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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: částečně je tohle docela hodně varovné - dnešní úroven' populace zjevně závisí na industrializovaném zemědelství a hnojivech. I když věřím, že alternativní postupy, do kterých se dnes akokrát nikomu nechce, by snad vymyslet šly, tak se je evidentně nepodaří zavést jen tak během jednoho ročního cyklu.

    Drastické je, pokud skutečně vláda se zákazem přišla jen proto, aby farmáře vyhnala z půdy. Neméně pitomé ale je, pokud spousta farmářů na protest ani nezkusila hospodařit bez hnojiv.. úroda by sice třeba nebyla tak velká, ale nebyla by ani nulová. Každopádně v roce, kdy navíc ještě vypadnou dodávky potravin z Ukrajiny a z Ruska, to bude fakt docela drama...
    TADEAS --- ---

    Climate Activist Dies After Setting Himself on Fire at Supreme Court - The New York Times

    A man who set himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court on Friday in an apparent Earth Day protest against climate change has died. A friend said the self-immolation was "a deeply fearless act of compassion to bring attention to climate crisis."
    TADEAS --- ---
    hajzler, nerust


    V aktuálním čísle Pravý domácí časopis si přečtěte článek "Nerůst jako vize nové ekonomiky" z pera Adama Čajky (z NaZemi) nebo si článek stáhněte v PDF zde: https://www.slideshare.net/peoplecomm/nerust-lnek-v-pravm-domcm-asopisu nebo zde na FB.

    Video-záznam všech šesti přednášek z konference na toto téma + závěrečné Q&A najdete zde:
    akce nerust - Slusna Firma

    Pokud se ve své životě jakkoli veřejně angažujete, tj. děláte nějak na "lepší budoucnosti", moc prosím, najděte si na těch 6 přednášek + diskuzi čas... ať už tíhnete k tématu klimatu, planety, vzdělávacího systému, rodičovství, podnikání, komunit, jídla,... v těchhle přednáškách dostanete důležitý rámec pro všechna sub-témata.

    Na webu https://slusnafirma.cz/akce-nerust/ je najdete v pořadí, jak zazněly na konferenci.
    PER2 --- ---

    Unfortunately for Indians and Pakistanis the extreme heat is not over and it will just get worse in few days:An incoming potentially deadly heat wave will see the temperatures soaring up to 48-49C in Pakistan and 46-47C in India. Stay tuned.

    PER2 --- ---
    ‘What we now know … they lied’: how big oil companies betrayed us all | Documentary | The Guardian

    The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
    TADEAS --- ---
    Roger Hallam

    An Open Letter to XR after the April Rebellion.

    In 2018, along with a small group of other people, I helped to co found Extinction Rebellion. I presented the first paper to these activists, arguing a Rebellion against the British government over its inaction on the climate crisis was now viable and necessary. I created the mobilisation plans for the first year of XR. I wrote the initial strategic design for the April 2019 Rebellion.

    Let’s remind ourselves. XR was set up to create a rebellion against the British government. This means that your actions have to take a serious and credible aim at this objective. XR was set up to tell the truth and to act as if that truth was real, regardless of the consequences. XR is neither aiming at this objective, nor telling the truth.

    The truth is two fold:
    First, we are facing global social collapse. The 2022 IPCC report predicts up to 700 million refugees by 2030, in eight year’s time. And that is just Africa. Half the people in Africa.
    Second “we have to act quickly” as Sir David King says – if we don’t start winning in the next three years we condemn humanity to hell for hundreds of thousands of years.

    This situation is totally and utterly unique. Any analysis which is based upon the past has no purchase on the next decade. The unimaginable is about to happen and the world will never be the same again. The notion that XR is a “social movement”, an “environmental campaign”, a “network of activists”, completely misses the point. It is a mad dash to save our children and the lives of billions of the poorest people on the planet.

    Nothing. Nothing at all compares to this.

    You are failing because you are stuck in your fears and therefore you cannot bring yourselves to create the level of disruption necessary to force the change we need in the time we have. You have the numbers, you could win, but you are all hedging. To succeed you will have to challenge your family relationships, risk your job, and give up your social status. You will have to resist to the point of arrest and imprisonment. And not stop.

    You are failing because you are not telling yourselves this truth. There is an abject failure of leadership. True leadership is about speaking unpopular truth. A movement that rejects such leadership falls into inertia and disintegration.

    There is no excuse. You have heard the Heading for Extinction talk. You know. You may delude yourselves on this, but there is no going back, even if your privileges temporally give you that option. In truth you have no choice.

    There are many reasons to step up. But the most important reason is to save yourselves from agonising guilt and shame – the utter self contempt of knowing, a few years from now, that you could have resisted, but you chose not to. The most important thing in this life is your own self respect – abiding by the voice of your inner conscience. You may pretend this is not the case, but it may be good to consult thousands of years of wisdom the subject. True “self interest” is always to act for the Good not for the Self.

    So what to do?

    Assume fearless leadership. Stand up in your XR meeting and make a declaration. Either people commit to the central purpose of XR – to engage in ongoing civil disobedience or leave to join one of the many organisations which are going through the motions as the world burns. A clear and coherent strategy will encourage many more to join. Everyone sits down, as a community of resistance, and organises putting their lives into order – speak to their family and their boss. As people do when they prepare to enter a war. Because this is a war and we need a nonviolent army.

    Some people may not be happy with what I have written. I am not here to be popular. We have to be honest with each other.

    I dearly love people in XR, I speak and talk with many of you every week. You are very beautiful people, without a doubt. But beautiful people do terrible things. In Nazi Germany “nice” people kissed their children each morning before going off to murder millions of people. At the moment you are doing the same.

    The situation is deadly serious. I am deadly serious. Every day counts.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Crazy how a guy self immolates in the country's capital in front of the Supreme Court on Earth Day in protest of climate change inaction and it's barely a blip on the media and social radar


    Man Lit Himself On Fire In Apparent Earth Day Climate Change Protest

    A man set himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. on Earth Day in what appears to be a move to protest climate change, judging by his social media posts.

    The police identified the man as Wynn Bruce, 50, of Boulder, Colorado. He reportedly died of his injuries after being airlifted to a hospital following the incident. The court said through CBS News that the man set himself on fire in the plaza in front of the Supreme Court building.

    Although the outlet did not disclose the man’s motivation for setting himself on fire, it appears to be due to climate change.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Potencialne novy #ccu

    Surrey team developing direct-air-capture CO2 to methanol process - Green Car Congress

    Researchers at the University of Surrey (UK) are developing a process to capture carbon dioxide directly from the air and then use dynamic catalysis to create methanol—a valuable chemical that, made this way, could be carbon-negative. Its value could offset the cost of direct air capture.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Nova metoda mereni koncentrace co2 z fosilnich zdroju/zpusobenych clovekem + daily basis. Jestli jsem pochopil spravne neni nutne regionalnich dat produkce co2 k k nejakym agregovanym zaverum, ale presne opacny pristup - data z celkove koncentrace mohou byt vyuzivane pro zpresneni, nebo zrychleni regionalnich odhadu/mereni

    Breakthrough in estimating fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions -- ScienceDaily
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Banana follow-up

    Lokalni potraviny budou vitezem ukrajinskyho konfliktu

    Válka na Ukrajině hodila slupku pod nohy ekvádorským pěstitelům banánů - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    At uz umyslne nebo ne, jednou se k sustainability dostanem

    Indonésie zakáže vývoz palmového oleje. Na exportu ze země je přitom závislý celý svět, jelikož je jeho největším producentem. Zároveň se jedná o nejpoužívanější olej, který se nachází zhruba v polovině všech výrobků v supermarketech. Rozhodnutí může vést k dalšímu růstu cen.

    Další potravinová rána pro svět, olejovou krizi nečekaně zhorší i Indonésie - iDNES.cz
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: pest removal in progress, nevidim problem :)

    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘It will be hard to find a farmer left’: Sri Lanka reels from rash fertiliser ban | Sri Lanka | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis | bruno-latour.fr

    After the harrowing experience of the pandemic and the lockdowns, both states and individuals have been searching for ways to exit the crisis, hoping to return as soon as possible to 'the world as it was before the pandemic'. But there is another way to learn the lessons of this ordeal: as inhabitants of the earth, we may not be able to exit the lockdowns so easily after all, since the global health crisis is embedded in another larger and more serious crisis - that brought about by the New Climatic Regime. Learning to live in lockdown might be an opportunity to be seized: a dress-rehearsal for the climate mutation, an opportunity to understand at last where we - inhabitants of the earth - live, what kind of place 'earth' is and how we will be able to orient ourselves and exist in this world in the years to come. We might finally be able to explore the land in which we live, begin to understand the true nature of the climate mutation we are living through and discover what kind of freedom is possible - a freedom differently situated and differently understood.

    In this sequel to Down to Earth, Bruno Latour provides a compass for this necessary re-orientation of our lives, outlining the metaphysics of confinement and deconfinement with which we will all be obliged to come to terms by the strange times in which we are living.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    April 22, 1975 - UK Civil Service scratches its head on #climate - All Our Yesterdays

    Forty seven years ago today, on April 22nd 1975, a meeting of the "World Trends" committee of the UK Civil Service talked about climate change, inconclusively...

    The UK Government's Early Response to Anthropogenic Climate - DocsLib

    TADEAS --- ---

    Paul Maidowski

    For Germans: the energy debate has turned to self-serving arguments, as @Andy_Scollick says. Yes there will be economic implications from energy sanctions. This is a vital chance to learn at small scale at low risk, compared to anything we talk about in relation to climate change
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Kabel z Maroka do UK

    The world's longest subsea cable will send clean energy from Morocco to the UK [update]
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
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