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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
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    management ceskeho rybnicku

    Habitat deterioration despite protection: long-term declines of littoral area of fishponds in Czech nature reserves | bioRxiv

    Fishponds play a key role in current pondscapes in many developed countries. Their littoral areas, supporting multiple ecosystem functions including the maintenance of aquatic and riparian biodiversity, have been adversely affected by the move shift towards more intensive aquaculture and widespread eutrophication in the middle 20th century. To counteract these changes, many fishponds received some protection, but its long-term efficiency has not been studied. Here we focus on the role of conservation status in protecting the area of littoral areas of fishponds in Czechia between the years 1950 and 2019. We found that the conservation status of these fishponds did not prevent habitat deterioration in most of the fishponds, especially during the second half of the 20th century. Moreover, we detected no significant effects of the reserve establishment year, fishpond area and conservation target on the littoral areas. This suggests that the conservation measures are insufficient across fishpond reserve types. We attribute the negative trends to persisting high fish stocks, especially of common carp, and eutrophication resulting from additional feeding, pond manuring, and ongoing nutrient inputs from the pond catchments. Sediment dredging and high grazing pressure by waterfowl in some reserves can further aggravate the situation. We conclude that effective protection of the littoral areas requires a paradigm shift towards less intensive fish stock management, more frequent summer drainage, and effective reduction of all nutrient inputs to increase the water quality. Such measures can help recover the littoral areas and the associated biota.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Premyslela jsem o tom Turowu. tezba je nelegalni, EU parlament zada Komisi, aby zasahla, .. Morawiecki na to suše, ze Turow obsluhuje elektrinou 5 procent Polaku, takze to vypinat nemuzou, nechteji a nebudou. V celem Libereckem kraji neni dost vody.

    ... prijde mi to jako takova prvni vlastovka toho, jak to bude fungovat v EU v budoucnu. Komise nema jak "zasahnout". EU je dobrovolny svazek na principu prerozdelovani od bohatsich k zaostavajicim a snaha koordinovat zakony. Jak rychle se to ale rozpadne v momente, kdy konkretni zakon pro konkretniho clena prestane byt vyhovujici, s tim, jak se budou zhorsovat zivotni/ekosystemove podminky. Prijde mi, ze to ma dost temnou budoucnost
    PER2 --- ---
    chainsaws go brrrrrrrrrr

    Amazon deforestation: Record high destruction of trees in January - BBC News
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    Jaromír Baxa
    Díky Deník Referendum za příležitost se znovu pohrabat v archivech, protože někdy zpětně vylezou souvislosti, které člověk nevnímal ani jako přímý účastník.
    S odstupem se ukazuje, že hejtman Půta s námi všemi sehrál jedno velké divadlo. Happeningy, petice, žaloby kvůli vodě a životnímu prostředí - jenže o nic z toho celou dobu vůbec nešlo.
    V článku ukazuju, že hlavní motivací krajských politiků od začátku nebylo nic jiného než snaha získat peníze na vodovody, které se spřáteleným stavebním firmám netransparentně rozdělují ve vodárnách. Malé domů.
    Co na tom, že peníze od Polska vystačí na sotva třetinu staveb, které mají být do toho roku 2044 potřeba, nemluvě o tom, že vodovody vodu nezajistí.
    Chtělo by se mi dodat něco ve smyslu "po nás potopa", ale spíš by sedělo "po nás poušť"...
    V článku vše pečlivě ozdrojováno. Děkuju Gaby Khazalova za pečlivou editorskou pomoc

    Turów: Libeckému kraji ani vládě o životní prostředí zřejmě nikdy nešlo
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    Eye of the Needle Saga | The REAL Green New Deal Project

    Here's all the dope on Eye of the Needle, our controversial paper that has spurred both praise and outrage from the energy community, in the process elevating crucial discourse about the future of humanity and the planet.

    We begin with our public response to having been cancelled by the editor of the journal in which the article appeared. Intermingled throughout our response, and laid out clearly below it, are links to our original article, its two formal rebuttals and our responses to them, and the Editorial Note

    Energies | Free Full-Text | Through the Eye of a Needle: An Eco-Heterodox Perspective on the Renewable Energy Transition

    We add to the emerging body of literature highlighting cracks in the foundation of the mainstream energy transition narrative. We offer a tripartite analysis that re-characterizes the climate crisis within its broader context of ecological overshoot, highlights numerous collectively fatal problems with so-called renewable energy technologies, and suggests alternative solutions that entail a contraction of the human enterprise. This analysis makes clear that the pat notion of “affordable clean energy” views the world through a narrow keyhole that is blind to innumerable economic, ecological, and social costs. These undesirable “externalities” can no longer be ignored. To achieve sustainability and salvage civilization, society must embark on a planned, cooperative descent from an extreme state of overshoot in just a decade or two. While it might be easier for the proverbial camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for global society to succeed in this endeavor, history is replete with stellar achievements that have arisen only from a dogged pursuit of the seemingly impossible
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    Tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt change in the Earth system - Ocean ( #5)


    - Ocean tipping points - an overview – Christoph Heinze
    - Recent insights on AMOC – Stefan Rahmstorf

    This event is part of a series of online discussions aims to advance the knowledge about tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system. It supports efforts to increase consistency in treatment of tipping elements in the scientific community, develop a research agenda, and design joint experiments and ideas for a Tipping Element Model Intercomparison Project (TipMip).

    This discussion series is a joint activity of the Analysis, Integration, and Modeling of the Earth System (AIMES) global research project of Future Earth, the Earth Commission Working Group 1 Earth and Human Systems Intercomparison Modelling Project (EHSMIP)
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    People keep talking about climate policy as if they didn't understand what is at stake: their lives, freedoms, democracy, civilization.
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    2012 Uncomfortable knowledge: the social construction of ignorance in science and environmental policy discourses

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    here's another pioneer in climate science, Richard Alley, who for some reason was interested in crop yields under rising temperatures at AGU in 2013.

    AGU Chapman Conference -- Climate Science: Richard Alley
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    The cost of mitigation revisited | Nature Climate Change

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    How Climate Change Will Hit Younger Generations - Scientific American

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    P Dynes

    Sulfur emissions over the oceans have been reduced globally by 80% due to new regs. Shipping accounts for around 10% of total global sulfur emissions but nearly 100% over the oceans. The result is adding huge amounts of energy into the dark oceans as we lose cloud Albedo.

    Much more super saturated air over the oceans due to lower energy rejection has the potential to lead to mega rainfall events over land influenced by ocean climates. Ireland and the Uk being good candidates for such events.

    L Simons

    Global warming to date is caused by greenhouse gases, but sulfur emissions cool ~-0.5°C, hiding part of warming.

    Global shipping was responsible for a large part of anthropogenic emissions of sulfur over oceans.
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    Perspectives on removal of atmospheric methane - ScienceDirect
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: Psala jsem Zdarskemu (web o Degrowth) dotaz, jaky podil toho Velkeho Zrychleni jsou recyklovatelne veci pro stredni tridu (fast fashion..) a jaky podil jsou silnice, budovy a pod. tj to co lidi z tretiho sveta proste legitimne chtej. Gates mel tu analogii ze se bude stavet rychlosti "jeden manhattan za mesic" ale nemuzu dohledat kde to vzal nebo jak to presne bylo..
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    Partial Hegemony - Paperback - Jeff D. Colgan - Oxford University Press

    The greatest peaceful transfer of wealth across borders in all of human history began in 1973 with the #OPEC oil crisis. Had huge consequences for int'l order. It is one of several key events I investigate that can teach us much about world politics writ large.

    Scholars often think about hegemonic decline by looking to Thucydides or the British Empire. But we can learn a lot (more?) from how the US lost some but not all of its dominance in the 1970s over oil. That partial decline shows what the US can expect in other areas in 21st C

    The book asks, how do we make sense of the noisy, turbulent world of oil politics? Using a century’s worth of history, I uncover an underlying logic of change. Lessons for three areas: 1-today’s oil politics; 2-theories of international order and hegemony; 3-climate change.


    I argue #decolonization was a crucial, maybe *the* crucial turning point for the global oil industry. Big interdisciplinary debate about if/how decolonization “mattered”. In the oil industry, it did.


    E.g., my analysis shows how #OPEC has consistently failed since the 1980s to function as a cartel, because it (mostly) lacks ability to punish its members, let alone other oil producers, for noncompliance. Lesson for climate pol: ability to punish and enforce is crucial.

    On climate change, Paris won’t get the job done. Among other things, we need a climate club, enforced by trade measures for non-participating states (eg CBAM). Kudos to @paulkrugman @NatKeohane @toddntucker & others for pushing that idea forward. My book adds to that.

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    CGR 2022

    Over the six years between headline-grabbing conferences in the climate calendar, the global economy consumed half a trillion tonnes of virgin materials.

    This means that between the 'COP25 in Paris', 2015, where the Paris Agreement was formed and COP26 in Glasgow, 2021, 70% more virgin materials were extracted than what the Earth can safely replenish


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    zde je hyperpredátorovo

    Turning the Desert into a Self Sufficient Eco Community Oasis

    Last year I met a man who has spent 5 years living off grid in the Mexican desert turning degraded land into a fertile, self sufficient homestead.

    His aim is to demonstrate that the droughts, water shortages and increasing desertification around can be reversed by integrating a combination of simple water retention methods like digging lakes, ditches, swales, ally cropping and rotating small herds of cattle and goats.

    Using local materials from the site he has created several eco buildings using including 3 adobe earth domes a cob houses, rammed earth and straw bales buildings.

    Members of the government for agriculture, housing and indigenous people now visit the ranch to learn from his experiments.
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