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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO: ty solary byasi nebyla uplna vyhra v dane situaci :D

    TADEAS --- ---
    Klimatické modely byly podhodnocené, dnešní stav měl u nás nastat až v roce 2040, hodnotí klimatolog | Plus
    DZODZO --- ---
    DZODZO: ironiou osudu je to clovek, ktory sa dost vymedzuje proti klimazmene, solary na streche v zivote mat nechce a je to iba propaganda :)
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: no driv si lidi psali asi jen kroniky a hadam ze nejakej centralni soupis asi neexistuje ;) mobily nemeli a radio s televizi taky ne
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: bolo to iba tornado alebo tam k tomu bolo kombo v podobe krup velkych jak tenisaky? byvaly kolega z dolnych bojanovic bude musiet opravit rozbitu strechu, okna a dvere, lebo mu take krupy dnes padali uz druhykrat tento tyzden
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: jak to nejde od paleo-tornadologickejch dat tak to nema vyznam. .)
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: snad se to ted bude hodne casto opakovat, aby bylo na vem delat attribution studie. science ftw
    PER2 --- ---
    Přesně před 900 lety bořilo domy na Vyšehradě tornádo. Kosmova kronika ho popsala jako samotného „Satana v podobě víru“.

    Nejdéle trvající tornádo na území Česka se vyskytlo v roce 1910, trvalo přes tři hodiny a urazilo dráhu přibližně od Českých Budějovic ke Karlovým Varům.
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: myslis wake up call na letadlo co odlitalo v osum ale z recepce se ti dovolali az v deset protoze vsichni na pokoji se vozrali? jj, ten ,)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: kdyz jsme byli nejakej cas na farme vyvijejici hybridni lisky v minnesote, tak mistem schovky pred temahle jevama byl earth-sheltered sklenik jako bezoecny misto, zš strany prirhnutek poradnym 3 metrovym valem zeminy, inspirace .)
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: zeby onen wakeup call?
    TADEAS --- ---
    tornada zpusobila klimatickou zmenu

    lovci bourek: Dle nám dostupných fotografií a charakteristice škod mohlo tornádo dosáhnout intenzity F4, což by byl rekord v novodobé historii. - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4063146730421618&id=319420554794273

    ONLINE: Moravou se prohnalo tornádo. ‚Půlka obce je srovnaná se zemí,‘ říká místostarosta vesnice Hrušky | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    "Obcí se prohnalo tornádo, půlka obce je srovnaná se zemí, zůstaly jen obvodové zdi bez střech, bez oken. Kostel nemá střechu, je bez věže, auta byla mrštěná na rodinné domy, lidé se neměli kam schovat. Obec od kostela dolů prakticky neexistuje. Škola je bez fasády, bez střechy, ke školce jsem se ani nedostal. Vyvrácené jsou stoleté lípy, smrky, je to šílené,“ popsal místostarosta obce Hrušky."

    Větrná apokalypsa. Čtyři obce na jižní Moravě zasáhlo tornádo, zničilo Hrušky - iDNES.cz

    Ironií osudu právě s kolegy(němi) zpracováváme adaptační strategii i pro tuto obec. Obávám se, že toho v ní k adaptaci mnoho nezbylo :(
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Low-cost renewable hydrogen may already be in reach’ – pv magazine International

    $0.0104 per kilowatt-hour agreed in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, respectively, in the last 18 months, would enable renewables-powered hydrogen to be produced for as little as $1.62 per kilogram, according to IRENA's Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020 report.

    The Abu Dhabi-based international body made its calculations – all of which are in U.S. dollars – based on the $0.0104 solar power tariff agreed in Saudi Arabia in April, with green hydrogen generation being modeled at the Dumat al Jandal site in the kingdom which boasts strong solar and wind power resources. With the site already hosting a wind farm, IRENA modeled a hydrogen plant which would also harness solar and be connected to the grid. The report suggested lack of a grid connection would raise the renewable hydrogen cost to $1.74/kg, which still compares favorably to the current $1.45-2.40/kg price of hydrogen production powered by natural gas and equipped with carbon capture and storage (CCS) tech.

    Further extrapolating the costs, the study estimated a fall in hydrogen electrolyzer costs, from $750 per kilowatt of capacity to $350, would enable renewable hydrogen production for $1.16/kg. Raising electrolyzer efficiency to 72.5% and extending stack lifetime from 15 to 17.5 on top of that, IRENA said, could take green hydrogen below the prized $1/kg point.

    The document fleshed out how up to 800 GW of coal-fired power generation capacity worldwide could already be replaced by newly-built renewable energy facilities as solar and wind prices have dipped under the cost of running legacy fossil fuel plants in many markets. That estimate included a $5/MWh cost of integrating renewables into the electric grid and IRENA said, with around 40% of that overpriced capacity – and 37% of actual generation – based in Bulgaria, Germany, India and the United States, decommissioning could save around $32 billion per year in energy costs. Making the switch would also eliminate three gigatons of carbon emissions – 20% of what IRENA estimates is needed to keep global heating to a maximum 1.5 degrees Celsius this century.
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: klause sem nedavno v nejakym rozhovoru slysel rikat, ze se o "modry planete" mylil nebo neco v tom smyslu, ale mozna jsem silne halucinoval, pac mi to prislo jako z rise snu
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Ehm, čekám, kdy Václav Klaus prohlásí, že tornáda u nás byla přece vždycky... na obrázcích Mikoláše Alše nebo Josefa Lady, nic necharakterizuje českou krajinu tak, jako pěkné malebné moravské tornádo...
    TUHO --- ---
    In this essay, an abridged chapter from their forthcoming book Overtime: why we need shorter working weeks, Kyle Lewis and Will Stronge engage with a number of ‘green strategies’ with the aim of showing that whichever way you look at it, working time reduction has to be central to any sustainable path ahead for our societies.

    It emphasises environmental justice must be paired with social and economic justice and argues that working time reduction speaks to all of these concerns.

    It's a simple formulation. Working less is both necessary and desirable from an environmental perspective.


    With climate breakdown already at our doorstep, the pressing need to change course from capitalist models of growth has spawned new disciplines and approaches within the field of economics.

    One such approach is referred to as degrowth - a genre of research and activism that has been active for many decades, originally inspired by the political ecology of the French-Austrian philosopher André Gorz.

    Those who advocate for degrowth define its approach as being- first and foremost- a critique of growth. Economic growth is unsustainable per se, because it is inseparable and cannot be ‘absolutely decoupled’ from greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts.

    Making time: working less to save the planet
    TADEAS --- ---

    Currently, the EU does not regulate methane emissions in the energy sector, meaning companies running the sites surveyed by CATF are not breaking laws because of leaks or venting.


    Turitto said over 90% of the sites he visited in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Romania were emitting methane while his hit rate in Germany and Austria was lower.


    Using a 100,000 euro ($119,000) infrared camera, non-profit Clean Air Task Force (CATF) found methane seeping into the atmosphere at 123 oil and gas sites in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Romania this year.


    CATF visited over 200 sites in seven EU countries and filmed emissions with the infrared camera in public vantage points to detect hydrocarbons invisible to the naked eye, such as methane.
    TADEAS --- ---
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