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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: #transitionBoost #cz

    Češi se mohou utlouct po solárních panelech. Firmy nestačí uspokojovat poptávku

    V řeči čísel – za říjen jsme přijali o 340 procent více nových zákazníků,“ vypočítává. I SolidSun proto musel částečně omezit příjem nových klientů.


    Například Cech akumulace a fotovoltaiky před dvěma týdny uvedl, že za první tři čtvrtletí letošního roku se do sítě v Česku připojilo více než šest tisíc nových fotovoltaických elektráren, což je v podstatě stejně jako za celý loňský rok. Zdaleka nejvíc, a to až 96 procent, přitom představovaly malé instalace umísťované na střechy rodinných domů.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    K růstu ceny emisních povolenek přispívá zdražování plynu, kvůli kterému je pro elektrárenské společnosti ekonomičtější využívat uhlí. Produkce elektřiny z uhlí vytváří dvojnásobné množství emisí oxidu uhličitého než produkce z plynu, takže vyžaduje více emisních povolenek.

    Cena emisních povolenek vystoupila na rekordních více než 90 eur za tunu - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Poláci chtějí skoncovat s prodejem emisí. Podpoříme to, říká český ministr - Seznam Zprávy

    „Sejm vyjádřil podporu iniciativě polské vlády předložit na nadcházejícím zasedání Evropského parlamentu návrh na okamžité pozastavení systému EU pro obchodování s emisemi, nebo na vyloučení Polska ze systému, dokud nebude systém reformován,“ píše se ve čtvrtečním usnesení dolní komory polského parlamentu.

    O systému už dříve vyjádřil pochybnosti i český premiér Andrej Babiš nebo ministr průmyslu Karel Havlíček. „Podpoříme každý návrh, který půjde tímto směrem,“ uvedl vicepremiér končícího kabinetu Havlíček pro Seznam Zprávy.

    „O polském návrhu víme, revize systému evropských povolenek se právě diskutuje v rámci jednání (o legislativním balíčku) FiT for 55. Česká republika jako jedna z nejpostiženějších zemí důrazně upozorňuje na nepredikovatelný růst ceny emisních povolenek a růst cen energii. Polský navrh je sice radikální, víme, že nemá oporu v legislativě a bude težké hledat podporu v EU, ale současná velmi dramatická situace na evropském energetickém trhu jasně dokazuje, že systém obchodování s emisními povolenkami potřebuje zásadní a hlavně rychlou změnu. V pondělí na tiskovce dáme detailnější vyjádření a nastíníme další kroky,“ dodává Havlíček.
    PER2 --- ---
    ‘Disastrous’ plastic use in farming threatens food safety – UN | Plastics | The Guardian

    Microplastics cause damage to human cells, study shows | Plastics | The Guardian
    MARSHUS --- ---
    historická tornáda v US. velké množství mrtvých, škod atd. je těžký to sledovat s tím že to je jenom začátek..

    Tornadoes slam through six states, kiling at least 50 people: Live updates
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    400 ppm World, Part 1: Large Changes Still to Come

    Mark Cranfield

    The article rightly says it takes millennia for the earth to fully adjust to CO2 changes BUT what experts often don't tell us is that half the warming occurs in just 50 years.

    James Hansen thinks around 75% of the eventual equilibrium temperature is reached over the first 100 years, although the range of possibility goes up to 90%.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Taky zajimave

    DNF --- ---
    YMLADRIS: to je pravda, zase predzpracovanych materialu bude vsude halda, a lidi co by ho vyuzili minimum. Na to tema je dost scifi, jak lidi znovu vynalezaj technologie, chodi hledat artefakty minule civilizace... Spis to ale budou zbytky civilizace co postupne stejne vymrou a zmizi pod naporem barbaru ze severu (vychodu, zapadu, jak kdo chce), jako vzdycky. Zeme ceka na uplne novou civilizaci, ktera nebude zalozena na nasem principu, ten je provarenej a podle vsech ukazatelu spatnej a neudrzitelnej.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Zajímavá úvaha. pokud se technická civilizace z nějakého důvodu úplně položí tak její následovník už nebude mít možnost zopakovat překotnou industriální revoluci protože všechno co se dá jednoduše vytěžit a spálit už jsme jednoduše vytěžili a spálili takže jim to tak rychle nepůjde
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Co když už je prostě pozdě? klade otázku dokumentární film Klimageddon - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    You Can't Afford to Lose | Roger Hallam | Glasgow | November 2021
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    skoro sa az zda, ze vakciny su enviromentalne lepsie riesenie nez preplnene nemocnice coz?

    Nemocniční odpad, nikoliv roušky. Plastová pandemie má trochu jiný původ - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Let's chose a "Biosphere regeneration" diet, not a "Climatarian" diet! - Thorsten Arnold's Homepage

    I pledge to all listeners that we don’t vilify farm animals per se as culprits of environmental destruction. Instead, we need to take a close look at HOW we farm, and foster those production systems that revitalize natural cycles. We need to find systems that convert the full potential of solar energy while fostering biodiversity. We need faith in nature and in our human ingenuity to find symbiotic farming methods. Yes, I know that we could do this here in Ontario! And we need to find financial mechanisms that allow more regenerative farming such that we transform our landscapes: in the short run, that is less profitable than industrial farming. But it brings mostly positive externalities for our society. Today, short-sighted rent seeking behaviour mainly pushes financial investment into farmland re-zoning for urban development, which uses industrial farming as short-term “bridging activity” that saves property taxes while speculators are waiting for rezoning. We need to reverse this trend. Large-scale biosphere regeneration would buy humankind the time that we need to overcome our addiction to fossil fuels, with technological and lifestyle transitions.

    This seems unlikely to you today? Imagine the year 2005: we could have dismissed “electric cars” because “the typical car” has a large environmental footprint – and electric cars are still cars, right? Well, electric cars are not “typical” cars – just like regenerative livestock is not “average” livestock and has a different environmental footprint. Back in 2005, electric vehicles was a negligible market segment, like ecological farming in Ontario is today. Within only 15 years, electric car and bike technology is maturing and at the verge of becoming mainstream! I am confident that we can produce more food on less land, in ways that heal our landscape and build climate resilience and sequester carbon. Based on our daily observation on our own farm, and globally emerging research in landscape regeneration.

    But we need urban support. We cannot do this with a “climatarian diet” that is based on national average impact measurements of commodity foods. Such diet would just convert more wilderness into carbon monocultures. We need to go deeper, care more, sharpen our senses, and choose a “biosphere regeneration diet” – foods that grew by strengthening nature’s cycles. And we need to address speculative land purchases for re-zoning, which push land into cash cropping as interim stream for moderate profits and tax savings. We need strong allies from the urban population
    TADEAS --- ---
    CSIRO debunks cattle myths | Farm Weekly | Western Australia

    The typical Australian grain-fed beef production system contributes almost twice the human-edible protein its cattle consume, while grass-fed systems contribute almost 1600 times.

    Ruminants are a superb use of land, and grain, in terms of contributing valuable protein to feed the world.

    That provides an added dimension to discussions around beef's environmental footprint.


    The CSIRO team plugged the concept into a model of typical Australian beef supply production, where animals grow on grass for the majority of the time.

    They modelled data including methane emissions, historical climate records and commercial feedlot diets.

    The study, published in the journal Animal, is the first time the concept has been applied in Australia.

    It rated Australian grain-fed beef a score of 1.96 and grass-fed with a very small amount of grain a score of 1597, where a number greater than one means it has a positive contribution to meeting human nutritional requirements.

    "If you talk to people who are rejecting red meat on environmental grounds, what they say is beef is resource-intensive," Dr Lehnert said.

    "This is perhaps because if you look at tonnes of feed cattle consume in isolation - those numbers seem very large.

    "By applying this concept of putting protein for humans at the end and calculating back what is put into a system, we've come up with this finding that we believe will surprise people.

    "The work offers a different perspective on the decisions weighing up protein choices in our diets against environmental indicators."

    CSIRO scientists also studied how much methane is produced in the two production systems. On average, grain-finished beef generated 30 per cent less methane per unit of beef than the grass-fed system. This difference is largely because animals grow more slowly when fed solely on grass, so they're on the planet longer.

    The bottom line, according to CSIRO, is that the picture is complex when taking sustainability into account in food choices
    TADEAS --- ---

    Global Fertilizer Shortage Sends Demand for Manure Soaring

    Prices of synthetic fertilizer, which rely on natural gas and coal as raw materials, have soared amid an energy shortage and export restrictions by Russia and China. That’s adding to challenges for agricultural supply chains at a time when global food costs are near a record high and farmers scramble for fertilizers to prevent losses to global crop yields for staples.

    The Green Markets North American Fertilizer Price Index is hovering around an all-time high at $1,072.87 per short ton, while in China, spot urea has soared more than 200% this year to a record.

    The demand for dung is playing out globally. In Iowa, manure is selling for between $40 to $70 per short ton, up about $10 from a year ago and the highest levels since 2012, according to Daniel Anderson, assistant professor at Iowa State University and a specialist on manure.

    Manure is mostly a local market and truckloads won’t go further than 50 miles (80 kilometers), Anderson said. When crop, fertilizer and manure prices soared about a decade ago, more farmers reintroduced animals such as hogs and cattle onto their land, in part for their manure. That option could again be on farmers’ minds as fertilizer costs soar.

    In Australia’s Queensland state, Brian Mclean, general manager of an organic fertilizer company, said that sales of his poultry manure compost are going through the roof. If interest keeps up at the same rate, people seeking ready-treated manure in the area would soon miss out.

    “There wouldn’t be enough in total,” he said. In just the last few months he’s sold about 15,000 tons of the stuff, compared to around 2,000 tons the same time last year, though some of the renewed fervor has been driven by a bounce-back in weather conditions after years of drought, Mclean added.

    In the U.K., not only are farmers scrambling for animal compost, but many are even trying to get their hands on treated sewage sludge containing human excrement, or biosolids. David Butler, who farms wheat, oats and peas in Wiltshire in the southwest of England, has traditionally relied on his own herd of cows to produce animal waste that he uses for his crops.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    Front Matter | A Research Strategy for Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal and Sequestration | The National Academies Press

    Is ‘hacking’ the ocean a climate change solution? U.S. experts endorse research on carbon-removal strategies.

    the 300-page report from one of the country’s top research organizations argues that the United States should at least investigate whether ocean-based carbon-removal strategies are worthwhile.

    The new report — released Wednesday and sponsored by ClimateWorks, a San Francisco-based nonprofit group — is adamant that carbon-dioxide removal is not a substitute for immediately eliminating fossil fuel use and curbing greenhouse gas pollution. It does not endorse any of the six strategies it considers or even advocate for CDR to be deployed.

    Instead, it outlines a 10-year, $1.1 billion research program that would fill in crucial knowledge gaps about each technology.

    Some of the questions are purely scientific, Doney said: “Does it actually work? Does it store carbon for sufficiently long periods of time? What are the environmental impacts?”

    Many more questions are legal, economic or ethical: “How would you govern this? What are the dimensions of social acceptability?” Doney said. “If you could slow climate change or stabilize climate at a lower warming level, is that worth the trade-offs of these deliberate changes to the ocean? … These are things society needs to decide.”

    The report also recommends the development of a research code of conduct for ocean-based CDR, with stipulations that the experiments be tightly regulated and involve experts from Indigenous groups and other vulnerable communities. The scientists say the $125 million foundational research agenda must include surveys, legal analyses and in-depth interviews with the people whose lives and livelihoods will be affected by the projects.

    Experiments should be “co-produced with communities,” said Holly Buck, a sociologist at the University at Buffalo and a contributor to the report. Including locals in the design and deployment of projects will make them more equitable and could reveal insights scientists had never considered.

    And researchers must be willing to change course, Doney said, if their work turns out to be ineffective or dangerous, or if more powerful methods come to light.

    “This is the kind of deep dive we need,” said Kim Cobb, a climate scientist and oceanographer at the Georgia Institute of Technology who was not involved in the National Academies study. “It helps us to understand the potential benefits and downside risks and all the warts that you don’t get in the battles that are waged on op-ed pages.”l
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Can large herbivores enhance ecosystem carbon persistence?

    “Herbivores can increase the persistence of ecosystem carbon through redistributing carbon from aboveground vegetation pools vulnerable to disturbances into persistent soil pools.”

    “This is particularly important in ancient fire-prone grasslands, but increasing disturbance frequencies across many ecosystems make herbivore restructuring of carbon pools relevant in a wider range of systems.”


    Climate change: how elephants help pump planet-warming carbon underground
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