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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    KEB --- ---
    Nový blok v Dukovanech ano, ale bez Ruska a Číny. A obnovitelné zdroje k tomu. Odpovědi SPOLU na předvolební anketu Ekolistu - Ekolist.cz

    A k tomu je potřeba dodat, že za ODS se o klima stará, chvíle napětí, Saša Vondra!
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: malo se o tom mluvi, ale tu myceliovou sit kontrolujou ufoni ze svejch podzemnich zakladen... srsly ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    Podle Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí, která o tom informuje, vypouští Česko třetí největší objem skleníkových plynů na obyvatele, přitom se v žádné jiné zemi po roce 2014 bilance tak nezhoršila.
    Příspěvek Čechů k oteplování planety narostl nejvíc v Evropě - Seznam Zprávy
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: the source of the natural forcing could be a giant mycelial network in the ground, srsly? :-)))
    PER2 --- ---
    not great not terrible, prumernej rok v gronsku
    The blue curve shows the current season’s surface mass balance measured in gigatonnes (1 Gt is 1 billion tonnes and corresponds to 1 cubic kilometre of water).

    The dark grey curve traces the mean value from the period 1981-2010.

    The light grey band shows differences from year to year. For any calendar day, the band shows the range over the 30 years (in the period 1981-2010), however with the lowest and highest values for each day omitted.

    BERENIKEE --- ---
    Není to sice tabulka,nebo vědecký článek,ale to sem patří jako svědectví.

    “There is an ironic beauty in the collapse of our global climate. To me, this waterfall represents our species' failure to act in the face of the single greatest threat we have ever encountered. Still, amidst the Arctic's deafening silence, the sound of meltwater rushing from this void in the ice filled me with serenity. The outcome of this journey is up to us – if we could each take just one step to reduce our impact today, however big or small, we would very quickly find our planet on the path to recovery….”

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    TADEAS --- ---
    "IMMEDIATE" EMISSIONS DECLINE: IPCC WG1 report using IPCC author's slide deck
    PER2 --- ---
    pocteni "pro zabavu", geonegineering zpusobeny velkym presunem zvirat/lidi
    Good news: we are about to be saved from global warming doomsday, bad news: a great winter is coming. | by Almaz Aliev | Predict | Aug, 2021 | Medium
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: a to tomhle si myslis co?

    The ‘Gelion’ battery, which uses a specialised zinc-bromide gel technology, is designed to overcome the limitations of traditional lithium ion and lead acid batteries.

    Its inventor, Professor Thomas Maschmeyer, said it aims to do this by addressing supply, capacity and safety constraints.

    “The zinc-bromide battery chemistry differs from conventional ones by being able to charge to 100 per cent and discharge to zero over a long duration,” he said.

    “We are able to run at a high temperature — 50 degrees not a problem without cooling, and never catch fire. In fact, the inside of the batteries help to put fires out.”

    The battery can withstand temperatures of more than 600 degrees, without catching fire.

    Storage battery production to create renewable energy solution and jobs in Sydney's west - ABC News
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Jezisi bezte uz doprdele s timhle defetismem :) podle vyrobce to za celou zivotnost vyprodukuje max 10% co2 ktere to zachyti. Je to napajeno z geotermalni elektrarny (zadne emise).

    A nejak se zacit musi. Prece nemuzou lidi ocekavat ze zcista jasna bez prototypu nekdo z klobouku vytahne CCS o kapacite miliardy tun denne…
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIRIX: Jak sdělili výrobci, ve své dnešní podobě by Orca měla vysosat z atmosféry zhruba 4 tisíce tun oxidu uhličitého ročně. Podle americké vládní agentury EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to odpovídá emisím, které za rok v průměru vypustí asi 870 automobilů.

    ... tohle víceméně vypovídá o marnosti carbon caputure v kostce. Nikdo to nezachytí ani uhlík, který byl vyroben při výrobě těch trubek :-)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Yale Study: 46% of Americans still believe climate change is "natural" or "not happening." 25% are worried about it. A mere 15% think they will be harmed from the fallout, and just 10% have put any real effort into changing their lifestyle. 63% of people have made no lifestyle changes since 2008.

    TADEAS --- ---
    První zpráva AR6 od IPCC (Summary for policymakers) přeložena do češtiny. Najdete jí na ČHMÚ:

    BERENIKEE --- ---
    Houseboats sit in a narrow section of water in a depleted Lake Oroville in Oroville, California on September 05, 2021. Lake Oroville is currently at 23% of its capacity and is suffering from extreme levels of drought. (Josh Edelson/AFP)

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    TADEAS --- ---
    Rupert Read: Act now, because its too late
    TADEAS --- ---
    social simulation

    Testing the waters: A science-policy simulation in an ice-free Arctic | PAXsims

    Let us travel to 2035. According to scientists, the Arctic is going to become ice-free by the end of the decade. Vessels will soon start rushing there, enticed by the promise of year-round sailing opportunities. An international organization, called the Arctic League, safeguards the region’s future development while balancing economic, societal, and environmental considerations… This is the premise to the Arctic Future simulation, which was presented during the Canadian Science Policy Conference in 2020.


    In our increasingly interconnected world, the need for close collaboration between science, policy, and society is only expected to grow. Science-policy simulations are a promising tool for mediating this collaboration. They offer stakeholders a safe and life-like testing ground for exploring difficult issues before facing them in reality. Moreover, such simulations are highly adaptable and applicable in many diverse contexts and environments, both offline and online. So far, the Arctic Future simulation alone has been successfully deployed two times already. Cascading Climate Impacts – the simulation it was based upon – was also used two times, with more workshops to come in 2021.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Tak schvalne ten celkovej lifecycle

    Porsche and Siemens break ground on low-carbon e-fuel plant in Chile | Ars Technica

    70 percent of the cars Porsche has ever built are still on the road. Since it wants to keep it that way, its developing a synthetic fuel that emits 90 percent less CO2 than gasoline derived from fossil fuels.
    As we reported earlier this year, Porsche and Siemens are developing a low-carbon synthetic fuel that combines green hydrogen (produced by wind-powered electrolysis) with carbon dioxide (filtered from the atmosphere) to form methane, which is in turn then turned into gasoline
    TADEAS --- ---
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