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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Grinsect - a large-scale insect production: technology modelling
    SHEFIK --- ---
    OMNIHASH: ona ta studie linkovana Tadeasem bude mit duvod. Verim, ze ty vedci maj lepsi veci na praci, nez delat bezucelny studie. Naklady na stravu nize, muzem se jeste hadat jakej vahovej output z toho vznikne, ale myslim, ze uz z tehle cisel je vypovidajici, ze chov komaru je jen co se tyka nakladu na krmivo narocnejsi. Pak tu bude otazka narocnosti podminek a skalovatelnosti.


    Development of inexpensive and globally available larval diet for rearing Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes | Parasites & Vectors | Full Text

    The estimated cost of the reported diet is 14.7 US$/ 1.3 kg for rearing one million larvae.

    Black soldier fly

    The lowest production cost of BSF meal was estimated at $1.84/Kg

    Technical basis for the small-scale production of black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (L. 1758), meal as fish feed in Benin - ScienceDirect

    Bsf se dokonce pouziva jako jedna z hlavnich slozek krmiv pro komari larvy :))

    (PDF) Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae powder as a larval diet ingredient for mass-rearing Aedes mosquitoes
    TADEAS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: tak netipuj a davej sem neco relevantniho at se neco dozvime ne? BSF se zkoumaj jako alternativni / udrzitelnej zdroj krmiva pro nejaky komercni chovy ryb (pro lidskou konzumaci). ke komarim larvam jsem tohle nenasel, ale klidne nahod pokud mas informace. ty BSF larvy dokazou zpracovat velky spektrum organickyho odpadu, kterej neni nejak porreba predzpracovavat, cimz se lisej od jinejch larev, se kterejma se to zkousim za podobbym ucelem. v zasade mi jde o nejakou principialni udrzitelnost tech retezcu / konverzi a proporcnost toho vyslednyho produktu v ramci celkovy stravy cloveka
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SHEFIK: já rozhodně nejsem hmyzí farmář, ale typnul bych si, že mezi chovem much a komárů nijak velký ekonomický rozdíly nebudou.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    OMNIHASH: ono spis pujde o udrzitelnou a rozumnou cenu, nez o napad vyuzit hmyz
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: tilapie typicky jsou chovany v tech akvaponickejch systemech, je to neutralni maso vhodny pro ruzny upravy a dochuceni. ale co jsem koukal zkousej nahrasit tema larvama krmivo i pro ruzny jiny druhy ryb
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: tak doufam, ze to bude aplikovatelny i na jinou rybu nez je tilapie :))

    Hmyz bude nakonec zachrance lidstva
    TADEAS --- ---

    Replacement of Fish Meal by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae Meal
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Scott Duncan
    Certainly one way to start 2022...

    Summer & winter separated only by a few States.

    In degrees Celsius Thermometer:
    Montana: -39.4 °C
    Texas: +37.2 °C
    Thus a difference of 76.6 °C
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SHEFIK: to je fascinující... ale fakt ty houby konvertují uhlík na něco jiného, než CO2?
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO: earth is definitely not dying though ;)
    DZODZO --- ---
    toto dali do vysmateho ustavu, ale je to taky usmev cez slzy :)

    TUHO --- ---
    The movie Don’t Look Up is satire. But speaking as a climate scientist doing everything I can to wake people up and avoid planetary destruction, it’s also the most accurate film about society’s terrifying non-response to climate breakdown I’ve seen.
    The film, from director Adam McKay and writer David Sirota, tells the story of astronomy grad student Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence) and her PhD adviser, Dr Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio), who discover a comet – a “planet killer” – that will impact the Earth in just over six months. The certainty of impact is 99.7%, as certain as just about anything in science.
    The scientists are essentially alone with this knowledge, ignored and gaslighted by society. The panic and desperation they feel mirror the panic and desperation that many climate scientists feel. In one scene, Mindy hyperventilates in a bathroom; in another, Dibiasky, on national TV, screams “Are we not being clear? We’re all 100% for sure gonna fucking die!” I can relate. This is what it feels like to be a climate scientist today.

    I’m a climate scientist. Don’t Look Up captures the madness I see every day | Peter Kalmus | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #funghi #carbonCycle

    Fungi Are Capturing More Carbon Than We Thought | Discover Magazine

    Scientists had long thought it simply evaporated into the atmosphere. But that didn’t sit right with Davinia Salvachúa Rodríguez, a microbiologist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. After 10 years of studying white-rot fungi, she demonstrated that it eats the carbon in lignin to fuel its growth, according to a March study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Rodríguez’s discovery flags white-rot fungi as a key player in sequestering lignin-derived carbon in soil.

    Similarly, Stanford University microbiologist Anne Dekas published a study in June in PNAS showing that parasitic fungi that live on tiny algae in oceans and lakes remove some of the carbon inside the algae, which might otherwise reenter the atmosphere.

    Conventional wisdom had maintained that all of the carbon inside the algae remained in a microbial feedback loop near the water’s surface, where microbes consumed the green plants and then released the C02. But Dekas and colleagues showed instead that the fungi siphon off up to 20 percent of the algae’s carbon. Then — because the fungi outsize the microbes in the feedback loop — the fungi become a more likely meal for larger species, which remove them from the loop. As the carbon makes its way up the food chain, it may eventually sink to the ocean floor, which also sequesters carbon, when the top species dies.
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: cool

    A final decision has yet to be taken about where to store tens of thousands of tonnes of nuclear waste produced in German power plants. Experts say some material will remain dangerously radioactive for 35,000 generations.
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: meanwhile in germany
    Germany shuts down half of its remaining nuclear plants | Nuclear Energy News | Al Jazeera
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jádro i plyn jako zelené investice. Čeští politici oceňují návrh Evropské komise - Aktuálně.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Synthesis of Ranch-Level Sustainability Indicators for Land Managers and to Communicate Across the US Beef Supply Chain - ScienceDirect

    Our objective was to synthesize existing guidance on monitoring and assessing ranch-scale sustainability in the United States and to identify core ecological, social, and economic indicators that could identify well-managed ranching, support adaptive management, and demonstrate producers’ sustainability and continuous improvement to retailers and consumers. We evaluated 21 range and pastureland assessments from nongovernmental organizations, agencies, and academics that totaled 180 indicators. From this, we selected 20 commonly used “core” indicators (12 ecological and 8 socioeconomic). We identified indicators that are designed to detect change over time for management practices, common among many approaches, and/or critical indicators for outcomes of common interest to producers, companies, and consumers. The synthesis of indicators across many guidance documents offers insight into what a diverse set of range professionals and institutions see as critical to demonstrate and track ranch-level sustainability, and producers, consumers, and companies may find a subset of these indicators to be relevant for their operation and region, values, and/or company sustainability goals.
    TADEAS --- ---
    New Grazing Methods May Preserve Grasslands, Keep Carbon in Soil - The New York Times
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