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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Parenting and Climate Change | Issue 36 | n+1

    To be good parents, we need to actually care about the climate crisis. Adults need to step up to this challenge: adults make decisions in businesses and companies, run schools and workplaces and organizations, vote and make purchasing decisions. If we can connect the youth’s framing to the things that we actually do and the way we live our lives, I think we can use our power to really build the movement and change the trajectory of the crisis.


    I think there’s a tendency, even among people of good faith, to abdicate responsibility to nature. We think about climate change as rising seas that swallow up cities, as horrible storms and fires—and all those things are symptomatic of climate change. But when people ask me, “What scares you the most about climate change?” I answer: “What climate change is going to make us do to each other.”

    I don’t think a nightmare climate-changed world is a world where Earth kills us all. I think a nightmare climate-changed world is one where society breaks down, and we do awful, awful things to each other.

    I watch climate change happen every day on a computer, on a fake planet that I can do experiments on. But climate change doesn’t happen on a fake planet; it happens on our planet, in the world that we’ve built. You can’t put Bashar al-Assad in a climate model. You can’t put the legacy of colonialism in a climate model. The drying trend we’ve seen in the Levant region interacts with the world we’ve actually built. Climate change is not an abstraction, and it’s not something you can remove from the complexities of human society.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

    The Gandalf of Climate Change just dropped a 2h video, of "advice to Young People as they face annihilation.

    Why this matters: few people seem able or willing to talk frankly about our dilemma, and discuss what to do. Like Roger says: Take it or leave it. The information is all there, our situation is truly simple, in a brutal way.

    Full text:

    Advice to Young People, as you Face Annihilation

    I'm very disappointed, but not surprised, by the inability of young people to effectively organise. This inability, I want to argue, is going to take you to your deaths. Nothing then can be more serious than this. I therefore intend to be blunt and honest with you. I don't think this is the time for pretence or false praise, time is short. Indeed, the point of no return may well have already been passed. My proposal to you is that all that has been done over the last 30 years has been a failure. Carbon emissions have continued to rise, and the world's youth, what you're doing to try and stop this catastrophe is bound to end in failure, because you are copying the same failed methods.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ... not happening [ TADEAS ]


    BROZKEFF --- ---
    XCHAOS: nesouhlasím. Nalozeny kolo na cyklo vandr je tezsi nez ebike. Hlavni hmotnost ale dela jezdec. Mam li 100 kg je to vic nez kdyz mam ted ebike a 68kg. Ono novy kolo a prestavba byla cca za 30k,ja to koupil uz pouzity. Jen nova baterka bude za12 tisic.

    Rafkovy brzdy staci a i to co mam de da ovladat bezpecne jen nesmi byt clovek debil.
    Co je desivy jsou spis elektrokolobezky, spolehani se za jejich brzdy kdyz jedou na kolobezce 2 lidi skopce 40km/h bez prilby a na tech mrnavych kolech.Idealne jeste po chodníku.

    Levne ale funkcni ebiky a dotace na to jsou imho cesty jak prevest cast autistu na cyklisty... Samotna soutěž Do prácen na kole to nezvládne. Samozřejmě hlavní je bezpečnáiinfrastruktura , což dopravní indukce pak zajistí aby to preferovalo vic lidi... Ale jak z Česka udělat Kodaň je otázkou
    XCHAOS --- ---
    BROZKEFF: no jo, s ultralevnýma přestavbama jsem taky začínal, ale ty právě dost poškozujou dobrý jméno elektrokol :-) teda když už ultralevná přestavba, tak jdou komponenty pořídit skoro do 10 000 Kč, nejdražší je dobrá baterka. ale otázka je, jestli to má smysl takhle, já taky začínal s ráfkovýma brzdama, ale ono třeba už i vzhledem k prosté hmotnosti se každé elektrokolo dokáže z kopce dost rozjet, a spíš by to zasloužilo k tomu přistupovat jako k mopedu. tedy, těch 80 000 je většinou nesmysl, ale rozumný kompromis by měl být kolem 30 000 a aspoň s kotoučovými brzdami a hodně pomůže i když jsou hydraulické (skutečně eko je až rekuperační brždění, které i šetří brzdy, ale to je věda, se kterou pořád zápasím :-)
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    XCHAOS: mam ultra levnou prestavbu městskýho kola za ebike (rafkovy brzdy, motor v prednim kole, dalsi kompromisy), rocni najezd cca 5000 km, většina do prace z prace a na nakupy apod po meste, proste optimalni dopravni prostredek z bodu a do bodu b. Nesmi to ale byt drahe kolo za 80 tisic co si clovek netroufne nechat pred supermarketem dkdyz jde nakoupit. Ja to vzal z druhy ruky komplet za 16 tisíc. Melo 1800km najetych a ja za necely 2 roky přidal skoro 10k...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: hele, elektrokolo je ve městě podceňovaný. včera jsem to zkusmo vzal po silnici z Černošic na Radotím, místo po cyklostezce (na elektrokole si na ní připadám nepatřičně) a předjel jsem na kole kolonu asi tisícovky aut šinoucích se naprosto krokem....

    pro předměstskou dopravu mimo víkendovou špičku je elektrokolo samozřejmě pořád pomalejší než auto, srovnatelný spíš s vlakem. ale po městě je bezkonkurenční, protože průměrná rychlost tramvaje i bez čekání na zastávce je asi 20 km/h...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: Zaujalo: Naprostá většina Čechů bere změnu klimatu vážně, 63 % navrhuje začít s jejím řešením hned.

    To je při mediální masáži posledních 20 let pozoruhodný výsledek...
    TUHO --- ---
    JIMIQ: tohle pocitani uhlikovy stopy by chtelo doplnit o to, ze je to koncept fosilni propagandy...

    A few years after BP began promoting the “carbon footprint,” MIT researchers calculated the carbon emissions for “a homeless person who ate in soup kitchens and slept in homeless shelters" in the U.S. That destitute individual will still indirectly emit some 8.5 tons of carbon dioxide each year.

    “Even a homeless person living in a fossil fuel powered society has an unsustainably high carbon footprint,” said Stanford’s Franta. “As long as fossil fuels are the basis for the energy system, you could never have a sustainable carbon footprint. You simply can’t do it.”

    BP created 'carbon footprint' as a devious, manipulative PR tactic
    JIMIQ --- ---
    taky tam chybí tepelná čerpadla, jsem si chtěl zkusit, jaká stopa bude v baráku a nedalo se :))
    KEB --- ---
    KEB: při nájezdu 11k km zadaných, že jsem to jel jen já 935 ale spotřeba 8l je lehce nadhozena
    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: s tou MHD to bude složitější,ctreba u nás jsou busy jen na CNG. A trať elektrifikována kromě lokálky, kterou jsem jel loni akorát 10km tam a Zpet.

    U mě auto na LPG 425 a do práce na kole. Ještě zkusím kolik udělá auto na CNG. A u paneláku není možnost zadat vlastní domovní kotelnu, což je IMHO taky chyba.

    Ale u jídla tam jsem holt ropák 1025 myslím, jsem si to blbec zavřel :-D
    DZODZO --- ---
    JIMIQ: mne vyslo ze z auta mam 885 kg CO2 a z hromadnej dopravy 950 kg CO2, mal by som prestat tolko jazdit do prace tym autobusom a kupit si elektromobil, ale je to zacarovany kruh, autobusom jazdim, aby som usetril a mohol si kupit elektromobil :D
    PER2 --- ---
    fun fact: if you would charge an audi etron from 0-100% and pay with bitcoin, the energy needed for the bitcoin transaction alone, would be able to charge almost exactly 10 more etrons from 0-100%
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Uhlíkovou stopu bohatých navyšuje cestování, chudých vytápění. Spočítejte si tu svoji | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    patřím do nejlepší pětiny, protože nelítám a auto využívám sporadicky na pár km :)
    TUHO --- ---
    The special report, The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions, is the most comprehensive global study to date on the central importance of minerals such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth elements in a secure and rapid transformation of the global energy sector. Building on the IEA’s longstanding leadership role in energy security, the report recommends six key areas of action for policy makers to ensure that critical minerals enable an accelerated transition to clean energy rather than becoming a bottleneck.

    “Today, the data shows a looming mismatch between the world’s strengthened climate ambitions and the availability of critical minerals that are essential to realising those ambitions,” said Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the IEA. “The challenges are not insurmountable, but governments must give clear signals about how they plan to turn their climate pledges into action. By acting now and acting together, they can significantly reduce the risks of price volatility and supply disruptions.”

    “Left unaddressed, these potential vulnerabilities could make global progress towards a clean energy future slower and more costly – and therefore hamper international efforts to tackle climate change,” Dr Birol said. “This is what energy security looks like in the 21st century, and the IEA is fully committed to helping governments ensure that these hazards don’t derail the global drive to accelerate energy transitions.”

    Clean energy demand for critical minerals set to soar as the world pursues net zero goals - News - IEA
    YEETKA --- ---
    v twin peaks na řešení kápli už před pěti lety :D
    Twin Peaks - (2017) - Dr. AMP's Great American Radio Show
    NOIK --- ---

    Thermal Practice aims to reposition familiar narratives and protagonists of modern architectural history, now revolving around climate and carbon as organizing figures of thought. Case studies of the thermal interior – as an aggregate of distinct designed spaces and as the experiential condition of politics and inequity – will serve as evidence for a history of architecture as a device of climatic adaptability; other concepts for rethinking forms of practice, models, methods and habits will encourage some collective speculation on architecture after carbon – its contours and principles, its obstacles and opportunities.

    The presentation will focus on decentering narratives of modern architectural development through a discussion of the brise soleil in Brazil – through buildings and projects that elaborated inter-war design principles to produce dynamic facade systems. On the one hand, these systems mitigated the effects of diurnal and seasonal solar patterns; on the other hand they aimed to produce normative spaces that drew the flow of capital further south. A subsequent globalization of the international style led to a proliferation of climate design strategies, too often used as methods of neo- or endo-colonialism. Such practices offer a complex counter-narrative as well as novel design strategies for the move away from fossil fuels in the present.

    Daniel A. Barber is Associate Professor and Chair of the PhD Program in Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. His most recent book is Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning (Princeton UP, 2020); an article “Active Passive: Heat Storage and the Solar Imaginary” recently appeared in South Atlantic Quarterly. His research and teaching narrate eco-critical histories of architecture and seek pathways into the post-carbon future. He is a 2021–22 Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at Universität Heidelberg. Daniel edits the Accumulation series on e-flux architecture and is co-founder of Current: Collective on Environment and Architectural History.

    Daniel A. Barber: Thermal Practice (on-line)
    TADEAS --- ---
    České klima 2021 | Katedra environmentálních studií

    TUHO --- ---
    „Klimatická situace je moc zlá. U nás si ještě pořád někteří nejsou úplně jisti,“ krčí rameny Jan Hollan, astronom a expert na klimatické změny v Blízkých setkáních na Dvojce.
    „Všechno, co teď vypouštíme, nemůžeme nijak odčinit. To jsou pohádky, že by se to dalo schovat do země. Každé kilo spáleného fosilního paliva je na škodu.“
    Mluví se teď prý hodně o odpadu plastů, papíru a dalších materiálů. Nebezpečí je ale jinde. „Na jednoho Čecha připadá 12 tun odpadu, který vypouštíme do ovzduší! Mluví se o PET lahvích, ale to jsou kilogramy. Podstatné jsou ty tisíce kiligramů,“ varuje Jan Hollan.

    Oteplování planety způsobují lidé. Každé kilo spáleného fosilního paliva škodí, tvrdí odborník | Dvojka
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