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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    co je to za typa s dementnima hlaskama?

    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: "12 monkeys" scenario next pls :)

    docela by me zajimalo, cim maji v planu tihle uvedomeli nemci topit v zime, biomasou, solarama, vetrnikama pro celou zem, nejaky ty uhelky v polsku/cesku? to bude jeste legrace az golfskej proud krapet zpomali a budou poradny zimy
    TADEAS --- ---
    postupujeme do faze sabotaz, nemecko


    Thread by @fridaysforsabo2 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    At the weekend we sabotaged a gas pressure regulation measuring system on a natural gas pipeline (damaged with political intention and thereby impaired its function). No person was endangered. All preparations were made under this condition.

    We tried to cause at least a small amount of damage and thus disrupt operations. We are thus directed against the operators of the pipeline, who approve of the damage to people and nature in order to increase their own prosperity.

    They do this within a system that rewards and suggests this behavior. Therefore, the action is primarily directed against the capitalist system in which we live.

    We see ourselves in the tradition of civil disobedience and show solidarity with the actions of @Ende__Gelaende . We see the need to broaden our forms of action and also to take other means.

    There were many protests in the context of the @ Fridays4future movement, in which millions took part. Nevertheless, the seriousness of the climatic situation is not recognized and the normal capitalist and patriarchal state of white domination is accepted.

    The choice of our forms of action is not based on laws, but on the urgency of the matter and the pursuit of a good life for everyone
    It is clear to us that the form of action we have chosen is not accessible to everyone and is based on a situation that is privileged in many ways. It is clear to us that even sabotage usually does not leave the framework of a symbolic action.
    The anti-Castor protests have shown, however, that sabotage is both effective and supported by large sections of society. We feel connected to historical and current struggles of this kind.

    We hope that sabotage will establish itself as a legitimate means of protest in the climate justice movement and that it will influence the discourse on forms of action. There are many places of destruction, but just as many places of possible resistance.

    The campaign is not directed against the domestic and private use of gas - at the same time, a structural change in our energy supply is possible.

    We want to work for a radical change in conditions, for a society in terms of supply and production that meets the interests and needs of all people, instead of less meeting profits.

    Sabotage and have fun, (hopefully ;-)) faster than the police!
    SHEFIK --- ---

    While the report includes some positive trends — like record increases in the use of solar and wind energy, and institutions divesting money from the fossil fuel industry — it paints a generally bleak picture of the future, accentuated by ongoing surges in climate-related disasters like floods, hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves, the authors wrote. The planet may also be about to pass (or has already passed) critical natural tipping points — such as the Amazon rainforest becoming a carbon source rather than a carbon sink — from which it will be hard to recover, the team added.


    To accomplish this task, the team suggests a three-pronged near-term policy approach: 1) Implement a "significant" global carbon price to reduce emissions; 2) phase out and eventually ban fossil fuels; and 3) restore and protect key carbon-rich ecosystems, like forests and wetlands, to preserve the planet's largest carbon sinks and protect biodiversity.

    Ignoring climate change will yield 'untold suffering,' panel of 14,000 scientists warns | Live Science
    TUHO --- ---
    // byl to chytak ,)) (antizapadni a antikapitalistickej :P)
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: zalezi kterou polovinu :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: hadanka: kolik net zero aut muze automobilka vypustit, kdyz vybije polovinu populace lidi? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #shellknew
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: tak to by mohlo Slovensko vyresit svuj problem s morem prasat (osipatych), stacilo by vydat automobilkam odpustky .. a ty uz by si ty myslivce zaplatily ;)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Nemusite se rozcilovat, je dobry vedet co co zpusobuje, ne? Ten clanek prece neimplikuje zadnou dalsi akci, jen prinasi vedecky poznani.

    Stejne jako kravy produkujou metan ve svym zazivacim ustroji. Nebo sou naky temata tabu pri prosazovani klimatickejch zajmu?

    Z #positive soudku

    Výrobce palmového oleje přišel o certifikát udržitelného lesnictví. Investigace BBC odhalila vypalování lesa - Ekolist.cz

    Podařilo se nám zjistit, že požáry vznikaly postupně a v určitém směru. Navíc byly vždy pouze uvnitř hranic území, které spadalo pod společnost Korindo. Kdyby požáry vznikaly v důsledku sucha nebo cizího zavinění, nikdy by v nich nebyla taková systematičnost,” komentuje Samaneh Moafi z Goldsmith University.

    Pod tíhou důkazů došlo nakonec k tomu, že společnosti Korindo bude od října oficiálně ukončena možnost prokazovat se certifikátem FSC. “Ze strany společnosti Korindo jsme bohužel nezaznamenali žádné výrazné pokroky ve zlepšení jejího sociálního a environmentálního chování,“ komentuje generální ředitel FSC Kim Carstensen.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: pointa clanku, ktery uz tu probehl, je, ze kdyz automobilka vybije divoka prasata, muze na silnice vypustit 1,1 milion net-zero aut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    SEJDA --- ---
    SHEFIK: aut jsou ale asi 2,5 mld. a co ten zbytek?
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: tohle mi prijde jako joke, kolik miliard co2 ted produkuje lidstvo? par prasat je uplny plivnuti do nekonecnyho oceanu
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Kolik oxidu uhličitého uvolní do ovzduší rytím půdy divoká prasata? Není to zanedbatelné, zjistili vědci - Ekolist.cz

    Podle studie uvolňuje prase divoké na celém světě rytím půdy asi 4,9 milionu tun oxidu uhličitého ročně. To pro představu odpovídá emisím ze zhruba 1,1 milionu aut.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Trocha historie

    Jak se světu nepovedlo vyřešit změnu klimatu - - - Ekolist.cz

    Téměř všechny rozhovory o klimatu, které se vedou dnes, se vedly už v roce 1979,“ píše Nathaniel Rich v knize Jak ztratit zemi, Dějiny včerejška (pozn. redakce: v roce původního vydání knihy, 2019). Podrobně rozebírá, jak se jasný úkol ochránit klima planety Země proměnil v ideologické bojiště, kde má vědecký fakt stejnou váhu jako politický názor.
    PER2 --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    Climate panel confronts implausibly hot models | Science

    Weather has grown more severe, seas are measurably higher, and mountain glaciers and polar ice have shrunk sharply. But the report's authors face a challenge that many of the world's leading climate models, used for the report's projections, are now showing warming rates that most scientists believe are implausibly fast because of errors in rendering clouds.

    btw vedeli jste, ze se jupiter taky otepluje, podle poslednich vyzkumu to vypada na polarni zare... a taky ze poslednich par desetileti slabne magneticky pole zeme

    ...casto si rikam, kolik dalsich veci nam jeste unika
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: imho ten proces neni "under way", aspon ne siroce, protoze jsme zatim neprijali ten konec (neprosli ten paliativni proces) a tim padem se jeste nemuzeme postavit k nejaky jiny situaci plne.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam