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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---

    v prubehu 48hod predtim nez hallam vyrazil na COP u nej byla 4krat policie. co to znamena

    Fucking Disgusting | Roger Hallam on COP26 | Glasgow | 7 November 2021
    TUHO --- ---
    Overview o vodiku

    Creating the new hydrogen economy is a massive undertaking | The Economist
    TUHO --- ---

    Record rainfall prompts evacuations along the Pacific north-west | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Uniklý dokument EU specifikuje podmínky pro zahrnutí plynových elektráren do ekologických investic. Zmiňuje i jádro
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Doporucuju #bcstorm na twitteru. Stejny mista Co mely pred 140 day heat dome a skoro 50 stupnu vedro prave dostaly az 30cm deste.

    Vancouver odriznuty od vsech pozemnich cest vcetne zeleznice. Jedina dobra zprava je ze to zastavilo I ropovod.
    BERENIKEE --- ---
    Dvojice Rusů se snaží na Sibiři zastavit tání permafrostu, tedy věčně zmrzlé půdy. Vsadili na množení bizonů, koní a dalších velkých býložravců. Chtějí tak vytvořit podobný ekosystém jako z doby ledové. Vědecká studie potvrzuje, že experiment úspěšně zpomaluje vliv globálního oteplování.

    Foto: Otec a syn bojují v Rusku s táním permafrostu - Aktuálně.cz
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: To je roztomily, jak se rozciluje, ze ho lidi nepochopili s těmi “nepokoji” a necháváním se zatknout… je to boomerská myšlénka, domnívat se, že mladá generace je vykleštěná by social media manufacturing the consent?

    Btw, kdysi mě dost překvapilo zjištení, že největší demonstrace v 89 nezačaly věcma kolem palachova tydne, ale divokými protesty proti brutalnimu znečištení ovzduši/prostředí v Teplicích.
    TUHO --- ---
    Shrnuti Glasgow z Carbon Brief (imho nic lepsiho nedostanete .]]

    COP26: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Glasgow - Carbon Brief
    TADEAS --- ---
    mann v. read

    Rupert Read

    So I just did BBC FiveLive assessing Cop, on the Stephen Nolan show.
    It was supposed to be me & Michael Mann in debate: but when Mann found out it was me he would be speaking with, sadly he chickened out.
    So he went first, me second.
    Which meant I could rebut all his points :)

    Michael Mann at 17:11, Rupert at 23:44, really worth a listen.

    Stephen Nolan - 14/11/2021 - BBC Sounds
    TADEAS --- ---
    For Arendt, hope in dark times is no match for action | Aeon Essays

    For Hannah Arendt, hope is a dangerous barrier to courageous action. In dark times, the miracle that saves the world is to act


    After the war, in a letter to the American philosopher Glenn Gray, she wrote that the only book she recommends to all her students is Hope Against Hope by Nadezhda Mandelstam. Written by the wife of the Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, the devastating memoir details life under Stalin’s regime and the struggle to stay alive. (In Russian, nadezhda means hope.) Arendt called it ‘one of the real documents’ of the 20th century.


    Even the most jaded observers of world affairs can find it difficult not to catch their breath at the moment of suspense, hoping for good to triumph over evil and deliver a happy ending. For some, discussions of hope are attached to notions of a radical political vision for the future, while for others hope is a political slogan used to motivate the masses. Some people uphold hope as a form of liberal faith in progress, while for others still hope expresses faith in God and life after death.

    Arendt breaks with these narratives. Throughout much of her work, she argues that hope is a dangerous barrier to acting courageously in dark times. She rejects notions of progress, she is despairing of representative democracy, and she is not confident that freedom can be saved in the modern world


    In her essay ‘On Humanity in Dark Times’, she writes: ‘In hope, the soul overleaps reality, as in fear it shrinks back from it.’ And her book The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) begins with a discussion of hope: ‘Desperate hope and desperate fear often seem closer to the centre of such events than balanced judgment and measured insight.’

    Arendt’s most devastating account of hope appears in her essay ‘The Destruction of Six Million’ (1964) published by Jewish World. Arendt was asked to answer two questions. The first was why the world remained silent as Hitler slaughtered the Jewish people, and whether or not Nazism had its roots in European humanism. The second was about the sources of helplessness among the Jewish people.

    To the first question, Arendt responded that ‘the world did not keep silent; but apart from not keeping silent, the world did nothing.’ People had the audacity to express feelings of horror, shock and indignation, while doing nothing. This was not a failure of European humanism, she argued, which was unprepared for the emergence of totalitarianism, but of European liberalism, socialism not excluded ... It was an ‘unwillingness to face realities’ and it was a desire ‘to escape into some fool’s paradise of firmly held ideological convictions when confronted with facts’.


    Reflecting back on his imprisonment in Auschwitz Tadeusz Borowski’s wrote:ů

    Never before in the history of mankind has hope been stronger than man, but never also has it done so much harm as it has in this war, in this concentration camp. We were never taught how to give up hope, and this is why today we perish in gas chambers.


    It was holding on to hope, Arendt argued, that rendered so many helpless. It was hope that destroyed humanity by turning people away from the world in front of them. It was hope that prevented people from acting courageously in dark times.


    Caught between fear and ‘feverish hope’, the inmates in the ghetto were paralysed. The truth of ‘resettlement’ and the world’s silence led to a kind of fatalism. Only when they gave up hope and let go of fear, Arendt argues, did they realise that ‘armed resistance was the only moral and political way out’.

    For Arendt, the emergence of totalitarianism in the middle of the 20th century meant that one could no longer count on common sense or human decency, moral norms or ethical imperatives. The law mandated mass murder and could not be looked to for guidance on how to act.


    An uncommon word, and certainly more feminine and clunkier-sounding than hope, natality possesses the ability to save humanity. Whereas hope is a passive desire for some future outcome, the faculty of action is ontologically rooted in the fact of natality. Breaking with the tradition of Western political thought, which centred death and mortality from Plato’s Republic through to Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927), Arendt turns towards new beginnings, not to make any metaphysical argument about the nature of being, but in order to save the principle of humanity itself. Natality is the condition for continued human existence, it is the miracle of birth, it is the new beginning inherent in each birth that makes action possible, it is spontaneous and it is unpredictable. Natality means we always have the ability to break with the current situation and begin something new. But what that is cannot be said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Roger Hallam

    "The environmental protesters who demand systemic change have also grasped this fundamental truth. In Fridays for Future, Green New Deal Rising, Extinction Rebellion and the other global uprisings against systemic environmental collapse, we see people, mostly young people, refusing to consent. What they understand is history’s most important lesson. Our survival depends on disobedience."
    -- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/30/capitalism-is-killing-the-planet-its-time-to-stop-buying-into-our-own-destruction

    There are so many things wrong with this. First, "environmental protest" is the opposite of creating "systemic change". The latter is brought about by civil resistance. This is not "environmental" it is a political movement against a genocidal regime. It is not "protest" - it does not protest about something, it makes sure it changes through material disruption.

    Civil resistance typically involves hundreds in prison, and tens of thousands of arrests. Don’t fetishise the young - they are at present overwhelming captured by NGO narratives of performative action and embedded in self pitying vulnerability narratives pushed by radical left "duty of care" ideologies. Civil resistance is driven by a "duty to revolt". Actual civil disobedience around the world on climate is being driven by women over 50.

    Fridays for Future, Green New Deal Rising and XR are absolutely NOT involved in uprisings - an uprising is an episode of civil resistance. The gate keepers in these spaces are dedicated to stopping an uprising "because people get hurt".

    The situation on climate is totally fucked because the climate movements have NOT learnt that that survival depends on disobedience. Only when they lose all hope will they became rebels and put their lives on the line. Till then we aren’t even in the ballpark of survival.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ideologie technologie vladne v krajine

    Chytrou krajinu u Lán za 100 milionů obdivuje celý svět, říká rektor ČZU Sklenička

    Česká krajina po roce 2050 bude vypadat bohužel jinak, než jsme dnes zvyklí. Abychom si to představili, můžeme se zajet podívat do Řecka, Španělska nebo třeba Portugalska. Ale ne do přímořských hotelových resortů all inclusive, kam jezdíme na dovolenou. Pěkně do vnitrozemí, kde zelenou barvu v krajině vystřídala šedá. Kde zelené ostrůvky v zemědělské krajině tvoří jen zavlažovaná půda. Uvidíme vyprázdněnou krajinu, ze které lidi utíkají do měst. Tak takhle nějak to bohužel bude pravděpodobně vypadat u nás ve druhé polovině tohoto století, pokud se nevzpamatujeme a nebudeme rychle naši krajinu adaptovat

    Jak vůbec vnímáte tu aktuální debatu o klimatu?

    Je zřejmé, že musíme rychle a účinně konat. Patříme mezi vyspělé státy, které by měly jít příkladem v mitigaci (snižování emisí skleníkových plynů a posilování jejich propadů - pozn. red.). Bez ohledu na to, že náš příspěvek ke globálnímu stavu se dá vyjádřit ve zlomcích promile. Na druhou stranu jsem proti hurá akcím, které nejsou vyzkoušené, které experimentují s vesměs levicovými politickými nástroji a které mohou spíše podkopat ochotu lidí přijmout nutné kroky.

    Co tedy můžeme, nebo možná máme dělat?

    Zcela ve svých rukou máme adaptaci naší české krajiny. Tady bych použil klasické „jaké si to uděláme, takové to budeme mít“. V minulých letech se v tomto směru naše aktivity zrychlily, nicméně pořád nedostatečně. Rychlost klimatické změny je stále větší než tempo adaptace naší země na ni.

    A váš komentář ke klimatické konferenci v Glasgow?

    Svými výsledky mě nijak nepřekvapila. Zástupci dvou ze čtyř největších znečišťovatelů se jí vůbec nezúčastnili. Závazek ostatních zemí je sice úctyhodný, ale nebude to stačit. Vnímám tato omezení jako velikou příležitost pro skokový rozvoj technologií a jako šanci pro cestu, kterou nebudou trasovat sociální inženýři, ale vědci společně s politiky. K tomu máme ovšem pořad ještě daleko.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Dělat vlny

    O společenské odpovědnosti v psychoterapii / 5.-6. června 2022 / Ostrava

    Jak posilovat individuální zdraví v systému, který v mnohém kolabuje?

    Jak integrovat aspekty širšího pole (kulturní, environmentální...) do práce s klienty?

    Jak šířit principy GT "ve světě" mimo zdi našich pracoven?

    Co nás blokuje být angažovanější ve veřejném prostoru? A co by nás v tom naopak mohlo podpořit?

    Jaká je naše role ve vztahu ke klimatické krizi?

    TADEAS --- ---
    Rupert Read: COP26 has killed the goal of limiting overheat to 1.5C

    Responses to COP26 Glasgow
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: management oceanskyho ekosystemu :)

    tak doufam, ze ten experiment bude mit dobry vysledky, jen ten casovej rozmer rozmnozeni populace velryb nehraje klimatu moc do karet.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    HOWKING: mno na to,jak se tváříš vědecky, pracuješ s proměnejma dost humplácky. Když chci podělit funkci druhou, tak přece nepoužiju jednu náhodnou diskrétní hodnotu, ale celou funkci, nebo číselně průměr danýho intervalu!
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rupert Read: Some thoughts on the Davosification of #COP2

    "The problem is the economic system which commands companies to keep expanding and ‘externalising’ costs just to stay in business. This problem cannot be sorted by voluntary alliances alone; because built into it is a deep free-6rider problem. So long as businesses are not held to a higher playing field by regulation, there will always be openings for bad climate actors to exploit"

    Rupert Read, Jem Bendell - The Davosification of Cop: Why capitalism hasn't got climate covered - Brave New Europe
    TUHO --- ---
    JINDRICH --- ---
    The World's Largest Floating Solar Power Farm Is Now Open In Thailand

    osadit tím přehrady by mohlo přinést zajímavou synergii...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam