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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    Coming soon:

    Apocalyptic Authoritarianism
    Climate Crisis, Media, and Power
    Hanna E. Morris
    Journalism and Political Communication Unbound

    Analyzes the complex intersection of climate journalism and politics in an age of increasing polarization, nationalism, and social unease
    Introduces a theory of "apocalyptic authoritarianism" to explain the ideological roots of the reactionary turn against the so-called "new" New Left and progressive climate justice activists
    Offers a robust and empirically grounded account of the shortcomings of and potential opportunities for climate journalism today

    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jeste jsem necetl, nicmene odkladam si na tema

    Long before the current AI power panic, there was another panic about a new technology with an insatiable thirst for electricity: the internet.

    In 1999, Peter Huber and Mark Mills wrote an article for Forbes Magazine titled “Dig more coal -- the PCs are coming.” Reading that story today is eery in its similarities to the current moment. In the opening paragraph, the authors write, “Somewhere in America, a lump of coal is burned every time a book is ordered on-line.” They go on to cite statistics about the staggering growth of the internet: “Traffic on the Web has indeed been doubling every three months.” And then they make a prediction: “It’s now reasonable to project that half of the electric grid will be powering the digital-Internet economy within the next decade.”

    Huber and Mills were, of course, right in their prediction about the ubiquity and importance of the internet. The technology changed nearly everything about our society, economy, and politics. They were correct in predicting that internet traffic, adoption, and infrastructure would explode. And yet, their forecast for how much electricity demand would ensue was fantastically wrong.

    The Hidden Risks of Overestimating AI's Power Needs
    TADEAS --- ---
    ⚖️ Scientists prize neutrality – that doesn’t cut it any more. In 2025, they must fully back the climate movement

    There are nearly 9 million scientists in the world, making up a tribe that is one of the most trusted groups on the planet. Imagine the noise they could make if they spoke with one voice; think of the impetus it would give climate activism. The UK courts have tried to silence climate scientists in the past few years, by keeping their expert testimony out of court cases. As we start out on the second quarter of the 21st century, let’s show them what we can really do.

    Inevitably, there are those who demand impartiality from scientists, but being impartial doesn’t mean not telling the truth; it doesn’t mean playing down threats; and it certainly doesn’t mean keeping silent at a time of global emergency. Wanting to remain apolitical no longer cuts it. It is naive at the best of times, but this is now a matter of survival, not politics. So, throw your weight behind those groups and organisations fighting to tackle climate breakdown, work to bring colleagues on board, and use your influence in the best way you can to drive serious action. As we have said before, there are no grant-awarding committees on a dead planet, so it is time to choose which side of history you are on.
    TUHO --- ---
    The Arctic – “the icy region at the top of the world” – is no longer a carbon sink. It’s now a carbon source. The overheating planet is melting regions of permafrost, which are releasing CO2. We have entered uncharted territory.

    But that’s not all. The federal agency that released the concerning news in its annual Arctic Report Card, might never issue another one again. That’s because the agency – the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – is under threat of being dismantled. The leading choice for new budget director has called NOAA “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.”

    Marianne gives us a startling look at this new climate peril and an incisive analysis of the politics that stand in the way of solutions.

    Arctic Tundra Shifts to Source of Climate Pollution, According to New Report Card - Inside Climate News
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi dokument BBC Climate Wars... Narazil jsem nahodou, prej stoji za to

    Worth watching indeed. I’d recommend anyone and everyone to watch this series. It’s basic enough for someone with little to no knowledge of this issue, yet presented in such a compelling way that the most experienced climate scientist wouldn’t get bored.

    One of the film’s major strong points was simply the way it was organized. Dr Stewart traced the history of both the science and the politics around climate change, splitting it into three parts:

    Part one: Scientists had known for decades that anthropogenic greenhouse gases could cause warming of the Earth, but now, following thirty years of aerosol-induced cooling, global warming was starting to show; almost every year was record-breaking. James Hansen was the first to “stick his neck out” – testifying to Congress that he believed anthropogenic climate change was underway. He later claimed that he had weighed the risks of being wrong and looking stupid, versus doing nothing and not telling the world about such a huge potential threat. Sort of like an early Greg Craven, I suppose. I found this part to be the least interesting of the three. It also began strangely – Stewart mentioned a letter to the US president, signed by top scientists, which warned of an impending ice age. I’d never heard about this before. Does anyone else know more about this letter?

    Part two: The skeptics fought back as strongly as they could, questioning absolutely every scientific claim regarding global warming. I found this to be absolutely fascinating; it solidifed a lot of issues in my mind and helped to unify my knowledge on the topic. Stewart went through the research which showed that the Earth was warming as a result of human activities – and showed how all the yelling from skeptics helped to make the theory even stronger. He also “infiltrated the walls” of the Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change, which I found to be absolutely hilarious. They had a comedian making bad jokes about how New York could handle some global warming, Monckton and Singer making their usual accusations of fraud (Stewart remarked that “when these become the talking points, then I know that the scientific debate is really over”), and Patrick Michaels publicly admitting “Yes, the second half of the century did show some warming, and it was the result of human activities…..and now you all hate me for saying that…….” Dr Iain Stewart explained that, even though the controversy doesn’t really exist anymore in the scientific literature, the claims of skeptics still live on in the popular media and on the Internet. Instead of fighting a scientific battle, they’re now doing public relations.

    Part three: Scientists knew that humans were causing global warming, but how bad would it be? After the brilliance of the second part, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the last segment quite as much…….but I was proven very, very wrong. It both terrified and fascinated me. Terrified because it discussed the Younger Dryas, something I hadn’t really heard of before, where it warmed about 5 C in just a few years. So far beyond anything I thought was possible. When this research was released, the idea that the climate was steady and slow-moving could no longer be embraced.

    TADEAS --- ---
    2024 Securing the ‘great white shield’? Climate change, Arctic security and the geopolitics of solar geoengineering

    By systematically juxtaposing recently published schemes for Arctic geoengineering with Arctic security strategies published by the littoral Arctic states and China, we reveal and detail two conflicting security imaginaries. Geoengineering schemes scientifically securitise (and seek to maintain) the Arctic’s ‘great white shield’ to protect ‘global’ humanity against climate tipping points and invoke a past era of Arctic ‘exceptionality’ to suggest greater political feasibility for research interventions here. Meanwhile, state security imaginaries understand the contemporary Arctic as an increasingly contested region of considerable geopolitical peril and economic opportunity as temperatures rise. Alongside the entangled history of science with geopolitics in the region, this suggests that geoengineering schemes in the Arctic are unlikely to follow scientific visions, and unless co-opted into competitive, extractivist state security imaginaries, may prove entirely infeasible. Moreover, if the Arctic is the ‘best-case’ for geoengineering politics, this places a huge question mark over the feasibility of other, more global prospects
    TADEAS --- ---
    How a carbon central bank can turn Europe into a CO2 “eater” — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    Edenhofer proposes so-called clean-up certificates as a core instrument. They give the right to emit one tonne of CO2 in combination with the obligation to take back one tonne of CO2 at a specific future date. So far, the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) only offers simple emission rights, which are reduced year by year and, according to current legislation, will fall to zero in 2039. Adding clean-up certificates makes the climate transition cheaper and more flexible: CO2 emissions would not have to be avoided at all costs, even as permits become scarcer, if it is more cost-effective to emit now and remove later. The price of these certificates would reflect expected future cost reductions in carbon removal technologies. The financial risk of the climate transition would then be borne not by the state, but by the economy, which is, after all, obliged to make the removals.


    To ensure that the idea does not fail due to physical inadequacies or corporate tricks, Edenhofer argues that it should be implemented by a strong and credible institution, and makes the case for a future “European Carbon Central Bank”. By issuing the certificates, it could oversee the quantity control of net emissions, keeping this matter out of day-to-day party politics – just as the European Central Bank does with interest rates. This important new EU authority could also correctly reflect the economic value of non-permanent removals, such as afforestation or storing CO2 in building materials, in the clean-up certificates. And to ensure that companies do not undermine their carbon removal obligation through strategic bankruptcy, they would have to deposit financial collateral with the Carbon Central Bank.
    TUHO --- ---
    How Democracy Survives explores how liberal democracy can better adapt to the planetary challenges of our time by evolving beyond the Westphalian paradigm of the nation state. The authors bring perspectives from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America, their chapters engaging with the concept of transnational democracy by tracing its development in the past, assessing its performance in the present, and considering its potential for survival in this century and beyond. Coming from a wide array of intellectual disciplines and policymaking backgrounds, the authors share a common conviction that our global institutions—both governments and international organizations—must become more resilient, transparent, and democratically accountable in order to address the cascading political, economic, and social crises of this new epoch, such as climate change, mass migration, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and resurgent authoritarianism. This book will be relevant for courses in international relations and political science, environmental politics, and the preservation of democracy and federalism around the world.

    TUHO --- ---
    MINER: Stav klimatu, lidi, technologie, knowhow, stav pracovniho trhu, aneb realny zdroje. Ale ono je to samozrejme zjednodusujici, i ty penize jsou v MMT problem, ale jinak a vyrazne min nez to podava mainstream ekonomicka teorie.

    Klicovy je, ze bezny chapani toho "musime si nejdriv nasetrit, abysme meli penize na zachranu klimatu" nedava smysl. Protoze podle MMT v modernich ekonomikach vznik penez je politicko-ekonomickym aktem a principialne je mozny jich vytvorit neomezeny mnozstvi.

    Samozrejme, pokud jich vytvorich moc, tak tu mas znehodnoceni meny = inflaci. Vtip je ale v tom, ze MMT si vsima, ze inflace neni definovana pouze mnozstvim penez, ale celou radou dalsich faktoru - treba efektivitou nebo celou radou uzkejch hrdel ekonomiky - a nebo treba klimatickou krizi, ktera zveda naklady na celou radu veci. Pokud tedy nove vytvoreny penize jsou pouzity na reseni problemu, ktery zvysujou inflacni tlaky, tak vysledek muze byt klidne takovy, ze "tisknuti penez" inflaci snizi - treba kdyz zafinancujes masivni program zateplovani budov, tka najednou budes mit daleko mensi narocnost na chlazeni a vytapeni = snizeni inflacnich tlaku.

    Naopak zase austerity politics a setreni muze nakonec inflaci zvysovat, protoze mas sice nizsi objem penez v ekonomice, ale neni resenej zasadni problem, ktery tu mas a ktery bude zvysovat naklady na produkci (napr. klimaticka zmena a problemy v zemedelstvi).
    VOYTEX --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA:"A že bychom se měli bát Ruského útoku na jadernou elektrárnu je absurdní, vždyť by se to rovnalo jadernému útoku a Rusko jaderné zbraně má."

    Nevim, kdes byl posledni 2 roky, ale tohle se stalo letos v dubnu: 3 prime zasahy UAV do kontejnentu Zapor. JE
    A predtim xkrat po ostrelovani beh prim. chlazeni na jedinej poruchovej agregat, s dochazejici naftou a zmlacenou zajatou obsluhou.

    The drone attack included three direct hits against the facility’s main reactor containment, the agency’s director-general, Rafael Grossi, said on X.

    a tomuhle verili US zpravodajci (kteri jedini spravne varovali UA a svet tesne pred invazi):
    In late 2022, the US began “preparing rigorously” for Russia potentially striking Ukraine with a nuclear weapon


    'Německá veřejnost si opravdu autenticky přála ukončit provoz JE. Právě pod vlivem Ruskem řízené propagandy. '

    Presne tuhle odpoved jsem cekal, ale nechtel jsem predbihat. Takze prosim tvou domenku podloz dukazy, ze Nemci, kteri v DDR zalozili prvni protijaderna hnuti v Evrope, byli uspesne zmanipulovani Ruskem k Atomausstieg a nejednali z vlastniho usudku.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    jeho situational awareness ohledne elektriny

    (43) Page 84: To most, this seems completely out of the question. Some are betting on Middle Eastern autocracies, who have been going around offering boundless power and giant clusters to get their rulers a seat at the AGI-table.

    But it’s totally possible to do this in the United States: we have abundant natural gas.

    (44) Page 85: We’re going to drive the AGI datacenters to the Middle East, under the thumb of brutal, capricious autocrats. I’d prefer clean energy too—but this is simply too important for US national security. We will need a new level of determination to make this happen. The power constraint can, must, and will be solved.

    The clusters can be built in the US, and we have to get our act together to make sure it happens in the US. American national security must come first, before the allure of free-flowing Middle Eastern cash, arcane regulation, or even, yes, admirable climate commitments. We face a real system competition— can the requisite industrial mobilization only be done in “topdown” autocracies? If American business is unshackled, America can build like none other (at least in red states). Being willing to use natural gas, or at the very least a broad-based deregulatory agenda—NEPA exemptions, fixing FERC and transmission permitting at the federal level, overriding utility regulation, using federal authorities to unlock land and rights of way—is a national security priority.

    ale dal si mysli ze to ukradne CIna (US vlada nebude schopna rychle z toho udelat Manhattan project) a konci uvahou o svete kde se prejde od AGI k ASI behem roku.. (to uz asi bude jedno, zda v americe nebo v cine)

    (89) Conclusion: And so by 27/28, the endgame will be on. By 28/29 the intelligence explosion will be underway; by 2030, we will have summoned superintelligence, in all its power and might.

    For those of us who get the call to come along for the ride, it’ll be . . . stressful. But it will be our duty to serve the free world—and all of humanity. If we make it through and get to look back on those years, it will be the most important thing we ever did. And while whatever secure facility they find probably won’t have the pleasantries of today’s ridiculouslyovercomped-AI-researcher-lifestyle, it won’t be so bad. SF already feels like a peculiar AI-researcher-college-town; probably this won’t be so different. It’ll be the same weirdly-small circle sweating the scaling curves during the day and hanging out over the weekend, kibitzing over AGI and the lab-politics-of-the-day.

    Except, well—the stakes will be all too real.

    See you in the desert, friends.

    pardon za mirne/vetsi OT, ale ty grafy jak vzrusta teplota oceanu jsou porad dokola

    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘It’s all we have’: young climate activists on the state of politics around the world | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    mohlo by nekoho zajimat...

    The Energy of Russia
    Hydrocarbon Culture and Climate Change

    This timely book analyses the status of hydrocarbon energy in Russia as both a saleable commodity and as a source of societal and political power. Through empirical studies in domestic and foreign policy contexts, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen explores the development of a hydrocarbon culture in Russia and the impact this has on its politics, identity and approach to climate change and renewable energy.

    Cogent and compelling, this book demonstrates how the Russian state leverages its oil and gas reserves in order to create and maintain power both domestically and internationally. Tynkkynen uses empirical studies of key topics such as the national gas programme Gazprom, the Arctic, climate discourse and anthropogenic climate change denial, and the Russia-Finland energy trade to critically examine the situation. The book concludes with a convincing argument for the potential of renewable energy to build a more resilient and sustainable future for Russia and how this might be achieved.

    This will prove crucial reading for scholars and students of Russian and Eastern European studies and energy and environmental studies, as well as geographers, anthropologists and political scientists. Those working in governments, international organizations and corporations with an interest in Russian energy will also find its insights useful.

    The Energy of Russia
    TADEAS --- ---
    Britain’s climate action plan unlawful, high court rules | Green politics | The Guardian

    The UK government’s climate action plan is unlawful, the high court has ruled, as there is not enough evidence that there are sufficient policies in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    TUHO --- ---
    The Putin Thesis and Russian Energy Policy
    A specialist on Russian politics and society analyzes Russian President Vladimir Putin's academic work on mineral resources in the Russian economy. Mr. Putin defended a kandidat dissertation in economics and subsequently published an article outlining his view of the appropriate role of the Russian state, and of vertically integrated financial-industrial groups, in the mineral resource sector, and particularly in the oil and gas industry. Connections are drawn between the views expressed in Mr. Putin's publications and policy during his second presidential term.

    TUHO --- ---
    Russia, one of the world's top emitters of greenhouse gases, is already feeling the impacts of climate change. But compared to Western countries, where concerns about the climate crisis are widespread, this topic is nearly invisible in Russian media, politics and education.

    In this episode, we decided to find out how Russian society views climate change and the factors that cause many Russians to ignore environmental issues. Climate activist Arshak Makichyan and climate scientist Alexei Kokorin join us to discuss.

    Why Is Climate Change Not on the Agenda in Russia? - The Moscow Times
    TUHO --- ---
    The purpose of the article is to present the evolution of the political agenda of the German Green Party (Die Grünen) between 1980 (establishment of the party, its first program manifesto – Das Bundesprogramm) and 2017 (recent German federal elections program – Zukunft Wird aus Mut Gemacht. Bundestagswahlprogramm). The research was conducted on the basis of the literature and the comparison of the two mentioned program manifestos. The hypothesis of the work is that the successes of the Greens in West Germany mainly result from the ideological, program, and strategic reorientation of the party that took place at the turn of 1980s and 1990s.

    German Green Party: the evolution of political agenda | Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Decarbonization efforts and sustainability transformations represent highly contested socio-political projects. Yet, they often encounter various forms of depoliticization. This article illuminates how a grand socio-ecological challenge like the energy transition gets depoliticized by an unusual suspect, namely Germany's Green Party. Based on a qualitative content analysis of Green Party programs, party conventions, and additional documents published between 1980 and 2021, this article traces how the Green Party has depoliticized the energy transition over time, emphasizing a shift from radical societal change to ecological modernization. The changing stance of the German Greens on the country's energy transition reflects more profound changes of a future society the party collectively envisions through their energy and climate change agenda. These changes result from a struggle between moderates advocating incremental political reforms and radicals aiming for more fundamental and systemic societal change. By merging sustainability transition research with science and technology studies, this article makes a twofold contribution: First, it proposes a conceptual framework to investigate social and political futures envisioned through energy and climate politics. Second, the article empirically demonstrates the long process of depoliticization for an unusual but critical case. Germany's Green Party has embraced a technocentric vision of the energy transition, thereby suppressing earlier notions of broader societal change, such as anti-capitalism and energy democracy. This article spells out implications for the wider field of energy and climate politics and concludes with suggestions for future research.
    TUHO --- ---
    Frontiers | How Greens turn gray: Green Party politics and the depoliticization of energy and climate change
    TUHO --- ---
    Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis tells the story of a fundamental fight between a caring and an unca
    ring imagination. It helps us to recognise the uncaring imagination in politics, in culture - for example in the writings of Ayn Rand - and also in ourselves.

    Sally Weintrobe argues that achieving the shift to greater care requires us to stop colluding with Exceptionalism, the rigid psychological mindset largely responsible for the climate crisis. People in this mindset believe that they are entitled to have the lion's share and that they can 'rearrange' reality with magical omnipotent thinking whenever reality limits these felt entitlements.

    While this book's subject is grim, its tone is reflective, ironic, light and at times humorous. It is free of jargon, and full of examples from history, culture, literature, poetry, everyday life and the author's experience as a psychoanalyst, and a professional life that has been dedicated to helping people to face difficult truths.

    Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis: Neoliberal Exceptionalism and the Culture of Uncare: Psychoanalytic Horizons Sally Weintrobe Bloomsbury Academic
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