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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---

    In India, Beiser says, "they call them the sand mafia".
    "They have literally murdered hundreds of people, including many journalists, including one that was burned to death. Another one was hacked to death with machetes," he says.
    "But it's not only journalists. It's also environmental activists, police officers, government officials — and that's not counting all the ones who have been threatened, who've been beaten up, who've been chased off their land.

    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Profit remains the ultimate objective, but BEV set another criteria: companies needed to show a path to scaling up that would cut at least 500 million metric tons of annual CO₂ emissions—about 1% of global emissions.


    That’s why BEV relies on a team that consists of academics, entrepreneurs, former government officials, and bankers, along with VC investors. Their mission goes beyond judging an idea and the people behind it to rigorously evaluate the feasibility and potential of new technologies.

    The next $1 billion will go to between 40 and 50 startups. While BEV is still interested in a broad set of technologies, it’ll place special focus on “tougher climate challenges” in greener steel and cement, long-haul transport, direct air capture and hydrogen.


    In some areas where BEV might not find enough investable startups, it intends to launch new companies itself relying on its own technical expertise. “This model has already been successfully executed more than once but the companies have yet to be disclosed,” said Toone.

    ... vsechno jde, kdyz se chce. skoda, ze vlady nechteji.
    PER2 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: sand mafia frci hlavne v indii, jak ve zbytku sveta netusim
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: nerozumim tomu, chapu to tak, ze na beton potrebujes velice konkretni pisek/sterk s urcityma vlastnostma (velikost zrnicek..), kterej ve svete rychle dochazi a tam, kde se da jeste tezit, to kontroluji problematicke mafie

    nekde jsem to cetla nevim uz kde
    PER2 --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    YMLADRIS: technologie z zajimava, ale ten despekt vuci pisku a betonu..
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: to je dotaz na podrobnosti, nebo jak
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    YMLADRIS: sand and concrete are controlled by mafias

    XCHAOS --- ---
    JINDRICH: no hlavně na skládce suti... u nás jsou obrovské prostory typu výsypky popílku, které by se na to určitě hodily taky....

    u nás ale agrivoltaika není nějak vůbec legální, protože půdní fond a tak... ale pravda jsme poměrně dost na severu, takže to u nás nemá takový význam, jako třeba ve Francii, spíš bych to cpal na ty střechy supermarketů a logistických center, by default...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Možná by pomohlo prostě líp zašpuntovat staré vrty...
    U.S. and Canada underestimating climate risk from abandoned oil and gas wells: study | Reuters
    DZODZO --- ---
    JINDRICH: tak dobre ze pouzili brownfield

    "Na připojení do sítě tak čeká nevětší fotovoltaická elektrárna v Rakousku nacházející se přímo ve Vídni. S její stavbou začala Wien Energie na podzim roku 2020 na bývalé skládce suti v 22. vídeňském okrese. Na ploše o velikosti patnácti fotbalových hřišť má vzniknout elektrárna s výkonem 11,5 MW, která má zásobit až 15 200 domácností. Koncipována bude tak, že mimo výroby elektřiny bude sloužit pro chov 150 ovcí a jako zemědělská plocha. "
    JINDRICH --- ---
    nějaká PR zpráva, ale zas agrofotovoltaika..

    Wien Energie se připravuje na připojení největší fotovoltaické elektrárny v Rakousku - Eurocomm-PR

    XCHAOS --- ---
    Biden Rejoins Paris Climate Accord, Works To Overturn Trump's Climate Policies - Slashdot
    SHEFIK --- ---
    90% Of Earth's Warming In 1971–2010 Happened In The Ocean

    Sea levels are rising at the fastest rate in 3,000 years. From 2018 to 2019, the global sea level rose to 6.1 millimeters. Sure, a few millimeters doesn’t sound like a lot, until you hear that the average, since 1993, has been 3.2 millimeters per year. That means that last year we doubled the global average from the past twenty years!


    Since the Industrial Revolution, ocean acidity has increased by 30%. With large shellfish die-offs, the whole marine food chain is affected — not the best news for the multi-billion dollar fishing industry.


    With more heat in the atmosphere and warmer ocean surface temperatures, the world is experiencing an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. For example, research suggests that the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes — characterized by higher wind speeds and more precipitation — is steadily increasing. To make matters worse, sea-level rise and a growing population along coastlines will exacerbate their impact.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Gothenburg Partners With Volvo To Create A Climate-Neutral City

    The Swedish city of Gothenburg is home to one of the largest and busiest ports in the world. Despite this, the city has set a rather ambitious climate goal for itself. With the help newly created urban zones that will serve as test beds for advanced sustainable technologies, Gothenburg plans to become a climate-neutral city by the year 2030. What’s more, they’ve enlisted Volvo to help.
    TADEAS --- ---

    První odhad dopadů pandemie COVID-19 na ekonomiku ČR - Česká národní banka

    Vysokofrekvenční data jako proxy pro ekonomický vývoj

    Od začátku dubna měříme ekonomiku každý týden přes spotřebu elektřiny. Data jsou dostupná okamžitě na rozdíl od běžných makroekonomických statistik. Vysokofrekvenční data o vývoji spotřeby elektřiny očišťujeme o vliv počasí a využíváme je jako proxy pro odhad hospodářského vývoje při nedostupnosti základních makroekonomických statistik. Výsledky publikujeme v pravidelných aktualizacích tohoto blogu.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no jo, ok.. .ale proč ne prostě dřevo? Dřevo je ok, jen když se pokácí, mělo by se pokud možno co nejvíc využít jako materiál a co nejmíň ho spálit...
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jj, programovatelna biomasa (programovani bioelektrickejch morfogenetickejch vzoru) je skutecne budoucnost :)

    Towards fungal computer

    Frontiers | Electrical Signaling, Photosynthesis and Systemic Acquired Acclimation | Physiology

    Despite specific differences, the network of electrical signaling is present at almost each level of complexity, from unicellular bacteria and fungi to multi-cellular organisms like plants and animals. In unicellular organisms, cell-to-cell electrical signaling plays a key role in the reproduction and coordination of colony behavior. For example, bacteria Bacillus subtilis generates electrical signals mediated by potassium ion channels to direct motility in a biofilm of their own community, to stop reproducing bacteria on colony periphery, and to leave core cells with a sufficient nutrient supply (Humphries et al., 2017). A polarization and dynamic coordination of the electrical signals underlies also the ability of plant cell groups to proliferation, proper morphogenesis, regeneration and orientation (Filek et al., 2002; Yan et al., 2009; Nakajima et al., 2015). Similarly, the bioelectric network of each cell and the bioelectric gradients serve as a kind of pattern memory of animal tissues and organs (Durant et al., 2017). The environmental signals, physical (e.g., light, temperature, humidity, electric fields, wounding), chemical (e.g., nutrients and various substances), and biological (e.g., symbiosis, pathogenesis), can alter local and systemic electrical responses and modify cell division and growth. However, once the connectivity patterns of electrical signaling are disrupted, organisms can no longer follow appropriate morphogenetic and functional pathways (Szechyńska-Hebda et al., 2010; Karpiński et al., 2013; Nakajima et al., 2015).
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Domy z hub


    Buildings and construction are responsible for 39% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions – and a whopping 21% of those emissions come just from the making of steel and concrete.

    sand for concrete is controlled by sand mafias

    next decades:
    "It's like building a Manhattan every month for the next 40 years," said Ayres, borrowing a line from Bill Gates.


    produce co2, but also act as a store of carbon

    combining mycelium, the 'roots' of fungi, with agricultural waste such as straw

    Living fungi

    might behave as a self-healing material, simply re-growing if it becomes damaged. Second, mycelium networks are capable of information processing.

    The next major goal for the FUNGAR project is to build a small, freestanding building. They plan to pull that off within a year and then spend time monitoring it as it ages. It is crucial, says Ayres, to be able to monitor the living structure and see how it changes.

    Why future homes could be made of living fungus
    TADEAS --- ---
    Zemědělství v EU: schizofrenní přístup k ochraně životního prostředí i klimatu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam