a že tak lidi neuvažují sami od sebe... když přitom jsou jinak ochotni peníze při pořizování nového domu utrácet za spoustu nepraktických nesmyslů.... každopádně ale o tomhle konceptu aspoň existuje povědomí.

    Poměrně malé povědomí ale existuje ohledně toho, že létání by mohlo být úplně jiné než dnes a že by mohlo být zelené. Je to takový "zeleně-libertariánský přístup". Svoboda, kterou by tento posun v myšlení přinesl, by byla opravdu nezanedbatelná. Zní to možná paradoxně, ale individuální letecká doprava by _mohla_ mít menší stopu, než individuální doprava automobilová - ale samozřejmě to vše závisí na tom, jaké zdroje energie by využívala. Nicméně jako jediná by mohla vést k ukončení devatace krajiny kvůli výstavbě veřejné infrastruktury... samozřejmě by to šlo ruku v ruce s omezením potřeby cestovat jako takové, např. omezení nutnosti každodenního dojíždění do práce apod. Je to prostě jedno myslitelné lokální optimum, které není zcela dystopické.
    TUHO --- ---
    Koukám, že Joseph Dodds (který mimochodem vydal skvělou knížku Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos...)
    Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos: Complexity Theory, De
    napsal nějaké nové věci, tak checkněte https://psychotherapy.cz/bio/

    Our era is accompanied by fractures and systemic collapses, ruptures and disruptions: climate, biosphere, extreme weather, mass extinctions, and habitat disruption, including dangerously self-amplifying feedback loops. Whole regions of the planet are burning up in flames or sinking into the sea, coral reefs are dying off, and we experience a generalized psychosocial breakdown making it hard to think. Within this frame COVID-19 has descended, crashing on our heads out of a blue sky. With its emphasis on our ability to thoughtfully engage with the most difficult aspects of our lives, can psychoanalysis, as Wilfred Bion suggests, help us now to ‘think under fire’? How can we make sense of our place within what Félix Guattari calls the three ecologies of mind, nature, and society, with flows and feedbacks circulating and undulating between human and nonhuman, semiotic and material, individual and collective, organic and technological, living and non-living? How does a narcissistic or paranoid particle in Trump or Bolsonaro infect entire societies and ecosystems? How does a microscopic, undead virus, carried on mucus expelled in a sneeze in China, shut down the Venice Carnival? “We are not outside the ecology for which we plan,” writes Gregory Bateson in Steps Towards an Ecology of Mind, hence the “charm and the terror of ecology.”
    JIMIQ --- ---
    TADEAS: tady z jineho zdroje
    US consumes more green energy than coal for first time since 1885 - Electrek
    TADEAS --- ---
    Public investment - How to get infrastructure right | Leaders | The Economist

    Every country wants to build more bridges, roads and renewable-power grids. It won’t be easy


    First, governments should select projects systematically by creating a single list and picking those with the highest payback. This assessment should factor in externalities, including the impact on carbon emissions, and delays, which are a big source of cost overruns. And it should be carried out by bodies that are independent from those that build and run assets. Often the projects selected will not be the glittering new temples that politicians like their names on, but humble repairs and maintenance.

    The second lesson is to harness the private sector. Not only is it a source of capital—global infrastructure funds have over $200bn waiting to be deployed—but projects with private investors also tend to be managed better. That means developing standardised contracts and independent regulators that protect taxpayers but also give investors reasonable certainty of an adequate return.

    Both lessons might seem obvious. A few places, such as Chile and Norway, get infrastructure right. But over half of the countries surveyed by the imf do not maintain a national pipeline of projects. And in most the record is staggeringly erratic. America is splurging on 5g (see article) but has squalid airports and too little renewable energy. Europe has shiny airports and wind farms but is in the stone age on 5g. Infrastructure is one of the last local industries left where easy gains are still to be had by copying others around the world. If you benchmark public investment in over 100 countries, adopting best practice could make spending 33% more efficient. The prize is huge.
    TADEAS --- ---
    U.S. Renewable Energy Consumption Surpasses Coal For 1st Time In Over 130 Years
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak jako vzdy, snazime se, co nejvice palit drevo pro vyrobu tepla, ale letos jsme prioritizovali zmenu systemu vytapeni z elektriny na plyn pred dalsimi snahami ve zvysovani tepelneho odporu.
    Vzhledem k tomu, ze velkovyrobci elektriny nedokazi odchod od uhli urychlit a stale se jeste najde dost lidi, kteri si mysli, ze ani 2038 neni realny a ze pro nej ani neexistuje duvod. Tak jsem se priklonil k tomu, ze plyn sice neni nizkoemisnim zdrojem tepla, ale na prechodne obdobi 10-20 let snizi emise mnohem lepe a rychleji nez lidi pochopi, ze jim skutecne musi ridit prenos elektriny a produkci pocitace.
    TADEAS --- ---
    UPDATE 5-Argentina suspends corn exports to ensure domestic food supplies | Reuters

    Dec 30 (Reuters) - Argentina will suspend sales of corn for export until Feb. 28, the agriculture ministry said on Wednesday, announcing the surprise move as part of the government's effort to ensure ample domestic food supplies

    The move by the world's No. 3 corn supplier was a sign of tightening global food supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    "This decision is based on the need to ensure the supply of grain for the sectors that use it as a raw material for the production of animal protein such as pork, chicken, eggs, milk and cattle, where corn represents a significant component of production costs," the statement said.

    Argentina's government is struggling to control food price inflation and help low-income families contending with an economy shrinking during the pandemic. Buyers can still book corn from Argentina, but only for a shipping date March 1 or later.

    Russia this month announced a grain export quota and wheat tax as President Vladimir Putin criticized rising food prices.

    And major agricultural exporter Brazil has imported staples, including soybeans. Chicago Board of Trade corn futures notched a 6-1/2-year high on Wednesday after Argentina's announcement.

    The South American grains powerhouse is also a big international soybean and wheat supplier, as well as the world's top exporter of soymeal livestock feed.
    TADEAS --- ---
    bendell etc v. mann


    Prof #MichaelMann blocked us for a tweet on his critique of collapse anticipation. As 500 scientists & scholars invited calm dialogue on collapse risks & readiness, we hope for more openness from such #climatologists in future @ClimateHuman #NewClimateWar https://t.co/gjpeRHAwhK https://t.co/SVQrNRNDHf


    Michael E. Mann

    The weaponization of misplaced defeatism & doomism reflected in the discourse of "deep adaptation" is a tactic in the ongoing war on climate action. Unsurprisingly, the movement has been nurtured by climate inactivists. Read about it at length in The #NewClimateWar: https://t.co/sFbCbMa0gA


    Initiative for Leadership and Sustainability: Facts on Deep Adaptation in response to a New York Times style article

    Some people may be ignoring evidence of how an anticipation of collapse has inspired climate activism and are instead projecting onto people how they might feel and act if they anticipated collapse themselves. That is not to deny that the psychological implications of anticipating collapse are huge and incredibly important for all of us who wish to slow climate change and prepare for further disruptions in the future. I will therefore continue working with psychologists to invite informed and open discussion of the implications and what we can all do to help, and intend to share more on that in the coming weeks. The seriousness with which the DA Forum takes these matters is illustrated by their safety and wellbeing policy, support for grief tending, and advice on seeking professional help when in distress. It is also why its approach to facilitating gatherings involves space for emotional expression and processing. That is contrary to some of the suggestions in the NYT article.


    Beyond Climate War: Writings on Deep Adaptation to societal collapse – Professor Jem Bendell
    TADEAS --- ---
    Initiative for Leadership and Sustainability: Facilitation for Deep Adaptation- IFLAS Occasional Paper 6

    In this paper some of the aspects of Deep Adaptation facilitation that have emerged from a community of practice of volunteer facilitators are summarised. These aspects include containment, with the intention of enabling co-responsibility for a safe-enough space for difficult conversations to occur with difficult emotions. Another key aspect is welcoming radical uncertainty in response to the anxieties people feel, as their sense of self, security and agency are challenged by the anticipation of collapse. A third aspect of this facilitation is making space for grief, which is welcomed as a natural and ongoing response to our predicament. A fourth aspect is a curiosity about processes of othering and separation. That arises due to our assessment that a seemingly innate process of imagining separation, and therefore ‘othering’ people and nature as less significant or meaningful, has been a habit in modern society that impedes responses to social and environmental crises.

    Three specific modalities are summarised. First, Deep Listening groups are small gatherings in which participants are invited to share honestly and openly about how they are feeling, and what they are experiencing, as they grapple with the implications of the unfolding climate tragedy. Crucially, they are not dialogic. Second, Deep Relating circles invite people into a relational meditation practice, or an approach to relating with others in a way that is grounded in a detailed awareness of present moment experience. Third, Death Cafes provide a safe and confidential setting for people to talk about death and dying, so with that awareness they might clarify what they want to do with their finite lives. Many other modalities are emerging in the Deep Adaptation field, which can be found from the links provided in the paper.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Initiative for Leadership and Sustainability: Facts on Deep Adaptation in response to a New York Times style article

    The NYT article includes a comment from Dr Kate Marvel that is presented as a criticism of the science in the DA paper and yet does not relate to what is in my paper. I paste in a relevant section of the paper and the article below. I do not confuse albedo effect and tipping points. I cite experts on the albedo effect and a study on how much radiative forcing arises from ice loss. This criticism is used in the NYT article as the basis for implying that the field of collapse anticipation is based on faulty science. One could argue against the scientific basis for collapse anticipation in more informed and nuanced ways that might aid our understanding of our situation. However, the way the article treats the topic reflects an approach that over 500 scientists and scholars have recently criticised as unhelpful suppression of the discussion of collapse risk and readiness. It also suggests a conflict between scholars which might not actually exist, and simply be misunderstandings of what one or the other has written or said. It is unfortunate that people reading the NYT might think I dismiss Dr Marvel or any climatologist, when the quoted sentence was within my explanation about the importance of seeking granular expertise on specific matters. Therefore, in clarifying this, I would like to confirm that I do not disrespect or disregard the work of Dr Marvel, or any other climatologist, but still encourage journalists to look further than the most famous names in the broad field of climatology when engaging in contentious aspects of climate change. For instance, it is quite easy to contact the scientists I referenced in the paper on albedo and the Arctic.

    The NYT article talks about DA implying it is too late to ‘save the world’. Neither myself or anyone I work with uses that frame or phrasing. Such a phrase reflects a set of anthropocentric patriarchal assumptions about the world and the human relationship to it. Perhaps some people assume that current industrial consumer societies constitute the only “world” worth “saving”. Following the work of Sheldon Solomon, perhaps that reaction is because these societies are the ones that have been the source of our identity, and as we become more anxious, unless we support each other's equanimity, we become more attached to our existing stories of identity, belonging and purpose. That is why it is so important to listen to the insights of indigenous scholars and people who work with them, such as Professor Vanessa Andreotti, who is on the holding group (advisory board) of the DA Forum. It may also be a reason why the DA Forum itself recently questioned the ‘save the world’ framing in their most recent review of where the Forum is now at since I left it in September. It is also why loosening our attachment to stories which affirm our separation and superiority with the rest of creation are central to the ethos of DA activities, as we explain in detail in a recent paper.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    happy new year .)

    Brabec: Prioritami pro nový rok je invazní novela a rozjetí Modernizačního fondu - Ekolist.cz

    "Největšími prioritami je rozjezd Modernizačního fondu, který by měl přispět k zásadní dekarbonizaci české energetiky, dále dokončení starého a rozjezd nového Operačního programu životní prostředí 2021- 2027 a Fondu spravedlivé transformace," uvedl Brabec. Do Modernizačního fondu půjde do roku 2030 z prodeje emisních povolenek, v závislosti na jejich ceně, 120 až 150 miliard korun. MŽP spustilo fond, zatím formou předregistračních výzev, na sklonku listopadu. První ostré výzvy by měly být vypsány v prvním čtvrtletí 2021.
    TUHO --- ---
    Isolated and challenged by a harsh climate and battered by the financial crisis of 2008, Iceland has successfully moved away from fossil fuels and shifted to 100% electricity production from renewable sources. The island nation has developed high-tech greenhouses to grow organic vegetables and embraced sustainable fish farming, ecotourism, breakthrough processes for carbon capture and disposal, and efforts to restore the forests that were lost in earlier centuries

    Iceland's innovations to reach net-zero – in pictures | Environment | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Delfíni stále častěji umírají pomalou bolestivou smrtí na poškození kůže, které je podobné těžkým popáleninám. Viníkem jsou sladká voda a klimatická změna, ukazuje nový výzkum.

    Delfíny zabíjí nová kožní nemoc, způsobuje ji obyčejná pitná voda — ČT24 — Česká televize
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    2020, vy a rozpad ekosystému. Jak to cítíte?

    49 hlasy od 18 respondentů

      TADEAS --- ---
      media.ccc.de -Climate Tipping Points

      by: Stefan Rahmstorf

      This talk summarizes evidence on the threat of exceeding tipping points and explores the effects of such large-scale changes, how quickly they might unfold and whether we still have any control over them.
      TADEAS --- ---
      Thread by @syn_efou on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

      2020 Changes in North Atlantic atmospheric circulation in a warmer climate favor winter flooding and summer drought over Europe

      Our paper “Changes in North Atlantic atmospheric circulation in a warmer climate favor winter flooding and summer drought over Europe” is now released online in Journal of Climate:

      We used a very high resolution climate model (GFDL CM2.6: gfdl.noaa.gov/cm2-6/) to assess changes in atmospheric circulation patterns under an experiment of increasing carbon dioxide concentrations

      The high resolution of the model allows for mesoscale oceanic eddies to be resolved and it has a realistic representation of the AMOC. This is important for the ocean-atmosphere interactions that play a significant role in forming the dominant atmospheric circulation patterns


      we find robust changes in certain atmospheric circulation patterns over the North Atlantic

      In winter (and particularly in February), zonal regimes (NAO+ like) are increasing by ~30% in frequency in the 2xCO2. In summer (and particularly in August), Atlantic Ridge, a high-pressure system off the UK coast, is increasing by ~60%

      Those robust changes in a warmer world may have great implications for European climate. In winter the increase of zonal circulation is linked to increased rainfall over northwestern Europe, increasing the risk of flooding in the area

      In summer, the increase of the AR is linked to less precipitation and longer dry spells over western and central Europe, contributing to higher drought risk. Those dynamical changes act supplementary to the thermodynamic effects of a warming world, exacerbating the impacts

      TADEAS --- ---
      S. Rahmstorf

      Could the reconstructed proxy data curve hide a 100-year warming spike as in the 20th Century, due to the averaging process over time and space? Three reasons why this is extremely unlikely:

      Paleoclimate: The End of the Holocene « RealClimate
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