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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    Podle zprávy Europolu byla zelená energie lákadlem pro italské mafie už v roce 2009, přitahovaly je zejména granty na budování a provoz elektráren.
    „Italské zločinecké syndikáty jsou jedinými podnikatelskými subjekty v Evropské unii, které mají příliš mnoho peněz a příliš málo příležitostí je investovat,“ vysvětluje italský státní zástupce důvod, proč je pro mafie výhodné infiltrovat legální ekonomiku.
    Kromě legalizace výnosů z nelegálního podnikání navíc díky provozu zelených elektráren dosáhnou i na štědré granty podporující energii z obnovitelných zdrojů nebo na s nimi spojené daňové zvýhodnění.
    Italským mafiím se tak podařilo hned několik věcí najednou: diverzifikovat příjmy, prát špinavé peníze, utužovat vztahy s regionálními politiky, vydělávat na likvidaci odpadu ze solárních panelů a ještě si budovat pověst někoho, kdo smýšlí ekologicky.

    Solární narkobaroni - investigace.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Emisní kladivo dopadne i na lodní dopravu. Unie si chce konečně posvítit na lodní motory – VTM.cz
    a tohle naopak smysl dává...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Microsoft bude pomocí obřího vysavače z atmosféry sbírat CO2, Coca-Cola z něj vyrobí limonádu – VTM.cz
    to jsou zase nápady... ono to zachycování CO2 překvapivě spotřebovává elektřinu? no neříkejte! (a navíc, kde asi skončí CO2 z těch limonád? :-) to je hodně krátkodobý capture... :-)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Desertification is turning the Earth barren – but a solution is still within reach | David R Montgomery | The Guardian

    "To combat and reverse the growing threat of desertification and land degradation we need to both reduce carbon emissions and change the way we farm. We don’t have to relearn the lessons of past societies that degraded their land. But to avoid their fate we need to reorient agriculture around farming and grazing practices that regenerate soil health.

    Several years ago, I visited and wrote about farms and ranches around the world that had restored fertility to once-degraded lands. I saw how regenerative farming and grazing based on soil-building practices can reverse soil degradation, rebuild soil health and make farms resilient to extreme weather – while maintaining good harvests. But it requires replacing conventional farming practices dependent on intensive tillage and massive chemical fertiliser use with practices that put soil health first."
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: “Politbyro chce zajistit ekonomický růst s fosilními palivy, a zároveň vytvořit „ekologickou civilizaci“ bez nich.”

    Tak to vypada, ze Čína si bere inspiraci od Nate Haggensova “uhlíkového skoku” (pokus o vlastni preklad “carbon pulse”). Ten dává smysl z holistickeho nadhledu řádu tisíců let.

    Ono rozházet Carbon Budget na stavbu “eko-civilizace”, je vlastně smyslem veskrze kvalitním. Navíc při představě, že zatáhnout ručku nakonec nemusí být “tak složitý” - nechat dřevo v lese, udělat z čtvrtky světa (sic!) pastviny a hodit se do zenu (rozuměj: omezeni spotreby) - je k tomu potřeba jen schopná globální vláda.
    TUHO --- ---
    Soudní dvůr EU označil žaloby evropských energetických korporací vůči členským státům za nezákonné. Korporátní žaloby zneužívaly právní úmluvy z 90. let známé jako Energetická charta a mířily proti snahám urychlit konec fosilních paliv.

    Blíží se konec Energetické charty? Evropské korporace už nesmí žalovat státy EU
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: oh noes, it rained!
    tady celkove denni uhrny za 2.9.21 a pod carou rekord z central park area

    GOJATLA --- ---
    Roger Hallam
    (FB, 5/9/21)

    I’ll be alright Jack
    No you won’t
    I recently spoke with a XR friend who is in his fifties like me and he said “I’m really sorry for the younger generation, they’re going to live through all this mess. I will be retired soon so I’ll be okay.” I thought you don’t have a clue.
    One of key reasons why XR is being unsuccessful is because it refuses to communicate accurately and concretely in everyday language what is going to happen in the next two decades. This can be summed up in six words: the fiscal crisis of the state. Forget dolphins, whales and icesheets – there is only one reality here and it is what the state does when it runs out of money. This has very little to do with politics or values – it’s much deeper than that. The first principle of the state is to maintain itself. And when it experiences extreme economic stress it raids society to get cash. This means it takes money from unproductive parts of the society to pay for the parts that are productive. So, for instance, in World War Two the UK government raided the assets of the rich to pay for the war. This was done by Tory MPs – it was not a matter of politics but national survival. So you know what is going happen in a decade or so when western countries are having to pay for the massive cost of electrifying their economies, retro fitting their entire housing stock, and dealing with “defence” costs of social breakdown in the sub tropics: it’s going to raid the pensions of my generation. The brutal reality is that the interests of the retired won’t matter.
    And as we enter the 2030’s and start experiencing the critical infrastructure tipping point of 40C plus temperatures on a regular basis, our children’s generation will be presented with having to upgrade or replace the melting roads, wiring and god knows what other stuff that stops working at such temperatures - just about everything (see the articles on 40C plus temperatures in British Colombia this summer). The costs will be eye-wateringly astronomical. Maintaining pensions, care homes, and the rest of the welfare state for the elderly is going to be last of the worries of the government.
    But there is a darker side to all this. My generation will go down as the most selfish and immoral in human history, for being bystanders and allowing the corporate capitalist machine to decimate the biosphere over the critical decade of 2010-2020. Even after 2018 when it was bleeding obvious that we had to enter into civil resistance against this holocaust machine we continued to shit on our obligations to previous generations who died to give us our prosperity and liberties, and the next thousand generations who will have to deal with this “mess”, as it euphemistically gets called.
    Well just consider that our children and their children will have no motivation to act any differently than us. Payback time is coming. It could be merely structural. The younger generation will come to power and the logic of the state, as mentioned, will lead to the rapid impoverishment of my generation, presently in our 40’s and 50’s as we get into our 60’s and 70’s. But more likely there will be a visceral contempt: you created this shit and so you can pay for it. Polluters pay and all that. We are not heading into some ecological steady state circular economy new civilisation. Much more likely we are heading into a time when people over 60 will be spat at as they walk down the street, and be literally left to die in urine stinking death homes.
    Of course this is very unfair. Individuals should not be blamed for structural pathologies. But fairness does not come into it. What is “fair” about people eating meat and taking flights in 2021. Let’s be honest it’s a matter of “I can so I will”. That is the moto of today’s adults in Western societies. So don’t expect our children to be any different – they will follow our example. They can so they will.
    I recently watched the film “The Father”. It was very upsetting. At the end of the film the elderly man returns to being a helpless small child calling out for his mother. But there is no mother to comfort him. Instead a care worker puts her arm around him as he sobs. The fiscal crisis of the state concretely means this: there will be no one to put their arms around him. Our generation will be left to wallow in self contempt for our cowardice, and to left to die, hated and alone.
    If you want to speak with some effectiveness about the actual reality of the climate crisis to the public, this is what you have to start talking about. I did the world’s first “heading for extinction” talk in 2018 at King’s College (see it on you tube below). I started with the story of the 3 million soviet prisoners of war who were deliberatively starved to death in the autumn of 1941. And then told the audience that four years later soviet soldiers entered Nazi Germany and raped 2 million women in a couple of months. The point I was making is that under extreme pressure human beings are indescribably cruel to each other. In 2021 our governments are locking in this horrendous social stress because my generation of adults are refusing to go into civil resistance to stop it. It’s as simple as that. This is our war, but we are refusing to fight it.
    Unsurprisingly this part of the talk along with the other “tell the truth” sections were taken out by the middle class liberal “let’s not upset people” regime that soon took over XR. But taking things out of talks which upset you does not stop then from happening: that is the post modernist conceit.
    If XR is to have a future the realists in it have to enact some tough love and tell to some home truths to the “post modernists”. XR has to start telling the public what is really going to be happening with the raw passion and emotion it demands. And start saying the obvious, to quote ACTUP activist Larry Kramer:
    “get out in the streets otherwise you’re gonna fucking die”.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Havlíček: Skončit do 14 let s auty na benzín je nereálné - Novinky.cz

    bojujeme, a vypadá to, že by boj mohl být úspěšný, s Evropskou unií o to, aby uznala plyn jako udržitelný zdroj, který bude podporován i nadále.

    . .

    bude ale předsednictví Evropské unie, které za rok připadá na Českou republiku, vedeno vágně nebo nějakými zelenými šílenci, dostaneme se do situace, že se nám zdraží vytápění. To musíme velmi pečlivě hlídat. Máme to rozjednané na všech úrovních a nesmíme z toho cuknout ani o milimetr
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: meli by se zaregistrovat jako politicka strana, a cerpat z vyhod demokraticke diskuze.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Historicky první slovenský klimakemp začal okupací bratislavského přístavu – A2larm
    TADEAS --- ---
    Extinction Rebellion eyes shift in tactics as police crack down on protests | Extinction Rebellion | The Guardian

    As of Thursday evening, 483 people had been arrested in connection with the protests – compared with a total of 1,130 held during XR’s action in April 2019, and 1,768 the following October. For a movement that placed being arrested at the heart of its strategy, the drop seemed sobering.

    XR’s latest protest campaign had been designed in two phases. First, a week of “crisis talks”: protesters would occupy busy areas where they could talk to passersby and discuss solutions to the climate crisis. Then the focus would move to the City of London, to disrupt the financial institutions they see as the key instigators of fossil fuel projects.

    But as XR took to the streets, police were waiting. On the first Monday, a pink table installation activists hoped to hold for days in Covent Garden was isolated and removed by the next morning, foiling plans to make it a centrepiece for outreach. It was a similar story throughout the fortnight. XR would strike with a roadblock, installation or a theatrical direct action, and police would be hot on their heels.

    Where cordoning off protests entirely could not work, as in the West End or Oxford Circus, officers would surround protest installations. Without activist support, protesters who had chained themselves in place were vulnerable; police could get removal teams in, cut them loose and arrest them. Dispersal orders would be issued and officers would begin by targeting XR’s drummers and music: kill the vibe, the strategy seemed to be, and the protest would melt away.

    “[Police] seemed intent to limit the time and the opportunity for the public to witness our protests as early as they can, so essentially not enabling a protest installation or the centre of the protest to become the focus for the public to interact with,” said Richard Ecclestone, a former inspector with Devon and Cornwall police who is one of XR’s police liaisons.


    Support for the group remains strong in other ways. XR point out that ahead of the latest actions, they raised £100,000 from supporters in just 24 hours. A recent poll showed 81% of people in the now UK regard the ecological situation as a “global emergency” – the highest proportion the world.

    Bradbrook sees XR as undergoing a shift in emphasis. “A really important pivot that we have done this year is from talking about there is an emergency and sounding the alarm to talking about why there is not an emergency response, that that pivot has been about focusing on the political economy,” she said.
    KEB --- ---
    JIRIX: vezmi první kámen který uvidíš a rozbij s ním mobil...
    TADEAS --- ---

    The Very First Massive Autumnal Arctic Blast Spreads into Northern Europe this Weekend
    TADEAS --- ---
    A strong heatwave - Indian summer - develops into west-central Europe through mid-September
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Climate crisis is here’ says Biden in week of storms, floods and wildfires | Joe Biden | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Doctors stage XR die-in outside JP Morgan offices in London | Extinction Rebellion | The Guardian

    Sixty doctors, nurses and other health professionals have staged a die-in protest outside JP Morgan’s Canary Wharf headquarters in London to highlight the bank’s investment in fossil fuels.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: proti travním ekosystémům nic nemám, hlavně jsem tu psal, že snahy zalesnit step nebo poušť můžou bejt kontraproduktivní, protože přeci jen, strom je velmi efektivní nástroj na vysoušení půdy a odpařování vlhkosti, i když se to nezdá.... takže i když vytvořit kritickou masu lesa a přilákat srážky tam, kde dosud nebyly, zní jako skvělý nápad, tak ve skutečnosti když se to nepovede, může se zhroutit i ten zbytek ekosystému, který tam do té doby fungoval a vzniknout totální poušť...
    DZODZO --- ---
    KEB: teoreticky nepotrebujes ziadnu baterku, xiaomi tvrdi ze vie nabijat zariadenia vzduchom na vzdialenost niekolko metrov, pisu tam o 5W, 80W a dokonca 120W nabijani, takato vecicka bude potrebovat mozno par mW, akurat xiaomi to teda este nepredava

    Xiaomi teases over-the-air wireless charging, but it’s not coming to its devices this year – TechCrunch
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