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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    DZODZO --- ---
    z archivu

    Takto sme si znečisťovali rieky (1974)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Experti: Fialovo zpochybňování vlivu člověka na klima je manifestace populismu. Cílí na bojovníky za „normální svět“

    Na přímý dotaz, jestli je změna klimatu způsobená člověkem, odvětil, že odpověď není jednoznačná. „Snažím se jako vědec, který to však nedělá odborně, sledovat různé debaty. Myslím si, že odpověď není úplně jednoznačná. Ale nemyslím si, že toto je na tom to nejpodstatnější. Musíme vnímat, že nějaká změna probíhá, a musíme být i do jisté míry opatrní, abychom nezpůsobili horší následky,“ zdůvodnil svůj postoj.

    Posléze jej ještě upřesnil. „Jestli to člověk zhoršuje, byť klimatickou změnu nezpůsobuje, starejme se o to, abychom ji nezhoršovali,“ doplnil.
    TADEAS --- ---
    meanwhile in czechia

    Václav Klaus ml.

    Výsledky voleb:
    Celkem bez překvapení. Stejně jako v Německu mají přes 70% probruselské "klimatické" partaje, které vám časem místo spalovacího auta doručí dotované kolo.
    Není mezi nimi žádný velký rozdíl (i když se navzájem jako nenávidí).
    Žádná vůle ke změně ještě letos nebyla (a čertví kdy bude).
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age
    TADEAS --- ---
    Parenting The Planet with Rupert Read
    TADEAS --- ---
    Beispielloser Anstieg von Hitzerekorden und Extremregen in Beobachtungsdaten — Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung

    The frequency of monthly heat records has increased 90-fold over the past decade, compared to 1951-1980. Researchers have found this in observational data. The monthly so-called 3-sigma events - heat waves that differ greatly from what is normal in a certain region - now affect an average of around 9 percent of the total land area. Rain extremes have also increased; On average, one in four record-high daily rainfall over the past decade can be attributed to climate change. The researchers explain that extreme events associated with man-made climate change are already at an unprecedented level. And they expect a further increase


    "The change in extreme events, which we refer to as 4-sigma events, and which were practically non-existent before - we even see an increase of 1000 times compared to the reference period is even greater. They affected 2011-20 in about 3 percent of the global land area every month, "says lead author Alexander Robinson from Complutense University Madrid and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. "This confirms previous results, albeit with ever increasing numbers. We are now experiencing extremes that would be virtually impossible without the influence of man-made global warming." The term 'sigma' refers to what researchers call a standard deviation.

    For example, 2020 saw prolonged heat waves in both Siberia and Australia, which led to devastating forest fires in both regions. Both events led to a local emergency being declared. In 2021, the temperatures in parts of the USA and Canada reached almost 50 ° C, life-threatening. Globally, record heat extremes increased the most in the tropical regions, as the tropics usually have little variability in monthly temperatures. Where the range of fluctuation is normally small, even comparatively small shifts can lead to records

    Increasing heat and rainfall extremes now far outside the historical climate | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    paliativní kulturní proces

    TADEAS --- ---
    Syllabus Bank | Climate Solutions Lab

    The Climate Solutions Lab syllabus bank fosters and improves university-level courses on climate change in the social sciences. At many universities, such courses are scarce – despite student demand on the world’s most important global problem. For potential instructors, developing a new syllabus from scratch can be a barrier to teaching the course. So, we offer some existing syllabi, for free, to anyone in the world. Different courses have different features, like film documentaries or class simulations.
    TADEAS --- ---
    WPLC Stands with Water Protector, Jessica Reznicek

    On June 30th of this year, Water Protector, Jessica Reznicek, was sentenced to 8 years in prison, 3 years of probation, and 3.2 million dollars in restitution in Iowa for the non-violent actions against the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2017. Her lengthy sentence was due to a domestic terrorism enhancement, originated in the Bush-era Patriot Act and rolled out in the Biden administration to combat domestic terror, which the federal judge overseeing her sentencing decided to apply.

    Judge Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger... concluded that a terrorism sentencing enhancement could apply because Reznicek tried to stop the flow of oil, retaliated for decisions by state and federal governments to approve the project and wanted to prevent the government from approving future projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline. "Not only the flow of oil, but the government's continued response were targets of this action," Goodgame Ebinger said. One of Jessica's attorneys, Bill Quigley said after her sentencing, "Unfortunately, actions to protect our human right to water were found to be less important than the profit and property of corporations which are destroying our land and water."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Norway to hit 100 per cent electric vehicle sales early next year - Drive

    Analysis shows the last new petrol or diesel car sold in Norway will come as early as April, 2022 – three years ahead of the government's target.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Zvažte, která strana nás nejlépe připraví na kolaps. Máme na to asi 4 roky. :-/
    What are the 7 most dangerous things most people do not understand about climate change & global warming - Job One for Humanity
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #positive #futureTech

    Recycled concrete and CO2 from the air are made into a new building material -- ScienceDaily

    A new way to reduce emissions levels caused by concrete use has been proposed and proven to work by Professor Ippei Maruyama and C4S (Calcium Carbonate Circulation System for Construction) project manager Professor Takafumi Noguchi, both from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo. They have found a way to take waste concrete and captured carbon dioxide, and combine them in a novel process into a usable form of concrete called calcium carbonate concrete.


    "Our concept is to acquire calcium from discarded concrete, which is otherwise going to waste," said Maruyama. "We combine this with carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust or even from the air. And we do this at much lower temperatures than those used to extract calcium from limestone at present."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Up to half of world’s wild tree species could be at risk of extinction | Trees and forests | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Why Insulate Britain and XR are Failing to Win Over the Public – Byline Times

    IB was born out of that frustration and its response was to become more radical still. But Read believes that whilst the general public’s awareness of climate change has moved, partly due to actions from groups like XR, the actions that IB are engaged in don’t have the “positive dimension” that will mobilise the 3.5% of the population that XR had always estimated was needed to galvanise change.

    He tells Byline Times that there is a “grave danger in actions that appear to target ordinary people” which he dubs blunt instruments that have no power to resonate and to change minds. In fact, Read argues that they may in fact be counterproductive and cause a waning in public sympathy, as well as encouraging more repressive police action.

    Read has argued instead for what he calls “Robin Hood actions” by radical groups – such as stealing insulation and installing it in the lofts of social housing residents. He argues as well for more entryism into what he calls “leverage points’, pointing to groups such as Lawyers For Net-Zero. He argues instead for a “mass moderate flank” to put pressure on governments, rather than more radical, smaller groups.

    Parfitt and others engaged in IB actions are pursuing another path – in her case on the grounds of obedience “to a higher authority”. She tells Byline Times that she sees the work she does as resisting “the forces of evil that I see residing in the fossil fuel industry.” IB’s protests are due to gather pace again next week. The debate within the environmental movement – as well as amongst the general public – isn’t going to be over soon.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: ono je jedno o kterou debilitu se budeme prit vic, otazka je, jestli to ta spolecnost/kultura dokaze pak pretavit v nejakou relevantni akci a kam ji to postrci
    TADEAS --- ---

    This is the Moment - Joanna Macy with Thanissara - SRMC Climate Day - Oct 2nd 2021
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: ale vždyť ty kamiony stejně nemaj řidiče, tak není ještě trochu overkill blokovat jim dálnice, navíc k tomu? :-)

    hele, já celkově nevím. když se zamýšlím nad možností spekulace s emisníma povolenkama, tak vlastně nevím, jestli to je řešení, které dává smysl. Sice se mělo sáhnout na peníze fosilnímu průmyslu, do té míry, že banky jim nechtějí půjčovat, to chápu. Ale ta věc, že můžu koupit emisní povolenku a se ziskem jí prodat... to si myslím nebude úplně dělat dobrotu... vzpory tu budou, ale ne klimatické... budou tu vzpoury proti emisním povolenkám, obávám se.
    TADEAS --- ---
    'Thousands are dying': Why Insulate Britain activists say they have no choice but to block motorways | Euronews

    Insulate Britain’s aim, according to an organisation spokesperson, is simple. Speaking with Euronews Green, they explain that they want the “government to start the most cost-effective means of reducing our carbon emissions, by insulating the nation's housing stock.”

    Insulate Britain’s website explains that the UK’s 29 million homes account for 15 per cent of the country’s emissions. But also that they are “the oldest and least energy-efficient housing stock in Europe.”


    Not only would implementing insulation changes enable the UK to make good on its promises to meet climate change targets under the Paris Agreement, but Insulate Britain also says it would mean that more than one in 10 families in fuel poverty could heat their homes and cook food.


    Their tactics, which have been likened to those of Extinction Rebellion (XR), who in the past blocked London transport and landmarks, have faced significant criticism. Ecological philosopher and green activist Rupert Read explains both the public and media reaction has been hugely negative so far, “even more so than with XR.”


    Climate activists have been blocking sections of the UK’s busiest motorways, as well as the port in Dover.
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