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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    JINDRICH --- ---
    v těch sezonních výkyvech lze nalézt jistou symetrii...
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Prakticky s okamžitou platností ukončily značky začleněné do italsko-francouzsko-amerického koncernu Stellantis prodej osobních verzí svých užitkových modelů se spalovacími motory. Nyní budou v nabídce jen ty s čistě elektrickým pohonem

    Spalovacím motorům odzvoněno. Koncern vyrábějící užitkové vozy Opel, Peugeot a Citroën bude nabízet jen čistě elektrický pohon - Ekonomický deník
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: paní mumínková se zaradovala, že kometa dopadne až za dvacet pět minut a třicet vteřin a ještě je tedy dostatek času dát si dezert
    (nebo tak nějak)
    TUHO --- ---
    NVIDIA planuje spustit superpocitac Earth2, ktery ma modelovat klimaticky zmeny. Dle jejich tvrzeni umoznit zrychleni az faktorem milion diky pouziti neuronalnich sitich...

    Climate simulations are configured today at 10- to 100-kilometer resolutions. ... Meter-scale resolution is needed to simulate clouds that reflect sunlight back to space. Scientists estimate that these resolutions will demand millions to billions of times more computing power than what’s currently available.
    We can achieve million-x speedups by combining three technologies: GPU-accelerated computing; deep learning and breakthroughs in physics-informed neural networks; and AI supercomputers, along with vast quantities of observed and model data to learn from.

    NVIDIA this week revealed plans to build the world’s most powerful AI supercomputer dedicated to predicting climate change. Named Earth-2, or E-2, the system would create a digital twin of Earth in Omniverse.
    The system would be the climate change counterpart to Cambridge-1, the world’s most powerful AI supercomputer for healthcare research. We unveiled Cambridge-1 earlier this year in the U.K. and it’s being used by a number of leading healthcare companies.

    NVIDIA to Build Earth-2 Supercomputer to See Our Future | NVIDIA Blog
    TUHO --- ---
    The last seven years were the world’s hottest on record, with the first analysis of global temperature in 2021 showing it was 1.2C above pre-industrial levels.
    The assessment of the year, by the European climate agency Copernicus, also found carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached record levels and that the potent greenhouse gas methane surged “very substantially”, also to a new record.
    The rise in greenhouse gas concentration means more heat is being trapped than ever before but 2021 ranked as the fifth hottest year on record. This is because a natural and cyclic climate phenomenon called La Niña exerted a cooling influence by bringing cold Pacific waters to the surface.

    Climate crisis: last seven years the hottest on record, 2021 data shows | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    SHEFIK --- ---
    OMNIHASH: zkus taky nastartovat hlavu a alespon si precti, co sem psal :)

    tady nejde o zadnou celospolecenskou koordinaci. Vyjednat s procurementem ze budeme platit "sankce" i za to ze pristani neuskutecnime, abychom usetrili na nakladech za palivo a servis k letum nalezejici, nemluve o zbytecnym technickym opotrebeni je v kompetenci prislusnyho manazera kazdy firmy. Jestli se schovava za drive dohidnutou smlouvu, nema ve firme co delat.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SHEFIK: symtě šéfe, tvoje máma je fuckup. Lidi nejsou termiti nebo včely, a pracujou primárně na svým písečku, bo nejsou řízený kolektivní myslí, sesťymsmyř.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Jeste k tem letum, clanek na novinky nebo kam odkazoval Keb sem necetl, ale argumantace uvedena na ekolistu zadny smysl nedava.

    Letadla létají po světě naprázdno, protože musí - Ekolist.cz

    Realizovat 15.000 letu naprazdno je neci major fuckup, mel by slozit funkci a jit zacit delat neco jemu inteligencne adekvatniho.

    Obhajovat to slotama ve smlouve je mozna komercni aspekt, nicmene za sloty se da platit, aniz by letadla litaly. To palivo se navic da usetrit a zlepsit firemni financni rozvahu. Takovyhle lidi si konec sveta zaslouzi. Idealni by bylo zavyst definici globalniho zlocinu proti klimatu/lidstvu
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: ano. to ceho se obavam je ten smer, kdy se rekne, aha - sorghum, jdeme to geneticky modifikovat, budeme mit sekvestrujici hyperplodinu. pricemz to je zas krok mimo ten management komplexity.

    annual = musis to kazdej rok vysejt. obvykle jednolety plodiny korenej min nez vicelety/nekoncici polykultury... kontinuita toho pudniho ekosystemu a sekvestrace uhliku do toho pudniho lepidla, ktere je teprv nejakou stabilnejsi formou toho uhliku je to o co jde... pokud sorghum dokaze dodat vic vyzivy tomu pudnimu ekosystemu, ok, muze byt soucasti nejake strategie managementu ekosystemu, ne 'silver bullet', to v ekosystemu neexistuje
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: vis kolik veganu by se v ty tundre uzivilo, kdyby tam nebyly ty pojidaci sobích stejků? ha
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: ad "Potřebujeme oživit půdu, ne stavět přehrady"

    - přihořívá, ale jak rika darren doherty, limit je lidska mysl, ta potrebuje prodelad gradaci a plne se postavit do hyperpredatorske role :) ... a tim stvorit moznost regenerace ekosystemu, potazmo oziveni pudy. duch-hmota
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: vegani je tam jist klidne muzou, treba kvaseny vres s lisejnikovym posypem
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: jop lidi je jedi, prece nebudou jist jenom lisejniky a vresy :)
    TADEAS --- ---

    ad "semi-domesticated reindeer husbandry"

    znamena to, ze je lidi jedi?

    ad 'shrubification' - o tomhle casto premejslim i v mistnim kontextu. kdyz si predstavim, ze v nejakym momentu zkolabuje prumyslovy zemedelstvi, tj. prestanou vyjizdet kazdorocne vsude stroje, ktery resetujou velky oblasti na nulu, tak to zacne zarustat - kerema, stromama. bylozravci (kterejch ale dlouhou dobu nebudeme mit na ty rozlohy k dispozici dost) jsou ti inzove co to pomahaj udrzovat ve stavu ve prospech travin (redukujou kere), ale od urcity velikosti uz jsou na to taky moc mali - urcity oblasti, pokud to neredukuje ohen nebo clovek, prechazej v les, keroviste.

    "Our results suggest that reindeer use of the landscape, and hence their effects on the landscape, correlates with the landscape structure"
    SEJDA --- ---
    KEB: tak jeste jednou .. osobaky v EU kazdy den spali tretinu "jezera" ropy, za rok je to "more" .. a ty se porad snazis rict "kouknete tohle jezero je pryc", zatimco ti za zady "zmizelo cele more".
    Nikdo nikdy nerekne, ze ty prazdna letadla byla na 100 % ok, nebo na 100 % ucelna. Ale ani 100 % nerekne, ze by to slo bez toho.
    Tak jako nikdo nerekne, ze 100 % deti muze jit do skoly po vlastnich, stejne jako dospeli do prace mebo za zabavou. I kdyz vime, ze je to hodne blizko tem 100 %. No a nejvetsi komplikace souviseji s osobaky pouzitymi jako zdroj obzivy (viz. prazdna letadla), tam se ti to bude hodne blbe rikat, ze by drahy servisak obesel bez osobaku s velkou spotrebou.
    No a ted si vem, ze lukrativni slot na letisti = spicka (kdo chce pristavat v destinaci o pulnoci, kdyz na to neexistuje zadna navaznost) je presne to co souvisi s obzivou i zamesnanosti, s kapacitou, dimenzovanim letist atd.
    Vazne je to komplikovane, kez by to slo bez zbytecne produkce sklenikovych plynu. Nicemene stale a znova opakuji osobaky jsou o hodne vetsi problem, ze ktereho se neda vykrout tim, ze budes ukazovat na elektrarny, teplarny, lode nebo na letadla. Kazdy problem potrebuje sve reseni.
    TUHO --- ---
    NASA Earth
    Reindeer as Ecosystem Engineers?
    On the Yamal Peninsula in West Siberia, the nomadic Nenets people have a long tradition of herding reindeer on the Arctic tundra. In recent decades, however, the tundra has been changing, and so are the ways that reindeer interact with it.
    The Yamal Peninsula is shown above in a natural-color image acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite on July 8, 2021. At that time of year, Nenets herders likely were making their summer migration to the north.
    In the Arctic, temperatures have been rising faster than anywhere else in the world. Climate change has been altering the plant communities in tundra and taiga (boreal) ecosystems. As growing seasons become longer and warmer, plant growth has increased—an effect called Arctic greening. Additionally, the tundra grasses and small plants that normally grow here are being replaced by taller, woodier shrubs and trees—a change called shrubification. These changes in vegetation affect the tundra ecosystem, including its carbon cycle, human and wildlife habitat, and susceptibility to wildfire.
    But the changes have not been uniform across the Arctic. For example, research supported by NASA’s Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) found that instead of greening, some colder, drier areas have experienced browning. The map below is based on Landsat satellite observations between 2000 and 2016 that show about 22 percent of the Arctic became greener while 5 percent became browner.
    For decades, satellite instruments have monitored vegetation from space. Ground-based studies have shown how reindeer—the only large herbivore in many areas of the Arctic—can affect vegetation, including reducing greenness and lichen abundances, slowing the encroachment of shrubs, and increasing soil nitrogen. Now, satellites are being used to investigate the interactions between the vegetation and reindeer.
    In a 2020 study, researchers used 30 years of Landsat imagery data to map changes in shrub cover across the Yamal Peninsula. They found it was stable between 1986 and 2016, despite the warming climate and a 75 percent increase in the reindeer population over that time.
    "Our results thus point towards increases in large herbivore pressures having compensated for the warming of the Peninsula, halting the shrubification of the area," the authors wrote in the Journal of Environmental Management. "This suggests that strategic semi-domesticated reindeer husbandry, which is a common practice across the Eurasian Arctic, could represent an efficient environmental management strategy for maintaining open tundra landscapes in the face of rapid climate change."
    However, another 2020 study of the Yamal reindeer found that this strategy may have its limits. Using Landsat imagery, along with ground surveys based on fecal pellets, scientists tried to quantify land-use by reindeer. They found that while foraging and trampling do hold back the growth of low-growing shrubs, they do not appear to prevent the further growth or expansion of taller, already established shrubs because these are areas where reindeer are unlikely to forage.
    "Our results suggest that reindeer use of the landscape, and hence their effects on the landscape, correlates with the landscape structure," the authors wrote in Environmental Research Letters, adding that further research will be needed to evaluate the role of "reindeer as ecosystem engineers capable of mediating the effects of climate change."

    Reindeer as Ecosystem Engineers?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Ano, ale celý ten systém má obrovskou setrvačnost. Při rozorávání mezí někdy v 50. letech se postupovalo nikoli podle rozumu, ale podle politického zadání, a vznikala tedy díla, která můžeme směle ohodnotit jako zločiny proti krajině a vodnímu režimu. Hůře se už chápe, že se takováto úprava pozemků udržela až do dnešní doby, přestože rok co rok odtéká údolnicí spousta ornice. Mizí i černozemě na Moravě a to je nevratná ztráta. Na tamních polích bylo po válce asi půl metru černozemě, která vznikala někdy v dobách meziledových. A teď je pryč částečně a na řadě míst úplně. Nenahraditelná škoda pro nás všechny.
    TUHO --- ---
    Jindřich Duras
    Děkuji zájmu redaktorky Hlídacího psa o téma vody v krajině. Rozhovor vyšel v pátek a dneska, po dvou dnech, je pod ním pěkná diskuse. To je dobře, protože lidi věc zjevně zajímá. Jen musíme ten zájem propsat nějak směrem "nahoru", aby se naše nadějná vláda nedala na ústup od předsevzetí napravovat zemědělskou krajinu.
    Pozdrav všem 🙂!
    Přičinil jsem tam do diskuse také četné komenty, ale zatím čekají ve frontě 🙂.

    Krajina není zdravá, bortí se jako domino. Potřebujeme oživit půdu, ne stavět přehrady — HlídacíPes.org
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