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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PER2 --- ---
    takovyhle lidi by meli sedet:
    "Dvojnásobný podíl bioetanolu v benzinu. Poslanec ANO Pavel Pustějovský navrhl nenápadnou změnu, s níž už ve Sněmovně narazil na konci roku. Změna by přihrála nový byznys mimo jiné Agrofertu, ve kterém Pustějovský působí.

    Součástí novely zákona o podporovaných zdrojích energie, kterou brzy čeká finální hlasování v Poslanecké sněmovně, je pozměňovací návrh, který zvyšuje minimální množství biolihu v benzinu prakticky na dvojnásobek."
    KEB --- ---
    TADEAS: Neboj, znám a používám :-)

    Pointa byla jinde, ale to je marný boj.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: // OT, ale ten deepl je krute bozi. Maj i desktop aplikaci a google translator uz nikdy vic.
    Cumim, to fakt uz se da zhusta cist jako normalni text.
    TUHO --- ---
    Sasa Vondra se rozciloval, ze kdyz padaj rekordy zimy, tak se o tom nemluvi, protoze to nezapada do oteplovaci ideologie :]] Ok, tak podle WMO jsme meli v Evrope rekordne studene jaro! Naposledy byla takovahle kosa, a ted pozor - roku 2013! Jo a globalne se stale otepluje (veli ideologie)

    World Meteorological Organization
    Europe had coldest spring since 2013, according to the ECMWF Copernicus Climate Change Service.
    The global average temperature for May 2021 was 0.26°C higher than the 1991-2020 average for the month.
    Temperatures were much above average over western Greenland, northern Africa, the Middle East, and northern and western Russia. Below-average May temperatures occurred over Europe, the southern and central United States, parts of northern Canada, south-central Africa, most of India, eastern Russia, and eastern Antarctica.
    Arctic sea ice was below average, but above the low May values recorded between 2014 and 2020. Antarctic sea ice was close to average overall, but with large regional differences.
    It was wetter than average in most of central and northern Europe
    and drier than average in the rest of the continent.
    Surface air temperature for May 2021 | Copernicus
    TADEAS --- ---
    v lidlu zdrazi veprovy

    This week’s update on the Western drought compared to one year ago, which ended up being the worst fire season on record. 53% of West now in extreme drought. 26% in exceptional. It’s alarming. https://t.co/qUbPHIkr1n

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    THE MINISTRY FOR THE FUTURE by Kim Stanley Robinson | Orbit Books

    In The Ministry for the Future, the most important book on climate politics since Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything, Kim Stanley Robinson sets the scene with a hyper-lethal heatwave. It takes place in Uttar Pradesh in the year 2025. The combination of heat and humidity is such that the air feels like a sauna, impossible to escape for days on end. Human bodies cannot take it for that long. In a town near Lucknow where one of the characters, the American volunteer Frank, finds himself, families sleep on the roofs and wake up to discover that elders and children have expired during the night: ‘wails of dismay cut the air’. The corpses rot in the sun. All the air conditioners in the region overburden the electricity grid and power goes out; generators give insufficient protection; tens of thousands of panicking humans scramble into a nearby lake and sink into the water, to little avail: the lake itself feels ‘only a few degrees from boiling’. Heads with red eyes about to pop out of their sockets dot the surface, fewer and fewer alive. Some 20 million people die in the northern Indian heatwave – more than in World War I, over the course of a week. The first chapter of The Ministry for the Future is a punch in the belly of the reader. No one should then be able to put the book aside.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: thanatocene :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Planet on Fire - A Manifesto for the Age of Environmental Breakdown
    by Mathew Lawrence and Laurie Laybourn-Langton

    Planet on Fire is an urgent manifesto for a fundamental reimagining of the global economy. It offers a clear and practical road map for a future that is democratic and sustainable by design. Laurie Laybourn-Langton and Mathew Lawrence argue that it is not enough merely to spend our way out of the crisis; we must also rapidly reshape the economy to create a new way of life that can foster a healthy and flourishing environment for all.

    Planet on Fire offers a detailed and achievable manifesto for a new politics capable of tackling environmental breakdown.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Michael Dorman

    We'll also have to admit, at some point, that the "collapse" pathway is what humanity (as a whole) wants. It sure would look that way, from a safe distance.

    “You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.”
    ― Carl Gustav Jung
    TADEAS --- ---

    Melt ponds are visible on satellite (blue shading) across much of the landfast sea ice along Siberia; e.g., in this image above the Lena River Delta.

    [Satellite from 6 June 2021 using Sentinel-2; https://t.co/Bx6RpyhCCL] https://t.co/eNZWVBw29x

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Nj, ale ja Manna chapu. Je to klimatolog, nikoliv sociolog ani politolog. A ty svinarny, ktery proti nemu rozjel fosilni prumysl jsou takovy, ze tezko se tomu nevenovat :))
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Manichean Mann | Issues in Science and Technology

    The tragedy, however, of Mann and people who think like him is that they view arguments about these questions through a Manichean lens: the source of all opposition to the “correct” view—Mann’s view—of what should be done about climate change is traced back to an orchestrated evil empire. The basic doctrine of Manicheanism is that of a structural conflict between good and evil. For Mann, the source of this evil is the fossil fuel industry representing, as he puts it, “the eye of Sauron,” that omnipotent dark power in The Lord of the Rings.

    There is no doubting the need for an accelerating transition away from fossil fuels. And there is also no doubt that vested political interests have obstructed its progress. But Mann is so conditioned by his Manichean worldview that wherever he looks in the public, scientific, and political debates around climate change he sees the shadows of the Koch brothers (52 name checks in the book), Exxon Mobil (23), and the Heartland Institute (15). The nefarious hand of the fossil-fuel lobby is everywhere. This worldview leads him to some ludicrous contentions that, taken together, result in The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet offering an incoherent and distinctly unhelpful narrative on climate change.


    If one looks beyond the battle-posturing, the calling out of enemies, and the settling of Twitter disputes, what do we learn from The New Climate War about how to frame, enact, and deliver changes in the world that might ameliorate the risks of climate change? The strategy offered—it is of course a “battle plan”—has four elements: resist the doomists; learn from children; educate the uneducated; and focus on systemic change, not individual lifestyle choices. I certainly have a lot of sympathy for the first of these goals, having been arguing for the last 15 years that warnings of imminent global catastrophe are neither scientifically warranted nor politically constructive (although this does not prevent Mann from putting me on “the wrong side,” a contrarian).

    But the most intriguing of his four points is the final one: changing the system requires systemic change. Now, “systemic change” can mean different things for different people, but for Mann it means pricing carbon and promoting 100% renewables for meeting the world’s energy needs (other technological innovations seem to be ruled out by Mann). This is certainly not what some climate activists—such as the anticapitalist Naomi Klein or the young Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg—would mean by systemic change, and it is notable that while he is willing to challenge Klein’s position, he works hard in the book to keep Thunberg inside his circle of the virtuous.


    Mann seems uninterested in building the alliances necessary for political change. Above all, the book offers little for those seeking a guide to the complex global politics of climate change. This is an America-first book. It perpetuates the fallacy that the global politics of climate change can be read through the peculiar lens of American political partisanship. The other climate superpowers—the European Union (6 mentions), China (8), Brazil (3), and India (0)—seem bit players for Mann. There is no analysis about the political economy of the global energy transition, and he is dismissive of the global challenge of alleviating energy poverty (“a contrived concept”). And Mann uses a trick he accuses his enemies of using—trivialization—when the concerns of those arguing for a just transition for the world’s poor are swept aside with his disdainful comment “there are always winners and losers.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    vystizny random quote a duvod tohoto auditka ,)

    The climate crisis is outside the frame of any cultured discussion within societies of the global north. It questions everything these societies are based on.

    So journalists can only minimalize the crisis. Otherwise they break the frame they are operating in. https://twitter.com/wunder2welt/status/1400824954497732611?s=19
    PER2 --- ---
    Why Biofuels Are Terrible
    TADEAS --- ---
    LEAK: EU’s carbon border tariff to target steel, cement, power – EURACTIV.com
    TADEAS --- ---

    This article has shown that while renewable energies may now be widely competitive with fossil fuels on price, it is far from clear that they are competitive in relation to the producer profits they afford. In fact, the evidence strongly indicates otherwise, even in the wake of the depressive impact of the coronavirus pandemic on oil prices. This suggests that there is good reason to be cautious about the pace and extent of the transition from being dirty fossil-fuel companies to clean energy companies that three of the West's biggest oil and gas producers – BP, Shell and Total – have recently said they propose to pursue


    Some environmentally-minded commentators have found hope in the fact that, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the markets have turned against fossil-fuel producers. Total's shares have lost around a third of their value since the onset of the pandemic; BP's and Shell's have fared even worse, falling by 40–50 per cent. Seeing the loss of market confidence and unable to issue new equity on the favourable terms they were previously able, the companies, it is thought, will hasten their exit from a dying business.

    But it is more likely that the reverse will be true. The majors self-finance most of their investments with cash-flow from operating activities as it is (see, e.g. Total 2020a, p. 75). If the markets really have soured on them, the necessity to self-finance will increase, not decrease, and where else – other than in their profitable core business of hydrocarbon production – will the companies be able to generate the cash needed to continue to invest? This, ultimately, is the terrible paradox: to fund the transition to being something else (renewable energy producers), the oil and gas majors are relying heavily on what they currently are. The more negative market sentiment becomes, the more important the hydrocarbon business becomes. ‘The cash generated by hydrocarbons will be key to supporting [our] transition’, concedes BP (2020b, p. 21). Surviving through, still less prospering from, the energy transition requires ‘allocating sufficient capital to our resilient hydrocarbons business to generate sustainable cash flow’ (p. 28). The sooner governments and regulators recognise this sobering reality, the sooner something substantive can be done about it.
    PER2 --- ---
    PAD: se jeste uvidi, nemci maj pred volbama a to slibem nezarmoutis :)
    "However, these financial pledges can only be approved after the German federal election in September."
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Fossilised Capital: Price and Profit in the Energy Transition


    The article proceeds in three sections. For guidance on understanding the economic drivers of capitalist energy transitions, the first section looks primarily to history: that profit, rather than price, is in fact the critical factor, is the lesson of ground-breaking recent research into the ascendancy of fossil fuels during the formative stages of the Industrial Revolution. The first section also situates the article in relation to the existing literature on energy transition. The second section prepares the ground for the analysis of contemporary oil-major strategies by providing a brief overview of the economics of renewable energy production and considering important recent market developments bearing on those economics. The final section examines recent announcements by BP, Shell and Total as to their own respective transition plans. It argues that there are good reasons to be sceptical even of what are, in reality, relatively modest ambitions for transition and thus emissions reduction – and that close attention to the protagonists’ own discussion of their investment priorities underlines why.
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