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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    DRSH --- ---
    Svět se dozvěděl nové informace o změnách klimatu | Plus
    DRSH --- ---
    Hostětínská klimatická akademie | Veronica - Centrum Hostětín
    TADEAS --- ---

    + diky mikrobialnim proteinum a kolapsu prumyslovyho zemedelstvi se otevre moznost rozsahlyho regenerativniho managementu ekosystemu (jeho preklopeni do sekvestrujiciho modu), kde primarnim nastrojem jeho managementu jsou velky bylozravci, nove obrovske evropske savamy na mistech puvodnich poli a lesu tomu budou nakloneny ,)
    DRSH --- ---
    Zpráva Mezivládního panelu při OSN o klimatické změně? To se nedá číst, míní klimatolog Halenka | Plus
    DRSH --- ---
    Letošní rok se zapíše do historie, minimálně z pohledu počasí | Plus
    TUHO --- ---
    Today, just three overarching sectors of the global economy – energy, transport and food – are responsible for more than 90% of global carbon emissions. But, in each of these sectors, disruptions are now taking place that will lead a suite of clean technologies that will not only become cost-competitive with prevailing industries, but cheaper.
    Over the next two decades, the report finds, conventional power plants run on oil, gas and coal will be replaced by solar, wind and batteries (SWB). Privately-owned automobiles based on internal combustion engines will be replaced by electric and later autonomous vehicles (A-EVs) operated as an on-demand service. Industrial livestock farming will be replaced by precision fermentation (PF) in microbial protein factories and cellular agriculture (CA).
    The driving force of this huge transformation in our fossil fuel-dependent production system is economics.
    Our research shows clearly that SWB, A-EVs, and PFCA have already begun their virtuous cycles. Over the past decades, empirical data reveals cost curves confirming that they are experiencing exponential improvements in performance, efficiency, price and returns, that in turn is driving feedback loops of vicious cycles in incumbent industries.

    How to Save the World in 15 Years – Part Three: The Looming Death Spiral of Carbon-intensive Industries – Byline Times
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Cash Only: Uhlobaroni lobbují za kompenzace. Hraje se o hodně - Seznam Zprávy

    Na lobbingu osobně pracují velké figury českého byznysu, jak o tom svědčí informace o schůzce miliardáře Pavla Tykače, majitele těžařského impéria Sev.en Energy, s Ivanem Bartošem a Petrem Třešňákem, šéfem a energetickým expertem Pirátů, zaznamenaná v internetové evidenci pirátských kontaktů.

    Vlastník mosteckých dolů, dvou elektráren a dvou tepláren Tykač samozřejmě vysvětluje černé výhledy české energetiky i v kancelářích dalších partají, nejen u Pirátů. To jen Piráti jako jediní o těchto setkáních veřejně informují.


    Popravdě má Tykač a jeho kolegové v ruce docela silný vydírací potenciál.

    Jde o další důsledek smutného faktu, že se česká vláda na neodvratné změny v energetice včas nepřipravila. Ministerstvo průmyslu, které za tuto oblast odpovídá, promrhalo čas, protože veškerou energii vrhlo na přípravu dukovanského projektu, aniž by se zabývalo alternativními scénáři.
    TADEAS --- ---
    JIRIX: borderline dezinfo?

    Změnit krávám jídelníček
    Jako cestu z krize vnímají světoví vědci snižování emisí skleníkových plynů, mezi které patří i metan, který produkují krávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Change and the Future of Cities | Eric Klinenberg

    What qualities help assure that a community can survive the threat of disaster? The population density of cities leads to inherent vulnerabilities to mass climate disasters: such as single point of failure transit systems and utilities built prior to today's environmental realities. At the same time the resources of cities offer tremendous potential for preparation and innovation.

    As a sociologist, Klinenberg brings insights on how neighborhood dynamics (what he calls "social infrastructure") can help individuals & communities prepare for extreme weather including flooding and heat waves. He discusses how cities can be wiser and think more long-term by planning traditional infrastructure projects which also enable such social infrastructure in their design.

    "Climate Change and the Future of Cities" was given on March 07, 02017 as part of The Long Now Foundation's “Conversations at The Interval” Salon Talks.
    DZODZO --- ---

    Five million people under evacuation order in Japan as rain batters south coast - CNN
    TADEAS --- ---
    Post-doom with Joanna Macy (Feb 2021) "To Collapse Well"

    "To Collapse Well" - post-doom talk recorded February 2021. Time-coded list of topics below.

    Dowd says, "This was originally intended to be just a catch-up conversation between long-time friends and colleagues. It quickly spiraled to profound and inspiring places and, thankfully, Joanna agreed that this this edited version could be published. This conversation is really the heart and soul of what I (Michael Dowd) mean by a POST-DOOM conversation!!"

    My wife and mission partner, Connie Barlow, spent three days adding text and image overlays. She says, "Many of the post-doom conversations Michael recorded gave me a sense of equanimity about TEOTWAWKI ("The End Of The World As We Know It"). But this one with Joanna had me sense the possibility about actually feeling gratitude for the gift of being alive at such a time. I could see that gratitude in her face. It moved me, and gave me a fresh possibility for how I, too, might walk into this future. I wanted to share this gift with others."

    00:02 - Introduction and two previews.

    03:53 - MD (Dowd) and JM (Macy) - "We will be generative right to the end."

    04:46 - Action needed: advocate for solar panels to be installed near nuclear power plants to ensure emergency electricity for pumped-water cooling of spent fuel rods.

    07:00 - Foundational shift: "Admit the myth of perpetual progress is a false religion" and that that techno-fixes may not be a solution. Must avoid "geological-scale evil."

    09:22 - Technological hubris becomes "irresponsible in the extreme." Spiritual leaders can play a role in using morally laden, relationally oriented language. JM: "We have crippled our moral imagination."

    11:06 - Shifted meaning of "active hope." New edition of JM book, "World as Lover, Wolrld as Self." JM chapters in new book "A Wild Love for the World."

    14:26 - JM: "The great turning will not precede but will come with or after the process of collapse." Terminology: a "life-sustaining" (not "sustainable") culture. Importance of "deep adaptation." Their previous post-doom conversation, "Children of the Passage." Great turning "becomes a vision, a compass, a guiding star." Anger over "still fracking."

    18:10 - MD: Business-as-usual as a kind of "addiction" that is "totally understandable." The long history of "progress-regress, boom and bust cultures; how civilizations and empires predictably collapse." JM: "Morally we regress."

    19:57 - Quoting text response that Catherine Ingram offered for this conversation.

    22:42 - JM story: helped by Buddhist understanding of the self, plus her study of systems theory and Gaia theory toward growing "a planet sense of self" and "a vaster sense of experience through time." JM reflections on "Deep Ecology" with John Seed, and her own despair work, "The Work That Reconnects" and "Coming Back to Life."

    25:35 - JM: amazed that when people "had the courage to go into anguish for the world ... and not numb in out ... there was sometimes a shift in identity ... almost coextensive with Earth." MD: "a sense of self that includes a continuity with time ... and the nested self ... is the key to facing extinction ... death of expectations and worldviews ... fearlessness around mortality." JM: "That is what I experience ... such a fulfillment." MD: "relative equanimity and passionate commitment."

    29:46 - JM: "If this is the last generation, then I'm glad to be here.... so grateful ... a great harvesting." MD story of shifting out of fear for his daughter choosing to have a child. "A tsunami of trust just broke over top of me." JM: "Trust is at the core of life.... We're going to be humans living as humans till the last." MD: on being confronted by anti-natalists. JM: "We're a family till the end."

    33:55 - MD: "What a sacred honor to be alive at this time ... at the end of the Age of Exuberance and the beginning of the Great Contraction." JM: saw a play showing the transcendance of people trapped in the Warsaw ghetto; life is "transforming and redemptive at every moment, right to the end." MD: "Serenity prayer for the 21st Century ... to collapse well ... post-doom and post-gloom." JM: "the hope that we can all die well." MD: Why young parents should not be reminded of this; focus on their daily parenting.

    39:38 - JM: "Our making peace with this makes room for such fulfillment.... so happy to have a chance to be with this beautiful planet, after this long, long story ... right at this climax, ending.... to celebrate, to thank — instead of wallowing in self-pity and complaint." MD: importance of "celebrating our relationship to place, to evolution ... tears of gratitude." JM: "and remember, too, the great poets, the great musicians." Go to the great landforms in our own regions "and say, glory be!"
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Proč nevěřit optimismu IPCC. Bestie se živí ropou a politici jí slouží, nedělají víc než kosmetické změny. Prepare for the worst.

    What the IPCC report should have told us - Resilience
    PER2 --- ---
    MARSHUS: to je dokonaly!
    "Imagine the connections people would make—correctly—if it was Hurricane ConocoPhillips that flooded Houston in 2017 instead of Hurricane Harvey. Or if we’d been hit by Exxon this year instead of Elsa?"
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Let's Start Naming Climate-Related Disasters for Polluters and Their Enablers - Scientific American
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: myslis bublinky metháňa? :))
    GOJATLA --- ---
    PER2: Jestli je lepší vodík nebo baterie, je vedlejší, hlavní problém je v tom, že nemáme carbon tax (nebo dividend) a nevypadá to, že v dohledné době budeme mít. S carbon tax by nikdo blue hydrogen nevyráběl.
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: ah, svetle zitrky :)

    It's not going to move particularly quickly; a final investment decision isn't expected until sometime after 2028.
    pocatecni produkce mozna kolem 2030 (dam si upominku, za devet let na to mrknem, takovymu projektu fandim, ale beru s rezervou)

    a snad budou mit vic stesti nez na severu ↓
    (project "will have clearly unacceptable impacts" on the environment)
    [PER2 @ Klimaticka zmena // Climate Chaos Tour 2021]
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PER2: jen western australia. Je to malo?

    World's biggest green hydrogen hub announced for Western Australia

    Western Australia could soon be home to the world's biggest green hydrogen project. The Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH) wants to deploy 50 GW of solar and wind generation to produce up to 3.5 million tons of green hydrogen or 20 million tons of ammonia a year.
    TUHO --- ---
    bublinky nekdo?

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