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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Animal source foods in ethical, sustainable & healthy diets

    The consumption of ASFs is regularly and increasingly being represented as unethical and harmful to both our health and the planet, to the point that some advocate a 'Planetary Health Diet' poor in ASFs, or in some cases even the end of livestock farming. We argue that these astonishing claims are not only counter-intuitive but also that their scientific foundations are too often misinterpreted and presented out of context. By addressing the topics of ethics (animal health), sustainability (planetary health), and nutrition (human health), we claim that livestock and ASFs have an important role to play within an overall One Health framework.

    This website aims to give an overview of the controversies related to the production and consumption of ASFs, hoping to function as a reference for those in need of state-of-the-art and comprehensive information. As a 'dynamic white paper', it should at all times be considered as imperfect work in progress and not as a static database or as settled science. The aim of this initiative is to continuously feed the various pages with new information, which implies that some of the opinions and conclusions can change due to emerging evidence and new insights.


    The ALEPH2020 initiative (Animal source foods and Livestock: Ethics, Planet, and Human health) was launched at the end of 2020 by an international and interdisciplinary consortium of >35 scientific experts.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    India’s largest industrial carbon capture and utilization project – pv magazine International

    The refinery at Koyali, near Vadodara, is its flagship site and can capture more than 5,000 tons per day. The carbon dioxide captured from its hydrogen generation units will be primarily used for enhanced oil recovery at the Oil and Natural Gas Commission’s oilfield at Gandhar, Gujarat. 
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jako na zavolanou agro clanek v N Y Times

    And the Biden administration, in its initial moves to combat climate change, has cited agriculture as a “linchpin” of its strategy. One idea is to allocate $1 billion to pay farmers $20 for each ton of carbon they trap in the soil.


    Some research has suggested that widespread implementation of regenerative practices worldwide could have a significant effect, storing as much as 8 billion metric tons of carbon per year over the long term, or nearly as much as current annual emissions from burning of fossil fuels.

    .. ale celkove je to neprehledny, As a metric, he said, “carbon is probably the worst one we could find.”

    Tim LaSalle, a former executive director of Mr. Savory’s institute who later co-founded a sustainable agriculture program at California State University, Chico, said that he views the movement as “a change in looking at soil and its potential.”

    “And that’s where science is lacking,” he said, arguing that most research focuses on one or two factors without considering the entire, and complex, plant-soil system.

    jsou tam hezke fotky



    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: ano, to je zasadni otazka, na kterou se za naseho zivota dozvime odpoved (zda jsme to naskalovali:)

    Maasai Lands Project - Soil4Climate Inc.

    tech holistic management hubu vznika docela dost (ale urcite ne dost), afrika, asie jsou dulezity
    TADEAS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: jo, cim uzavrenejsi struktura (skleniky, indoor), tim vyssi stabilita, tim vyssi naroky na materialy a energie, tj. celkovou "civilizovanost". myslim si ale, ze by byla mylka tohle povazovat za produkci tech bilkovin ve velkym, to se deje skrz travy a ruzny jejich odnoze, olejniny, v mensim orechy, atp. ... tj. bilkoviny se nakonec ziskavaj predevsim z toho otevrenyho ekosystemu, kterej nejde zavrit, a jehoz management jsme jakozto ekosystemovi hyperpredatori odsouzeni chte nechte provadet. :)

    jinak tady takova tabulka adaptovana z:

    2016 Carrying capacity of U.S. agricultural land: Ten diet scenarios

    jsou tam videt pomery toho danyho stravovaciho rezimu, tady nejaka prumerna americka dieta a nejakej orientacni k tomu potrebnej prostor. pokud vynechame z uvahy ty synteticky bilkoviny, tak je to hlavne hra o land-use, tj. kolik je k dispozici "orny pudy" (klidne obhospodarovany bezorebne, ale dostupny strojema a v potrebny kvalite), kolik je ke spasani (travni ekosystemy), pricemz tohle neni volne prevoditelny jedno na druhy. dal to v regenerativni praxi bude limitovat to, zda ten danej zpusob managementu bude navysovat kvalitu ekosystemovejch cyklu.

    meat&beans, podobne jako grains, oils, nelze produkovat indoor, ve skleniku, akvaponicky, hydroponicky, atp., nelze to radikalne prostorove snizit ten narok. lze napr. navysovat vynos a tim snizovat zabor ekosystemu pro tuhle cinnost, porad zustava otazka, jaky bude management toho ekosystemu, ktery bychom takto hypoteticky opustili, a zaroven jak moc regenerativni/degenerativni je ten vynosnejsi zpusob produkce.

    v regenerativnim systemu si lze hrat s pomerem grains/beans/peas vypestovanych v pasture-croppingovem systemu (trvale travni porosty v kombinaci s bylozravci a jednoletymi plodinami) a jak moc lze uprednostnit tyto jednolete plodiny a jak je vyvazit s bylozravci, jednak z vyzivoveho pohledu pro cloveka, jednak z pohledu miry regenerativity, kterou tak lze dosahnout.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: context check: gut feel :))

    takovyhle konceptualni frameworky sou supr. ale otazkou je skalovatelnost, resp. propojeni na ruzne skale (pole-stat-zemekoule) a taky proveditelnost. 18ti letej africkej zemedelec by asi netusil
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: managementem myslim ve vztahu k ekosystemu holistic management, coz je naprosto konkretni uvazovani / decision-making proces. klidne navrhni neco jinyho, pochopitelne :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: chapu. tohle je v dusledku hrozne komplexni o cem mluvis mezi radky. uridit veskerej lifecycle vseho na zemi (vpodstate lokalni entropie vesmiru) je imho nad nase soucasny moznosti.

    k premene dochazi neustale a dochazet bude. je jedno, jestli je to fosil, bio, rege nebo cokoliv. co je imho podstatny je nedostat se do extremu, kterej nakej system (eko, klima, mikro, biodiverzitni, socio,...) muze rozhodit = myslim ze rozumnejsi a realnejsi ambice je ten model sveta limitovat nejakymi jednoduchymi pravidly a ohranicenimi, ktery budou schopny prave pred temi extremy varovat a dovoli nam zasahnout vcas.

    ale ne tak, ze budeme mit univerzalni pravidla co se jak ma presne delat. uniformita v tomhle vesmiru nikdy nevyhrala, je to naopak diverzita, ktera vitezi.

    jinak bude vypadat regenerativni v africe a jinak na sibiri. jinak se muzu chovat s bagrem na pousti a jinak v destnym pralese

    ja bych tomuhle osobne nerikal management, protoze ten zavani nejakymi jednotnymi pravidly, jak to uridit.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: chapu, pokud to neni autotrofni organismus, tak z neceho musi vyrust ty bunky - jsou to tela rostlin? jakejch? nebo je to napr. amoniak (ziskanej fosilni/nefosilni cestou?)... jakoze v tomhle nejsou zadny zazraky, odnekud se ten material musi brat, bud se bere z atmosfery, nebo druhotne z rostlin. pokud z atmosfery, jde o tu syntetickou cestu, za me proc ne, pokud vyuziva nefosilnich zdroju energie. pokud z rostlin, z jakych rostlin a tam uz jde opet o management ekosystemu, z nehoz se ziskavaji.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: biopsie :) pak to pomnozi v lednicce predpokladam v nakym koncentratu zivin. jejich stranky moc sdilny nejsou, ale wiki uz je vstricnejsi

    In order to grow the meat without the need for raising livestock, a small amount of cells is extracted from an animal through a small biopsy and is placed afterward in a broth of nutrients. The cells then multiply, differentiate and form the same tissue as inside the animal's body.

    Aleph Farms - Wikipedia
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: co jsou vstupni suroviny?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    k tematu niz

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Izraelští Aleph Farms udělali první 3D tištěný ribeye steak
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Shell outlines steps to net-zero business by 2050; to cut production of traditional fuels 55% by 2030 - Green Car Congress

    To achieve net zero, Shell:

    Will continue with short-term targets that will drive down carbon emissions as it makes progress towards the 2050 target, linked to the remuneration of more than 16,500 staff. This includes a new set of targets to reduce net carbon intensity: 6-8% by 2023, 20% by 2030, 45% by 2035 and 100% by 2050, using a baseline of 2016;

    Expects that its total carbon emissions peaked in 2018 at 1.7 gigatonnes per annum;

    Confirms that its total oil production peaked in 2019;

    Will seek to have access to an additional 25 million tonnes a year of carbon, capture and storage (CCS) capacity by 2035. Currently, three key CCS projects of which Shell is a part, Quest in Canada (in operation), Northern Lights in Norway (sanctioned) and Porthos in The Netherlands (planned), will total around 4.5 million tonnes of capacity;

    Aims to use nature-based solutions (NBS), in line with the philosophy of avoid, reduce and only then mitigate, to offset emissions of around 120 million tonnes a year by 2030, with those used being of the highest independently verified quality;

    Will work with the Science Based Targets Initiative, Transition Pathway Initiative and others to develop standards for the industry and align with those standards;

    Starting at the 2021 AGM (annual general meeting), submit an Energy Transition Plan for an advisory vote to shareholders, the first in the sector to do so. The company will update that plan every three years and seek an advisory vote on the progress made each year.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SEJDA: ty sodíkovky tam maj reflektor s80% odrazivostí, opravdu nevysvítí půlku energie zbytečně.

    TADEAS: v tomhle jsem zvědavej jak dopadnout polopoustni rozvojový země. Imho se akorát dostávají do chvíle, kdy by mohly zvládnout přechod pod kontrolovanou/skleníkovou produkci jídla ve velkým. Technologie k tomu jsou, chybí jen investice.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: jo no je zvlastni ze je kolem toho porad takova slepa skvrna / neznam jinej zdroj nez tebe kdo by to takhle mel propocitany

    myslim ze chybi nejakej fakt ozdrojovanej clanek s cislama na tema BYLOZRAVEC nebo tak neco

    plus teda mi vzdy kdyz o tom mluvis vrta hlavou, zda treba neni velkej rozdil v poctech tech krav. jako ze kolik krav by bylo optimalne potreba na co nejlepsi sekvestraci treba v CR a kolik jich zije ve velkochovech. Jestli to neni nasobne uplne jiny cislo, tj byste meli pravdu oba (tj slo by o to snizit pocet bylozravcu na zlomek, udrzujici pudu)
    TADEAS --- ---
    RADIQAL: da se to tak rict, ale nerika se to tak :) (a nedela)
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: porad se smesuje nekolik problemu dohromady. kdyz to vezmes planetarne, resime aspekt klimatu a aspekt ekosystemu. 'food' je subproblematika 'managementu ekosystemu' a 'logistiky'. pokud chceme skutecne delat management (planetarnich) ekosystemu, neni mozny ten subproblem "food" nadradit nad problematiku managementu ekosystemu. "food" lze z toho problemu managementu ekosystemu vymknout, napr. pokud budeme mit synteticky bilkoviny - pak nezijeme z ekosystemu, netransformujeme biomasu ekosystemu, ale stavime se jako bytosti na nejakou jinou, syntetickou platformu v nasi rezii. fine by me. problem managementu ekosystemu v takovem pripade zustava, odlehcem o cast nasich naroku na produkci bilkovin.

    jinymi slovy - resit food neni totez, co resit management ekosystemu. ruzne odpovedi na "food" muzou mit pro ekosystemy ruzne dusledky. reseni "food" je nutny kontextualizovat a podradit ty problematice (regenerativniho, klima stabilizujiciho) managementu ekosystemu.

    uhlik, stejne jako ostatni prvky se pohybuje v CYKLU, emise ekosystemu (zvirat, pud, lesu, mokradu...) jsou nevyhnutelny. emise ekosystemu nejsou fosilni emise. nas primarni problem jsou fosilni emise, ne ekosystemovy emise, ekosystemy vzdy budou mit nejaky baseline emise a skrze management si muzeme do omezeny miry vybrat, jaky budou. fosilni emise zastavit muzeme, ekosystemovy zastavit nemuzeme a nechceme, ekosystem cykluje a musi cyklovat (a my jeho cykly podporovat skrze nas management), predstava ze eliminujes bylozravce kvuli emisim je uchylny neporozumeni, ktery delaj lidi od kompu a jini lidi od kompu, kteri jim radej.

    hlediska ekosystemu neni o fokusu na emise (to je hledisko klimatu), z hlediska suchozemskyho ekosystemu je fokusem PUDA.

    pokud je fokus puda (a jeji sekvestracni schopnost), vyjde ze:

    - bylozravci jsou esencialni pro regeneraci pudy
    - soja (zaklad pro rostlinny "maso") pestovana takovym zpusobem, jakym se pestuje (orba, biocidy), je degradujici pro pudu (ekosystem)... a veprovy co si tu koupis je pravdepodobne vykrmeny na sojovejch smesich, jakozto nejlevnejsi (ale pro ekosystem degenerativni) bilkovine.

    takze za me pokud neco syntetickyho, tak synteticky veprovy; skot/bylozravci maj daleko daleko vetsi potencial pro regeneraci ekosystemu
    TADEAS --- ---
    Inicio - Sustraiak Habitat Design

    Sustraiak Habitat Design is a small cooperative registered in Vitoria-Gasteiz, created at the beginning of 2016.

    The cooperative's corporate purpose is to design and implement sustainable projects in urban and rural spaces, as well as to carry out ecological and technical advisory work.

    We are a multidisciplinary team that we come from different professional branches, ranging from agriculture and livestock to architecture, through landscaping, chemistry or environmental education and all from the perspective of Permaculture. This means that our knowledge and professional trajectory allow us to approach projects from a comprehensive and resilient perspective.

    Recarga de acuiferos en sistema agrosilvopastoral

    The rains this winter leave us a good supply of water in the catchment areas that will undoubtedly be of great help when the heat hits.

    #ManagementAgroecológicaTerritorio #KeylineDesign #Agrosilvopastoral
    KEB --- ---
    SEJDA: dokázal bych si představit low tech verzi, kdy od úsvitu do soumraku je levnější, v noci dražší.

    A pak smart verzi propojené Smart domácnosti co spíná spotřebiče atd.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam