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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ja jsem zvedavy, ve kterem roce projde evropska uhlikova dan .. bude to pred rokem 2035? :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: zatial nevysychaju studne vo vsetkych vesnicach ale iba v niektorych, zatial si ludia mozu napustat bazeny a ved tento rok predsa bol chladnejsi a vela prsalo!

    ludia nie su nauceni si davat veci do suvislosti, nevedia pracovat s informaciami a slepo preberaju castokrat dezinfo bez toho, aby si dali aspon tych 60 sekund na rychly google a overili si to - z tohoto dovodu som si mutnul nas rodinny viber chat, lebo zmes mladych aj starych vysokoskolsky vzdelanych ludi si to pletie s facebookovym feedom a pastuju tam pomedzi rodinne fotky dezinfo, na co uz nemam mentalnu kapacitu :)))
    KEB --- ---
    YMLADRIS: přijímání účinných opatření podle mě brání rezidua minulých špatných rozhodnutí, jako například solární boom a nebo biopaliva 1. Generace. A další kvazi ekologické demagogie, protože podle mě má spousta lidí problém rozlišit respektive oddělit snižování emisí CO2 o ekologii obecně.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Psychologie (ne)činnosti: proč nejednáme rychleji v řešení klimatické změny?

    zaškrtněte s čím souhlasíte, ale hlavně napište do klubu co vás k tomu napadá

    67 hlasy od 24 respondentů

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: tema je zajimave. zkusim udelat anketu, abych vyprovokovala lidi k reakcim typu "je to uplne jinak"
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    TADEAS: budeš sledovat? pokud bude záznam, postneš to sem prosím? díky
    TADEAS --- ---

    For decades, scientists have predicted that climate warming would increase wildfire activity in high-elevation forests beyond the range historically experienced, Higuera said. "It's sobering to see that it's clearly happening, and early in the 21st century -- not in 2050, not in 2075, but by 2020," he said.

    Overall, the study is another indication that extreme fire seasons like 2020 -- or like 2017 in Montana -- will become increasingly common as summers continue to become warmer and drier than in past centuries.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Ve feedu byl nordhaus, takový ten co spočítal jak je climate change výhodná. Teď chce carbon tax, low carbon tech a international club

    SHEFIK --- ---
    #politics #socialImpact

    New Government Climate Report Could Help Justify Hundreds Of Billions In Regulatory Costs

    Highlighting the importance of the numbers in the report, during the Obama years, regulatory proceedings estimated to cost between $447 and $561 billion relied on the social cost of carbon or social cost of methane metrics. These metrics provide critical backing for rulemaking actions, since without a solid base of evidence, a rule can end up tossed out by a court.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Rocky mountain forests now burning more than any point in past 2,000 years -- ScienceDaily
    TADEAS --- ---
    15. cervna, online
    Psychologie (ne)činnosti: proč nejednáme rychleji v řešení klimatické změny?

    Asi málokdo by o sobě řekl, že je mu příroda ukradená. Přesto jako společnost zůstáváme v zajetých kolejích a pokračujeme v chování, které si na životním prostředí vybírá daň.

    - Proč je pro nás změna tak těžká?
    - Co nám stojí v cestě za udržitelným chováním?

    Odpovědi na tyto otázky z perspektivy sociální psychologie a behaviorálních věd nabídnou Ondřej Kácha s Lindou Soukupovou z Green Dock, z.s.

    Přednáška bude probíhat online v úterý 15.6. Začínáme v 18:00. Těšíme se na vás!
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Dik. Me to prislo jako strasne cislo v tom titulku. Tohle dava vic smysl.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PETER_PAN: každá turbína má 1MW, platforma tedy 2.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: Nemam cas si to pustit. Zeptam se teda. Znamena to, ze jedna ta platforma (2 turbiny) ma 100GW nominalniho vykonu?
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Attenborough na G7 naléhá na řešení změn klimatu. Mluví o nejdůležitějším rozhodnutí - Aktuálně.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Solar makes a lot of sense at ground level, too – pv magazine International

    Solar projects that support native grasses can sequester more carbon than farmland alone.
    From an emissions-capturing standpoint, these native grassland habitats are important because they sequester almost 60% more carbon per acre than modern agricultural activities.

    The study modeled and averaged solar facilities in seven states in the Upper Midwest. Their modeling suggests that native grasses planted as part of 10 GW of solar generation capacity would sequester 129.3 tons of carbon per hectare; that is 65% and 35% greater than either an agriculture or a solar-turfgrass scenario, respectively.

    The researchers said that this volume of emission sequestration is equivalent to the emission savings of 5,000 GWh of fossil generation shifting to solar power, which would correspond to greater than 3 GW of solar capacity.

    The paper found that in addition to carbon sequestration, native grassland habitats also produce a three-fold increase in habitat for local pollinators, like bees and butterflies, when compared to pure agricultural usage. The threat of erosion from poor management still looms for midwestern soil. Solar and native grasslands would protect this fertile asset from losses of up to 9,000 tons of sediment erosion annually, and would retain more than 40,000,000 cubic meters of water from runoff annually.

    Prior observational research has shown that solar panels create microclimates in semi-arid regions by significantly increasing the water retention in soil, which in turn increases sheep and cow grazing grasses by 90%.
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    XR se zase probudilo

    Demonstrant se v Brně přilepil k silnici, benzínem ho pryč dostali až hasiči - Brněnský deník
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Saharan Mega-Lakes during the Holocene Wet Phase - Vivid Maps
    TADEAS --- ---
    A few common bacteria dominate soil's carbon cycle - UPI.com

    Previously, scientists were only able to make general assumptions about how communities of soil bacteria were behaving -- the equivalent, according to Hofmockel, of reporting that a state went red or blue in an election.

    "Now, with qSIP, we can see who is driving that larger pattern -- the 'election results,' if you will -- at the level of individual microbial neighborhoods, city blocks," Hofmockel said. "In this way, we can start to identify which soil organisms are performing important functions, like carbon sequestration, and study those more closely."


    Better understanding how individual organisms contribute to carbon cycling has important implications for managing soil fertility and reducing uncertainty in climate change projections


    The planet's soil hosts twice as much carbon as its vegetation. As such, understanding the soil carbon cycle is key to modeling the planet's broader carbon cycle and predicting how it will be affected by climate change.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Opinion | Six Months to Prevent a Hostile Takeover of Food Systems, and 25 Years to Transform Them | Nick Jacobs

    the "4th industrial revolution" is already sweeping through food systems. For proof, we need look no further than the changing complexion of the agri-food sector, where mergers and market disruptions are occurring at a dizzying pace. E-commerce platforms like Amazon and China's JD.com are now among the top ten retailers globally. With agribusinessesincreasingly reliant on cloud, AI, and data processing services, big tech firms like Amazon, Alibaba, Microsoft, Google, and Baidu are moving into food production. Meanwhile, Blackrock and 4 other asset management companies own 10–30% of the shares of the top agri-food firms.

    With climate change, environmental breakdown, and pandemics wreaking havoc on food systems over the coming years, the "silver bullet" solutions offered by the new agri-food giants may prove irresistible to panicking policymakers. This year's UN Food Systems Summit—arising from a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum—will be a showcase for corporate-led "solutions."

    In other words, the keys of the food system are already being handed over to data platforms, e-commerce giants, and private equity firms. This could mean dismantling the diversified food webs that sustain 70% of the world's population and provide environmental resilience. It could mean putting the food security of billions of people at the mercy of high-risk AI-controlled farming systems and opaque supply corridors.

    And yet, there is nothing inevitable about this dystopian future. In reality, divisions will grow among corporations and between companies, workers, and consumers, as ecosystems refuse to be tamed, people refuse to be nudged, technologies malfunction, and environmental and social tipping points draw closer.

    Farmers, food workers and their allies have recognized the crossroads we are at. They are already organizing in new ways to defend their spaces, their livelihoods, and their future—starting with mobilization around the Food Systems Summit.

    In scanning the landscape for clues about the next quarter century, we found that what could be achieved by civil society and social movements is just as "disruptive" as the plans of the agri-food giants. A "Long Food Movement"—bringing together farmers, fishers, cooperatives, unions, grassroots organizations and international NGOs—could shift $4 trillion from the industrial chain to food sovereignty and agroecology, cut 75% of food systems' GHG emissions, and deliver incalculable benefits to the lives and livelihoods of billions of people over the next 25 years
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