Sasa Vondra se rozciloval, ze kdyz padaj rekordy zimy, tak se o tom nemluvi, protoze to nezapada do oteplovaci ideologie :]] Ok, tak podle WMO jsme meli v Evrope rekordne studene jaro! Naposledy byla takovahle kosa, a ted pozor - roku 2013! Jo a globalne se stale otepluje (veli ideologie)
World Meteorological Organization
Europe had coldest spring since 2013, according to the ECMWF Copernicus Climate Change Service.
The global average temperature for May 2021 was 0.26°C higher than the 1991-2020 average for the month.
Temperatures were much above average over western Greenland, northern Africa, the Middle East, and northern and western Russia. Below-average May temperatures occurred over Europe, the southern and central United States, parts of northern Canada, south-central Africa, most of India, eastern Russia, and eastern Antarctica.
Arctic sea ice was below average, but above the low May values recorded between 2014 and 2020. Antarctic sea ice was close to average overall, but with large regional differences.
It was wetter than average in most of central and northern Europe
and drier than average in the rest of the continent.
Surface air temperature for May 2021 | Copernicus